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    10 More in Moray race is the same weekend too, with hills and everything 🙂

    Free Member

    Having just returned from 2 weeks riding in Wales I would say this. The Beast at CyB is long and technical enough. Sure some bits are more motorway than they used to be but other bits have evolved nicely. I rode it twice as i enjoyed it that much. Climachx is enjoyable but it is really all about the last 2km. I linked it to the Mach3 which is nice in an out there gate fest kind of way but the rocky chute makes it all worth while. The Marin trail has some sweet singletrack if you hit it fast but I don't recall any of it being long. Fireroad and road descents annoyed me a bit though. I did it the same day as Penmachno which I think you would enjoy but it has nothing really what I would call technical although the random drops around the trail keep you on your toes. The Syfindrin trail at NyA has some great descents if you just stay in your landy rut and pin it. It was very wet though. Have to say I prefer the Beast. I would say do Mach3. If you want more tech do NyA Syfindrin. More tech? Do the Beast. More? Session Cadair Idris. It's a great ride, I loved it.

    Free Member

    English people and/or cyclists are a strange bunch. You have issues. Today I am mainly being a rugby player who cycles for fitness to disassociate myself from the hang up fest going on in this thread.

    Free Member

    Try stopping the cheque. You can still do this after it was cashed for a short period of time.

    Edit: Ignore this it's p!sh. That's what happens when you listen to numpty baws down the pub!

    Free Member

    +1 for Bennachie. Otherwise get a map, pick some hills and ride.

    Free Member

    22nd Aug. It's the only one I do, just to remind myself how fat, old and slow I am. Now if they only made these things two part events with the 2nd bit being scrummaging or peanuts it would be great!

    Free Member

    Looks braw. Hey swayndo, you coming to 10 more in Moray? And don't forget my invite if you're doing any more good rides!

    Free Member

    If you register on the Moray Mountain Bike forum and post there you may get some takers. We quite often head out your way. The mast above Inverness was one of our recent rides. Otherwise, if you can stand 40 mins in the car you could come on our twice weekly club rides. We often go further afield too at weekends.

    Free Member

    Mavic 823s on Pro2 is my bombproof set. I'm the same weight as you and have done 4ft to flat on them with no probs.

    Free Member

    Aye. Bin the saddle.

    Free Member

    Hope Pro 2 hub!

    Free Member

    None today on either trail.

    Free Member

    No, on the other hand scratch that, it's rubbish, stay away, leave it for us locals….

    And that's another thing! You locals aren't riding it enough. I have never been slashed so many times by brambles growing across the trail. It needs more traffic or some TLC.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just read the OP. "cheap thrills" "not want to go natural". Got to be Wrexham's finest then – Coed Llandegla!

    Free Member

    I did Marin and Penmachno today. Both good trails. If the weather stays nice then Penmachno is the no brainer for me. The views are great and the riding is just technical and challenging enough to keep the interest. I would imagine it could be hell in blustery rain though. Was scorchio today but some bits still quite wet. If you don't want too much then it's not worth the extra driving for CyB.

    Free Member

    I'm doing it again tomorrow on my Nomad. I will have my arse handed to me on a plate by my pal who does it on a 29er SS but he does have Rebas on it. It is his preferred tool for CyB.

    Free Member

    I rode it Sunday. Really enjoyed it. Even the weather stayed nice, which is nice. I've only ridden there once, can't remember if it was 2 years ago or last year and only did the Dragon's back then, BUT, with regards to "sanitising" some bits which seemed smooth then are pretty rough now and vice versa. It's an ongoing process with trail preservation in mind. I preferred the old big roots on Pugsley but the new stuff offers its own challenges and rewards. I found the half way cafe this time too and can recommend the sarnies and tea. I passed quite a few people so it wasn't that quiet. It's quite motivating; the fear of looking a **** when you pass quite a big group of lads at the bottom of a climb only to realise it goes on for ever and gets more and more technical at the top! I gritted my teeth and cleaned it all but I was hanging out of my backside by the top.

    Free Member

    Chipbutty is only moving from Moray so he is aware of the riding and weather. He just needs some new riding buddies as we can't be arsed travelling over that way very often! 🙂

    Free Member

    Did I mention its much nicer in Wales?

    Free Member

    Hills. Less traffic. Longer distances between towns. I mean, after dedicating yourself to a hobby through dark, cold, wet and strong windy conditions for miles over hilly unforgiving terrain then things like that bimble around the sunny French countryside are a walk in the park.

    Free Member

    No no no jacksta. Just think how much extra riding you can get in with the reduced travelling times. Scotland pales compared to Wales.
    TZF – They say a drunken man always staggers to the left. Were you drunk whilst visiting Scotland? You appear to have stuck to the left hand side of the map!

    Free Member

    Green oil is OK in summer, but in the winter it solidifies into one big lump if I leave it in the garage or car, making getting the stuff onto the chain impossibe.

    Green oil as in Finish Line Wet? Not my experience at all and mine lives outside my porch. Used in -14 to 30 deg C no probs. Mind you I do only use it when the weather is looking wet, otherwise I use the dry stuff.

    Free Member

    I'm in Wales at the moment. It's much better than Scotland where I normally live. Have you considered a holiday based a Wrexham?

    Free Member

    I live in Moray where it's a lot drier than the rest of Scotland.

    No it isn't, it's wet and miserable and cold. The riding is pish and people should stay away. Nothing to see here folks, move on.

    Free Member

    Finish line wet. Apply the night before and wipe off the excess before the ride. Works brilliantly in my part of Scotland.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Bog standard Deore fit and last longer.

    Free Member

    Sorry just saw this. All the trails will be a little damp but it's never a mud fest I would imagine as it's slate and rock. The big 35 km trail was so wet I can't imagine it drying out any time soon. I ended up losing my front wheel in one puddle! I managed to pedal out though. The rest of the trails should be fine.

    Free Member

    Anyone riding there tomorrow that sees me say hello. I'll be the billy no mates big bloke on a black nomad.

    Free Member

    Gonna be at CyB first thing tomorrow. Think I'll tame the beast. Might do Climachx on the way back too depending on how I'm feeling. Will prob do CyB aagin this week if I get a pass off the missus and kids who have developed an addiction to crab fishing!

    Free Member

    they're not actually real Goretex but are waterproof with taped seams etc

    They were proper Goretex when I was last issued with a pair. Quite a few years ago now mind. I might still have some that Liz neglected to take back off me but they make good fishing trousers so I can't bring myself to cut them down.

    Free Member

    I actually slagged Gary_M of this parish off for spending £80 on a pair of waterproof shorts. I must now apologise. Well sort of. I would never pay that for any kind of shorts but I did pay half that for the Endura ones. They don't make sense till you wear them in the rain and then they make perfect sense. Mine have done a very wet 70km round the Continental trail at NyA this week and they are brill. Cut off army surplus Goretex is the way ahead though I reckon.

    Free Member

    The Syfindrin trail at NyA has a natural feel about it. BUT, I did it yesterday and it is very very wet. Loads of axle deep puddles and crossings. Great ride though.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, well I prefer cup and cone to cartridge bearings. Better sealing and longer life imo.
    And easier to service.

    I don't know how you work this out but as far as I can see the drive side has no sealing. You also might have spent years of faffing getting things to the point where you know exactly the sweet spot is between too loose and excessive wear but it takes me a while before I'm happy. I can bang a new set of bearings out and in in far less time.

    Free Member

    I've nearly had a bat strike on a twilight descent out of the woods. Often watch them collecting insects on summer evenings outside my living room window.

    Free Member

    A very jey blast down an old railway track to the beach and forest before coming back along a cycle path. Beat my time for the circuit! Travelling to Aberystwyth tomorrow but will be giving the Welsh centres the good news over the next 2 weeks.

    Free Member

    Got Pro2 with 823. Great wheels. Would never go cup and cone again given a choice.

    Free Member

    In answer to the original question – Summer Season!
    Mines getting on for a year old. There's rust where I used to get chain suck and a tiny bit at the joint between the chainstays and the seat tube (?). It's a great bike now that I've shortened the chain and put a dent in the chain stay to stop chain suck. I don't think new ones need the ghetto modification with a hammer!

    Free Member

    Hmm. A huge sausage AND a ripped box between their legs. Nice!

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