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  • deviant
    Free Member

    GrahamS…yeah that’s exactly how it turns out

    I can’t speak for everyone but if I haven’t done some kind of exercise for a few days I become slightly snappy and easily agitated…if I let off some steam I come home a nicer person, more relaxed and more inclined to let things slide rather than irritate me.

    It was just a suggestion on how the teacher could conduct himself because standing in front of cars arguing with the driver is a pretty stupid thing to do.

    Free Member

    You’re the one saying the teacher should have martial arts training so he can dish out a beating

    No I’m not.

    I’m saying if this is the teacher’s nature maybe he should go to a gym and let off some steam so he doesn’t feel the need to get into a physical confrontation with people he knows nothing about or how they will react.
    It’s a safety thing, I’m not advocating beating anyone up.

    Free Member

    airtragic…spot on, he was so pro French it bordered on xenophobia toward other countries…doing his job though I suppose, all leaders should prioritise their own county first.

    knew that the Brits would be nothing but trouble

    Yeah, those nasty Brits continuing to fight Hitler and liberating France (again)…perhaps the British should’ve surrendered like France?…I think that’s what really irked De Gualle, that it took a coalition of Anglo countries to do the job his army and countriy couldn’t do.

    Read ‘between silk and cyanide’…it’s a book from a coder who worked for SOE during the war and Dr Gaulle wanted and needed British help but was a complete child when it came to the military…he would insist on using a secret supposedly unbreakable French code that the author broke in one afternoon and turned out to be just a copycat version of an old British code…when this was pointed out to the Free French they arrogantly didn’t believe it and continued to use a code that was easily broken thus endangering agent’s lives…on top of that De Gaulle insisted on messages from his agents going directly to him and not to be read by the UK or the US…if you’re relying on other countries to liberate your own then you share information relevant to that…needless to say the allies thought he was a loose cannon and intercepted his messages anyway and were easily able to decipher the ‘unbreakable’ French code.

    Free Member

    Really? No one should enforce rules unless they can back them up with violence?

    You’ve watched the video, it could’ve been much worse, is it worth it?…there are some nutters out there and a healthy amount of caution when entering into an argument is sensible…don’t put yourself in front of a car when you’re arguing with the driver…im not victim blaming, from what we now know about the driver he seems to have a total disregard for the law…im just saying I wouldn’t have put myself in front of the car, it’s stupid and smacks of vigilantism.

    Free Member

    Just indulge in a keyboard rant rather than do your job eh, deviant.

    Eh, what’s that got to do with anything you retard!?… i work shifts and I’m a day off today…and even if i was at work do you think I’d be allowed to ignore 999 calls to post on STW?


    I think he was taking the highground/ doing his job/the right thing but didn’t expect anyone would be so unreasonable

    ….and that’s kind of my point, don’t get into spats like this, just call the police, if he’s illegally parking then it’s a police matter, film it, take photographs as evidence etc…taking the high ground/being right really isn’t worth getting into a confrontation for…body vs car, he could’ve ended up dead, just for trying to enforce a parking rule.. I think it was nobbish behavior from both parties.

    Free Member

    The sitting on the car was provocative not the instruction to park elsewhere…for most people a car is the second most expensive thing they buy after a house…naturally people don’t like others sitting on it…did the driver do the right thing?…of course not, he flipped his lid and lost control…was the teacher being a tit?…yep, if he feels that strongly about parking there call the police or get bollards put up that teachers have passes for…he went all Billy big bo##ocks and didn’t expect a more aggressive person to be up against him…lesson for everyone; don’t get into spats with people you know nothing about, if you fancy yourself as some kind of enforcer get to the local boxing/martial arts gym and let it out that way instead.

    Jesus, some threads on here are baying for blood when a mountain bike returns from a service with a slight scratch or if it’s delivered with less than perfect paint…i can almost understand getting angry at someone sitting on my car… if iI didn’t drive a shed of a vehicle.

    Free Member

    Nobody said she’s not winning!…on the contrary people posted pics of her they like and some of us went further in ‘objectifying’ her in a sexual manner and discussing her sexual history…i’d say this thread is full of fans if anything.

    Free Member

    It was a provocative act by the teacher, personally I like the idea of reversing away from him once he sits on the bonnet and watching him plop onto the ground…i wonder if that’s defendable in court?…you could say you were retreating from the situation I suppose…good comedy value in that too.

    Free Member

    The French after years of grumbling left the military command structure of NATO in 1966, they didn’t like the fact that two countries formed an axis of power (US and UK.) De Gaulle expelled all non French NATO troops from France – the US Secretary of State asked whether that included “the bodies of American soldiers in France’s cemeteries?”.

    De Gaulle was a colossal tit and did all he could to hamper US/UK ops during WW2 despite the fall of France…and then had the cheek to insist French troops were the first to march in Paris despite it being liberated by the UK/US/Aus/NZ/Can etc…he was the epitome of arrogance.

    (thread drift but he really was a bellend)

    Free Member

    and how does that compare to deaths caused by dangerous driving?
    the vast majority of immigrants are peace loving people trying to make a better life, there are more british born white people who need locking up for a vast number of crimes than immigrants.

    Wow, where to start…firstly classic whataboutery and deflection by trying to compare terrorism to driving, most deaths by driving are not murder i.e the driver doesnt set out on their way to kill someone…terrorist using bombs, knifes and cars to attack people are setting out to kill people, there is a massive difference…intent.

    Yes the majority are peaceful…does that mean we ignore the threat of militant/fanatical islam?

    …and yes there are loads of white people in this country who should be locked up, thats not really surprising in a country where 82% of the population identify as White British is it?!

    Are you seriously proposing that as a minority group muslims should get a free pass or terrorism shouldnt be investigated because it doesnt concern the majority of muslims?!…you’re sounding like that prat Sadiq Khan who says that living with terrorism is a fact of city life, people like me dont want appeasing statements like that, we want terrorism thoroughly investigated, the perpetrators locked up and strict border controls particularly with regard to the small group of young British muslim men who go off to fight with ISIS and then come back to this country battle hardened and full of hate, harbouring fanatical views, knowledge of bomb making etc…this shouldnt be difficult if the borders are policed properly and the security services are doing their job properly.

    Sadly having just come from holiday Gatwick’s security seemed non existent compared to Hurghada (Egypt) whose security and incredibly thorough checks were reassuring and demonstrated how seriously they take terrorism.

    Free Member

    I thought you were banging on about immigration before?

    I’m concerned about both, its not a binary thing, a person can have more concerns than just a single issue…some of the people arrested in the latest terrorist attack are immigrants…some of them were born here…the common theme amongst them is a strand of islam that is hateful and violent.

    Free Member

    The point is that large sections of the meat industry are despicable and treat animals horrifically from birth to death, yet a good number of people seem to look the other way and ignore countless acts of barbarism involved in putting meat on their table.

    Many of those people busy looking the other way then start getting a bit uppity and worried about animal welfare as soon as they realize that some of them there Muslims and Jews are joining in with the animal cruelty, only they’re clearly labelling it, so it can be hated without having to actually look at the wider problems with mass meat consumption or thinking about how the animal you’re eating lived and died.


    In simple terms i dont object to slaughter houses and eating meat, i approve of stunning and the bolt through the head approach…my better half had her horse put down that way, it was quick…pretty much instant…what i object to is the slitting of the neck on religious grounds, it is never as fast as obliterating an animal’s brain, there is suffering, choking, gasping etc…and the obvious pain until its lost enough blood for the brain to stop functioning…its not a difficult concept, there should be an approved method of execution irrespective of religious interference.

    Free Member

    Just remember that most of the EU attackers were from the country they attacked – most were born there.

    Bingo…and this is why in this spate of terrorism the role of militant/fanatical islam should be discussed…as you said, most of the attackers are from their host countries, its not about xenophobia or race…its about a section of the islam religion that sees non muslims as ‘the enemy’ and thinks its ok to blow people up in the name of their religion…its about discussing why ISIS type propaganda is allowed to be hosted on the internet, its about why these group of young muslim men across Europe cant/dont integrate into western society and instead decide to attack it…on the news last night there was a video of young British muslim men with the now deceased (thankfully) Jihadi John, they were from Manchester, Birmingham and other UK cities but had travelled to the Middle East to fight with their Muslim ‘brothers’…its about finding out why this happens, what message are they getting from their religious leaders or the religion itself that makes this seem appealing to them…

    …Hopkins (for all her faults) knows this is happening, knows there is a problem and is talking about it while politicians keep their heads in the sand and the public are fearful of discussing it because they dont want to be labelled racist etc.

    Her style is distasteful to many i’m sure but the message seems spot on.

    Free Member

    Its easy.

    Should religious people be able to ignore some laws (put in place, however imperfectly, to aid animal welfare) just because they are religious?


    There we go…quite right and succinctly put…

    …thats all i’ve said but somehow in this increasingly ludicrous world we live in its been interpreted as racist, islamaphobic etc etc…very strange.

    Free Member

    I said it would be interpreted badly…but only an idiot would think she literally meant marching muslims to the gas chambers…

    ..the rest of knew she was on about getting tough on fanatical islam and immigration.

    Free Member

    Your ‘common sense’ and my common sense are different thats all…despite what a lot of the media tell you its ok to have differing views on things, it doesnt make somebody a bad person, they just have a different opinion.

    Free Member

    Q: for Deviant – are you a practicing Christian?

    No, i dislike all religion…it has no place in modern society and certainly no place in influencing law, animal slaughter, medical treatment etc etc..

    Re. the final solution comment, i understand how people interpreted that but i read it the day after the terrorist attack and thought it was simply a message to get tough on islamist terrorism and shore up the immigration system to prevent any further militants coming in…i dont think anybody honestly thought she meant marching all muslims in this country to gas chambers..that would be ridiculous.

    Free Member

    That’s bollocks. Phobia means an irrational fear. A justified fear of islam exists despite irrational denials to the contrary. Open debate on islamic doctorine is essential and should not be prevented.

    You can’t change your skin colour, but you chose your religion so the comparison is essentially flawed

    This…people seem scared stiff of any debate around islam and the cultural differences…the debate needs to happen but its easier to shout ‘racist’ at someone than tackle a touchy subject.

    Are you one of the ignorant, bitter, underachieving malcontents, desperate to find someone else to blame, that keeps this women in business? Sad.

    You wish.

    I like my life, nice long career helping people in the NHS, own house, great partner of 10years, good social life, good family life, plenty of hobbies etc etc…just a normal bloke who doesnt share the ‘immigration is great’ or ‘isnt islam wonderful’ views of other people in this country…there are plenty of us about.

    Free Member

    This is the part that’s hard; I feel I should have known sooner that we should be doing CPR but he was bleeding so profusely that all my attention was focused on trying to stem that.

    Dont beat yourself up over it, even health care professionals sometimes forget what they’re taught, in the heat of the moment its easy to fixate on what you can see (in this case profuse bleeding) rather than the underlying issue (the lack of pulse)…i’ve seen paramedics, nurses and doctors all lose the plot slightly in this situation…its just inexperience, nobody would expect you to be slick and covering all bases in that situation because you’re not exposed to it frequently enough.

    The ideal would be if he’d collapsed in the presence of two or more HCPs, one could have treated the bleeding, one could have started chest compressions and increasingly now in critical care situation we like to have one HCP hanging back and observing in a detached objective fashion and keeping things on track and making sure certain protocols are followed…the chances of that happening is rare unless you collapse in hospital or in the back of an ambulance.

    Anyway, from what you’re saying he could have had a heart attack/MI first and then cracked his head on the ground causing a cerebral bleed next…with those two happening concurrently he had very little chance sadly.

    Free Member

    Outraged Londoners are calling for Katie Hopkins to be investigated by police over a string of tweets she posted after a suspected terrorist was detained in Whitehall.
    The controversial columnist sparked outcry when she posted a message on Twitter which read: “Explosion in France, shooting at a German hospital, knife attack in London.

    “And Ramadan has not yet begun.”

    She added: “Without food these sods get nasty”

    Is this a police matter?!…what is wrong with some people?! :roll:

    Free Member

    Personally I think its should be a human right to have a good death at the end of a life. Painfree, peaceful, dignified with our loved ones around us.

    I certainly intend to – and it will hopefully be at a time and a place of my choosing withthe medication of my choice


    I made a will in the summer when i was in heart failure, in it i state that i dont want life supporting measures should i go into cardiac arrest, i also filled out a DNAR (do not attempt resucitation) order and had it signed by two DRs at the hospital.
    Living with brain damage is not something i’m interested in.

    I have also made plans re. stockpiling meds/opiates for when i choose to end things as opposed to a long protracted death from chronic heart failure, seems only sensible to me.

    Free Member

    To be honest i struggle to disagree with any of that, she talks a lot of sense…a lot of people think those things, she just has the balls to say it.

    Free Member

    Do you want me to find and then post on here some videos of piss poor non-halal slaughter?

    Easy enough to find i’m sure, there have been plenty of documentaries over the years about crap slaughterhouses…your quaint story about an African guesthouse gave an inaccurate idea that Halal slaughter is done to individual animals in a quick manner with no suffering…i merely pointed out that across europe and in this country Halal meat is now big business and with that has come the ways of conventional slaughterhouses…queues of animals, belt fed animals, hanging animals etc…i’m more than happy for camera crews to go into any slaughterhouse and shut them down for poor practices…religion doesnt come into this, some on here really arent getting it…find the most humane way to kill said animals, speak to vets, scientists, animal welfare officers etc to come up with the method and do that…its simple really, religion and/or tradition shouldnt come into it.

    Re. the suggestion that people should have to kill animals by their own hand for meat, agree totally…my father for one freely admits he’d go vegetarian if he had to kill the animal and i think lots of others would too.

    Free Member

    I was in Africa once, during Eid, the guesthouse we were staying at had a goat that they had reared specially for that years celebrations. I witnessed the slaughter, done to strict halal standards. It was the quickest, cleanest death i’d seen, the goat never saw it coming and died almost instantly.

    Thats a sweet story…but its just one goat…the reality of a Halal/neck slitting slaughterhouse can be seen here:

    Some highlights (for those that dont want to see it) include animals queuing for their death like in a conventional slaughterhouse, whining and groaning as they bleed to death, tracheas/windpipes flapping around in the gaping neck wounnd as they gasp for breath while bleeding out, some pre-stunning going on but not all the time, live (unstunned) goats, sheep and cows hanging upside down by one leg while they too wait for the neck slitting…watching the video no it isnt ‘instant’ like a lot of deluded people on here claim.

    With an increasing demand for Halal meat do people really think an individual animal is raised with care and then magnificently executed by some kind of artisan in the craft?!…lol, watch the video, Halal is big business and with that comes ‘efficiency’…they run just like a non-Halal slaughterhouse, a conveyer belt setup, animals queuing, blood everywhere, time concerns above animal welfare etc…the lengths some will go to in order to defend outdated religious practices is gobsmacking….in the style of whataboutery can we do female genital mutilation next?…i’m sure some idiot on here will bend over backwards to defend that too.

    Free Member

    Shall we start a petition on banning kosher also, which to all intents and purposes instructs the same slaughter as halal?

    I dont see why not.

    As is said, separate religion from food processing, its ancient, barbaric and unnecessary regardless of the religion.

    Free Member

    This has the potential to be great…we already have some ‘whataboutery’ in the 3rd post in…

    what about battery farming?

    Are people going to be achingly PC and refuse to criticise because religion?…we’ve got people already questioning the the OP’s motivation…

    How about separating religion from food processing and just accepting that its a cruel and outdated process?…there, that wasnt difficult was it?

    Free Member

    As I have said before we need some properly hard hitting information films putting cars and car people back in their box.

    It wont happen whilst our politicians are in the pocket of car/transport industry.

    Do people still believe this?!…its not a conspiracy, we’re car dependent in this country because public transport is so crap particularly once out of the cities…then factor in the cost, a single person travelling a decent distance on the train is ok but once there’s two of you (or more) you all end up paying the same and it quickly becomes cheaper for your group to get in a car instead where you pay for one tank of fuel between you not a tank of fuel each…then there’s convenience issues, leaving when you want to leave not when the bus, train etc leaves…having some privacy in your own car and not having to sit next to Mr Stinky and his body odour or Mrs Chav and her three screaming brats…being able to stop when you like for food, toilet etc…i could go on but for me the only time public transport is convenient is when i’m drunk and cant drive, then my drunken self doesnt mind putting up with the experience.

    Free Member

    Would be much more interesting to watch them go at it.

    …urgh, mind bleach please.


    Free Member

    Why not?…cant be any worse than most of the drivel that spewed forth from my teacher’s mouths when i was at school.

    Could you give some examples of her hate and racism?

    …there arent any, she’s anti islam (for good reason in my opinion, go to a muslim country and see how women are treated, dont use examples of your westernised muslim neighbours)…and islam is a religion not a race but that doesnt stop idiots on the left screaming racism whenever she decries the backwards doctrine…she is also anti immigration and again this has the left screaming racism even though her stance is consistent with all races and doesnt target a particular demographic…she’s in favour of a strict Australia/points based type of immigration which seems only sensible to me and many others.

    Free Member

    Teacher fanned the flames somewhat by sitting on the bonnet, a lot of people would get annoyed by that, cars arent cheap and some plank trying to make a point by sitting on mine would annoy me too…

    …i wonder what wouldve happened to the driver if they’d reversed away from the teacher instead?…still a good result as the teacher would’ve ended up on their arse again only in that scenario you could make a case that you were retreating from the aggressor?

    Free Member

    Not much difference, I earned less back then and the mortgage was 5x my salary…if I did the same again now (and I did, we moved in ’15) the mortgage on our current place is still 5x my salary.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, what proportion of your take-home were you actually saving and what were you paying in rent?

    I was rolling over between £600 – £1000 per month and putting it away in a savings account… i bought a crappy house that needed new double glazing, new carpets throughout, all the doors replacing etc…not a particularly nice area either…but it was the South East and had good road and train links to London…and the sheeple love that because London is the centre of the universe apparently. :roll:
    The hard work continued for about 12 months after I completed in order to get the house up to scratch…11 years later we sold up, we’d paid off nearly half the mortgage and seen a rise of 70k on the pile of crap…we played the long game andb it worked for us, we could then take a load of equity to a cheaper and nicer part of the UK…i think today’s kids expect instant gratification, it’s symptomatic of a generation that can do everything quickly on their phone and online.

    Free Member

    (Edit – gah, have been trolled haven’t I?)

    ….yeah, but you took it well and put an interesting point forward….unlike some of the cry babies in this thread.


    Free Member

    It just makes you come across as a bit of a rapey creep

    My other half likes it when I get rough/rapey…none so strange as women eh?

    Free Member

    FFS, leave the poor bloke alone….his user name should be sufficient evidence of his nature

    It’s ok, it’s the internet, it’s not real life….if you take it literally you need help…probably the type of person that suffers with the modern day phenomenon of ‘anxiety’ and who needs a ‘safe space’ when another person disagrees with them…if I didn’t find this fun I’d turn the computer off and leave the forum…as per my post from 4 years ago that someone linked to; a certain section of society seems to want to limit free speech and police people’s thoughts while desperately trying to label words as violent…this is their ultimate aim, once language can be conflated with physical violence it can then be labeled criminal and clamped down on…f##k that.

    There are four groups of people in my life: family, friends, colleagues… and then anybody else…the last group are irrelevant, if family, friends or colleagues pull me up on something I’ll listen because they actually know me and mean something…anybody else’s opinion?…nope, they can keep talking but I’m not listening…i can’t imagine being so self conscious that I go through life worrying about what strangers think of me, weird.

    Am I a hypocrite?…probably in that I’ll trash talk anonymously or among friends and family but come across perfectly decent in other’s company…i just call it polite but I understand others opinion, I just don’t care that’s all…people do seem to get their knickers in a twist over it though, society in general needs to lighten up.

    Free Member

    It’s not that we’re virtue signalling, you’re just sexist pig signalling

    ….and I’m fine with that, like I said earlier I’m a gentleman in public but in my own home I say what I like/think…I don’t have a problem with that and neither do people who know me…like I keep stressing: sticks and stones…society would do well to remember that, we’re on a slippery slope where people are trying to equate language and words they don’t like to violence…it’s sad really.

    Free Member

    Great thread, some total white knights on here virtue signaling all over the place…FFS man up a bit and enjoy life/women….

    Free Member

    I stated that a former boyfriend of hers said she was filthy and up for anything…that’s a factual account of what happened when they split up.. If you think that’s offensive I feel sorry for you…its third party information and the article is in the public domain.

    ….also read my last few posts where i said that we were encouraged to speak our minds at home but behave in a manner that won’t offend when in company out and about.

    try reading them to the nearest woman to you.

    …that would be rude obviously, I’ve already written about boundaries and what is appropriate when in polite company.

    Free Member

    I guess that is why suicide is such a problem from bullying. Words are some of the most powerful things around.

    Again, that comes down to upbringing…if your parents were hypersensitive and triggered by mere words in a conversation then it’ll rub off on the children…thankfully I wasn’t brought up like that…I was brought up encouraged to speak my mind, no subject was taboo and no-one ever said ‘you can’t say that’…obviously there are boundaries and we were taught that what is said in the house may offend people outside the family so behave in company…i go back to the fact that this is an anonymous forum and Cotton (probably) doesn’t read it… if someone is offended by that they’ve got bigger problems headed their way…it’s about context too, there’s a world of difference between my post and physically leering at her and wolf whistling if I saw her in public…as someone sarcastically said above, yes it’s locker room banter…oh no!

    ….late edit, that clip from Notting Hill is a classic example of what I’m talking about, don’t behave like that it public, it’s rude….but in your lounge among friends or family it’s fine….context.

    It appears that some people do genuinely want to police others thoughts, frightening stuff…trying to conflate words with physical actions is a classic attempt to stifle language, debate and thought.

    Free Member

    Try applying the ‘would I like people talking about my mother/sister/wife/girlfriend/daugther like this’ rule.

    If it’s not to my face (or hers) then I couldn’t care less, it’s just words and someone expressing an opinion…i wouldn’t talk to someone in the manner I posted above because that’s rude…but this forum is essentially anonymous and I doubt Fearne Cotton is reading this.

    I have no problem saying what I think, it’s normal…there seems to be an insidious movement to police what people say at the moment, it’s one stop from trying to police thoughts…she’s attractive and not within earshot so I think it’s fine, obviously you disagree and that’s fine too…it’s just differences in how people are brought up, I was taught that words can be ignored and you can walk away, it’s no big deal…but physical harm crosses a line…the old fashioned ‘sticks and stones’ upbringing I suppose, people are far too sensitive and looking for offence where none is intended.

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