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  • deviant
    Free Member

    As custodians of Islam’s holy sites, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have issued warnings that this move could inflame the Muslim world.

    The Palestinian militant group Hamas has called for a new uprising against Israel after US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

    Endorsing the illegal occupation of Jerusalem leads to more trouble.


    That doesn’t sound like our peace loving Muslim friends.

    Free Member

    What do you bring to this country? Unpleasantness and bigotry?

    You confuse my political leanings with my character.
    I’m generous to a fault even when in debt myself, I’m fiercely loyal to friends and as my. Mother was one of nine children I have a lovely large family.
    My grandmother was Guernsey French and had to evacuate from the Germans and my grandfather was Polish and had to escape the Nazis too.
    Both immigrants, both intergrated into the village, both worked (no victim mentality with those two tough cookies) and both paid taxes….they were eternally grateful to the UK for taking them in and did all they could to be good citizens and pay the county back….it’s not hard is it?….maybe I get my stance on. Immigration from them….it turns my stomach when someone arrives here and starts to demand a mosque to pray in, benefits because the wife doesn’t speak English etc….how about a better use of that money to get her intro evening classes, speaking the language and then able to contribute to society….but I’mb going to massively generalise here and say the husband won’t let her go to evening classes as she must run the house….huge generalisation over but I hope the point got across, some culture just isn’t compatible with ours, some immigrants do all they can to integrate and become British, others are on the take…..don’t believe me, there’s a video of Macron in despair telling a Moroccan woman that he can’t just issue French passports to anyone who wants one..about the only sense I’ve heard from him since he’s been president…maybe, just maybe the leaders of Europe are starting to see that we don’t have the infrastructure, schooling, heath, money etc for everyone that wants to come to Europe….god I hope so, Merkel’s shenanigans the other year will haunt her for years.

    It’s not that I’m racist, or xenophobic….for me theres just two types of people in the world…those who work, and those who choose not to work (The disabled obviously get a pass on this)….i don’t care if they’re British or immigrant, if their idea of living here is claiming benefits and watching tv they can go to hell….whatever passport they have, it’s a very nice simple view of things and helps me judge people very quickly because there is something inherently wrong with someone (British or foreigners) who think there is a bottomless pit and just want to take out of it.

    Free Member

    Once retired or over 40 your choir of destination will be severely limited unless you have significant investment resources. Suck it up princess you will be stuck in Wales.

    Seemingly not, several of my colleagues, all registered paramedics, all over 40 (one was over 50), home owners in the UK have had no trouble getting into Australia…..couldn’t take them quick enough, one of the services my colleague joined even got a Golden handshake of several thousand dollars to buy white goods with to kit out her new apartment…another one earns mega bucks doing fly in/fly out with an oil and gas company….this is what I’m talking about when I talk about good immigration vs bad immigration…..all of my colleagues have brought something of worth to Australia whether it be expertise in a specialist field, professional registration, equity in property and most importantly of all being working tax payers….they pay into the pot, they don’t take handouts.

    Apart from humanitarian refugees that’s how immigration should be….what can you bring to the county?….nothing?….oh, see ya, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
    What can you bring?…oh you’re a registered health care professional, of working age, and with equity from your property….come right in!

    I’m not silly Mike, I’ll come over when I’m still working, chunk of money from paying off my mortgage in the UK that I’d like to invest in oz please and they’ll take me like they did in 2014….i’ll just be 53 not not 37 like we planned.

    Free Member

    igm, sadly I’ve got another 13 yrs at the coalface until I can retire….until a generous relative pops their clogs and I get a windfall…. It’ll be a glorious day, I may even book first class to travel away from this country that was once England.

    Honestly (and with some sadness) I can’t think of a single thing I’ll miss such has been the colossal cock up of this country during my adult life.

    Quick edit for mikewsmith….i have no problem with that, sadly people coming into the UK don’t want to abide by those common sense rules, that’s why I’m not retiring in the UK
    You won’t notice I’m here, I’ll buy a plot a few acres in size towards the south of Western Australia to escape the harshest of the summer heat, about an hour’s drive to the beach, about an hour inland to lush MTB county and peace and quiet, bliss.

    It’s what we did in 2015 with Wales but already in that short period you can feel and see the area is getting bigger and busier…It’ll do for now and the house was a real gem, picked up for 240k with land and stables….the estate agent that sold it to us swung by the other day to tell us he had a cash butat willing to go over 300k to get it…and as a bonus just before interest rates rose the other month I locked us down in a three year 1%-ish fixed rate deal….despite my moaning I’m actually quite a happy chap!

    Free Member

    Well this escalated, will I need to murder someone and claim their land when I move to oz?

    …..things have changed since 2014, sounds like the wild west now.

    Free Member

    igm, would love to….i have far better things I should be doing but 2016 was genuinely interesting for once in political terms that it’s hard not to view and comment on the fallout.

    …..and with humourous observers like Gavin Mcguinness, Faith Goldy, Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern all covering the same mainstream stories but with the lefty misty rose tinted lens taken off its interesting to see the true colors of people who say they believe in tolerance, free speech etc get all punchy and angry when their views are challenged….these are interesting times.

    Milo Yianopoulis is good for a laugh too but Peter Hitchens tells it like it is….not a patch on his brother but Christopher was unique…Douglas Murrray is also brilliant particularly on Islam and why it doesn’t integrate…..spend some work time on. YouTube, if it’s good enough an MP and all that…..

    Free Member

    You’re on the STW forums which is equally unproductive.


    If you’re surfing the web for pleasure be it of the carnal kind or the middle managers choice of weekend fun (MTBing)….then you’re potentially breaking work rules.

    The porn aspect is a sensationalist headline to keep the story in the press as long as possible.

    I wonder how many of his right honourable colleagues spend tax payers money and use parliamentary time propping up the commons bar?….same thing to me.

    Free Member

    That’s because Britain is lost, my vote was a protest at how ‘well’ I thought the great multicultural experiment had done.

    The plan was to try one last ditch effort to regain sovereignty and judicial powers, limit immigration, stop funding 3rd world EU member states etc…all valid reasons as far as I’m concerned….but my retirement won’t be here….as already said it’ll be in sunnier climes in a county where their navy still boards boats full of illegal immigrants and sends them back not welcomes them in with open arms….we’ve gone soft in this country, Australia’s detention islands are a great idea….how many illegals do we lose in this country because we don’t detain them, we just ask them to turn up at a police station each week!……yeah, that’ll happen.

    They is a glimmer of hope, 2016 showed that actually quite a lot of people (maybe even half?) don’t actually agree with current political thinking and found a voice, being decried as racist is old now, Nazi is a new one but anyone with a brain can look at what the actual Nazis did versus just unpopular, untrendy viewpoints….we’ve had nearly 30 yrs of the left thinking everyone agrees with them, we didn’t agree, we just kept quiet because the insult of racist could actually ruin a career….now people are happy to argue out of that and the police rarely press charges….no insults work anymore, it’s been a well used tactic but it’s easily taken apart by argument and that’s what the left hate….they aim to equate speech with hate and violence so that it’s acceptable for them to physically strike someone whose ideas they don’t like….much easier than debating eh?
    2016 was the year the left got found out and the right stopped being afraid of insults and started to argue back….oooh, the left really didn’t like that.

    Haha, f##k it, bring it on.

    Free Member

    let me know when you go so we can come and wave you off.

    You won’t be allowed to, your local Imam will have forced prayer time on you for the umpteenth time that day.

    Free Member

    Non story, unless there was bestiality or pedophilia on there what’s the problem?

    Telling off for doing it in work time?

    When did we become so puritan!?….the copper making the statement this morning sounded like the kind of chap who gets embarrassed over his own erections or cries after sex the uptight waste of a uniform.

    Free Member

    I had pretty much everything sorted to go in 2014, savings, house on the market with good equity, job offer with pay rise….already had my eye on the V8 Ute I was going to carry my MX bike around in…even the other half was dead keen, looked at some lovely villages about an hour outside Perth…wouldn’t want to live in the actual city, that’d be like swapping one form of multicultural hell for another… Somewhere just far enough out for us discerning ex pats.

    ….then both our fathers started selfishly having heart problems and we made the decision to stick around for family reasons, at least long enough until they’re cold in the ground….then we’re off!

    See ya suckers, enjoy sharia law, modesty zones for women, the rise of FGM, being taught an archaic middle east religion in a UK school (Actually all religions are guilty of that not just Islam but no thanks all the same), poke it, that’s not the UK I grew up knowing. It’s weird that I feel I have more in common with Aussies who left the UK several generations ago than I do with current leftie Brits….sad state of affairs we’ve sleepwalked into.

    Now the acid attack capital of Europe, the honour beating and killing leader in Europe and all that tit in a suit Sadiq can talk about are non binary gender toilets…sums him up really, light weight politician with Freudian toilet fixation….should be in an asylum not a public office.

    Free Member

    Apart from the illegals most come through a tougher immigration system and are net contributors…plus the size of the country means I can buy my own space and not have to interact with them.

    Much like I do on a smaller scale in Wales currently….when I have the funds I’ll do like my old crew mate has done and buy 75 acres with a fishing lake and motocross track and drink beer in the sunshine laughing at what a dump the UK became.

    Free Member

    I have no interest in Britain First, until this week I hadn’t heard of them.

    But if most right thinking people are as concerned about the shameful things some elements of Islam do then why is the mainstream news not full of it?….why aren’t feminists up in arms about the treatment of millions of women under Islam?….could it be they’re scared of being called racists?…i think so.

    Free Member

    The EU are welcome to this dump, well everything sitting inside the m25 anyway.

    It’s a lost cause, anyone young enough save your money and leave….last time I was in Australia it was acceptable to have stickers in the back window of your car saying “f##k off, we’re full”….that’s my kind of country. In the UK the police would have you down for some kind of ‘hate crime’ or other made up nonsense.

    They’ve got many many times our land mass but just a 25 million population…and they love it and want to keep it that way, I wonder what’s it’s like to still take pride in your country and enjoy free speech!?

    Free Member

    I would describe myself as being anti militant Islamist.

    In other words the religion is fine but I have a problem with the Manchester bomber and the 7/7 killings, I have a problem with subjugation of women, I have a problem with FGM, I have a problem with denying education to women based on religion, I have a problem with sharia law, I have a problem with some of its hostility to homosexuality, I have a problem with Isis trying to create a Muslim caliphate through existing middle east countries using violence etc….it’s not an enlightened religion and in so many ways it makes itself a figure for fun.

    Free Member

    ‘Deviant’ has a long term plan to fleece the NHS for all I can get during my career, then leave with a golden handshake and lovely public sector pension….to somewhere like Australia where I already have friends and the county seems to have a better handle on immigration than us.

    I’ll leave you losers in awesome multicultural UK

    Free Member

    Start away….and no I obviously know Britain First are a racist organization and want nothing to do with them.

    But I hate the wholesale media, political and celebrity equation with anti Islam sentiment as ‘racism’….

    ….as I said, I can convert to Islam tomorrow, does that change my race?

    Obviously not.

    Islam is not a race, having a problem with certain aspects of militant Islam like FGM, the testimony of a woman worth half that of a man, general subjugation of women in some predominantly Islam countries, sharia law etc is not racist and I cannot fathom why supposed feminists aren’t targeting the more barbaric elements of this religion!?….seems fear of being (wrongly) labeled racist because of criticism of a religion is silencing so many people.

    Free Member

    But there’s been a reduction in the amount of immigration into the UK

    Brexit is bloody brilliant isnt it?


    Free Member

    Don’t really follow all of his blatherings on Twitter but I’m guessing it was more anti Islam sentiment.

    As much as people want to criticise this I wish they’d get the terminology correct.

    Islam is not a race, being anti Islam doesn’t infer racism …i can convert to Islam tomorrow, does my race change to?

    If people want to get all shouty and offended because he retweeted anti Islam videos fair enough but let’s stop desperately trying to equate a religion to a race in order to make it all seem so much more outrageous.

    Free Member

    Create a united Ireland but anyone in Ulster who wants a UK passport can have one.

    Give the EU their divorce bill out of the foreign aid budget, lol….we’ll see how badly they want it then.

    This is easy.

    Free Member

    Could be several things going on here, some additional muscle gain from exercise, muscle tissue being denser than far looks alarming on the scales which is why I usually a mirror to judge how in or out of shape I am.

    Bone density improves/increases with exercise and is a ‘hidden’ weight people rarely consider, it shows on the scales without being obviously visible to the eye.

    Lastly you may now simply be eating what you current weight needs to sustain itself, if you want to lose more then eat a little less….when I started kickboxing I was 15 stone, the coach told me i’d qualify as a heavyweight but I was only 5′ 9″ tall….he said the natural 6ft+ heavyweights would kill me and that if I was serious about licenced fighting i’d need to be a middleweight at my height….over the course of 18 months I went from 15st to 11st while attending twice weekly training sessions…I knocked the weights on the head as I didn’t want any unnecessary muscle bulk, I kept bodyweight exercises obviously (chins/pull ups, dips, press ups etc) and my diet became very Spartan.

    Breakfast was 2x Weetabix with semi skimmed milk (no sugar), cup of tea or glass of juice.

    Mid morning snack of a pieace of fruit, more tea, water etc.

    Lunch was a sandwich, chesse and ham, chick mayo, tuna and sweetcorn…it doesn’t really matter…more water, maybe another cup of tea.

    Dinner was pasta and meat or fish and rice, typically chicken breast and a bed of rice or tinned tuna mixed into pasta and pesto….more water.

    No snacks like crisps, cake, chocolate etc…no carbonated drinks…no deserts on meals out with friends, just a starter and main. I took a multivitamin each day to cover for any defincencies in the diet.

    It worked, yes I was hungry as hell at the beginning but with the exercise the weight fell off and as I lost weight I became less and less hungry until I was down to my target weight and no longer hungry…a platuea if you like.

    …everybody hits one, mine just happened to be where I wanted it to be, I could’ve gone lighter but it would’ve meant drastic changes to the diet which I already thought was pretty bare and I didn’t fancy that.

    Free Member

    JHJ…are you seriously suggesting the towers were brought down to eliminate John P Oneil?…seems hard work, why not just car bomb him individually?…no government would go to that effort to take out a former FBI investigator…fair enough he was one of the first to ‘discover’ Al Qaeda and investigate (and link) the Saudi, Yemen and original WTC bombings but why leave his colleague Ali Soufan alive?…especially as he has been particularly scathing in his criticism of the CIA and says he could have prevented 9/11 if they’d released certain information to him?…in fact Ali Soufan is still alive and well, publishing books and is wheeled out for TV sometimes for debate on this matter…seems odd leaving him alive and taking out John P Oneil?

    …or its just conspiracy theory horsecrap and John P Oneil was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Free Member

    Some procedures are much easier with two people but I did spend 7 years working on the rapid response car by myself and it’s surprising what you can get done when control tell you there’s no additional help to send.
    Re. the post above about one qualified member of staff and a minimum wage gopher…already happens, when I started 17 years ago two paramedics on a vehicle was normal but now it tends to be one paramedic and one ECSW (emergency care support worker) or whatever variation a particular trust are using…think of them as the care assistants in a hospital and you’re on the right track, that’s not to say they aren’t helpful (as I said earlier, two pairs of hand are often required) but their training is basic and I personally think it’s a step backwards.

    About the guys and girls ferrying oldies to and from outpatients appointments…they tend to be called Ambulance Care Assistants and work on the patient transport service (PTS) branch of the service…pretty much first aid and automatic defib training only, no blue light training either.

    Hope that helps, regarding what to do if an ambulance comes up behind, just pull over to the left…simple, if you can’t (say parked traffic on either side and only room for one vehicle down the road) drive at the pace you were, don’t slow down, get past the parked cars and then pull over…again simple, why this isn’t taught in the driving test I don’t know…i even had a driver pull across me to the right while I was overtaking on the right, needless to say we collided and the bloke admitted he had no idea what to do and was trying to get into someone’s driveway!…i admired his intention but the consequences were an RTC and having to stand down on the emergency…for once the service backed me instead of just paying out and pursued it for a 50/50 (anyone in the ambulance service knows how rare this is, usually blame on us is a given!)…weirdest evasive action I’ve come across yet.
    Thankfully off road now and in control (the dark side!).

    Free Member

    It overruled a 2005 decision by Charles Clarke, then home secretary, to refuse entry to a French national known to be involved in terrorism.

    In 2013, when the government was trying to refuse entry to a known terrorist with a French passport, the ECJ ruled in his favour after his lawyers argued that under the charter he was entitled to know the grounds for excluding him, potentially compromising sensitive intelligence.

    In 2010 Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, a Kurdish asylum seeker who caused the death of a 12 year girl in a driving accident, avoided deportation.

    Take your pick, there’s loads more but I got bored of looking them up…no foreign court should be able to override the highest court in the land.
    Your opinion may differ, I think it’s a bizarre thing to live this way and call it democratic, sooner it’s over the better.

    Free Member

    tj, firstly I’m not convinced the ‘impoverished’ scenario is likely, as much as the doom mongers are pessimistic I’m optimistic…and secondly yes, it did come down to a decision that wasn’t about money for me, it was done on the principle of rejecting an ever more integrated Europe, rejecting an over reaching European Court etc…if there is some financial penalty for that then I’m game, this country has been through worse.

    You only have to look at how the EU treated Greece to see how big a bunch of pricks they can be and now with Poland and a few other countries being threatened with sanctions by the lovely EU for daring to administer their own immigration levels and not just taking the number the EU threw at them…i thought the EU was a collection of sovereign states free to make their own rules and laws?…the bureaucrats in Brussels don’t seem to think so…nearly made me puke the other day when that prat O’Brien on LBC was telling a caller that countries in the EU have always been able to set their own immigration levels and that the EU has nothing to do with it!….in reality that’s complete nonsense and the current actions of the EU towards Poland are a classic example of why I can’t stand Brussels and the duplicity of conning people into thinking they (the EU) have nothing to do with overruling individual countries but dare to go against their decisions and they’ll threaten you with fines, sanctions etc….classic bullying and I have no desire to live under that.

    Free Member

    Part of the reason people like me voted to leave is so we don’t have to deal with these euro freaks and their colossal cash swallowing project of an ever more integrated Europe…factor in the dictatorial stance on negotiations and the lovely democratic way the Spanish handled the Catalan crisis (prosecutions for sedition looming FFS) and I’m more than happy to get far far away from these loonies…i appreciate they may have the same view/sentiment towards me.

    Free Member

    Built on <1%

    Country and/or farming 99%

    Ceredigion region, Wales.

    Free Member

    Maybe I’m one of the turkeys voting for Christmas but at this stage I’d happily see Britain leave the EU without a deal but with the caveat that we don’t pay them a single penny in a ‘divorce’ bill…stuff ’em.

    They will have to trade with us under WTO rules anyway and if anyone believes nonsense like flights over Europe and the UK will stop following no deal then they’re delusional….things like that are as important to them as us, call their bluff….let the negotiating team do the maths and work out whether the UK is better off with a good deal and a massive divorce bill or no deal and withholding any ‘divorce’ money….if it’s the latter then go with that and stuff honoring any agreements….the UK is a net contributor and has been for some time, the EU is downright lying if they say they won’t miss our money.

    Free Member

    Possibly your would be happier in the South East. Not everyone wants to up and relocate away from families and communities – family and community bonds are that somewhat stronger in Wales I would say and I am not sure why good jobs cannot be brought to the valleys and the West.

    I’m happy here, you couldn’t pay me enough to go back to England….but the attitude to work here stinks, that’s all I was pointing out.

    I also agree about jobs being spread around the country, if you want a nicer UK in general (and I think we all do) then governments need to offer incentives to get companies to expand or setup in regional areas…I’d vote for whoever promised that but even Labour politicians seem to be London centric these days, sad really.

    Free Member

    Ebay’d a non runner recently for £150…also called the local scrap man about a write off (but would run) and got just over £100…seems to be about right.

    Been replacing cars with anything using VAG’s 1.9tdi engine for years now….theyre economical, reliable, good poke/shove, cheap etc

    Had Seat Leon tdi, Mk4 Golf tdi, Passat tdi, Audi A4 tdi…all brilliant and varied from £500 to £750….mileage from 150,000 to 225,000 but seeing as these engines are usually good for 300,000+ it’s all good…becoming thin on the ground now sadly and the subsequent 2.0 tdi wasn’t nearly as reliable and had problems with DPFs, simply exploding etc.

    Free Member

    This is going to sound harsh but very few industries continue indefinitely….yet former mining towns and villages seem to think they were entitled to jobs for life from the coal industry.

    It’s like all the mobile (and static) deisel tuners at the moment, a few years ago they were raking it in as people took their 150bhp Golf to 250bhp for a few hundred quid….things must be slowing now and with deisel phasing out they’ll be looking for work soon.

    You adapt, don’t get complacent, take courses when they’re offered to you, be willing to travel etc….there’s loads of people in my town/village area of Wales (Lampeter/Llanwnnen) who moan there’s no jobs, no social mobility etc….true, it’s like retirement city here but if you’re willing to travel 1/2 hour to Carmarthen in one direction or the same in the other direction to Aberystwyth then there are plenty of jobs…as above if you’re willing to travel for an hour it gets you down to Swansea, Llanelli and access to more work…but this requires effort and its easier to moan there’s not a 25k a year job at the end of your road than put the leg work in.

    The attitude since I’ve been here (even among locals) is that there is plenty of work if you’re willing to travel, the problem is the attitude to work….in the South East where I’m from it is considered nothing to commute over an hour to work….here in Lampeter locals consider Carmarthen a long way a way (30 mins)….change that and you change the whole face of the area positively.

    When we fell in love with the area and decided to move here we were well aware that jobs were thin on the ground but we were also prepared to travel up to 90mins to get to work, that put us in touching distanceb of Cardiff…no problems then, but talk like that to locals and they think you’re mad.

    Public transport is actually really good with buses going from the village and town to Carmarthen and Aberystwyth every half hour from 6am through to 9pm, now this won’t be perfect for all jobs but it’s a damn site better than the South East was.

    In the South East people will move house and relocate for work, talk like that here and locals will look at you like you’ve got two heads…it’s a very old fashioned parochial view that hasn’t changed with time.

    Free Member

    Women often prefer not to return to work after maternity leave.”.

    Perfectly reasonable – I’d expect most blokes would do that if their wives let them – but lets not pretend it doesn’t happen.


    All my ‘couply’ friends are in good jobs and in a few of them the woman earns more than the man….hasn’t stopped any of them (without exception) from grinning smugly once pregnant and declaring that they won’t be going back to work…much to the horror of the male partner as that sinks in, going from being comfortable as a couple on two good salaries to having three of you and only one bread winner.

    Notice the woman can make this choice unilaterally without needing consent from her male partner, a couple of my mates have planned to have children with their wives at pre agreed later dates, only for the woman to decide it’s now time and to take herself off the pill without telling her partner….yey for equality!

    Free Member

    Good to see bono’s name popping up in there.

    Telling governments the world over to spend our taxes to help the poor, whilst he squirrels away money offshore.

    The hypocrisy of the man is disgusting..

    Yup, champagne swilling socialist dick’ead of the highest order.

    Free Member

    So your privilege is to earn money and retain domestic help? Your wife’s is? To have a generous benefactor who employs her to keep the house clean? What if she was single? What would that mean?

    When I was single I worked and did the household chores….shock horror, it wasn’t that difficult.
    I’m assuming a woman could do the same?

    ….or are you bringing children into this?

    If so, I know the answer to that too….my little sister is currently doing it, partner walked out leaving her with the baby and the state has taken up the slack….to the extent she was even able to become a full-time student and get a degree done on benefits, I work full time, don’t have kids and can’t afford to go back to uni even though it would benefit my career.

    But you’re right, poor hard done by women in this day and age….i could also talk about the privilege women enjoy in family court hearings, brother in law with part time work, child care arrangements and own house lost out to methadone addict, alcoholic, sex worker ex girlfriend (who’d had her first child taken into care) because the Neanderthal view of the social workers and court was that “a child should be with its mother” despite all of the above and not being able to offer any evidence why this sound be the case….he was then told by the court to pay back nearly 6 months benefits he’d been receiving while the child lived with him leading up to the case…erm why?….the money had been used to support the child but in the eyes of the court that was the mother’s money apparently and she’d been missing out for 6 months!….the fact that she had nobody to look after except herself for that period seemed lost on them, he got properly f###ed over that day by a family court so biased towards women you couldn’t make it up.

    Currently the child misses days of schooling a week, the school says it’s none off their business to report this to social services….i wonder if they’d be so chilled if it was the father depriving the child of education each week?….the child doesn’t attend the speech therapy the court mandated it gord to, does the mother get reprimanded?…does she heck…the child is now old enough to say that it doesn’t want to go back to the mother’s place after a weekend with my brother in law, it says “mummy shouts, mummy phone, mummy sleep”….as I said above, she spends her time in a stupor or on her phone and if the child interrupts he gets shouted at….do social services want to do anything about this?…guess the answer!

    Male privilege?….don’t make me laugh.

    Free Member

    Used DIY kitchens, it’s not hard to measure up a kitchen, most are just a rectangular room.
    Then used a local fitter, found on checkatrade, I think the kitchen was around £1500 and the fitting was anther £1000 so 2.5k all in.

    All this talk of £7500 – £10,000 kitchens reminds me of when I had Dolphin Bathrooms round to quote…the house was a small 2 up/2 down terrace with a tiny bathroom…the price was 20k+….the salesman then did that ‘classic’ thing of saying “today for one day only I can ring my boss and get a discount”…he finished the call by giving me a new price of £14,000 there and then, lol.

    I had to remind him I was only 24yrs old, single, in my first little starter home and it had only cost £130,000 anyway….i asked him what he thought the chances of me spending 14k on a bathroom were?…he realised he was on a hiding to nothing commission-wise and left.

    Did the same as above, went to B&Q and put a bathroom together for about £750 then had a local plumber fit it for a grand on top of that.

    I’ll be doing the same in the new year for our current house when we plan to do the bathroom.

    Free Member

    I’m beginning to think Katie Hopkins was right when she said most women don’t want equal treatment, they want special treatment.

    Free Member

    Oh look, our old friends Apple are involved again…just how profitable does the most profitable company in the world need to be?

    Their greed annoys me more than any individual.

    Free Member

    What do older/heavier/less fit riders use if they want to go riding in the mountains?

    They build up to it gradually…while riding in proper mountains may have a certain appeal if you haven’t trained for it it’d be like getting given Gee Athertons DH bike and pointed down Champery and told ‘off you go then’….it won’t be pretty.

    I went to a compact 50/34 with a 30t cassette initially when I started road riding…then reduced the cassette to a 28t…then when I was used to that I went larger to a mid compact chainset of 52/36 with a 30t cassette again, eventually I’ll work to a 28t cassette again before installing a racing chainset of 53/39…im 40 now, can’t rush these things, my knees won’t thank me!

    Free Member

    The scene in Wales is weird. It’s like an iceberg, there is way more below the surface. BPW and trail centres are tourist places really, there is a massive sub-culture.


    Having lived here 2 years I spent most of those first two years at AS, BPW, BMCC etc…but it was costing a small fortune.

    So, I now tend to go for a drive with the MTB in the back, find a wooded hill/area and explore the off piste stuff, there is some genuinely hilarious stuff about, some of it unrideable (for me at the moment)….someone on here gave me grid details to an area where the Athertons built a training track, it’s mental is all I can say….similarly other riders are building their own stuff too, saw some guys riding through town with DH bikes and full faces draped over their bars, stopped to ask them where they’d been?…turns out the hill/woods behind my house!

    Explored the next day and got about halfway up a track in the 4×4 before the vegetation got too much, the bike trails were clearly visible and well used so there was nothing stopping me pushing up but….back the following day with a chainsaw in the back and now have a fully cut back access road to the top…yes, I am now that prick from a Surrey Hills thread a few years ago whose girlfriend was shuttling him to the top for DH runs

    Free Member

    ….and yet the title of this thread says some old tosh about a driver knocking down cyclists….i can only assume this is to skirt the issue of confronting another radical Islam attack.

    Any lengths to shut down debate eh?, even British Muslims I’ve seen interviewed on tv recently say that “islam is not in a good place at the moment ” but get a load of (presumably) white middle class people together to talk about the incident and people are at pains to turn it into something other than terrorism.

    Thank Christ I live nowhere near a city or town likely to be attacked next, you couldn’t pay me enough to live somewhere like London at the moment.

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