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  • POC Consort Dungarees – A Review Revisited
  • devs
    Free Member

    Blimey! For someone with the audacity to call themselves Rudeboy you don’t half get upset easily. That’s the 2nd time in the few threads I’ve managed this evening. Which East End Council estate did you do your apprenticeship at? You may have noticed that we had already been told to “grow up” by a lady who admitted it was “bad week”. I thought it was only fair to play the part

    Free Member

    Women shouldn’t be allowed where mountain bikes go 1 week out of 4.
    <boyish snigger>

    Free Member

    The “you” wasn’t aimed at you in particular Simonfbarnes, more the denizens of this forum. There seems to be a general buzz of self congratulation on how mtb-ing is such a great social sport and yet everybody seems to be scared to talk to each other in reality.

    Free Member

    There’s quite a few "was it you" or "if it was you" threads on here. Why don’t you talk to people?

    Free Member

    Balvenie Double Wood is king. Blair Atholl is good. Dalwhinnie also. If you’d posted earlier then Glen Elgin do special presentation whiskies with the recipient’s name on the bottle. I got one for my 40th.

    Free Member

    If you were proper mountain bikers and not just "all the gear but still a bit queer" types that flock around forums asking each other what colour is acceptable this week, you would know that hats like that are mandatory for gnarly climbers, ice climbers and mountain athletes. Although brown leather wrinkly skin is required before you are allowed to wear one. Along with duct taped goretex shell jackets and gloves.

    Free Member

    Worked for me.

    Free Member

    Great all round bike. About 31 lbs mine was I think. I found it better on techy climbs than my Nomad though not as good on the downs!

    Free Member

    I’ve skied at Oberammergau too. I didn’t realise they did mtb there. I can see a summer road tour coming on.

    Free Member

    I came a croper at Ambergate and ripped my ‘sack’ open on the brake lever. Both bollox fell out.

    Buck Shelford had this happen whilst playing rugby for the All Blacks. He went to the sideline, got it stitched and finished the match. Legend!

    Free Member

    And just to clarify my original point: kicking a dog that’s showing inappropriate friendliness or bad manners will not help you or other cyclists

    If only that is what you had said in the first place! I took it to mean an aggressive dog and I suppose a lot of others did too. Maybe you deserve a kick for not clarifying sooner. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve skied there. The bike park looked a bit rickety but the uplift and hills appear on the face of it to be brill. You have a huge area to play in with Saalbach and Hinterglemm jst over the hill. Personally, from a party animal viewpoint I would stay up in Hinterglemm. They have the Adidas slopestyle course pretty much permanently set up there too with a bigger variety of lifts.
    It’ll be fun no matter!

    Free Member

    Pole? This is a mountain biking forum. We fish for trout and salmon in mountains. We’ll have none of your green brolly nonsense here! 😆
    Aldi had loads of poles in for 7 quid. At that price it doesn’t matter if you bust one. I am going to get a six piece poacher’s fly rod for the very same thing as soon as I can find one. My pal has one that he uses on his motorbike and very nice it is too. He still can’t fish for toffee though 😀

    Free Member

    5 times on average. Not been out this weekend though on account I have been too hungover.

    Free Member

    If you haven’t done Golspie and Laggan blacks then you have no cred as a trail centre biker. 🙂 Balblair is very good too. And seeing as you are in the area you might as well check out Learnie and the Moray Monster Trails too.

    Free Member

    devs – you’re a bit out, I’m afraid. Violence is not the way to maintain dominance over a dog. It really doesn’t work like that.

    I never said that violence is the way to maintain dominance over a dog. It is a method to teach it not to attack you though. If it hurts it won’t do it again willingly. It’s why things like electric fences work.

    Free Member

    Getting back to the OP troll’s point that it doesn’t help. It does. Fortunately bleeding heart liberals and the crazy PC brigade have not infiltrated the dog’s ranks yet, probably because of a language barrier or something. Dogs understand pack mentality and ranking. If aggression is not met with higher aggression the dog sees itself as your boss and more worryingly it learns that aggression is a handy tactic to gain ascendancy. A swift reminder of who is boss lets the dog know in a language it understands perfectly. This may give the dog a fear of cyclists or other humans in future but that is not the fault of the rider or any other human bar the owner who let the dog off without control in the first place.
    Personally I shout very loudly at an aggressive dog. This works most times. Violence is the last resort but I have punched a couple. These were dogs that were attacking my dog whilst it was on a lead and minding its own business. On the bike I have never experienced an aggressive dog. I slow down or stop and talk to the dogs. It seems to work but then I am a dog person who has owned/bred dogs all his life. They seem to sense a dogwise person.

    Free Member

    Comes as a bearing kit. CRC used to sell them in the frame spares bit.

    Free Member

    The annoying thing is that there were signs etc. Without wanting to say too much until the case is finished, the only people riding that trail, or even in the vicinity of that trail at the time were those that knew that it was being built but couldn’t wait for it to be finished. All these things aside, the point I was trying to make is that, all these landowner liability cases are going to mean that it will be too risky to allow people to mountain bike on your property. Madness.

    Free Member

    If he does win it will open the floodgates and mtb will probably have to go underground in most places. Don’t get me wrong, I would probably do the same thing in his position. I imagine that most people would. And lets face it, if it wasn’t him it would be someone else. It’s just a sad reflection on society when you can blame someone else for your actions.

    Free Member

    Time to be very afraid and pissed off. The case above seems to be going the way of the claimant. I hear the FC have put aside 3M for the expected pay out. I also hear that they will not be supporting MTB after this as it is too high risk and potentially expensive. This guy went on a trail that was under construction, marked as such, did a jump that was beyond his and his bikes capabilities, without checking first and without protective gear. Mountain biking is about to go back a long way ladies and gentlemen. I’m crossing everything hoping for a last minute bout of common sense.

    Free Member

    Dat be roite. i never knew about the handy toolbar until now!

    Free Member

    I’ve got an 06 dawg Primo frame lying around waiting to get cleaned up if you were interested.

    Free Member

    456 Summer Season. I’m a big galoot wot breaks bikes all the time and I haven’t broken it yet.

    Free Member

    Was made (volunteered) redundant from RAF 3 years ago. Now a geek. Install and maintain networks, do IT support for small companies without their own dept and consultancy for those that do. Some times it gets in the way of biking and skiing.

    Free Member

    Google malwarebytes anti malware. Download, install, run quick scan. Remove everything. Enjoy.

    Free Member

    6’3″. 16stone 5lb. 38″ waist 47″ chest. BMI of 16. Shame I’m ugly as sin from years of rugby or all the chicks would want me! 😀

    Free Member

    No mortgage, no debt. Ride at least 5 times a week and get at least one night a week out with the lads. Surprisingly busy too, in a 0930 to 1630 kind of way. And there is heaps of snow in the Alps. Good times.

    Free Member

    Find the Nomads rugby club. They are a nice bunch of expats who might help you with dryness 😉
    The shopping centres are worth a look but be aware that some are family only on some days. The Shark centre mentioned earlier used to be fine. If you are driving be very careful. They are complete nut jobs and if you have an accident it WILL be your fault. I think it is Hawalli where you can buy ANY software you require for much cheapness. 😯

    Free Member

    New carving skis make it easier to ski in the old style but there are whole new techniques to learn to maximise their potential. It’s worth getting a carving lesson. Proper carving is a lot of fun but an old style, legs together Tyrolean bum wiggler will struggle to pick it up immediately. If you like using pistes that is, powder technique is pretty much the same! 🙄

    Free Member

    This is a favourite bugbear of mine. People in England, and up here now to a certain extent, can’t drive in snow for toffee. I remember living in Huntingdon in 02/03 when 2″ of snow closed the M11 for over 24hours and people had to be rescued. I sat watching the news in utter disbelief. I nipped down to the local Tesco and was amazed when the only other car on the road insisted on driving 2 foot off my rear bumper on the snow and ice. It’s pathetic. A 1″ fall managed to shut all the schools and stopped 50% of our workforce making it in to work through the mountainous East Anglian roads. Strangely, the roads in Scotland, Scandinavia and mountainous Europe stay open through monster snowfalls and cold weather. It’s all about education, adapting to the conditions and preparation. Yes, snow chains will make a huge difference but if all the tossers around you have blocked the road then you still won’t be able to get anywhere.
    The first thing that happens around here if snow manages to fall quicker than they can treat the roads, is that everyone jumps into their car for a bit of Colin McRae rally fun. Naughty on the face of it but it teaches people how to drive in the snow.

    Free Member

    This is the best thread for ages. It’s got everything from spat dummies, isnular little people to whodunnit scandal and sensible do-gooders. Can we escalate it please so MM becomes a fight behind the bikesheds? I might even travel down from God’s country to watch people fight and ride around a muddy field. 😈 😛

    Free Member

    17+ stone in bike kit here. Was sick of pinch punctures on rocks and roots so went for pro2/823. Can’t recommend them enough. You won’t win any races but you’ll never refuse a run or jump again because you think your wheels won’t be able to take it.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a bit of an ice storm going on just now. Because we’ve had silly temps like -10 for a week the ground is so cold that even though the air has managed to reach the dizzy heights of 3 deg, the melted hoare frost and rain has frozen solid on contact with the ground. The result is sheet ice over everything except the main roads. I thought the woods would be different – WRONG! I have just done 10 miles of the hardest, most sphincter twitching, mind focussing icy trails ever. Only 2 offs but a few sliding tripods. One of the offs was a motorcyle style slide alongside the bike for what felt like miles. If it isn’t my hardest ride ever it’s only a gnat’s cock off it!

    Free Member

    Aviemore–>Braemar—>Mt Keen—>Glen Clova/Prossen and back to Aviemore then Inverness wil give you plenty of remote route possibilities.

    Free Member

    Laggan black as a novice. I carried down 2 of the obstacles but stubbornly rode the rest. Twice over the bars and off a few times. Refused to give up and ended up cut, bruised and with tendonitis in my arms wondering if this mtb malarkey is really for me. Strangely I was so angry at the end of the run I had red mist and cleaned the Devil’s Chessboard which is the main gotcha for most people. I’ve done a 108 miler off road in a day since then but it was a walk in the park in comparison.

    Free Member

    If you want to do it then tomorrow is your last chance for a while. Ordi side is closing for 3 months for logging operations from 5th Jan

    Free Member

    Yep. No probs but you will probably need a new chain and some if not all chainrings, depending on how worn your current set up is.

    Free Member

    Is your 2nd pic the monument at the top of Whiteash woods at Fochabers Monster trails? Was there yesterday. The freeride and Gully monster were very interesting in the ice storm that we have at the moment.

    Free Member

    Mine are still going strong after 18 months of 50 -70 miles a week lugging 17+ stone of me around. Don’t do jetwash ever or Mucoff style products or even detergent. The bike will be made spotlessly clean the day it gets sold, apart from that it is not necessary.

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