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  • Elite Struka Microadjust Bottle Cage review
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    I’m trying to use it, still mess with fb don’t rate twitter it’s full of tw.ats so it would be nice if G+ got going they were too slow rolling it out, all that keeping it exclusive just established an environment with tumbleweed rolling through it.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member
    Personally, I’d like to see an end to over-long, uncatchy forum names.
    I propose 10 characters or less. Anything over, you’re banned.

    Seems fair..

    Free Member

    You can just rock up, especially at this time of year, but it is cheaper to book ahead and there are also deals around.

    Free Member

    It was an obviously poor attempt at humour. The Boat Show for those of us that have visited and worked there on the odd occasion in the past has a tradition of everyone getting off their face at a big stand run by Guiness. Back in the day, they’d turn the taps on as they arrive and turn them off when they left and it flowed constantly and is/was as nice a drop of Guiness as you’ll drink this side of the Irish Sea. Even the year the IRA blew the place up I don’t think they cleared the Guiness stand completely.

    So anyway, all the yotties gather there to meet and the atmosphere is/was electric, one of the Vodka mixer companies one year had babes and cheap mixers there in an attempt to woo us away, it failed.

    Now it’s a bike show as well and I thought maybe if any of y’all were there I’d introduce myself, (put a face to an ident) and you to it.

    I fully understand if none of you are old enough to drink alcohol.

    Free Member

    Partnerships have rarely worked out for me, you can hire accountancy stuff to cook your books and you can hire good workers, unless there’s something you feel another could bring, like an increased client base if work was hard to find, I’d keep it simple and to yourself and don’t go making ‘friends’ with employees you may have to reprimand or sack at some time in the future…

    Free Member

    It’s pathetic really, but we’re the losers ffs our country is being lead by a bloke you wouldn’t trust to hold your bike and opposed by t.wats that would only serve us best bent over as bike racks..

    I mean it seriously would you go on a ride with any of them?

    Free Member

    It wouldn’t be the first time would it?

    Personally I think Israel are beyond the pale.

    Free Member

    Never ceases to amaze me how many get reeled in, having said that I’ve often wondered what the benefit of reeling in ‘saddoh complain for attention types’ is to a business unless it’s a webvertising medium which an FM station isn’t really.

    Free Member

    Scotland could stay the same whatever happens…[/url]

    I like this bit..
    “The Scottish people will continue to shop, drink, complain, work for the council, eat beige food and hate each other because of football, religion or some bastard hybrid of the two.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Get the window seat if you want to doze/ignore everyone who attempts to bother you, there’s nothing much to see so pull the thing down so you can lean,put your pillow against it don’t talk to anyone avoid eye contact or they might want to bore you, transatlantic flights attract mercans and canucks who talk incessantly, tell your wife not to talk either unless she needs to speak to you then suggest she makes an appointment preferably for when the agony is over.

    Noise cancelling headphones a must.

    Best thing to do if funds permit, is to arrange to turn left when you get on, all that lot down the back smell, er it might cost a bit more but what the hell you can’t take it with you and you could end up not surviving anyway then what would have been the point of the saving?

    Free Member

    You couldn’t exactly call that period cabinet government.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    You mean apart from the 1997 devolution referendum?

    That didn’t include us they just asked you lot had they asked the entire country the answer would probably have been different, but then they were Jock politicians running our affairs then were they not, so the whole issue is pretty fraudulent if you are sitting in our shoes.

    Free Member

    In all seriousness, we have enough uncertainties in our collective worlds right now, I would have thought having one less to worry about would be a good idea so if there has to be a vote then better sooner rather than later so we can move on and deal with whatever outcome.

    Although it would probably be fairer to ask the entire country North & South of the border wether we even want a vote given other more pressing issues that face us at the moment, it’s just bloody politicians **** about with things for their own self aggrandisement after all, none of us were consulted about devolution in the first place and now the whole bloody Union appears to be up for discussion who even suggested it in the first place I wonder and how many of them were there?

    Free Member

    They can opt for the Scottish pound and devalue like the Southern Irish must be thinking about now re the punt.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    the whining Sassenachs

    Hmm, think I prefer that to ‘Nigel’

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    miketually – Member
    Not read all of that: has anyone asked whether North East England can join Scotland, please?

    This is an intersting question. I think if you asked nicely and all agreed.

    I don’t suppose you’d be interested in taking the Northern bit of that other pain in the ass island off Liverpool, get yourself some more Rangers supporters..

    Free Member

    Hah there’s a thought, what a job that would be Ambassador to Scotland.

    The whole idea is a joke, if it were up to me we’d be considering restoring that Prima Nocte lark and awarding it appropriately to us deserving ‘Nigels.’

    Free Member

    Free Member

    slackin101 – Member
    don simon – Member
    I’d say give them independence on the single condition of enforced repatriation.

    If you refer to two way repatriation then it’s a deal. Too many Nigel’s up here for my liking…

    We think you’re an absolute arse for referring to us as ‘Nigels’ 😉

    Free Member

    duckman – Member
    derekrides – Member
    Starting to flap a wee bit now,

    Nope, surprised I’m still here tbh, expecting another ban at any second.

    And it’s urine, pee or piss, only jocks use the term ‘wee’

    Free Member

    I find the whole artificially enhanced ‘sensitivity’ thing a complete joke to be honest and fools on the internet that propagate something they would’t question in real life total hypocrisy.

    I don’t revel being in their company, either, there are plenty here who are not like that and probably don’t post for fear of falling fowl of you PC bigots.

    So do one eh?

    Free Member

    vorlich – Member
    We think you’re an absolute arse for referring to us as “jocks”


    Well you’re of course welcome to think that, but it doesn’t stop me thinking of y’all as “jocks” which if I were going to be particularly impudent might prefix with the word ‘tight’ and suffixed by ‘gits’, but I’m not in this instance, but I just thought I’d let you know that for my personal ironic benefit.

    I’m also mildly amused by your heightened sensitivity for attention seeking device.

    I have however to ask the question why, when it is a common colloquialism, and not particularly malevolent, nothing wrong with the word Jock, particularly since large sections of an entire soon to be independent nation calls itself that or did last time I bothered to look. 😉

    Free Member

    Imv this is Cameron being quite clever and going for an AV style outcome.

    As for the price of whiskey, that will depend on wether Scotland adopt the Euro and they will come under an enormous amount of political pressure to do precisely that.

    Free Member

    Turkeys voting for Christmas, quite frankly. A brief period of childish satisfaction after the initial vote. Sticking two fingers up at ‘the oppressor’ (who’ll actually be quietly gratified to see the back of you). Before you’re grovelling back, cap in hand, when the economy does a Greece with in a few years

    +1 on this view.

    Did anyone see that programme where they walled them all back in?

    Free Member

    My Parents and Grandparents were Edwardian & Victorian and their Generation spent most of its effort killing and blowing up each other on a global scale using heaven knows how much fossil fuel in order to achieve their end.

    Our lot (baby boomers) following the oil scare of the seventies really brought the green agenda upon the world so if we are talking generations, it was us lot that at least attempted to reverse the problem. OK at the same time a silicon revolution was upon us and there were loads of us and we all wanted more stuff.

    We all know sooner or later science will come up with an alternative to fossil fuels and lots of us believe it already has, it’s just a conspiracy of the Oil lobbyists keeping it secret.

    It is what it is, at our level all we can do is recycle buy electric cars (and bikes if you must) turn lights off try and educate the kids so they can lecture us as in the case of the OP and hope for the best, eventually this rock will get absorbed into the sun when it finishes its cycle and becomes a red giant, so nothing is forever so we might as well do our best to enjoy what we have rather than use it inflict hardship on others is my view and mention to the next generation that they’d better start thinking about finding another planet to **** up at some point in the future..

    Free Member

    Boat knife have one of these and a couple of other probably not entirely legal lock knives, but then for my other activities I tend to need them quite often and at work. Come to think of it about the only time you don’t need a knife is on a bike.

    Free Member

    Had a couple of Espaces in the early versions, pretty much when they were the only people carrier about, they were both fine, a bit sketchy in strong side winds but otherwise cool.

    Free Member

    :oops:Sorry, missed the fact you’ve sorted it, good well done, but in my case, it was there now in my head, the fear, and who that biatch was in someone else’s post who took the piss and told everyone, probably the worse thing you could do to a bloke. Still it put paid to my philandering which was going nowhere and I’ve been happily with the same partner ever since, it helped that eventually she got an orgasm pretty much every time which didn’t happen that often with previous women and made me feel a bit better about myself.

    Lots of psychology in this wham bam and thank you mam stuff innit?

    Free Member

    tpbiker – Member

    Assuming we’ll be flying into geneva, what the best way to get 4 lads, kit and bikes to the resort?

    Drive, four blokes and kit? It’s cheaper to drive provided you get a good price on the Tunnel or the Ferry, Portes du Soleil you can do it in 8-9 hours not hitting the go pedal too hard (We’ve done it in seven from Calais).
    Best if you can blag a van or truck, but it beats air and you have the vehicle in resort to try different areas.

    It shouldn’t be difficult finding somewhere cheap provided there’s nothing on, contact the resort tourism info place. Portes du Soleil? That’s Les Gets, Morzine & Avoriaz right? Never biked there, snowboarded often enough, plenty of accommodation you should have a ball..

    Free Member

    This isn’t about pills, it’s all in your head, clearly. I had exactly the same thing after my first marriage ended in a flurry of multiple women then found one really a bit too young for me and I had a few issues exactly as you describe.

    So, some things to get straight in your head, it can and does happen to all of us, it’s just a matter of when and how, sometimes it can be drink, sometimes stress, whatever, it does.

    The other ramification you must consider (this might make it worse for you) but she must be thinking it’s her fault, not attractive enough for you, something she’s doing wrong etc etc, so the problem is shared, only she hasn’t got anything structural to fix so to speak.

    Edit Oh and try not to use any kind of drug ever if I can avoid it, so no to the blue pill.
    Edit Oh and never use drugs of any kind if I can avoid them, so no I wouldn’t bother, fix the mind first.

    I’d give it a rest, try and diffuse the situation then sooner or later it’ll just come back on its own, try not to think about it, use natures natural moments (piss proud in the morning) once you’ve done it once or twice it’ll go away, it’s all just nerves.

    This is going to sound a boast, but since I’m in a totally anonymous environment I can speak about it, I never have until now, but my problem was exacerbated by personal physical issues in that I’m a bit bigger in the endowment area than I would like and have had ‘fit’ issues as well and it takes more to ‘get it up and keep it that way’ so I know exactly where you are.

    All I can say is try not to let it get to you, make a joke about it, take the blame entirely on yourself don’t make her feel bad and get your ‘timing’ right, women are more susceptible at different time cycles and the ferramones work in both your interests, (bit like dogs and heat, we don’t like to talk that way, but it is true).

    So good luck and my respect for bringing it up, I’ve been fine for twenty years now, but still worry every now and again and as soon as i do, I then have to worry even more, it’s a nightmare trying to forget so you can ‘get on with it’.

    Edit Oh and try not to use any drug if I can avoid it so no to the blue pill

    Free Member

    Kali for me and it’s saved my ‘bonce’ at least once already as this pic can testify, landing head first in some ditch some young scrotes had dug mid trail without warning.

    Oh and before anyone ask that light is on the bike not the helmet it’s just resting on the handlebars for the pic.

    It’s a really nice helmet, light, good ventilation and I’m really surprised by the weight (and the price) of the full face, not that I’ve got one but if I were to that’s what I’d get.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    Someone once told me that trucks were cool because you could throw a load of bikes in the bake and carry a load of mate, unlike the sports car.
    Er that was me chum a few posts back it is very true.

    don simon – MemberThat thing has less clearance than a sports car for off road duties and I imagine would handle like a pig on the road. For the love of god, what is it trying to be?

    Er that would be a babe magnet is my guess. Wimmen luv men in trucks, they think men in sports cars especially red ones are deficient in the penile department, there again, in this environment they’re probably not to far of the pace all those mini budgies being smuggled in lycra on single speed bikes..

    Free Member

    Er thumbs up on the Karman Ghia, nice in its day..

    Free Member

    My God there are some Rose tinted specs on here tonight.

    The 2CV ffs Renault 4L was a way better car if surrender and eat cheese you must.

    And Porch, this was the best looking one they ever made

    with the exception maybe of that 959 I might have liked when I was young dumb and full of..

    Now how about something really cool..

    Free Member

    nicko74 – Member
    bikebuoy, I hate to break it to you, but your two Alfa’s on the previous page? One of them’s a Fiesta XR2 with an Alfa badge on it…

    :lol:Hah 😆 Not his mother in law after all then…

    Free Member

    I like trucks, you can chuck up to half a dozen bikes in the back and carry five or six bodies in them, pretty much anywhere you like, all that exotic crap, other than sitting in the fast lane at 60 nose to tail, wtf use are they anywhere below the M6 from Penrith?

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