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  • Review: Bontrager Rapid Pack Hydro Hip Pack
  • devs
    Free Member

    Good job he had lycra on.

    Free Member

    It’s 25 here in Moray at the moment. Made 30.5 yesterday. Imagine how we feel! We’re just not used to it. It’s not that long ago I was riding in temps of -14. It was 26 when I went for a ride last night. Very sweaty but lovely. If we can do it here in teh artic circle you need to MTFU!! I do pity the 10 under the benners though if it is as warm as it is here.

    Free Member

    Laziness! It’s much easier to get a hardtail to the top of the hill. You do it faster and feel better about yourself. They’re cheaper and require less maintenance. I think everyone should have one of each. My hardtail get most of the riding but it’s not the most fun.

    Free Member

    Don’t be sorry nick. It’s not for you but works for thousands of others. 5 minutes faff whenever you change tyres is infinitely more preferable to 3-4 punctures a week for me. You get used to it and good at it too. I’ve watched muppets with tyre levers trying to get their tyres off when i could have done the whole ghetto system with a CO2 cartridge by the time they have.

    Free Member

    Worst tyre I ever used. Dangerous. Unpredictable break away. Still got one somewhere. You can have it for free.

    Free Member

    Aye, there’s some nice ones in the woods.

    Free Member

    I haven’t ridden any of the others but I do own a Nomad. I won’t be “upgrading” any time soon.

    Free Member

    Got an 06 and love it. Bearings were apparently changed before I got it and they have lasted nearly a year no issues. Have no problems with the shock either. It just works. I did have problems with pedal strikes initially so put on 170 cranks and got used to it.
    It handles everything. I’ve done 70km rides on it, raced XC on it, had big Cairngorm days on it and done DH tracks on it. It’s probably not the best at anything but if you had to have just one bike………..

    Free Member

    Hire when you get there.

    Free Member

    It was asking for it really though wasn’t it?

    Free Member

    Made me lol anyways.

    Free Member

    28 day cycle innit? IGMC

    Free Member

    Superstar components make good pacemakers.

    Free Member

    Everything eklse is slowing down or going down but mtb kit seems to be rising faster than ever. I know the yen etc is supposedly driving this but whilst people are prepared to pay the daft prices they won’t come down. Deore chainring gone fro 8 to 13 quid in the last couple of months. 5:10 shoes gone from 55 to 75 quid in the last year. Pure profiteering I say. Good job Aldi do it different 🙂

    Free Member

    Ceramic superstar BB has lasted me 13 months and still going. No play but does feel a little “old” now. My record with Shmano, Race Face and GXP is 3 months so I have got 2 ceramic SS BBs waiting in case of a failure. One for each bike. If I knew how to fit an Octolink I would probably go for one of them. They seem a better designed system.

    Free Member

    I read some advice here to just run your chain and cassette into the ground as even at .75 you’ll likely need a new cassette and possible muddle ring. I thought I would follow that advice. Just got in with nice gashes down my leg and on my stomach where I had a chain snap gut to stem interface. Nearly ended up over a drop into a river. That chain was new in Oct so hasn’t done too badly at 30-70 miles a week. Will be changing them sooner now though.

    Free Member

    1. Tripping and falling 136m from the Winnigen motorway bridge in Germany. I fell into a drainage channel and could see the grate at the bottom approaching at terminal velocity. I thought I would be chipped. Ended up with 3rd degree burns where I used my arms and legs to slow myself down.
    2. Watching the pavement that was 40 yards away approach really quickly when I got hit from behind by a Vauxhall Viva. I wanted to die when they had to scrape all the grit out of my face without painkillers due to my head injuries.
    3. Watching that really big telegraph pole approach very quickly towards my window as I skidded towards it on my Escort roof. Not even a scratch from that one.
    4. When the Funival at Val d’Isere stopped and went into freefall for about 30 yds before the emergency brake kicked in.

    Free Member

    golspie’s ok. not the best i’ve ridden,

    What’s better? I’ve got to ride it. Now!!!! Whoever came up with that saying about one man’s meat etc must have been a compleat idiot 🙂

    Free Member

    Golspie’s good mmkay? Learnie’s good mmkay? Laggan’s good mmkay? Ben Aigan’s good mmkay? Fochabers’ good mmkay? last 2 are closer to Nairn. They’re all pretty much all weather. When is this half term of which you speak? Might be available to show you around, especially if you head east.

    Free Member

    I have spoken to those that were there and listened to what they had to say. Despite 23 years, 4 medals and 2 wars I still consider myself unfit to tie their shoe laces. The stella has gone but my respect and passion remains. The point I didn’t get across very well is that whilst the country pours millions into looking PC and defending the rights of “british citizens” to pursue hate campaigns against the armed forces, squaddies are STILL buying their own kit off ebay because it’s the quickest way to get what they need.
    The penny pinching, risk taking and lies are the reason I left in the end, you can be as vocal as you like, and I was, but if no one listens all you can do is vote with your feet. We are asking young men to risk all more than ever with less support than ever. We seem to have forgotten big time. Apols for my bum gravy, if you ever meet me on a ride I’ll gladly pull out my soap box over a pint and tell you why I think the country is disrespecting the memories of those who went before. I’ll bore you till your ears bleed. This is not the right forum for it though and I also apologise for hijacking the thread and posting under the influence. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

    Free Member

    My last job in the RAF was site manager for 617. I used to look after the tall boy and bouncing bomb as well as doing boring engineering things. It was quite a task as other sqns would try to steal or vandalise it. I came into work one monday to find it had been painted pink. There is also a mock up “****” that gets taken on every detachment. It’s usually the baby pilot’s responsibility to look after him. Invariably it gets lost but generally gets found again. After all the boy that loses him has to replace him.
    I have nothing but respect for what they did and all the others that did similar. It pisses me off massively that every Nov we see media staged ceremonies where “lest we forget” is banded about like the latest trendy thang but people today generally have absolutely no concept whatsoever of the sacrifices made by the few and the military as a whole at that time.
    Just my stella fueled two penneth worth!

    Free Member

    Can I just say to any potential scammers that I am particularly unpleasant when angry and you really don’t want to piss me off. I wil not be pussy footing around with you on a forum.
    Bruce Banner aka Bill Bixby.

    Free Member

    Fly spray, hair spray or even deodorant work well. We use them in man toy spud guns. Cheap asda smellies seems to be the biz.

    Free Member

    I passed some pissed up neds the other night in a subway. The sound of a ProII and echo was too much for one of them. “Ho, the boy’s got a bit of card in his spokes and thinks he’s on a motorbike.” I think the under my breath “Cock!” was a bit loud because he shut up straight away.

    Free Member

    Which one did you get from that link devs?

    This inflator is the biz

    And a box of 30 16g threaded cannisters will last me about 10 years for 15 squid or something daft.

    Free Member

    It’s a shit system and you know it. Using a compressor to inflate a bike tyre…FFS…

    The initial faff is far less than the amount of time you spend fixing punctures. I know there are such technically brilliant riders here that they never get punctures but I was on 3 a week. I’ve had none on ghetto and the only one’s i’ve had on UST wrote off the tyre anyway. A tube wouldn’t have prevented that. I am a clumsy fat knacker by the way. It’s not a shit system for me. 🙂 Oh and CO2 from They are the biz at getting the tyres to seat.

    Free Member

    Its national significance for the UK is negligible, in the sense that the numbers of people, amounts of money and implications for public affairs barely register.

    You under estimate the debt ths country owes them. It’s far from negligible.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Local woods shortly.
    Rugby saturday, possibly my last game ever.
    Laggan Sunday, if not too hungover.

    Free Member


    Summer season. It’s nails when everything else pales.

    Free Member

    I wonder how many people who think the subject is inconsequential have served with the Ghurkas? The Ghurkas have been very instrumental in people in this country having the right to free speech, many of them giving their lives in the process. They have more rights to be here than all of the freeloaders that are spongeing our system dry. It is a real newsworthy issue. I’m not saying that the Tories etc aren’t making the most political ground possible on the back of it but it stands by itself as a major injustice that should be brought to the public’s attention. If old Purdey had been a bloke with similar oratory and PR skills I wonder if people would be so sceptical.

    Free Member

    No but if it wasn’t for his 661 knee pad thingies he would have left his patella on the trail. Strange wipeout. He landed over half way down and then at the end of the run out his bike just seemed to fold under him. Bit too much front brake and loss of concentration I think. He’d done the hard work after all.

    Free Member

    Looks more of a faff than the 20″ tube method.

    Free Member

    STW’ers should be aware of the guy on classifieds that offers you a fiver if you scan your cock and email it to him. Do not do it – HE ONLY WANTS TO SEE YOUR COCK. I feel so used and ashamed.

    Free Member

    Still glowing from the fun and effort of it all. A re-match in Aviemore would be good. I still need to tick the Carn Ban Mhor ride, anyone up for that after midge season?

    The club are gonna do CBM again in June I think. Once 10UTB is out of the way. We did it 1st weekend of oct last year and it was snowy! I would def be up for a CBM/Inshriach weekend anytime though. Still got the route AJ showed us on MM/GPS so some awesome singletrack guaranteed!

    Free Member

    I’ve fitted 2 now after breaking one. They really couldn’t be simpler. 2 clicks of the barrel adjuster was all the 2nd one took to set up. I do make sure the hanger is straight though before I start.

    Free Member

    Nae luck then. They did flood sale shifters too, I got a couple! 😛

    Free Member

    This one has been doing the rounds up north recently. Amazing riding and music.

    Free Member

    Electronic and former aerospace (hit it with a rock) engineer. Do It now. Do I tick enough boxes? DH is for poofs.

    Free Member

    Red wine.

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