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  • Stolen! Frameworks Racing’s Van Full of Gear and Bikes
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Make sure you set your stop loss floor and your gain ceiling within your means and be prepared to lose the lot.

    Free Member

    Cars.. So adolescent

    Ferrari = Overpriced kit car in need of constant service

    Citroen = Cheese and White flag transport device

    Alfa = Your mother in laws car of choice

    Porche = Her hairdressers.

    Proper Pron =

    Complete with Gun Rack, fully loaded and privately owned.

    Free Member


    That needs a 0 as follows I think you’ll find if you want to return a 0 instead of N/A.


    to separate ‘John’ and ‘Smith’ simply ‘find’ Smith and ‘replace’ with nothing.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    In my head I’m still 12 years old and my wife realises that (not only because of the cycling, it has to be said).

    I hope that I stay wanting to be 12 until I’m in a wooden box, tbh.

    I’m three years older than you hah!

    15 going on 50, then its 16 going on 60..

    It gets to something when both your 15 and 26 yr old daughters tell you to ‘grow up’ echoing the hapless bread knife who it has to be said has long since given up.

    Only last night I made a chance remark about a nice coloured shirt some young bloke was wearing in an ad for something or other, she rounded on me, got a veritable tirade of how he was fifteen and at my age etc etc I shouldn’t be dressing like a teenager etc etc. (I wear hoodies, check shirts, skate trainers, BB cap)

    But as I point out frequently I was wearing it before them and as a fashion trend setter.. eyes then roll.

    So I think the answer is probably never as long as you are lucky with your health, then it will inevitably be the administration of surgical appliances that’ll finally grow us up..

    Free Member

    Those dalmations must make excellent trail dogs they had their origins as carriage dogs can run miles, I’m hoping my dobey eventually obeys a few more commands, he’s getting better and three or four miles in, he’s fine will run by most distractions, but early in the ride, other dogs, rabbits, ugly cowering wimmen, left wing health professionals he’ll go for if they show the slightest fear. So he’s the first dog I’ve had to muzzle, just got it the other day after a close call livestock incident (someone left a gate open they shouldn’t).

    Free Member

    What full of argumentative lefties?

    Free Member

    Had Mike Read to one of my stag do’s he was epic, came with a couple of strippers.

    These days prefer Michael McIntyre with the kids about and pseudo polite company such is the environment at our gaff .

    Free Member

    tumnurkoz – Member
    Sorry, but i reckon you have a dodgy trackpad, i replaced a friends recently for exactly the same problem. It would launch iTunes etc randomly or wander off on its own. Not hard to replace.

    +1 for snow leopard too, boot in 25sec-awesome.

    Reckon you’re right, bloody kids have been home over Xmas, messy finger muckery, it was fine before they showed up and they fraped me.
    It’s been a tad more stable since i turned all that Sh1t off so thanks for that you guys..

    Free Member

    My Mate’s decided he wants one of those, I’ve explained about the accent you need and the ‘cough’ attitude adjustment, but he seems set on it, going to see the doc for a referral and going for the full charisma removal with cosmetic moob enhancement, bi-belly, even getting his shoulder chipped.

    I’ll miss riding with him.

    Free Member

    Snow Leopard was by far the best, slimmed down, de bugged, fast, everything an OS should be. The OS is there to let you use the Apps or Programmes, this thing is just IOS shit coming to a platform that doesn’t need it, just to encourage more plebs to buy into the platform.

    Worse days work they ever did, they may have made a shedload of cash, but what a price us original fighter pilots of the rebel alliance have had to pay.

    Ironic Windoze has finally almost made the grade as a useable OS – almost, not quite.

    Free Member

    The problem was this was all going on and I wasn’t even touching the damn thing, still I’ve now un ticked every box i can find, will see how it goes, thanks again folks..

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps and chapesses, a lot to try, wish I’d never up graded, the worse OS change ever and I’ve been around since 6.

    Free Member

    Not heard of ‘opposites attract’ I don’t think i have a single thing in common with the bread knife, we ruck and row, she hates my music, hers is best used in lifts. Try as I may I can never make her laugh but imv I’m frikken hilarious at times, well I crack myself up 😉

    She’s the very soul of discretion I couldn’t keep a secret if my life depended on it, she doesn’t drink and rarely dances at ‘do’s, I don’t stop til I’ve danced with every woman in the room and then fallen over pissed.

    But it’s been the best part of thirty years now and even though we’d probably never admit it we couldn’t live without each other, and really miss any time spent separated, funny how some relationships ‘work’ eh?

    So no never try to change a thing about yourself, I have a mate did exactly that, he’s had a life of torment trying to keep up this appearance of what he thinks ‘she’ wants and really he doesn’t have her respect, they aint stupid women.

    Free Member

    Silver 6d ?

    Free Member

    Bloody eck, it’s taken 3 months 12 days and no idea how many hours and minutes, not to mention four or five bans, but he’s finally made me laugh…

    That leftwingsinglespeedridingarguementativeegomaniacalkeyboardwarrior…

    edit: answer to OP – yes its chavtastic.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    wrecker – I believe the intent was not racist for sure and I understand the point she was trying to make. However due to her being dim, naive and not thinking before speaking it came out in such a way as to appear racist, give her opponents the chance to cry racism and unfortunately the message was lost.

    I think this is probably spot on, but the point is it still doesn’t alter the fact that because of the heightened leftish propagated awareness of various ‘isms’ she, being a black politician (there I go labelling her when I seriously don’t view her as anything other than a politician)has been hoisted by her own petard so to speak.

    So my point? My point is when you have either a black or a white kid in a nursery and they innocently chirp up with a remark about the colour of the other childs skin, instead of recoiling in horror and chastising the kid for mention it, we treat it the same as if it were a comment about what the other kid might be wearing.

    We just need to be a bit more grown up generally and realise the planet we’re on is getting smaller and we are all integrating quite nicely at personal levels, only those who would govern and wish to do so by division act the way she describes and it is not a skin colour issue, division has myriad opportunities.

    Free Member

    It’s a tad unusual for January though, given when it should have happened we were basking in 30 degrees and on the beach.

    The weather is definitely getting weird, can’t personally remember Januarys like this, cold yes, wet yes but Typhoons?

    Free Member

    Racism like most -isms will have been eradicated when the need for a qualifying adjective (white,black,male, female, young, old) has gone.

    Sorry missed attributing this quote, but it is a fact.

    The problem is that the term itself is a PC word, like Homophobia as another wrong title for basic Human tribalism used by those who seek power for Political rabble rousing.

    Nobody gets born racist, it’s something our sad society teaches along the way and the more politicos dwell on it the more damage, disenfranchisement, victimisation, gets attributed often to the wrong cause.

    Technically yes taken in or out of context it’s a racist view, but then we live with stuff like the ‘Black Police Officers Association’ no doubt there’s a Muslim equivalent and until the need for such organisations is no longer necessary this sort of bollox will continue to demand bandwidth.

    I have to say that until I became a more frequent visitor to this place I’d never have thought that a Mountain Bike forum would be such a haven for the Politically Correct, it is all a bit pathetic isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Been a bit billy no mates lately, but still go out with the trusty hound, what else is there this time of year, cant stand pounding the pavements.

    Free Member

    You need to PM me n this if its possible on this primitive forum, baically there is no problem taking money from your on company for your own use, you should really be paying yourselfthis way for tax efficiency. Assuming you are making profits you simply vote yourself a dividend which attracts less tax (and you don’t have to pay so much NI so dont contibute as much to the welfare of our health professions to waste their days and our money on internt forums)

    So in brief, pay yourself about 6k a year on PAYE, the rest you take and vote a dividende back to your directors loan account every year, it attracts a lower rate of tax.

    Get yourself a proper accountant who’ll confirm this.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    derek – so its a difference that up here they are in cages down south they are not.

    still farmed birds tho not wild Ie rear a bird on a farm as a live target which was my point.

    POSTED 18 MINUTES AGO #I was being facetious about jocks tbh, but if you don’t rear them with a degree of freedom they don’t fly right, as it is imv they are developing an aversion to flight.

    I never liked the idea of shooting birds just for fun, used to just shoot at targets when I was much younger, then the father in law ex military colonel needed help at his shoot or he’d lose his membership or something, persuaded me along with a bit of coaxing from swmbo to give it a go, turned out I was quite handy at it, not really proud tbh not my thing, but I did et what I killed or it went in the pot for the beaters. Then one ill fated day I shot a beater, long story, but suffice to say I’ve never picked up a gun since.
    I’m not a fantasist but I’m not the biggest or hardest man on the block, not much good with a knife either, so would like to be armed in some way to protect my family, other than the forlorn hope that plods answer phone might be some help.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    CFH round here the only thing not cage reared will be black grouse I think – everything else is cage reared and I am sure most of the birds you shot would have been as well.

    that kind of goes with the territory north of the border, down here they free range them in large areas, I ride through, watch them growing, hundreds survive this area is riddled with pheasants, a lot die of road kill, we often get them in the garden.

    As to guns I think we should be allowed them as a basic human right,everyone who wants one, would kind of even things out a bit. Had a handgun on fac once, you had to jump through hoops for it and have regular inspections of where you kept it, and belong to a club and prove you used it regularly and with reasonable accuracy.

    Free Member

    Boredom Kills.
    Who should we ban?

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Is climbing back into sodden lycra officially the worst feeling in the world?

    No it is divine retribution for fashion crime.

    Donning a wet wetsuit beats it and is not considered punishment by the good Lord.

    Free Member

    Jeez.. heard it was howling oop north, spoke to one of my work colleagues north of the border, reckons there are waves on his glass of water at his desk and the whole building is shaking..

    Honestly thought a tree was going to fall on me this morning out on the bike and had to actually pedal to get down a fairly steep downhill it was that blowey..

    Free Member

    Use both myself crud catcher then got a neoguard to stop the stuff flung forward coming back at me, my morning ride includes a fast down bit on the return and I’m in my going to work kit which I don’t want splattered or a wet muddy dark place either so ride with full mud kit and take the flack.

    Free Member

    tonyg2003 – Member
    Fortunately I’m in the situation never to have to fly with RA again.

    Lucky you, wish I could say the same, I can’t tell you how much I hate them.

    Free Member

    Lot of my more girley mates have taken to spinning of late, they are such a disappointment to me, one of them has even gone on to commit that most heinous of crimes and gotten himself fully lycra’d up and bought that type of bike that dare not speak its name where I drink.

    Needless to say ‘they’ the spinners are now figures of ridicule.

    Nor are they any fitter off road.

    Free Member

    Sleezyjet over Pikeyair every time, marginally better attitude amongst staff , speedy boarding and better luggage allowance and they’re not yet considering stand up flights and pay for toilets.

    Free Member

    I’ve just trawled through this and there are a couple of very interesting and insightful posts, still don’t know what happened to the OP did he or didn’t he, what bikes were they?

    I wish a lot of you would ignore that ego maniac, then threads would be left with more of the interesting stuff and we might learn a bit more.

    IMV a discussion with the bike store ought to take place, lot of em going out of business right now I guess 900 sounds like a panic cash-flow situation, lot of it about.

    There are far too many bike shops to serve what has become a real recessionary market so expect a few less this time next year, so the answer must be if we value one in particular an element of ‘service charge’ must be considered in the price I guess, but if you are a bottom feeder like our left of centre argumentative friend then there is the inter web and on-one, it does after all take all types to tango.. Just wish he’d do it on other threads that are not as interesting.

    Free Member

    Merak – Member
    Brannigans roast beef and mustard.

    Best crisps ever, absolutely have to be accompanied by beer though.

    I’ll 2nd that, we don’t seem to get them much down here those days, only that spawn of the crap footballers muck..

    I do find Tyrells Tai Sweet Chilli quite a pleasant diversion and our local Asda sell a micro bag containing about 6 nicely flavoured Hog Roast crisps that are similar but not as good as Branigans.

    On another flavour note the bread knife introduced me to Stilton on a Digestive today, very pleasant in a sweet and sour style.

    Free Member

    Road bike miles don’t count.

    Reckon I’ve done around 1500 which in equivalent road bike easymiles is 13500.

    Free Member

    Had it happen to me a couple of times, generally when it’s wet and muddy, the combination seems to lubricate the rim and the tyre just comes off, generally when braking hard on a turn.

    Free Member

    neilsonwheels – Member
    From past experience of being fecked around I would get shot of her asap and think solely about number one, unless there are kids involved then that’s a hole different world of shite. I spent a few years on and off with my ex and looking back now I should of fecked her off after the second chance fell apart. Think about your own mental state and stop worrying about others.

    IMO that is.

    yunki – Member
    no kids no ties.. drop her like a hot potato

    move along.. nothing to see here.. what’s for dessert.. so long and thanks for all the fish..

    life is way too short and far too beautiful to be scrabbling about in the bottom of the bin.. and there are far too many interesting and exciting people waiting to meet you just around the corner..

    Come home change the locks gear in black plastic on the front lawn and tell her to foxtrot oscar, kill or cure, fraid you’re going to have to show some ‘manly anger’, wimmen never really get it they are so selfish it’s unreal, put your foot down.

    Free Member

    Honestly.. what is the matter with you?

    Take it up the tip.

    Free Member

    What a beauty! Your dads done an excellent job, can’t believe he doesn’t want to take it for a spin, couldn’t you both go take it ‘up the hills’ as we would round here. Back in the day I’d have given my eye teeth for one of those..

    Free Member

    trout – Member
    Its biblical arc building weather here in silsden

    As it is here in normally sunny and drought ridden Kent, so we kind of need it, not that it makes it any the less unpleasant.
    Still have had a couple of rides the last two days, so a day off ducking and diving housework will suffice (trys to type quietly in case SWMBO catches me on t’interweb again).

    Free Member

    Nice paint job JohnClimber, I also have the Cooper S Diesel countryman, don’t listen to the bottom feeders they’re just jealous it’s a really blinding car, it’s now shared with the breadknife now my truck has turned up, but I still prefer to go anywhere in either a hurry or distance in the Mini.

    Took it down to the Alps in record time, never went less than a ton all the way and it still returned 30 mpg average. Had it in the snow it handles really well and there’s a bit of room for luggage, not fitted a bike rack but then I’ve got the truck for that.

    I love the bluetooth phone connectivity and the steering wheel controls of the radio etc, not much about it I don’t like really, it takes the Germans to really show Brits how to make stuff properly..

    Free Member

    Yep just about to leave, did a fairly long one (for me) yesterday slippy slidey, dog faster than me on the down bits, but even in the rain and wind sloggin across some single track mid field I remember reflecting that there was no other place I’d rather be at that moment just as the right tune came on.

    So I’m off now and I shall further reflect on what has been the sh1test year of my life to date, lost a mill, buried my mom and my best man, heard a couple of days ago my riding mates 14 yr olds throat cancer has returned..

    Hey ho can it get any worse?

    Free Member

    Hmm according to that Magpies are not guilty. Maybe shoot cats instead then.

Viewing 40 posts - 321 through 360 (of 927 total)