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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Cotic RocketMAX Mullet
  • devs
    Free Member

    xc races that last an hour are usually around 15-17 miles

    That would be the southern English ones then.

    Free Member

    Those guitar pedals rock! Not sure I would ride them ordinarily but on bling days they must be a shoe in!

    Free Member

    5:10. Best bit of kit I ever bought. End of.

    Free Member

    Quick question- with the ghetto system, do you remove the existing rim tape? I currently have sellotape on my rear 321

    Mine doesn’t have rim tape, just electrical tape covering the spoke holes. The beauty of the ghetto system is that you cut it to size after it seals so you can have whatever you feel is best under the tube.

    Free Member

    2.35 60a HRs on my bikes. Ghetto’d on the 321 rims. They are a very good tubeless tyre. No problems at all going up or down. I’m 109 Kg.

    Free Member

    2 hours round local woods on Summer Season. Trails fast, hard and deserted. Too dry in places, some of the downhills are like riding in an inch of talc, which makes for interesting slidey corners. Everything clicked, cleaned everything and found my mojo enough to do all the jumps and drops I normally refuse or have to psych myself up for. Was great. Added to Laggan yesterday it’s been a great weekend for riding (and drinking)!

    Free Member

    You were indeed very lucky with the weather. It’s normally rubbish up here. I’d stay away if I were you. Definitely not worth the long journey, have you tried Wrexham?

    Free Member

    You’re a strange bunch you mtb’ers. I think your foibles and insecurities come from the fact that cycling isn’t really a team sport. I would/will have a lot of fun with those of you that take yourselves far too seriously.

    Free Member

    I once did a skid that lasted 2 weeks! (Unashamedly nicked from that ebay ad!)

    Free Member

    If doing it on a slope consider the way that Mr Log and No1 are going to roll or run. Dashboard cleaning wipes are the biz. Ferns can supposedly be carcinogenic but I can’t see myself using them often enough for that to be a problem. You should go on hard routine and take it out in a bag. The advantage of this is that you can cut the corner off later on and use it as a piping bag to write your name on the nearest BMW or Audi.

    Free Member

    I come in from the north! 🙂

    Free Member

    Going tomorrow. Devil’s Chessboard has never posed a problem to me unlike 1 or 2 of the other obstacles. Speed does tend to be your friend through it but there is a slow line through it too. There is only really one step that should cause problems. The rest is in the head.

    Free Member

    Any of those tubeless kits at £50+ when a Tesco BMX inner tube costs £1.25. Anything Yumeya. I thought skiing was bad for brand name madness till I started mtb’ing. It’s all a massive rip off. Devs, proud wearer of Aldi gear since 2007. Got crap gear and no idea, but go on nice hols and drink sh!t loads cos I can afford it!

    Free Member

    Seriuosly, I can’t see!

    Seriously, lie on your back then!

    Quality! LOLZ

    Free Member

    Do not get the Axiom Excel thing that I got from Laggan recently. Utter pants. Froze up and would not inflate. Wasted four cartridges. Just got one of these in the end.

    Free Member

    They saw me coming and moved to the side, but just left the dog to jump out in front of me. Nobody got hurt, so no big deal, just interrupted my ‘flow’ a bit. Guess this land access business goes both ways.

    They shouldn’t have been there and were not acting responsibly. That’s in breach of the land access laws IMHO. Idiots. People go flying down that trail. It’s a good job there is good visibility. I’d have given them a mouthful

    Free Member

    Will be riding powder at Pointe Persand the Vanoise ta very much like!

    Free Member

    It’s dry as a bone. You can do new red/old red on a lap or black/old red on a lap, with or without the orange tagged on at the end. Or just the old or new red. If that makes sense. I can comfortably manage the climb 4 times in a visit with a nice grub stop and I’m techically obese.

    Edit: Forgot to get my customary gloat in about how dry our trails are just now. Been riding on dust for 3 weeks 😛

    Free Member

    Go at night. Find/make/evolve some cheeky trails. I’d bet there are some already. England’s access laws suck.

    Free Member

    Been pissed there lots of times. Shagged on a pier too cos they wouldn’t let me into her hotel. It’s a scummy dive that doesn’t even look nice but if you know where to go there are some nice eateries and bars (I was the blind following the blind so don’t ask me to remember where they are!) It was a dive before the Russians moved in but its def worse now. As others have said, get a car and go elsewhere, you might not even be safe walking around by yourself if you were to go into the wrong areas.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Bike fettling is like a lot of things. You enjoy it once you have started but forcing yourself off your jacksie to start is the hard bit. Unless of course it is an emergency like a snapped mech where failure to fettle means no ride. You have no choice then.
    I have been meaning to put a chainsuck defeating dent in my On One Summer Season chainstay for ages. It’s the thought of cleaning and dismantling BBs and cranksets and chains that’s had me procrastinating for ages.

    Free Member

    My pal told me he is nailing a couple of twins. I asked him how he could tell them apart.

    He says the bloke has a moustache!

    Alcohol free beer is bad, mmmkay? It still gives you a hangover too strangely.

    Free Member

    Don’t touch your eyes. Don’t touch your tallywhacker. You learn this the hard way only once. We used to take tabasco as a method of punishment on rugby tours. I’ll never forget the sight of our scrum half doing a press up over a muddy puddle in a pub car park with his old chap dangling in the water. I could swear there was steam coming off.

    Free Member

    Nice pics. Felt kinda smug the other day when some one had the chance to do Thetford on a work trip. I can do anything between Aviemore , Wick and Aberdeen if I put the bike in the van!

    Free Member

    My mojo was making noises like it wanted to leave on Saturday. Fortunately stubborn b’stard was also visiting at the same time and made me do the hard bit 5 times until I could get it right twice in a row. Good job I was by myself otherwise cringworthy embarrasment might have kicked stubborn b’stard in to touch and mojo would have escaped.

    Free Member

    Tell me about the snow collector please Simon. Why did they collect it and how? And why not after 1931? Is it too warm nowadays? Nice pics by the way.

    Free Member

    When Her Majesty insisted that I leave my family and work in England I spent quite a bit of time on Grafham and Rutland Waters pitting my wits against rainbow trout (and losing oft times). There were loads of people on MTBs whenever I went. This was before I was into biking. Come to think of it, some of the fisherman’s paths I walked around Grafham would probably make quite nice and even techy singletrack rides. You’d probably upset someone mind, leaving the beaten track and all that.

    Free Member

    You can ski at Isola2000 in the morning and then go to the beach in the afternoon so I would imagine there must be quality biking around there too.

    Free Member

    Are the 7 Stanes in Scotland? 🙂 The reason we built them so close to England was to occupy all the hordes of ATGBNI coming from darn sarf and leave the proper riding up North for us and those interested enough to find it.
    September and early october should be fine but as long back as I can remember we have had proper fluffy white hills in Oct. The first snow of the season seems to come then and then often disappears until Dec/Jan! We did Carn Ban Mor last Oct 4th in snow.
    Aviemore is a great base but there really is a huge choice. The best idea would be to decide where you would like to visit and then get the maps and try to piece together a route encompassing them. If you ask here which bits are rideable I’m sure someone will know and help you out.

    Free Member

    Leg warmers = knee warmers = gay.
    That’s all i have to say about that.

    Free Member

    I am scarred. I somehow managed to get from one of TJ’s youtube links to some mleher doing the “do you want the moobs now” rap thingy. You just can’t unsee some things.
    I whoop on some big (for me) drops. Knee deep steep virgin powder has been known to make me holler a bit too.

    Free Member

    It’s probably caused you severe spinal injuries due to unmeasurable rotational forces. It possibly took out an orphanage too.

    Free Member

    XT Shadow mechs x2. One a year old = fandabbydozy! Broke one afer 3 months. Conclusion. They work and break just as easily as any other mech!
    SLX GS shadows x2. No issues at all after 6 months. Happy as. Don’t buy all this rock clearence hype but I DO like the fact that it doesn’t slap your chainstay all the time.

    Free Member

    When the pad material seperates and falls out, alu pads won’t score your rotors as badly!

    Free Member

    Shhhh! I’ve been using them for a long time. If it catches on they’ll start putting the prices up.

    Free Member

    I haven’t used a tyre lever for years on UST and ghetto systems. What am I doing wrong?

    Free Member

    And where’s this 100% stiffer figure come from, I’ll be honest and say the only place i’ve ever seen it is STW, not wanting to cast aspersions on other peoples knowlage but dont you think shimano would

    Erm, here?

    58 quid when I bought them in Oct 😯

    Free Member

    I do 3-4 drops to flat on my lyric airs nae bother. Even did some by accident on my Fox Float 32s and we’re both still around. I’m over 17st in bike kit. Air is better if you are heavier. Trust the kit. My coil pikes handle it too but I suspect I do bottom them out.

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