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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • deviant
    Free Member

    your basic point of ignorance stems from the fact that races dont exist

    Ok I’ll play along….’most’ people in West Africa look different to those in North Africa who look different to the indigenous people in the Arctic circle who look different again to ‘most’ people from India, Pakistan etc….of course there are differences and calling them races is fine…unless of course your article is correct and in which case there’s no such thing as racism if there aren’t any races….yay!

    It also flies in the face of other scientific research that shows certain medical conditions are prevalent in certain racial groups…good that we can now discount that as nonsense too and tell all those black people with sickle cell they’re imagining it….or those Indians and Pakistanis with renal problems that it’s just bad luck and not race/genetics.

    God, that article smacks of social sciences, gender is a social construct was laughable enough but now race?….lol, brilliant, I’m going to be black from now on, we’ll see how that goes down with any black people I get taking about race with

    Maybe I’ll attend a black lives matter rally and tell everyone that blacks as a race don’t exist and the whole thing is pointless….i can see me needing a police escort out of that one too!

    Free Member

    Torsoinalake….excellent summary and my feelings on it, get more pleasure and I’m more impressed by watching WC DH.

    Free Member

    Ragley Blue Pig 2011 vintage with 26inch wheels!…in retina burning orange with matching pedals and grips….im all class!
    But it looks good compared to another ‘stealthed’ out black/grey carbon bike and with a minus 1.5 degree headset it’s numbers are surprisingly current, it’s awesome and I’m far more precious about it than my FS, in fact I’ll be enjoying the HT at BPW on Friday.

    Free Member

    (Weird double post thing going on)

    I could convert to Islam tomorrow, does my race change with it?….off course not, there are Black Muslims, Asian Muslims, Arab Muslims, Caucasian Muslims etc

    It’s a religion, that’s all….but because of a semi successful attempt to conflate race to religion in the case of Islam people are shit scared of being labeled racist just for wanting to talk about the small but poisonous radical sect within it that encourages terrorism.

    Stand up comedians shred Catholicism, some of the braver ones will have a pop at Judaism too, they’re all fair game….but when was the last time you saw a stand up routine lampooning Islam…doesn’t happen does it?….and that’s wrong, it’s a religion FFS and its fair game, racism isn’t but they’re different and the only people who can’t see that are those trying to stifle debate.

    Free Member

    you do realise that most of those attacks were carried out by citizens of those countries don’t you?

    ….and that’s why it’s a cultural/religious issue and not racism.

    To understand why this is happening we need a frank conversation about the role off Islam in these events….but some in here try to shut that down as ‘racist’….

    …repeat after me, Islam is not a race.

    Some supposedly educated people on here really don’t get that.

    Free Member

    Spacey committed a pedo act, simple as…but because he’s a well liked ‘luvvie’ and at the same time came out as gay he cleverly and cynically moved himself into the victim category….which is odd because the left have always hated conflating homosexuality with pedophilia….but it would seem in Spacey’s case/defence it’s ok.

    It’s hilarious watching the double standards at play here.

    This is the problem with social justice, it’s not justice at all, it looks for victims, it looks for excuses for criminal behavior etc…how about not giving a crap what color, age or sexuality the perpetrator is and just prosecute the crime.

    Spacey molested a 14yr old, charge him with it….it doesn’t matter that he’s gay, or was drunk or any of the other claptrap being spouted about his life….if any of these things are genuinely found to be mitigating factors then a jury will decide accordingly.

    It’s not rocket science.

    Free Member

    I find it laughable that people are judging a MTB venue on the quality of the cafe…speaks volumes for the state of the nation.

    Free Member

    All you need to know is that legendary abuser of rims (Aaron Gwin) rides EX471s which have an internal diameter of 25mm….anybody on here trying to tell you that you need to go wider is talking guff.

    Also, Maxxis (i think?) came out last year amongst all this fun super wide bollox and said their AM/DH tyres are designed for __mm wide rims (cant remember the exact number but it was less than 30mm internal)…..their reasoning was that the profile is all wrong if the tyre is stretched out over a wider rim and you lose the arch shape they designed into the tyre, you also develop less than desirable features like horrible transition from upright to leant over…because its like riding something with the frontal profile of a brick…

    …tread that should be almost on the side of the tyre if it was mounted properly on a narrower rim giving an arch shape and grip covering a fair percentage of its surface ends up square with said tread doing nothing now except pointing up in the air and riders then complaining that said tyre leads to ‘washouts’ and has no side grip….well yeah obviously, because you’ve taken a tyre designed for a 25mm internal rim and stretched it across a 35mm rim instead….and now you’re wondering why it doesnt work as designed?!

    Lets also not get into how the tyre companies design and test their products (with pro rider input) with x-amount of psi in them and then some nobody on a forum comes along and goes “hey, i’m making it up technical climbs like a god if i run 10psi instead of the recommended 25psi”….shortly followed by a post complaining that said tyres now burp when going round corners, and another post asking why the front of their bike is now washing out on fast turns…

    …in short if half the BDS field are running Deemax rims with a 28mm internal diameter your 30mm+ rims are not the cause of ANY of your crap riding…its user error not equipment fail.

    Exceptions can be made for fat bikes and riding on snow, sand etc but really now many of us do that?….i counted zero fat bike riders in last winters snow when i was out on my moto-x bike, pertinent to another thread on here today is just how busy BPW is and the behemoth its become…thats the kind of riding this country is moving towards (rightly or wrongly) and if you think you NEED wider rims to get down those trails then you probably need to rethink your riding a little, you’re not at Rampage, you’re at a rough moderately steep hill in South Wales…you do not need a set-up that Gwin would find excessive for a WC DH track.


    Free Member

    They/youll be fine, I ran up to 2.5 tyres on the 456-evo I owned for years, turned out the Ree’tard wheels on that bike were only 19mm or so….no probs, the wide rim thing is marketing.
    What was the go-to DH wheel for privateers and some trade teams?….the Deemax, the internal width?….something like 21-23mm.

    According to the fashionistas on here that shouldn’t work, also here’s another secret…most of the guys and girls in WC DH and EWS are running more psi than most on this forum too.

    As someone else said, run wide rims, a huge tyre and bugger all psi and you end up with a square profile tyre with crap progression from upright to lean….but then when every Sunday is spent riding Llandegla bolt upright like a roll down the promenade i don’t suppose this really matters!

    Free Member

    She can have my hornet frame for the price of postage (or if you’re in Wales you can collect for free)…it’s Alu, 17 inches, 26 or 650b, black, no damage….just moved back to steel that’s all.

    Free Member

    It’s comedy, it’s from another era…’s still ok to find it funny.

    Do people actually waste their day worrying about this stuff!?!?

    Free Member

    Just bought a glorious 3.2 liter coal burner for £1000 last weekend, most fun I’ve had in a car in a long time…those of us removed from the cities couldn’t care less what you hand wringers do about you car fretting, they’re there to be enjoyed.

    Free Member

    I’ll post pics of mine later, just have to run some errands first, remove one of the inner arches so I can push a dent out and take a hacksaw to some arch flare thingies that are stopping me glueing back on a different part of the arch….

    ….generally people move away from it in carpark!

    Free Member

    The bars on my dirt motorbike are Renthals, they’re narrower diameter than current 31.8mm stuff let alone 35mm bars…. I’ve no doubt the forces going through the motorcycle bars are many many times that of the MTB ones but marketing dictates it must be time for a stem/bar change as we’d pretty much done all we could with stems down to 35mm and bars out to 800mm…

    …..cynical? Moi?

    I’m waiting for Fox or someone to actually bring to market a fork with a larger diameter than those found on a proper 450cc Moto-x bike…can’t be too many years away.

    Free Member

    Genuinely curious – do you really think the moral fibre of the population has decreased? Or could availability of cheap money be driving demand?

    Both to varying degrees.

    John Prescott did a good program trying to get the young and unemployed into work…one girl he was helping sort out her CV etc was asked what she wanted to do?….her responses ranged from: I want to marry a footballer, I wasn’t to be a singer, to simply “i want to be famous”…..Prescott’s face was a picture because I’m sure he’s read about this new type of underclass but put it down to Tory scaremongering etc….he went through the paper with her finding loads of local jobs, one of them was way over the minimum wage and within walking distance…she didn’t want it, why?….it was a cleaning job and apparently “she’s too good to be a cleaner”….i genuinely felt sorry for dear John, I don’t think he’d encountered that attitude before, the girl is probably still unemployed now.

    Now go back the my dad’s generation (he’s 70) and if they were asked what they wanted to do the bright ones would say something like engineering, others might say builder, some would come out as plumbers, sparkles, some may even have wanted to join the army
    …im sure a few dreamers would still have wanted to be singers (we have that generation to thank for the Stones, Beatles etc) so not all bad but the realism of building a career and subsequently building a business seems lacking these days.

    I’m in the 40% tax bracket and in a few years will have to file my own tax return. No degree or A levels. Married with 1 child and a mortgage. Very comfortable with savings, ISA and no non mortgage debt.

    My colleague is on the exact same pay scale as me, single and rents. He has a degree. He is always asking when pay day is because he’s skint by the end of the month. No savings or investments.

    I go on more holidays but he’s got the flash car, nights out and expensive clothes.

    Priorities init.

    This too.

    Our friends are amazed we’re on a repayment mortgage and not interest only…we explained we wanted it paid off sooner rather than later…the bemusement in their faces was priceless….’but you could’ve got so much more if you’d gone interest only’…yep and been crapping ourselves each night over how we’d pay off the capital when that day came….or glued to the news in the evening praying for no interest rate rises…no way to live in my opinion.
    Our friends drive nice cars that they effectively rent whereas ours are bought and paid for, they holiday twice a year (skiing winter and somewhere hot for Summer)..all clamor to get the latest iPhone on release etc and yet wonder why they’re permanently broke while Mr and Mrs Deviant can piss off for the weekend at the drop off a hat’s…lifestyle choices, it’s not rocket science.

    So in short, yes I do think there’s been a cultural shift, people want more ‘shiny’ and they’re not prepared to wait or save for it.
    Makes me glad I (at least feel like I opted out) of all this bullshit and moved out of the South East in 2015, took a pay cut to do it but live around genuinely nice people who want to help out ifb they can and crime is none existent….weather could be better mind but you can’t have everything.

    Free Member

    I’ll ride based on my safety and convenience, the safety and convenience of other road users and then the law.

    Good luck with that….the law comes first and it can be an inflexible bastard, it rarely gives two hoots about your convenience.

    Free Member

    Easy to blame Brexit payday loans, easy credit and the like but they wouldn’t exist without a market….not everyone is using them because they’re on the breadline, a huge clientele use them for the latest phones, some never ending PCP car deal or the ‘need’ for a new bike, tv, tablet etc etc…. People aren’t prepared to wait and save for 6 months, the fashion would’ve prolly passed by then anyway and they’d be laughed out for being out of date.
    It’s easy to blame bankers, MPs etc but it’s weak willed individuals obsessed with ‘shiny’ who are as much to blame.

    Free Member

    Yep, loved the ones we’ve had and easy reliable power to be freed from the L200s.

    I’d have another but Mrs Deviant is enjoying swanning around in a Touareg at the moment…personally I’d like a mk2 or mk3 VW Caddy pickup as my own bike transport but most are rusty buckets now.

    Looked at two this week, both had more rust than actual car, shame….still I have plans for a clean euro style Golf Estate as my biking wagon by the end of the week.

    Free Member

    Fixed mine in for as long as poss too, although I voted leave I’m cautious re. my mortgage, don’t want any nasty 15% rates around the corner when we do leave.

    Free Member

    Haven’t we always known this!?….but like the marketing gullible freaks we are we’re obsessed with new tech, lighter weight etc and air suspension offered all of that….and for more money making us think we were getting a better product!

    I still have some 2011 (’12) coil spring forks that outperform everything air sprung I’ve used so far…shame they’re 170mm and only useful in a handful of situations.

    Free Member

    It works both ways guys, if as a group ‘we’ want to be taken seriously and not just seen as road tax avoiding, congestion causing menaces (i believe that’s the common misconception among anti cycling mouth breathers)…then we have to ride to a decent standard, jumping red lights is a no no despite what people think…just because you think it only affects you if it goes wrong is irrelevant, I used to ride my motorbike like a ****, if I got it wrong nobody but me paid the price but that’s not how the public and the law see it.

    Good news if traffic wardens and coppers start dishing out fines to nob’ead cyclists.

    Free Member

    Finally added it up, just need the bars to arrive and I’m good to go.

    It has been budget of sorts…the groupset was the most expensive part, a new 105 groupset for around £300
    The Chinese catslogue frame was £80
    The superstar wheels were £200
    The bar/stem combo is £40
    Seatpost £20
    Bartape £16
    Saddle £30

    I make that less than £700….not bad I reckon.

    So the general consensus Is to get a skinsuit?

    Free Member

    Economics 101

    The government does not have it’s own/any money.

    Any money the government has is your money, it’s collected in taxation.

    No taxation and the government has no money.

    Good luck with this plan as the massive wealth creating companies all scramble to relocate to more friendly economic countries.

    Pure pie in the sky sixth formers thinking.

    Free Member

    Anything 650b will take 26 wheels and ride lower and more stable if that’s your thing.

    Free Member

    My current bikes drivetraiin is past its best, a new 105 11speed groupset is £300, the generic frame is Alu and is £100, the wheels are £220, the bars/stem is £60, the seatpost is £30, the saddle is £30, bar’s tape Is £20…all it it’s standing me less than bm

    Free Member

    B Traits is great, long way up for her, she did it the old school way…not some semi celeb parachuted into a show.
    I remember her from when I worked in the Guildford Chertsey area and she was on Kane FM, she’s been consistently brilliant for about 10 years now!

    Free Member

    I’d sooner have Katie Hopkins talking in my school than these religious types, at least KH is responsible for less wars than religion.

    I’d pull my children from this nonsense, they could do something more useful like paint school fences or count blades of grass on the playing field.

    Free Member

    If you can put your anti Tory vitriol to one side for a minute all he’s trying to say (albeit clumsily) is that a family environment is usually the most conducive to a healthy society and to be fair there are plenty of studies to show that kids from two parent families achieve more at school, get better jobs etc…the next part is just him describing the male version of the ‘cat lady’ people joke about who has never married and comes across as a bit weird.

    Storm in a teacup.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why they would choose to stop the voting when they could simply ignore the outcome.

    The government is afraid the vote would conclusively demonstrate the Catalans desire for independence….that would be uncomfortable for the Spanish and would likely lead to Madrid having to concede powers to the region and allow further autonomy to avoid Catalonia breaking away…

    …they can’t let that happen so they’re preventing the vote entirely…

    …they’ve gone about it in a staggeringly clumsy fashion however, public opinion is now with the Catalans.

    Free Member

    Ours have been found locally from adverts posted in shop windows and posted up in animal feed merchants…these tend to be from the owners of a bitch that has accidentally got pregnant and they dont want the pups or from the owners of a bitch who wanted her to have a litter so sourced a dog to put her to and now they need to sell the pups..both these methods mean you avoid puppy farms and get to visit the home, see the bitch etc…keep your eyes peeled in the local post office, newsagent, pet shop etc..

    Free Member

    Loving the hand wringing and backlash on this thread…it only seemed a short while ago that the STW chat forum was a awash with ‘what stove’ and ‘what axe’ threads…move out of the cities lads.


    Free Member

    I don’t understand why car drivers are driving at 55 – 60.

    No problem with this as long as it’s being done in lane one…it becomes a problem when the idiot does it for mile after mile in the middle lane forcing traffic to split either side of them and undertake or all pile into lane three.

    Again, it’s dead simple…if you’re not overtaking get in lane one.
    In lane one nobody cares how slow you want to drive because you’re easy to overtake…the only people that may have something to say eventually are traffic police who may feel that below a certain speed you now pose a danger to yourself or other road users.

    Free Member

    Nah. Left lane is for trucks.


    I’ll be sure to give you the middle finger next time I undertake your 65mph, middle lane hogging self.


    Free Member

    Warning – graphic halal slaughter

    Yeah, it’s pretty sick…and this is being done in the name of a belief system, religion of peace and all that…

    There is nothing wrong with looking for the definitive standardized most humane method of slaughter and then implementing that across the board…religion should play no part in it.

    Some people on here are of the view that the animal is for slaughter anyway so what does it matter how it’s killed!?..really?!…let’s all entertain ourselves with some bull fighting first because you know, the bull will end up dead and on a plate anyway so what does it matter how it ended up there…or perhaps some cockfighting before Sunday roast chicken?!…

    …maybe just bring back fox hunting because farmers are shooting the foxes with rifles and they end up dead anyway so let’s just allow horses and hounds to chase them first and tear them to pieces?!….in fact with fox hunting being rooted in history and tradition it has about as much legitimacy as the tradition of Halal slaughter.

    Free Member

    I don’t get people getting het up about trucks whilst they themselves are using the very same space, most probably for their own amusement. Trucks are not just driving around clogging up the roads for a laugh. They are delivering all that crap that you buy from the supermarket (and most likely driving to), bringing your Amazon orders to a warehouse somewhere. How many of your journeys are really necessary?
    Without trucks our stores would be empty and the economy would stall.


    A necessary inconvenience I’m afraid…more annoying are the people who lane hog the middle lane…thick drivers need to understand that everything apart from lane one is an overtaking lane…if you’re not overtaking its time to move across back to lane one, it’s not a difficult concept.

    More and more I set my cruise control to 70mph and just travel in lane one, I have to move out for the odd artic but I find my progress otherwise effortless as I pass all manner of traffic traveling at 65mph in the middle lane…what i don’t understand is said vehicles then get the hump and flash their lights at me for undertaking…well if these idiots were in lane one pottering along at 65mph I’d be able to overtake correctly in the middle lane they’re hogging!….bizarre behavior from a surprisingly high number of road users.

    Rule 264
    You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past. Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking.


    Rule 268
    In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right.

    To go from lane one in order to pass a middle lane idiot without undertaking requires four lane changes…1st out from lane one to lane two behind said driver, 2nd to lane three to overtake, 3rd back to lane two in front of said driver, 4th to go back into lane one…if they were in the correct lane it’d be two lane changes and better moving traffic.

    Free Member

    GrahamS…i’m being facetious but then you knew that anyway, just struck me as funny that EU countries blather on about the right to free movement in the sector then get all NIMBY about tourists coming to a particular region.

    Free Member

    So good he said it three times…

    Free Member

    Paul Joseph Watson

    Follow him already, he’s good too…Farage gets a little too lost in the details of politics for my tastes…Trump?…nope, not my cup of tea.

    Also try Douglas Murray for some good ideas while not giving a flying #### who tries to shout him down.

    Free Member

    Are you familiar with the phrases “security carnival” or “security circus”. There are a lot of countries that do very visible airport security to make you FEEL safe but lots where they do things that actually make you safer.

    You can drive up to the departure terminal at Gatwick (the drop off point) and let a bomb off, people everywhere, it’d be hideous…on check-in my suitcase wasn’t scanned in my presence, it may have been once it went through check-in but I couldn’t tell you…plus it was locked so couldn’t be opened and was still locked at the other end…i was frisked going through to the departure lounge and my hand luggage went through a scanner.

    Compare that to Hurghada, you couldn’t get near the airport, there was a perimeter fence with a check point meaning you couldn’t get a bomb anywhere near passengers, vehicles were only allowed in with the correct paperwork, vehicles were searched and bomb disposal guys checked underneath, passengers were asked for passports etc…get to the terminal, not allowed in the building without flight numbers and tickets…once inside suitcase through a scanner and then onto a table and emptied/searched, frisked and through a scanner myself…suitcase checked in and through to departure lounge, hand luggage scanned, emptied and searched…another frisk and scan for me.

    Gatwick didn’t search my hand luggage, the frisk was laughably inadequate…the one in Egypt was bordering on intimate in comparison…Gatwick may well have scanned my case but they didn’t open it, Egypt scanned and opened it before check-in…then there was the exclusion zone around the airport in Egypt which meant it was essentially closed to the public and only open to holiday makers.
    Seemed a whole lot better to me, there is nothing stopping someone walking into Gatwick departures and detonating a device among hundreds of people, you don’t need to be able to get it on the plane.

    Deviant – have you gone over that list yet and double checked all the things that you agree with?

    Yes, read it when it was posted although I’ve read most of it first hand as I follow her on Twitter…some of it I agree with (although i accept that her delivery irks some people) and some of it is clearly meant as a joke, that people can’t tell some of it is humor is worrying.

    Free Member

    Lol, EU country/cities getting the hump over movement of people…couldn’t make it up.

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