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  • Specialized Stumpjumper Evo Alloy Comp review
  • devs
    Free Member

    Not touchy at all. I just mostly disagree with you. I would like a more technical course but the logistics of running one, particularly in this area, prohibit it. It's a shame bacause 10 miles west on the driest dustiest trails in GB, I have a course planned that would be a walk fest for most jeyboys but then they wouldn't come would they. Just in case you think that whinging online here to me will get your opinion noted I should say that I have nothing to do with nofuss or the organisation of the event. I'm just a local who volunteered to set up, marshall and tidy up for the event. But as I said, come find me and I'll get the organisers to listen to your opinion and plans to improve things where you have spotted the "scope". Puzzled why you come though.

    Free Member

    I probably ride those trails more than you and I quite like them and the way they are presented in the course for 10MiM. Sorry if you don't like them, you don't have to come after all. Perhaps SITS or MM or even BBB may be more your thing. I don't think there really is a much better way to route the course to improve technicality on that site and maintain safety. A race down the Gulley Monster would be like jeyboy lemmings. Still I'll put your concerns to the organisers on Sunday morning when I'm helping tidy up after you. Or perhaps you could come find me and I'll put you in touch with the organisers. I'm sure they'll consider your well worked out solution for next year. I'm easy to spot, I look like a second row forward that has stolen a mountain bike and can't ride is very well.

    Free Member

    Aye it's proper horrible. Stay away for your own good. The weather in Wrexham is awesome they say.

    Free Member

    I hope the course is more technical than last years fire road climb every couple of minutes, I was pretty disapointed with it last year. Really could have ridden on a rigid for all there was in the way of decent singletrack.

    You're gonna be disappointed then. It's better but mostly the same. I would like to run the race in a different location with lots of technical ups and downs but it would require too many marshalls to make it viable. Shame. Maybe you could wear an eyepatch or something to make it more challenging?

    Free Member

    The picture linked below shows my unicycle, at the top of Jacob's Ladder, in the snow & ice.

    Ach that's nae snow and ice. That would pass for a fine spring day round here 😀

    Free Member

    Feckers. Getting too close to us now. Will keep an eye out around yur.

    Free Member

    Pimpin', razzin', pinnin'. Oh no can't use the perfectly descriptive words that exist already, got to use new ones in order to appear cool in front of one's peers. <stewie voice off>

    Free Member

    GSter, sounds like you were pwned.

    Free Member

    You the Dunridin' pair then? Bring insect repellent. Put the signs out last night and there are vicious flying teeth about the place. Had some rain today but nowt compared to the severe weather they are getting south and west. Tomorrow and Sat look ok but I think it might pish down sat night. Can't decide between XC Pros and Crossmarks. How ghey do i sound? 🙂

    Free Member

    Damn few and they're aw deid.

    Free Member

    Ach it's just a bridleway. If anyone fancies tackling it in the snow and ice as a night ride give me a call. I'll be the one on the unicycle……

    …….in that nice cafe that sells full breakfasts in a mahoosive bap. 😮

    Free Member

    If they built a path that gets wrecked by bikes but not walkers no wonder it cost a fortune. What revolutonary material did they use?

    Free Member

    So do I.

    Free Member

    This isn't fair!

    Free Member

    Loch ness is 22 miles long but from DnD there is Abriachan and also Balnain in peddling distance. Have a look at Balnain but the last time I went most of it was beyond me. I haven't been recently and I am a better rider so it might be worth a pop but IIRC a lot of it was trials based and 6 foot in the air skinny see saws.

    Free Member

    Can't help thinking that someone's career may have been ruined by a complete lack of sense of humour and an ability to very vocally grab the wrong end of the stick.

    Free Member

    Landed on my arse with bike on top whilst demonstrating a manual in a busy car park.
    Trying to bunny hop one of the evil waterbars on Bennachie. Front wheel caught it just as I was energetically scooping up the back. Result – almost a somersault and me leaving half the skin off my shoulder and arm on the path. Broken helmet too. Pals were too concerned to laugh…… the time! Old walker who saw it all just grunted "You're not very good are you?"

    Free Member

    No one else on here coming then?

    Free Member

    That's all well and good with everybody running outside and taking pics on the one sunny day we have a year. You don't show the 364 miserable cold wet ones. Wrexham is much warmer and sunnier.
    Any one want to join the SLO? Only one manifest point so far, burn whyte settler's homes 😀 <——— Just in case you didn't notice.

    Free Member

    Isola2000 in France. Gran Canaria. Tenerife. Benalmedina/Malaga.

    Free Member

    29 deg is too hot for a day out on the bike. A sun lounger would be all I would be riding.

    Free Member

    The half mile of mud has been replaced by some boardwalk, wet rooty bits and a very exposed turn on the Gulley monster trail. Probably.

    Free Member

    Are you still coming up North this saturday?

    Free Member

    Bit of a hijack but can you ride that Criggion Hill and the one next door? They look like fun.

    Free Member

    CyB by a country mile. "All slabbed" suggests you haven't ridden much of it. Penmachno is great for the out there feel but lacks the buzz that riding a greater variety of trail features brings. My advice would be to sneak off 3 times and do Marin, Penmachno and CyB!

    Free Member

    I blame ghey raodie shi-ites. That is clearly a road tube in that tree and the kidz see lance et al just chucking their rubbish whilst riding and think it's cool. 😀

    Free Member

    If you've got a 40, 80 or 160 GB EIDE HDD lying around try whacking it in first. A lot of Sky+ faults are down to knackered HDD. If it isn't Sky+ just get any old box in as offered above.

    Free Member

    Stu-n the roadworks are still there they are easy to bypass thought if you look at a road map

    Unless it is rush hour it's just as quick to wait in them i.e <=10 mins delay.

    Free Member

    Balnain is a bike park that you would need serious trials skills to get the most out of although there are drops etc on the funbox if you like that kind of stuff. Pitfichie XC is nice but most go there for the DH. Abriachan isn't really up to much. Agree with Hal, Learnie good too. Moray are my local trails and often underrated. If you do the Moray freeride and most of the ring coupled with the Gulley Monster on the Ordiequish side and don't come out smiling you are a very hard person to please. Ben Aigan is woth a visit too but I'm not sure it is worth doing the link via bike, probably better driving between them. Scotland is rubbish thoughcompared to Wales. Have you thought about maybe going to Wrexham instead?

    Free Member

    I'm with uplink. Been using the stuff for years on a variety of things ever since I first started using it in 86 as a good emergency repair solution. It's cheap on ebay but free from the same place as free helicopter tape. Makes a neat tidy and effective chainstay protector.

    Free Member

    Gopping. And it wil break around the head tube area before very long. I wouldn't even go off a kerb on that.

    Free Member

    We get the same kind of dodderers on the A470 in Wales

    Tell me about it. I honestly think I would give up mountain biking if I lived in Wales for long. That road does my head in. I am a late moring person but found myself getting up at 6 to go riding to avoid the traffic on the A470. You still get it on the way home though. On my last trip back from CyB to Aberaeron I had to stop 3 times to avoid head ons. I started to believe that they were out to get me!

    Free Member

    Just curious – I'm sure you're trying to drive safely – but why so fast? What do you gain?

    Moray to Edinburgh/Glasgow in 3 hours instead of 4-5? No brainer to me. Enjoying the road and journey rather than sitting bored behind muppets who have nothing better to do than admire the scenery? I mean it's great scenery and I do take it for granted when I'm not walking or riding in it. If I've been working away and there is a shag and beer waiting for me at the other end then admiring the Monadhliath mountains again is further down my priorities list!

    Free Member

    Hmmm. I drive the A9 a lot. I love it which I suspect might put me in the crazy category mentioned above. The trouble with waiting till the duals to overtake is that Mr Muppet on his hols with a car full of scenery admirers overtakes at 72 miles per hour and takes the whole dual to do so. I'll generally go at 75 on single and 90 on the duals. Gone are the days when we used to sit at 95 for the length of it on the way back from leave or a weekend down south. During the summer hols, particularly the overlap time with England, if you drive during 9am-7pm then you'll have no choice but to sit at 50 for most of it. That won't be me then, at least not very often. It's still better than just about every road in Wales and most of the English motorways. The first thing I notice when on a trip down south is the traffic jams and the time spent to drive anywhere.

    Free Member


    Gave up on that after all the kooks like Mike Vanderspamm and Nolan turned up. Is it still as bad?

    Free Member

    My fave

    Free Member

    Besides the police uniform, in another bit of woods miles away I found a glove tree. I'll go and see if it's grown any more this weekend. I haven't been that way for ages.

    Free Member

    You could try the glove tree that I found in our woods. You wouldn't believe some of the wierd shi-ite that goes on up there!

    Free Member

    Howzabout a child's policeman unform hanging from a tree in the middle of the woods miles away from the nearest road?

    Free Member

    Er, that's where his hands were for most of the mucky bits?

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