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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • deviant
    Free Member

    This is boring and oh so predictable…

    ..stop and search was reduced and violent crime increased.. the communities affected want more stop and search..

    ..this will happen, knife crime will be reduced and then the communities that asked for an increase in stop and search will claim victimisation and want it reduced again..

    ..and so it goes on, ready for the next cycle.

    Personally let the thick idiots kill each other.

    However I realise that’s not practical as a policy..there has to be intel gathered and evidence studied so the powers that be can pin point why young black men are disproportionately highly represented as both perpetrators and victims in knife crime..if they can identify that then they can target the reasons and put them right before the crimes take place.

    But until that happens the stats point to a disproportionately high number of young black men being inconvenient as that may be for some people it can’t simply be ignored…that would be akin to my personal solution of just letting them get on with it…

    ..yes it’s a sh#t sandwich for young black men who aren’t involved but sometimes hurty feelings have to take second place to countering violent crime.

    Knife attacks are a nightly occurrence at the moment, it can’t go on..that nobhead Khan needs to resign too..spending police funds (900 officers) on internet ‘hate crime’ is not responsible use of resources while there’s a knife crime epidemic.

    Free Member

    Glad the victim has been released…he did exactly what the law allows any of us to do and protected himself and his property…

    …the fact that a grubby thief lost its life is unfortunate for its family but the wider public won’t lose any sleep.

    If you go equipped to a robbery with a screwdriver (offensive weapon) you run the risk of being on the receiving end of similar…that’s classic reasonable force in action.

    Hoping the family of the criminal will understand this in time but I doubt it…listening to his family bleat on the news the other day was nauseating, you’d think he had every right to rob someone’s house and it was a legitimate career choice from the way they were banging on…

    …live by the sword, die by the sword 🔪

    Free Member

    This place gets weirder by the day…Putin invades neighboring countries and is widely believed to have rigged the recent elections…but he’s the adult in global politics!?…yeah, good one.

    The man is as corrupt as the worst Russian stereotypes of crooked politicians gets…he bullies smaller former USSR countries…and conducts KGB-esque assassinations on foreign soil…and STW fawn over him.

    Nice role model chaps. 👎

    Free Member

    As others have said, doing nothing is not an option…that kind of non response leads to the UK becoming a killing ground for Russian intelligence services who feel they can operate here with no repercussions…is that what we want!?…ditto the fact they’re prepared to use extreme chemicals that are a threat to UK citizens…doing nothing effectively endangers UK citizens going forward.

    As has also been said, despite its size Russia is economically a crack pot state still…hitting them by cutting off intel and economic measures are about the only things that will work…Putin will never admit it of course but the UK is far better geared towards an economic standoff than Russia…not pleasant for either country but I refer to my first point…doing nothing gives the green light to Russia to operate assassinations in this country with impunity…and given the reckless use of chemical weapons this time it can’t go unpunished.

    Russia and its recent actions are far more of a threat than Iraq (and it’s non existent chemical weapons) ever were…in the morning I’ll post the outline of a conversation I had with a senior British army officer about international threats and top of the list was Russia…he knew it, his colleagues knew it…but politicians didn’t want to know and the media and public had no appetite with the current Gulf crisis and the Cold War seemingly old news…he was right about everything so far, the intelligence has been there for years but the political will has been missing.

    Free Member

    It gets better…eddie izzard takes a position on the NEC…the Labour party is eating itself 😂…it’s Labours attempt at a Trump strategy!

    Free Member

    Lol, it’s been an ‘interesting’ week for Corbyn and his Momentum lunatics….seems they’re actually the party of holocaust denial and anti semitism now…what a delightful bunch.

    Twitter has been highly amusing with the most swivel eyed of Momentum members rabidly defending the indefensible because….stuff…

    ….watching them flounder over Saint Jeremy and his party of racists is brilliant, seems you can be an absolute scumbag with your views on Jewish people as long as you promise gullible members of the electorate free stuff.

    He’s holed below the waterline…middle England won’t vote for him the way they did for Blair.

    👎….bye Jeremy, you always were a massive liability.

    Free Member

    As flasheart said, old news….obama’s team used this data on his campaign trail and nobody raised an eyebrow…trump’s team use it and it’s suddenly another stick with which to beat him…the losers from the US election really are bitter, it’s this kind of fixation on the mundane that will see Trump get reelected….while CNN and the rest focus on alleged Russia links, data harvesting, the size of Trump’s hands and whatever porn stars he has or hasn’t slept with…Trump will merrily cruise back into the White House in 2020…monkeys learn faster than the left leaning media.

    ….in more bleeding obvious news, those voice activated search/shopping devices people are clamouring to install in their homes (Alexa, Echo, Google Home, Apple Homepod etc) all have mics and log your searches, history, commands etc like your phone and laptop do…it’s obvious what’s coming next but it’ll be funny anyway in a couple of years time when people get the hump that the listening device they’ve voluntarily installed in their home is…listening to everything.

    Why you would choose to bug yourself is beyond me but it takes all sorts I suppose, Facebook, Apple and Google have shown themselves to be in cahoots with governments and slap dash with your information…don’t just give them an easy time of it.

    I attended a course recently whereby it started by all of us taking our places at the table, in front of us was a stack of A4 paper of varying heights…the tutor began by telling us that the information in front of us was our entire internet history…skeptical I dived in to have a look; he was right, stuff I’d long forgotten about was staring right back at me…passwords, websites I visited once about 10yrs ago, regular forums, pics I’d thought were secure in the cloud etc…

    …this was all accessed in their offices with just my name as the starting point…nobody had to break into my house, nobody bugged my phone etc…and yet people seem surprised this information exists and is used by governments…weird.

    Free Member

    Why is Trump getting it in the neck over this shooting….many more occurred under Obama…at one point Obama’s democrats had control of the Senate and Congress and still didn’t do anything about guns… Trump comes out and says it will stop and he’s looking at all the options and gets vilified?

    Please explain why St Obama never got this crap for school shootings?

    Free Member

    Barnier and his gang of idiots should probably visit the war graves in France, say a thankyou for all the British and Commonwealth soldiers that gave their lives to free his country from the grips of fascism and then consider the 140 billion we had to borrow from the US to fight another European war….adjusted for today’s money and with a quick history lesson he should then wind his neck in and reconsider the EU negotiating position and what the divorce bill should be.

    Ungrateful prick.

    Free Member

    Grime has been a slow burner for me…i remember Wileys early stuff and didn’t like it…Lethal Bizzles ‘Pow’ came out in 2011 and I hated it too….i was still into US rap but was rapidly going off it due to lazy production and droning lazy rappers….oh for the halcyon days of 1995 and 2Pac and Biggie…i abstracted myself from yoof music for a few years and went back over some of the stuff my dad played when I was a kid…found I really liked the Stones, loved LedZep etc and thought at 30-ish I was done with anything new.

    Then I saw that Skepta Shoreditch car park vid and Stormzys ‘Shut Up’ in about 2015 and realised it was bloody brilliant.

    US rap is lost at the moment, where are the Cypress Hills, the WuTangs, 2Pac etc..dont even try to compare Drake to that, he’s shite….you know it’s bad when Snoop Dogg releases a track and it sounds good, the bloke must be 50 by now…what happened to US rap?

    Anyway, stuff ‘ em….most decent UK grime assists stomp all over them lyrically now…the grime beats are harder, it’s like US rap used to be….only it’s coming out of this country, if that sounds like I’m saying grime just copies old US stuff I’m not, grime has a unique sound as all the vids above show.

    My only fear is that it’s downhill now, that Shoreditch car park moment was 2015 and arguably the peak of grime as an underground movement….remember that was just organised on social media and was totally free…it was grime’s 1989 Summer of Love rave scene moment.

    I hope it continues for a while longer, I’m still going back over stuff I hated from 2010-15 and finding some gems.

    Free Member

    BInners, what you’re seeing is a soft public school boy who was vaguely aware of his family’s Russian gangster roots….but never thought it would bother him….unfortunately events have conspired against him and his family and he’s now faced with going into hiding or discovering his inner violence and taking on those who killed his uncle in front of him and exacting revenge….I like it, I want him to become properly unhinged in the last few episodes and wreak havoc amongst his enemies across Eastern Europe.

    Free Member

    bu really your not going to achieve much as there hasn’t really been any harm/loss due to this

    Try being on the recieving end of it….whenever you get pulled over for a routine stop and they run your details, oh you suffer with blackouts sir?…another 2 weeks passes before yet another DVLA medical dept letter arrives and the whole process starts again….insurance renewal time, any conditions you need to tell us about?…(they check with the DVLA they dont just take your word for it)….of course theres harm caused by this and i obviously want incorrect medical information removed,

    Free Member

    Thats kind of the point, i can understand them getting twitchy over heart problems but the blackouts thing has no basis in reality….nothing from me, nothing from my GP, nothing from the occ health dept at work and nothing from the local hospitals that treated me over the summer….nothing.

    So how has it ended up being passed to the local police by some numpty in ambulance control and has now lead to this palaver with the DVLA, drivers medical exams etc…

    Free Member

    Thats just it Drac, different service…my previous one would exhaust all the phone numbers we had for someone then send a team leader or a locality manager round in a car,,,,in my new trusts they’re incredibly risk averse and punt anything like this onto the local police to follow up.

    When i didnt turn up for shift they called the police, the police said ‘we’ll go round and check on him’ or words to that effect and asked what they needed to know about me….this is when it all went tits up with some plank in the control room passing the police false information on me suffering with blackouts…whether it was done as a joke i dont know but its caused 3 months of crap and stress as i’ve had to fight to keep my licence, the police close ranks and dont want to give anything away and i’m waiting on my reply from the ambulance service.

    Free Member

    Food!?..i may be doing these nights in by myself wrong.

    Few beers in the fridge, bottle of whiskey on the side, some cans of Pepsi…. Maybe some prescription strength opiates… Think tramadol, diazepam, codeine etc….turn heating up, get naked…. Beat myself speechless over the most debauched porn I can find until Mrs Deviant comes home
    …and then if my lucks in smile stupidly and try to get away with acting out my sordid scene with her too….it’s about a 50/50 success rate so far, with those odds I’m not giving up!

    Free Member

    Good interview…demonstrates perfectly how some try to debate with entrenched emotion and ‘feelings’ based arguments while others stay calm and prefer facts…sadly these kind of conversations are becoming rarer because views like those espoused by JP are incorrectly labeled far-right and media outlets are then under pressure to no-platform them.

    Douglas Murray is another good one to listen to, hugely intelligent, wonderful speaker…worth finding his YouTube stuff, also writes for the Spectator…another one the mainstream media incorrectly labels as far-right because they don’t agree with him…easier to do that than try to engage with him.

    Free Member

    My other half put me on it when I had a long train journey up north…she picked what she felt was a good pic and off I went.

    It was erm, interesting…a lot of women aren’t backwards at coming forward!….the train journey went out of Wales, into the Midlands and up to Yorkshire…let’s just say that if I’d wanted to stop off in each major town and city I passed through I could’ve…the offers were there.

    There were also some genuinely sweet women who were looking for relationships but it did just seem to be a hook up site…when I got home I showed the better half the pics I’d been sent and the offers of a bed for the night…haha, she wasn’t amused…anyway deleted it after that but it was a nice little ego boost and made me think I could have a lot of fun if I found myself single again!

    Free Member

    Had it in 2016, lungs were full of fluid and I was getting out of breath just walking upstairs, had to sleep in a sitting position…GP referred me to hospital, spent 4 days on IV antibiotics for the illness and IV diuretics to shift the fluid.

    Should have been straightforward, unfortunately they think I developed a secondary infection of Myocarditis while I was run down with the pneumonia…this attacked the muscle of the heart and thinned the walls resulting in reduced pumping efficiency…i’ve now got heart failure as a result.

    Take the meds, get plenty of rest and if your symptoms change or your general condition deteriorates in any way go back to the Doc…pneumonia in itself (provided you’re fit and well) isn’t too bad but the potential for Pleurisy, Endocarditis, Myocarditis and Pericarditis is there while you’re run down…take it seriously.

    Free Member

    I made my opinions on the polls perfectly clear…i wouldn’t read too much into them…they got it spectacularly wrong with Brexit, Trump and latterly they had May winning a landslide in the snap election…only for Corbyn to nearly take it instead.

    If you’re going to set your stall out by what the polls are telling you then you’re going to be very confused by upcoming events in the next few years.

    Free Member

    This is hilarious….just enjoy the Trump presidency, we’ll probably never get another like it…it’ll be back to bland PR career politicians soon enough.

    Regarding the health issue…i seem to recall speculation about Hillary’s health was demonised for being irresponsible, unfair, amateurish etc.. love the double standards now Trump is President.

    Free Member

    Futon….would that be the same polls that had Hillary winning at a canter?…. After the events of 2016 I really wouldn’t put much faith in polls…they tend to answered by the eager to speak and the politically active, what matters are the silent majority who turn out on election day.

    Free Member

    People are looking at Trump’s presidency through UK/european eyes…there is also STILL an arrogance about his detractors.

    You’d think after he won last time people would take him seriously….to underestimate him risks seeing him get a second term.

    The US stock market is at an all-time high, forecasts for 2018 are good (as laid out by the Wall Street Journal below)….

    …and this is not to be dismissed, the US is far more capitalist than the UK, the average American cares more about the economy than whether a politician says the right things…the UK has moved towards identity politics, political correctness and seems preoccupied with gender, race, religion etc… this is all very nice as peripheral issues but the primary role of a leader is to make sure citizens feel safe and the country prospers.

    Whether you agree with his stance on immigration or not it resonates with a large number of voters who equate immigration with crime etc… the shithole countries comment was crass but people don’t flee brilliant countries….they leave shitholes to make a better life elsewhere, I think most people can put the faux outrage to side and see the reality behind this….would the great and good of STW go and live in Syria?…i can’t see many takers, why?…because it’s a dump.

    Trump cuts through the BS and a large number of voters like that… i said a few pages back that some in here would do well to browse a few American forums, there are obviously Americans who don’t like Trump but on the forums I use there is about a 50/50 split…this thread (and the UK in general) doesn’t matter, it’s an overwhelming echo chamber against Trump.

    The pompous sniggering that pervades through this thread infected the Democrat party in the last election…it will happen again unless they can find someone more palatable than Hillary and then that person has to start getting back to basics…economy, immigration etc…the average US voter doesn’t care about misgendering, reporting tweets or anything else we’ve become obsessed with in Europe.

    Brexit and Trump weren’t accidents…there is discontent among the wider public…politicians ignore it at their peril.

    Free Member

    Ramipril, Ivabradine, Frusemide and Eplerenone here….heart failure from 38 yrs old due to an unlucky dose of Myocarditis…think tonsillitis but of your heart…and far more damaging.

    Whenever doses were increased or new meds were introduced I would feel fatigued for several weeks….unless you’ve experienced it you’ll never know…falling asleep at work, falling asleep talking to people (very embarrassing), having to sleep once home from work in order to function through the evening etc….a truly great pharmacist used to go above and beyond the call of duty and took my mobile number and would call me after work sometime into the evening to check on me and give me encouragement to stick with it….true to her word the side effects do wear off…it does require some willpower to push through it and continue trying to cycle, go to the gym etc when you really don’t want to….eventually the stamina and energy comes back.

    I wouldn’t take myself off or reduce the meds now, even though I’m technically out of the heart failure zone due to cleaning up my diet, lots of exercise, judicious use of some off market drugs (read around your condition) and the NHS prescriptions…i realise they work, my BP is always a nice low 110 systolic and my heart rate rarely exceeds 70bpm…my prognosis is now good, the cardiologists couldn’t believe my cardiac output in my last scan given that it was less than 20% in the summer.

    In other words learn to adapt and live with the meds rather than living with high BP or another equally insidious cardiovascular condition.

    Free Member

    What’s funny is that I post on an American forum about a different hobby I enjoy and the reaction is almost polar opposite to on here…if he keeps this up he’ll get a second term for sure!

    Free Member

    He has a point, I don’t see boatloads of doctors, IT experts or engineers flooding to the west….the pictures are typically of young men offering nothing more than unskilled labour, poor language skills and more stresses on the host countriy’s infrastructure….while Trump’s language may be colorful, the immigrants are fleeing crap countries….if their country of birth was any good they wouldn’t be leaving en masse.

    These middle Eastern and African countries aren’t exactly sending their best are they?

    Free Member

    Current right wing attitudes are a response to 40 yrs of increasingly liberal and left wing politics….read up on the Centennials (the 15-20 yr olds coming through now)….they are supposed to be the most conservative generation since the 1950s….these things tend to be cyclical, I wouldn’t worry about it.

    Free Member

    Only on STW could people find it a negative that a company is bringing back 2500 jobs to the US….the bitterness is strong on this thread.

    ….so because the automotive industry may be fully automated in 10-15yrs are you seriously suggesting the government should do nothing in the intervening years and let jobs and investment go begging!?…..good one!

    The US economy seems to be doing well since 2016…even American sources are split as to whether this is an Obama legacy or the era of Trump….meanwhile the rest of the world seems obsessed over his crap hair, use of Twitter, small hands or his own personal less than PC views on things….yeah priorities people.

    ….and a fine institution like the U.N. is belittling itself by actually bothering to comment on ‘language used’ by the President… so what?….how about supposedly serious organisations try to actually be serious and focus on whether the US is planning any wars, how their economy is doing etc….

    The era of identity politics is truly upon us….and the world has lost sight of what is and isn’t important….it’s almost as if people are wishing for an ethnic female POTUS for no other reason than it would be PC and diverse….scant regard for jobs, money and the economy in the new era of outrage politics. Sad really.

    I couldn’t care less what our Prime Minister said in private or public as long as our economy was on the up.

    Free Member

    Opticians can refer to the DVLA (via the police I believe)….the police are exempt from having to gain consent to notify the DVLA directly…i know because the police did it to me based on a non driving issue but incorrect info my useless employer supplied to them when they thought I’d gone AWOL at work.

    Basically if the police feel it’s in the public interest, a safeguarding issue or a safety for other road users issue then they can approach the DVLA without you knowing about it until you get the letter threatening to revoke your licence….and then they will collude to avoid telling you who initially supplied them the info they’re acting on…i had to lodge a complaint with the IPCC in order to get them to divulge that my employer had duff information on my medical history….all fun and games until you realise your job, your independence, your social life and your relationship are under threat because of losing your licence….managed to get my GP to back me up and head off the police and DVLA but my employer is still being a dick about the nonsense on the ‘medical’ file they hold on me….never mind, I now have a solicitor and I’m in the process of suing them, it’s not like the NHS needs the money is it!?…you think they’d just admit their mistake and apologise instead of paying out but no, in true public sector fashion they’re digging in and will end up handing over a lot of money to me instead….the police effectively threw them under the bus….can’t wait.

    Free Member

    aracer….you seem to be confusing me with some kind of islamaphobe ukip supporter….I’m neither, I’m simply an advocate of free speech…i wholeheartedly agree with and cherish the line by a philosopher that goes along the lines of:

    Although I may despise what you have to say, I would defend to the death your right to say it.

    God knows we seem to have forgotten that gem of common sense these days….with someone only having to suggest that they’re offended by something and the mob fixes it in their sights as the next thing that must be banned, no platformed, reported to the police etc…like I said, sad that society is now paralysed by a fear of causing offence, it has effectively stifled any meaningful debate about a vast range of topics.

    Free Member

    It will have the opposite effect….only people who struggle with differing opinions want things banned, sad really.

    There is a certain percentage of the population who just want to live in an echo chamber and genuinely seem unable to tolerate other views…which is odd as its this lot who usually bang on about tolerance etc…

    …part of that ‘tolerance’ is living in a world where people are free to have right wing views, however unpalatable you may find them.

    Free Member

    kuman…twice a week is more than enough for the big compound lifts.

    Remember you’re not building strength or muscle in the gym, you’re creating micro tears in the muscle which is the stimulus for your body to repair the muscles stronger/bigger/better than before…i’d rather train once a week (hard) and then eat well and rest well than train 3x week and have to worry about fatigue, injury etc

    Loads of people squat, bench and deadlift once a week and then focus on other stability/core exercises and accessory muscle groups in their other sessions that week.

    Free Member

    Used a belt when younger…not since I turned 30 though (i’m 40 now)…if going for a PB then use one, for normal lifting focus on breathing correctly and bracing your core by keeping your back straight and tensing your abs…you’ll get far stronger in the long run.

    Also re. head position in squats, I used to look at the crease where the wall joins the ceiling…nice position, not so high that I was craning my neck up and not looking down which often leads to leaning forwards and straining the lower back.

    Squats vs deadlfts?… Personal choice, I stopped squats when I started cycling regularly, I have naturally big legs and I was out of kilter….cycling and the leg involvement from deadlifts has been enough to keep them big and not over power my upper body…others will differ obviously.

    Start using dips and chins/pullups….you’d be gobsmacked how many big gym bunnies can lift 200kg but can’t chin themselves or do a set of dips….my bench also lagged behind my squat and deadlift until I started upper body sessions with those two movements…they compliment each other and my bench then came on at an astonishing rate (faster than when I first started lifting which is almost unheard of)….in my advancing years I can be in and out of the gym in less than an hour and complete a full body workout of chins, dips, deadlifts, bench and shoulder press…don’t even bother with arms anymore as they get a good workout from the pushing and pulling exercises just listed….I’m in the gym just once a week and look better than I did 20yrs ago, once you find what works for you it’s easy.

    Free Member

    Trudeau is a massive bellend though….god knows there are enough cringe making vids on YouTube of him embarrassing himself with ultra right on statements and breaking into tears for the camera at any opportunity…he’s more of a wannabe tv star than Trump…ultimately Trudeau is like Tony Blair…government by tv sound bite and desperately aligning himself with populist opinion.

    Free Member

    A few corrections needed in this thread i think…prescription only doesnt mean illegal to possess if you dont have a prescription….antibiotics are prescription only, nobody in the police is going to bat an eyelid that you’ve ordered a box of Amoxicillin on the internet without a prescription.

    The only person breaking the law re. prescription meds is the person (or organisation) issuing them without prescribing rights…the person buying them or being in possession of them is doing nothing wrong….because they’re not illegal drugs.

    When i covered Police custody suites in a medical capacity i was asked to see a young lad they’d stopped on a driving charge, he came in with various meds and they wanted him assessed before interview.
    They brought me his meds, some were over-the-counter, some were prescription only and one was a bottle of Anavar tablets (an anabolic steroid)…i pointed out to them that the Anavar was a steroid and they said they new, they also pointed out that because it wasnt counterfeit or from an underground lab it had to be considered a prescription medication as it does actually have a few genuine medical applications (tissue regrowth in burns victims i remember finding out afterwards)…and they would have to give it back to him when they released him!

    The fact he didnt have a prescription for it is neither here nor there…its not illegal (i believe it is shedule-3 CD – like Tramadol) and so the only person having broken the law in the lad getting hold of Anavar was whoever sold it to him without prescribing rights.

    Egypt is a funny place, Tramadol was over-the-counter there until recently…then people started taking the mick with it…huge addiction problems so they banned it…doesnt stop you buying steroids and other UK prescription meds OTC though…i was able to top up all 4 of my prescription only cardiac meds when i was out there for a fraction of the UK prescription charge…i also took prescription strength cocodamol (30/500) out with me when i went, no problem with customs but then it was in its original box clearly labelled with my name and i had my prescription with me to back it up.

    But back to the topic of this woman, the Tramadol problem with Egypt has been in the news the last couple of years…she has an Egyptian boyfriend…i’m not buying that she didnt know the score.

    Free Member

    Rural west Wales here, good luck….just about every home around me has an open fire or stove…including us.
    Nobody is on the gas mains, some people have kerosene tanks for their boilers and a crappy form of central heating running but a log burner still seems the most cost efficient around here.
    Built up areas, yeah sure, I understand….still don’t like the regulation and the finger wagging though.

    Free Member

    Codybrennan…. Australia in putting Australians first shocker, good….another country (along with Poland, Hungary etc) that have their immigration systems under control…let’s hope it’s contagious and there’s an outbreak of common sense amongst the leaders of other countries.

    Boardinbob, yeah my political views completely obscure my ability to carry out my day to day job….in fact it’s impossible for me not to behave in the right wing, alt right, hate filled manner you feel I do 100% of the time… :roll:

    Funnily enough Bob, adults can separate their political views from their day to day behavior…i get political during political times, elections, Brexit, etc….if I’m just going to work or to the shops I’ll leave the George cross flags at home, scrub off the blackface and peel off the political logos from the rear window of my car…. :roll:

    Given that 52% of the country voted leave there are all manner of political views represented in the public services, to think otherwise is naive at best and stupid at worst….in fact with the Police (in my experience) there is even more of a right wing bias in officer’s minds, not surprising given their often despicable clientele, it tends to stiffen ones resolve and beat the compassion out of you…maybe not what the lefty progressives on here want to hear.

    Again, like myself, they (the Police) don’t go into 999 calls blurting out (perceived) racist sentiment, using a two or even three tier method of treatment depending on skin colour or nationality….people can be conservative and emergency services too…

    …imagine if I took the same generalizing hysterical approach to lefty, semi Marxist, teachers indoctrinating my children with their nonsense?….it would make me look (even more silly) so I wouldn’t say it, i’d hope they could teach children without passing on their own personal biases.

    Free Member

    Ah, the lovely EU getting ready to sue sovereign nations like Poland, Hungary etc for daring to set their own migrant limits….bunch of tits, this is why half the country hates the EU.

    Free Member

    Maybe, just maybe the fanatical Muslims shouldn’t have got quite the hump when the Don recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?….they bring half this crap on themselves with their inability to discuss anything religious in a rational way.
    Stuff ‘ em.

    Free Member

    Why pick one?….

    ….perhaps because of this:

    above the Western Wall, an Islamic trust known as the Waqf retains authority over the Muslim holy sites.

    Indeed, so volatile are the sensitivities over the site, Jews allowed onto the Temple Mount under strict controls are banned from overtly praying.

    The sight of Jews even bowing their heads in prayer has led to violence in the past.

    How delightfully tolerant…not even allowed to bow your head FFS…but every other religion is expected to tolerate halal slaughter, subjugation of women, the burqa, open homophobia, etc from Muslims…lovely, coming to a town near you soon.

    Perhaps if Islam had been through a reformation or enlightenment like the other two monotheistic religions we wouldn’t have so many problems….but it didn’t, it’s backwards and if it’s followers can’t see that then nuke the middle east of the barbarians and start again.

    Free Member

    Trump has been decisive, some other world leaders could learn a thing or two.

    God knows the Jews deserve a country and Jerusalem is the logical capital of that country.
    After their shocking treatment in ww2 youd think this is the least the world could do for them….wouldn’t you expect their friendly religious, peace loving neighbours to feel the same way?

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