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  • Renthal Revo-F Flat Pedal Review
  • Deveron53
    Free Member

    Should be better tv than the usual fare.

    A whole prog filled with “chief”, “boss”, “nah then”. He’s going to end up fronting whatever replaces Top Gear (they’re gonna die one day!)

    Free Member

    I managed to backup and restore my free EE Deezer from my phone to a tablet. Dunno how but it’s still working! My cheapo android tablet now performs as my music player through my main stereo system – fantastic sound!

    Free Member

    The Tea Party. never really made it over here. Amazing Canadian band but now sadly defunct. Cross between Led Zep and the Doors.

    Free Member

    I always go ghetto split tube on all my tubeless tyres regardless of UST, Stan’s etc and if a tyre is a bit loose, I put a layer of double sided foam tape underneath the valve-rimstrip to take up the slack. I use Roval tape to seal the spoke holes first and provide a nice firm bed to prevent spoke hole blowouts. That way, the foam tape will not stick to the bare rim surface and is easily removable later.

    Free Member

    You could get to Peaks in the same time. +1 for Dalby though. It’ll be more sheltered in the forest as well. I went to Sherwood Pines once and that sentence will never become ‘twice’.

    Free Member

    I’ve had 2 LWB Mitsu Delica L400s, not exactly a van but nearly. 4×4 and 2.8 auto. mainly 20 25mpg. Once had 30mpg driving like a granny. Great to drive though…

    This thread is quite interesting as I’m going to swap my current 1.9TDI Alhambra (40-45mpg) for a van.

    Free Member

    Have you seen all our photos then?

    Are you actually admitting to belonging to the group I described? Priceless!

    Free Member

    I bet the OP is laughing his head off at where this thread has gone!

    Yep, I recommended a nice cheap (£110) starter digital camera with enough features to keep a beginner interested (Nikon P500). And I’ve learned quite a lot from this thread.

    Main lesson: The world of amateur (and wannabe pro) photography is still packed with self-opinionated d*cks with more knowledge about equipment than how to actually take a decent photo.

    I thought I wouldn’t have to hear all this garbage again! I worked in a specialist camera shop for many years, was a member of a local photographic society, became a pillock of the photographic community but eventually gave it all up and sold the contents of my camera bag and just bought a point and shoot compact camera.

    But, as I stood there behind the counter listening to the waffle (pretending to agree), I thought to myself: At least he’s about to spend 2k, it’ll all be worth it. So windbags, you do have a use within the photographic industry after all.

    Free Member

    The lens of the P500:

    maximum apertures of f/3.4 at 22.5mm and f/5.7 at 810mm

    example of ‘SLR’ lens:

    Nikon Zoom-Nikkor Zoom lens – 18 mm – 105 mm – F/3.5-5.6 – Nikon F

    Apertures compare quite well, don’t you think? Except you’re getting an equivalent (in 35mm) of 22.5mm to 810mm!

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a secondhand Nikon P500. It’s a fixed lens ‘bridge’ camera but has everything you’d want. I used to be a film camera user with 2 Nikon bodies, mostly prime lenses and all the gubbins.
    The bridge cameras have everything a removable-lens SLR has except they have a massive range lens that cannot be removed but then with 22mm to 810mm equivalent AND VR system, why would you want to? Just get one with a proper viewfinder rather than an arms length viewscreen.

    Free Member

    Blacks have got TNF Tadpoles (well, it’s the version with the extended flysheet called Big Fat Frog) for a measly £125! They’re left over from pre-bankruptcy stock so don’t appear on the inventory. it’ll have to be a personal visit or phone call. Aberdeen George Street still had plenty left about 3 weeks ago.

    Free Member

    Another Bridlington exile here. I’ll be there 26th to 28th but planning on getting in a lap of (old, pre groomed) Dalby in on the way back to Scotchland prob 28th.

    I used to go out along towards Boynton and either towards High Caythorpe or the track that goes up the hill towards Woldgate and past Carnaby Temple area from Woldgate. Most bridleways are rideable unless very wet and sticky. Danes Dyke used to be a fun destination if you didn’t have transport to Dalby.

    I used to do a large loop from Dalby Crosscliffe car park, visiting Hole of Horcum and then go behind Fylingdales radar station, descend through Langdale Forest, quick loop round Broxa Forest, then across to Wykeham Forest and then back to Dalby for a lap of the old pre-groomed trails. Eeee, we did some miles!

    Give us a shout if you’re taking the bike and have a spare afternoon! I have a large, cavernous vehicle so I can offer a lift.

    Free Member

    Doing one tonight. Big light on bars and one on helmet. Not doing anything too techy but it’s remote and if the sky is clear tonight it’ll be spectacular from the top of the trail. I see plenty of eyes reflecting back – mainly deer. I prefer to use my full suss in the dark, just in case I miss a rock or pothole!

    Free Member

    It’s cheaper to live in the countryside in NE Scotland. I choose to live next to Bennachie and Pitfichie and I now have a 45 minute commute to Dyce. The alternative is paying 40% more in rent and being nowhere near the trails.
    Move to a nice cheap rented cottage in the Grantown area and commute into Inverness for work.

    Free Member

    you dont get out much do you, perhaps let your partner drive next time.

    I drive at least 300 miles a week, what’s yer point? First RLJer I’ve seen in 2 years of living in Aberdeenshire. My ‘partner’ would have either hit him, the stationary traffic or given me whiplash from panic braking. Hence I do 99% of the driving…

    He was pushing his bike on the dyce blackburn road when i saw him. Very visble and I thought he was doing the right thing if he insists on riding on the road

    He was visible, just painful when his strobe hit the back of my retina. There’s no easy, safe rush-hour cycle route from Dyce to A96 though. Well, apart from through Kirkhill forest…

    I was mainly annoyed because they were annoying the motorists. Maybe the annoyed motorists will take it out on me when I ride on the road in the future. Just sayin.

    Free Member

    OK, RARELy fails. Not as often as UST does the ‘proper way’ though.
    Why faff about for hours?
    Graves uses it for racing the EWS. I’ve been using it since day 1, over 10 years ago. UST is just a bad design.

    Free Member

    Ghetto split tube – never fails.

    Free Member

    Just put the lock-ons on already! Move on, move up.

    Free Member

    I test rode one but it had some skinny maxxis somethings. No grip. I ride mine with Hans Dampfs with abot 25psi in. It flies! Tyres are important.
    If you get a Yeti, it has to be turquoise!

    Free Member

    For badly designed 29ers maybe. I don’t need one on mine!

    Free Member

    Hmmm, I’ve got one, bought it from Halfrauds about 5 years ago. Zip starting to go. What are my chances? Can I send it direct to the importer? Halfrauds branch now about 500 miles away from me.

    Free Member

    I like beating my own times and if I manage to get a KOM I’m extra pleased. I have a local 2 mile off road climb that I recently lost the KOM on. One day, one day… But when I do, I’ll be loads fitter.
    Today got 7th out of 86 on a 2.5 mile undulating fire road with 400ft total climbing. Well pleased as I have Hans Dampfs on at about 20 psi. Who says they don’t roll? I also got my 2nd fastest time on the most popular downhill section (1.2 miles). My previous fastest time was in July so yes, conditions are good out there!
    Next Spring, I can see how my fitness compares to now. It’s a training tool with added enjoyment.

    Free Member

    I’d recommend the Sony as it’s image stabilisation is superb. I had to mod my waterproof case though due to the domed glass lens causing loads of flare.
    The new AS30 is out and has a lot of GoPro-beating features.
    I also modded my Sony case to fit GoPro mounts.

    Free Member


    Derek Smith

    November 28 16:57

    The irony is strong in the LTDA. Beware. Cyclists will, no doubt, film hackney cabs doing what hackney carriage drivers do day after day. I’ve yet to know of a cyclist putting a motorcyclist into hospital after doing a U turn yet, when I was a patrolling PC in the City of London, I had three on three consecutive days. The problem for cyclists, especially in London, is that the meek only inherit a bit of earth six feet long and three wide. Those who shoot the lights are normally not the ones injured. It is the law abiding who die or are injured by lorries and, let it be said, cabbies. The problem with the law is that it takes little notice of cyclists. In 30 years in the police I did not deal with any incident where a person required hospital treatment after an accident with a cyclist. And that includes a period in my force’s process unit. It is a shame that I cannot say the same about cabbies. I got on well with cabbies and found them a source of help and information in my time, but I have to say I would take no advice from them about safe driving. Taxi drivers: the proof that experience alone is insufficient.

    A sensible view. The meek inherit a grave-sized portion of the earth! ‘Aggressive’ cycling helps riders stay alive. That’s not RECKLESS cycling. That’s making your own advanced stop line where there is none, moving out to block traffic whilst approaching a narrow bit, ‘rolling’ a red light in order to gain a few yards on the metal assassins. If by doing anything ‘technically illegal’ or a-bit-annoying-but-harmless-really, I stay alive but someone in a metal box works themselves up into having a coronary, should I care? The Kinder Trespass was illegal but look what happened eventually. (more examples of positive lawbreaking please!)

    Free Member

    I got some winter-ish gloves instead. I’m not sure the XL would have fitted.

    Free Member

    For long time I’ve thought that the problem lies within London and the South East.
    My proposal is to make everything within the M25 an independent state, outside Europe. We’ll be happy, they’ll be happy.
    If that happens, the rest of us will be quite happy to continue as the UK I’m guessing!

    Free Member

    It only affects the rear hub significantly. The Pro 2 EVO rear hub has a thicker axle to prevent breakages when using 12mm thru-axle.

    Free Member

    It will! In 2018!

    Free Member

    It’s just that a pre-7am arrival will mean the BP passenger will be able to exit dead on 4pm and then we can make a run for it! I can leave work at 3:45pm you see. The Aberdeen/Dyce traffic is so tidal, one area will be clear at 7am but chocka at 7:10am. I sometimes go to Maccy Ds for brekkie after dropping off at BP. I see the traffic starting to back up along Stoneywood Road towards the dual carriageway so I then go along the A96 to Kirkhill, eating as I go! So I know at 7:15am both routes are full.
    I was just trying to see if there was a ‘holy grail’ of a route through the gridlock.
    I’d love to park at Blackburn and ride over Tyrebagger but other than the shower issue, I don’t fancy nose to tail traffic charging up behind me at 60mph+ just as the ‘cycle lane’ (yeah, right!) disappears as I approach the summit! The other route via the back way from Blackburn to Dyce is even more dangerous. Riding through the forest would be ace but it’s a long way and I’d get klarted.

    Free Member

    More great ideas, thanks!
    I have 2 passengers currently, soon to be one. It’s the one remaining passenger that needs to be at BP for 7am, I then go to Kirkhill via Farburn Terr and Wellheads and don’t have to be in until 7.30am. That leg of the journey is pretty clear at that time.
    I would love to park and ride and may consider leaving my car at BP then cycling round to Kirkhill. I did that for 2 months when I first started working in Dyce. I don’t have any showering or changing facilities at work though, which makes it awkward. The return journey home might be delayed though as it’ll be at least 4:15pm before I get to BP and then faff around putting the bike in the car (or lock it in the BP bike cage overnight, there’s an idea)
    If I could get my passenger to cycle from Kirkhill to BP that would be excellent but we’d need an even earlier start to absorb the extra time of bike locking, showering etc.
    Keep the ideas coming!

    Free Member

    Thanks for those useful replies.

    I set off at 6;15, which means a 5;15 alarm. It’s slowly doing me in. I keep going to bed earlier and earlier but sometimes you have to stay up past 9pm if you want to do anything on a weekday evening! The dark, wet, cold, icy drive each way is also really getting me down!

    Ideally I need to move closer – any mtber-friendly rooms to rent? Ideally within cycling distance.

    EDIT; I didn’t know you could go through the golf course!

    Free Member

    I just read the article. It expressed a lot of what I believe in. The comments though. JESUS!!! F***********CK!!!
    I want to do this:

    Free Member

    Looks like a spaniel to me.

    Free Member

    Well, it SEEMS like a 90 minute journey (especially the return journey in the dark). Do you go via Strathdon? That’s the quickest way for me, although it’s as twisty as f***!

    Free Member

    I’d check the steerer tube as well. If you’ve landed with that much force, you may have bent the top end slightly.

    Free Member

    I was there today, twas OK but my fellow rider was very slow, wimped out on the slightest suggestion of anything with a ‘!’ on it (walked it all!) so although we started out at 1pm, we barely made it back to the trailhead for 3pm and that was after missing out the blue return by just doing the fire-roads.
    I’m not returning until April at the earliest! (partly due to the 3 hour round trip – I’ve got loads on my doorstep in Alford)

    Free Member

    If you can do it, swipe their keys and throw them as far as you can. Then cycle away. If they get out of the car, put your bike up on it’s back wheel and keep the dirty side pointed towards them.

    Free Member

    I had NW Grand Canions then went to MT91s. Goretex liners eventually ‘fracture’ and leak.
    Either the NWs are very old and it’s a coincidence OR… You’re using your flats and hence putting your feet in puddles a lot more than if you were clipped in!

    Free Member

    6 mins to 9 mins on the slider. So actually only 3 minutes! Felt like 10…
    I liked her programme on walking in Iceland (the country!) but that has the bonus of her in a bikini but this… was… rubbish! Although we did get to meet ‘Old Ma Swinnerton’!

    Free Member

    The worst 10 mins of cycling-based tv footage ever. Simply dreadful! Why did they bother?

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