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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • devs
    Free Member

    Pitfichie or a blast around Bennachie.

    Free Member

    Got 2 weeks in French Alps lined up v soon. Bit snowy though, guess I’ll take the skis. Got a nice pad 40 min from Aviemore for the rest of the year except when I need some sun on my skin. 8)

    Free Member

    The nineties called, they wanted to know if they could have their failed ideas back.

    Free Member

    Which browser you watching in CG? For starters I would get the latest versions of flash and java from and respectively. Do a windows update until you are on the latest version of everything there too. I had this problem on certain versions of Opera but later updates cured it. And Firefox but ditto.

    Free Member

    Enduro tyres bad?!? Have you experienced this personally?

    I have. Slide all over the place and have thinner sidewalls than your average johnny. The only worse tyre is a Conti Vertical/Gravity. Replace them or you will surely die! Or catch an STI.

    Free Member

    Turn them inside out for a day or so before hand. It helps get them to seal.

    Free Member

    Bizarrely you’re not the first to suggest that from such a pro-helmet group, given IMHO that’s one of the most likely times for you to have an accident which a helmet would help with. But don’t let yourself be swayed by non-emotive arguments.

    It is daft as one of my tests is quite a high set of steps and I also test brakes on 2 steep hills. It would appear that you have become rather emotive and are losing, what appeared to me, as the very small bit of credibility that you had. Strange how this subject provokes such strong reaction.

    Free Member

    I might be on for this again now. Please add me to the email list.

    Free Member

    Probably from studies rather more scientific than this one.

    Until people are good enouh to have their crashes under laboratory conditions, the experienced people at the coal face would be the best people to ask I would have thought.

    a) 2
    b) Loads I suppose, but never really thought about it.
    c) Never
    4) 99.9% of the time I wear it. The only exception being post fettling shake down pootles around the block.

    Free Member

    Your route takes you by Aston hill. Go there. On an mtb. Forget about darkside woes.

    Free Member

    Dunno about 50k rides but I can sneak the odd afternoon in. Unfortunately it would all be last minute i.e I wouldn’t know if I can go until the same day. It’s depends on workload. I just tend to knock off at 3 usually when I sneak the odd ride in. Furry boots are you? I’m in Moray.

    Free Member

    ^^ Wot he said. The body weight to bike weight ratio is so far in one direction that it’ll be next to irrelavent taking a few grams off. The strehgth and longevity of components will come in to play though. Don’t stress about weight, only the tyres would make any real impact on your rig and the ignitors are a pretty good choice. You would notice a speed up on NNs but only when you weren’t repairing them/you.

    Free Member

    I’ve got Hayes on XT and Formula rotors and Hope on Formula and Hope rotors. No issues at all.

    Free Member

    M&S do a short sleeve one. I got it for £25 in one of their sales. I like it.

    Free Member

    Devs – I have been biking for 40 yrs and have never hit my head. If you hit your helmeted head and have no injury it is very likely that you would have had a very minor injury without it – that is the magnitude of the foirces involved.

    Well done. You are obviously such a great biker that you’ll never have a crash. Let me tell you about the forces involved. I weight 17st and hit the ground at 28.7mph. My helmet cracked in half as did my shoulder. Apart from passing out every time I tried to stand up my head escaped unscathed. My shades prevented the skin getting wripped off my face too. I’m glad I was wearing them and my helmet.
    I hear and understand your theories and stats but they won’t help you on the day when the head/hard object impact occurs. As I asked before, who has had a crash and regretted wearing a helmet? I’m not seeing any here.
    Peace and love and all that stuff and I hope you never have to test your theories.

    Free Member

    I just can’t understand TJ’s viewpoint at all. I’ve been biking 2 years and written off 2 helmets in that time. I probably wouldn’t have died in either case but I know the helmets prevented serious damage to my skull. Is there actually anybody who has come out of a crash saying I wish I had not been wearing a helmet?

    Free Member

    Got a hangover from this

    Free Member

    Ah, that’s my problem – I have no style of any variety. I do clumsy 3-4 ft drops though. Sometimes I even look like I meant it. The forks hold out fine.

    Free Member

    Tubs are very fast apparently.

    Free Member

    Could have been laying eggs too!

    Free Member


    Its a shadow mech, there was next to no curve. You can see one now as the stick pulled the cable back as it stripped it. Fortunately I had enough slack to snip and reterminate without having to replace the full outer. Job done in 5 mins and out in the sun. Happy days.

    Free Member

    823s on Pros 2s with LUST Highrollers here. I’m big and clumsy though. You could probably go lighter rims but I’m well happy with mine.

    Free Member

    You’ve written a will, right?

    Free Member

    They brought out yumeya for a reason. There must be a lot of muppets out there with more money than sense.

    Free Member

    17st + in bike kit and x – firm just fine for me. Thought it might be too soft but it isn’t so I’m obviously not extreme enough!

    Free Member

    Bejaysus. That guy is off his trolley. Some of his “wallrides” are more like collisions!

    Free Member

    Is it cos you saw me being so gnarly on my Nomad on Bhadan dubh and it is black?
    Never seen or heard of them before you posted. Looks nice but it’s German so you’ll probably have to put wing mirrors, a sticky out reflector and a cup holder on the bars to get the best out of it.

    Free Member

    Can’t bring myself to pay extra for SRAM when XT/SLX/LX does the job perfectly well. Had x7 stuff on my first mtb and liked it but I get whatever’s the best value. Hopefully superstar will start making mechs soon 😆

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Furryboots in the highlands? You know about Balnain aready right? Oh, and pump track!!

    Free Member

    What you done with the other 4 slices that would constitute a bijous snackette with those tinsy slices? That’s not even a girl sized portion. 🙁

    Free Member

    4-5 hours journey that. Def worth staying over and doing it again!

    Free Member

    I got a load of chain rings and a PC991 chain but there is no power link with it. I think I shall call my lawyers.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Saw the van with its funny periscope camera thing come down our street so when it goes up there should be me in my window smiling and waving.

    Free Member

    Ok then, pull up a sandbag and swing the lamp here’s a couple of stories that I hope are true but have become legends.
    A propulsion chief doing a ground run on a lightning, sat on a crate as the seat was out, jumped the chocks when at max chat. It took off as it was basically a rocket. He was able to bring it round a circuit and land.
    The Americans, whilst showing off their new U2 spy plane sent a photo of the houses of parliament to the British government from their “undetected” mission. The British sent back a picture of the U2 above the houses of parliament taken from above by a Canberra.
    I have seen Buccaneer beat ups that make those F4 pics lok like kids play. Buccs could sit on a ground effect bubble at 5ft or so that made it impossible to hit the ground even if they had pushed the stick forward (not sure anyone tried). When they played cat and mouse with F4s and F3s they just went to ground and nothing else could live with them. Not that the F3 could catch a cold! Air Display Variant we called it.

    Free Member

    Yay, sun out again here too. Last 2 evenings I’ve had dusty trails and the sweet smell of flowering gorse in the nostrils but I’m remembering why winter is also good – no insects and cobwebs in your face!

    Free Member

    Wow, what a lot of combat wombats, cabbages and NATO potatoes we’ve got on here. I’ve seen, touched, been in, worked on and flewn in a few of the jets mentioned here and I have only one thing to say. A six ship beat up of gib by buccs is the most impressive thing ever ever ever! FACT. Especially when a taxying C130 got in the way of the wing man on the return leg and he had to fly around it. Bring back the cold war I say but that’s a political argument for another day. I believe that concorde could at one point have been converted to a bomber, it’s chassis had the capability to fit bomb doors. Oh and Druidh you must be a sad person for camping at Lossie, or a psace cadet! Good thread, brought back memories. Well done CFH.

    Free Member

    Got a link JB? I can’t see them and would like a spare.

    Free Member


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