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  • devs
    Free Member

    Sounds like you may have borked Vista or something else has done it for you. What AV are you running? Might be worth downloading superantispyware and malwarebytes antimalware and giving them a run. Remove anything they find. You could be looking at a repair install of Vista though or deleting all office files and registry entries before doing a re-install. Not really the preserve of someone who gets stressed out by computers. If you've got factory restore disks or partition (it'll tell you about it at start up) then it could be worth doing that. Make sure you back everything up 1st though using the easy transfer.

    Free Member

    One more time then! Now even stealthier with SLX double and bash and SLX med cage rear mech.

    Free Member

    Went to a funeral. Played rugby, ruptured my calf. Can hardly walk but managed to bike 5 miles very slowly yesterday to collect my car after commiserating too hard on sat night.

    Free Member

    See the nice hope man at an event trade stall or phone hope.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I'm an 11-12 and managed to get into the lidl ones on the rare occasions I use spds. Think you've missed them for this year though.

    Free Member

    Unless they are new in the last 3 years then yes. Come to think of it I can't remember the last time I saw a set of blue waterproofs. Do they even do them anymore? I'm playing rugby with a stacker from clothing stores tomorrow so I'll check. Nobody ever wore them because they were pish and the S95 goretex was far superior. You never answered about being TTB? It's a long shot but you talk (type) and sound like someone I knew down Huntingdon way.

    Free Member

    Tracey do they look any better now that they are "worn in"?

    Free Member

    I think they look and perform pish. You don't go by a pseudonym of TTB by any chance do you?

    Free Member

    Aldi next thursday. 20 quid cheap enough?

    Free Member

    Dunno where you got your deserts from but mine were a tenner with a fiver postage and arrived in 2 days. Not cut them down yet though as others have said, the colour just doesn't look right for mtb shorts. Dunno why because I often cycle in cut off dezzy dpms.
    The other green dpm trousers you ordered are not the stuff that is issued to the military. It's not army surplus but that's not to say it won't be as good. It's also more expensive.
    Just my opinion but if you want to wear those RAF trousers then you really do need your head examining 🙂

    Free Member

    An uninstall – reinstall shouldn't delete your pst files but back em up just in case. Did you try the registry trick?

    Free Member

    It's weirder than that. If you copy the image address and go to it in a new tab then it goes fine. Once done you can refresh the page and the image will have appeared. Never seen that before. One for the cleverer than me people I think.

    Free Member

    Funeral for pal sat morn, rugby sat aft. Hangover and son's rugby sun morn, jump park sun aft.

    Free Member

    barnsley mitch looks tough 😯

    Free Member

    Dunno who she is but this is what you get when you put "ego bullshit" into google images

    Free Member

    It takes balls to walk away = myth propagated by mothers and people who have never been in that situation. It's far harder to initiate violence knowing it might be the last thing you ever do.
    The way I see it is, if ton didn't stand up to the guy it would have to be someone else more than likely less able to defend themselves. Left unchallenged bullies like the driver (yes that what he is, not ton as described earlier) will just carry on and be encouraged by their "victories". People who do not stand up to bullies, and I don't mean that you have to be violent, are worse than the bullies themselves. Those that believe that, once they have angered a nutter, they can get on their bike and run away without further consequence or incident are burying their heads in the sand. I spent a few of my formative years "a bit lost" and have been an aggressor on a few occasions. Running away would have made me angrier. The moment of go/nogo decision was just before the w@nker signal. If you start a confrontation and then think "oh no this is a bit scary" and run away then you are as bad as the crap driver in the first place. This has been the 2 penneth according to devs.

    Free Member

    I'd just go with the screw idea. Drill a pilot hole and then screw in a big size 10 woodscrew or similar and pull out. Simples.

    Free Member

    Change and then repair! I have actually taken more than one box out into the garden and given it the good news with a sledge hammer. It's very therapeutic.

    Free Member

    Control panel add remove progs and do a repair on office. Still no worky?

    Next one is risky then so you might not want to do it and will need your office install disks handy just in case
    regedit-hklm-software-microsoft-office (whichever version you have 2003 is 11 iIRC) and delete the outlook key. Do the same in HKCU. Next time you start you'll probably have to re-insert all your settings so take a note of the servers user names and passwords etc. It may ask for the install disk too.

    Free Member

    How do you deal wit this then Del?

    in a instant the guy is in your face, like 5mm away, screaming how he will kill you.

    Hate to be picky too but when I had a mortgage, getting killed was a pretty good way to pay it off in one go!

    Free Member

    Hey Mike, IIRC you've got relatives up here in Moray. I'll help you test some frames and that when you come up to visit them if you want?! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Blimey the short arses are all getting a bit het up now aren't they. Ok, in this PC mad world all non gender specific persons of all variations of vertical challengeness and muscleboundness should be treated with exactly the same amount of respect.
    Meanwhile, in the real world, if you gob off to a big bloke you are more likely to get a slap. I do realise that there are plenty of tough dwarfs out there that could stick me on my arse with some kind of jap slapping ninja move but the law of the jungle states that a good big un will always beat a good little un.

    Free Member

    I don't hit people because that would make me feel a bit of a ****.

    Cos like you've got weapons of mass destruction and to use them would be cowardly as no one could defend themselves against your awesomeness. I know how you feel buddy. Well actually I don't. I'm with ton. He is a huge bloke by all accounts and that should be warning enough to treat him with a bit of respect. If some buffoon got in my space to the point I felt threatened then I would strike first too.

    Free Member

    I'm an ex rugby player and a chef so am a bit handy when pushed!

    Are chefs hard then? Do they regularly go out the back and have meat cleaver fights in a Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon stylee?

    Nice work ton 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry NO! – Move away from the task manager! Open outlook in safe mode. Go to options and add in manager. You might have to search for it in google to find the exact location as it varies between versions. It's in the trust centre in 2007 Outlook. Disable them all. Close outlook. Go watch telly for 5 mins of so. pen outlook in normal mode and re enable add ins until you find one that breaks it. Repeat the process to remove naughty add in. Hope it works for you.

    Free Member

    Options-add in manager and disable them all. enable them one at a time until you find your culprit. Simples. Chances are you don't need them anyways. I quite often just remove them from clients machines and let them start again.

    Free Member

    I have never seen another biker on my commute to my office. Or a bike for that matter. Sometimes I don't even bother getting dressed for it. Stepping over the dog can be a bit tricky as he has taken to lying in the gnarliest bit between the radiator and the dining room table. If I see another biker out we tend to stop and chat cos we know each other or because it's pretty rare. I would love to play the testosterone fuelled commute race derby game.

    Free Member

    All you need to know here Cup and Cone Servicing[/url]

    Free Member

    llandegla. Easiest and most fun for a newbie.

    Free Member

    Swayndo of this parish has done such a ride several times, one of which was in the last few months. If he doesn't pop up soon look him up and mail him.

    Free Member

    I've got one. It's a great light. Maybe better suited to bar use but I use mine as a helmet light with a modded tripleshot on the bars as that doesn't have a helmet mount. Never use it on the highest setting and have never run out of battery power either. I would probably have gone for a Bastid if they were around when I bought it but I have never regretted buying it that's for sure. It just works brilliantly (see what I did there) and lighting faffs are a thing of the past.

    Free Member

    Either the gravel or the bricks aren't level. Hope it's the gravel. Nice bike btw.

    Free Member

    The Urban Dictionary sums you lot up perfectly. I am, however, currently shelving plans to SS my Inbred whilst I go and practice 3ft drops.

    Free Member

    No need. It's dead easy to follow.

    Free Member

    Took my bike out for a bit of flood tourism yesterday. Photos here for anyone interested.

    Free Member

    Swayndo it sounds great but no can do. Apart from the hangover I have booked I have family commitments.
    I'm really gutted for Nutter. I think he posts here as Betsie sometimes. A real shame. I dunno if it is possible for him to win without taking part in the last round but I suppose that would mean wishing ill on other riders which isn't the right way to do things. He'll be back next year. He's too dedicated and daft not to.

    Free Member

    In answer to the original question cancelling the line will cancel all services on it including BB. Thats the theory, in test I have known BB still be live on a dead line but I wouldn't bank on it.
    If you tranfer the line to another provider it is possible to keep the BB on it but again I wouldn't bank on it particularly if you go to TT or Piscali who are driving an LLU campaign implemented by imbeciles, controlled by monkeys and supported by buffoons. You almost definitely waste far more money on the phone trying to explain what you want and trying to get someone to rectify it. Wait untl your contract is up would be my advice then swap lock stock and barrel.

    Free Member

    I don't buy that at all. You'll boil your brake fluid if the heat transfer isn't good enough although it is a caliper design problem and nothing to do with the pads.

    Free Member

    Er…. how do you pinch flat a tubeless wheel?

    Put on a Conti Vert UST and look at a pebble. That's how.

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