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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Love it, thanks for posting.

    Free Member

    OP.. Good call chum, stay safe, keep your head down and don’t do any more volunteering out there.

    Free Member

    Hey hey hey..

    I’m a windoze user now.

    Least I’d like to be.

    If i could do a itzy bitty lil think like connect it to a **** network.. Not much to ask.

    But hey with the information gleaned here I shall try and find a mouse to connect to it so I can do ‘right clicking’ htf does one do that on a track pad thing that doesn’t track the way it should. (They don’t recognise finger movements or any regular stuff track pads should do) We do control or apple click which I guess does the same stuff you right clicky nerds do.

    Anyway, it’s fine, we’re fine, us PC users, just some of us don’t quite get it, like why would you if you didn’t absolutely have to cos satan from hell forced you to…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Noooooooooooo. No no no no no.

    that is so true nowadays, that main difference thing…

    I can’t argue.


    It didn’t used to be that way.

    Time was just us creative types used them.

    It doesn’t however address the fact this win doze 7 is equally for coffee shop rettards..

    Free Member


    still tortoise you are clearly a clairvoyant…

    Free Member

    I used to have similar issues, 1st off i bought urethan inserts which helped a bit.

    Then I went to one of those running shops where you run over this pad thing and they fit you with corrective running shoes.


    Free Member

    Thank you, please don’t think I think any the less of you for having been mislead down the PC route all of your lives, I understand fully…

    I am very grateful.

    No really.

    Er thanks..

    No that still didn’t come out right did it?

    I think it was really coowool Bill Gates went into that school the other day to ask how to give away some of that money y’all gave him.

    Er I took my surgical gloves off the other day to shut it down..

    Some of my friends use PC’s.

    No they’re really good friends..

    No, not that thick either.

    Doh **** it, i still feel dirty having to ask..

    Free Member

    OK let me explain it as i would to a child..

    In MacWorld we have things called file servers, they hold lots of er files, that us mac folk like to access with our macs.

    Now because part of my work environment has been sold to satan and the corporate world I have had to engage with the dark side and buy a frikken PC laptop.

    I just want to connect it to my work fileserver which is also a Mac, but back in the days before Windoze one could simply map a network drive via dos. I can’t even seem to get a C prompt it’s so bloated with chavware.. so the retarded can engage..

    I just thought maybe somebody here might know a work around, so i don’t have to keep emailing or USB sticking files to myself…

    Free Member

    Allways like a bit of cross dressing me.. So it was one way of explaining to the girls why I had to do it, can’t have little girls going into the Gents now can we? All that willy shaking going on, so when we went out together they had to do with another Mother figure.. 😉

    They’re not so keen on the idea these days for some reason.

    Free Member

    Fuel sales down year on year what was it a million litres plus, they need some reason to hike prices, that place counts for twenty per cent of the south east, that’s all.

    The administrators are in, that means they want to continue to run the business as a going concern, scare the workers into a pay cut, whilst letting the Press know there will be shortages so all us sad bastards go out and queue to keep tanks full and of course up will go the price, the administrators will make more money they won’t have to pay any of their creditors – everyone’s happy..

    It’s bollox, a scam and we take it every time, the meeja gets sucked in, we take the price hike, what with this and the threat to close the straits of idea how to spell it.

    It winds me right up this.

    Have you seen just how many refineries there are? And they are under capacity, don’t these journos ever dig deeper than the shit they are fed..

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    visualising 1 trillion dollars:

    Woh! and we owe over one and a half times that amount £1 =$1.55 currently..

    Kind of focusses the mind seeing it laid out like that on pallets

    Free Member

    Return of the Jedi! Ha quality find this…[/url]

    Free Member

    So it looks like..


    What’s our current population? Well the bit that counts, 65 mill?

    So does that make it £16,129 and threepence hapenny each then?

    Or have I missed a nought?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    I don’t think the benefit claimant really should be given the choice of whether they think it’s worth their time to do a particular job. If they can come up with something better, so-one’s stopping them, but if there’s a viable job, they should take it.
    3 million unemployed and more than that workless. there simply are not the jobs for them

    Not entirely true, there is an element of not wanting to ‘demean’ themselves with certain types of job.

    Not sure if it’s been argued already, but there are folk working here for 15k p.a and getting up in the morning and cycling 8 miles to work every day, we’ve also had folk work here getting benefits as well and witnessing the culture first hand of having kids defined as having various states of mental or educational issues purely to get more benefit.

    There does need to be a shake up t the system, it also needs to be noted and I’m surprised it hasn’t actually been mentioned by the fascist right press, but we are actually borrowing that 20 billion to give to folk to do nothing and pretty much all our taxes are doing is funding the interest on the accumulating loan..

    So in short, right or wrong and it is a complex issue and not everyone gets the entire 26k, but simply stated we actually cannot afford it as things currently stand, not and pay all these top executives that hand it out and talk about it as much as they do..

    Free Member

    I don’t want to scare you but…

    The last time I took my girls snowboarding, they went ahead on an old(ish) chair from Morzine back up to Avoriaz and it stopped. It was stationary for ages and we were getting quite cold in the cold windy snow that was falling and there was a rocky outcrop just ahead of the girls chair so the first hour or so was spent with me shouting at the more courageous of the pair not to attempt to jump.

    Then it became obvious the lift wasn’t about to move again anytime soon as a rescue crew were slowly working their way down from the top chair by chair. Ages past, telling them to keep moving, playing patacake anything to prepare them for what was to follow.

    Now a chair rescue isn’t that technical, a guy shuffles down the wire, enters your chair from above, passes a rope round your middle then lowers you to the ground. There’s a team below, belaying the rope beneath you, so, you’re watching your kids being lowered forty or fifty feet down this chasm into none pisted broken woodland (you’ve seen what it’s like beneath some lifts, this was awful.

    It was a nightmare and it hadn’t ended once we were on the mountainside, we were then left to make our own way out and I think we got a lunch voucher as compensation for our lost day from the lift company.

    So, be warned, never take lifts for or mountain pursuits for granted and always be prepared for the worse.

    Free Member

    Everyone goes through that SPD phase, it’s adolescence, you grow out of it, if they don’t kill you that is.

    Free Member

    Air Marshall Arthur “bomber” Harris.

    Free Member

    There are barely 50 of them in the country and how many blue ones I’ve no idea but I bet if you rang the distributors in the morning, they’d tell you and keep an eye open I heard they had a couple of 450’s nicked recently they are on the look out for.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    no derek – a civil partnership is not a marriage and it would be perfectly possible for gay folk to have marriages without forcing churches to do a ceremony against their will

    You’re wrong troll, read the link, nothing stopping a marriage ceremony exactly like the one my niece just had which was way better than either of my weddings..

    Free Member

    OK all you need to know here, so it’s down to religion and that’s that.

    So you want to legislate so the believers change their belief then?

    Sorry you can’t do that, it would be wrong.

    So the alternative is to just work around, I can see no reason why you can’t do that, ffs most hetero couples these days are shying away from churches and going for these marriage centres i went to recently anyway, and there’s nothing there that says you can’t, nor is there anything there saying you can’t call it a marriage, so it is what i thought it was all along, just political bollox having another bash at religion.

    So that’s it my last word, I’m done here and I’ll vote Tory for a while yet.

    Free Member

    Hey, it’s not me that’s saying it’s not allowed and so far no one has come up with a reason you can’t go, organise a ceremony, have the registra on hand say you’re getting married if it makes you feel happy and say wtf you like in the ceremony.

    Fundamentally what is different?

    Oh and i tell you what, she doesn’t go out with sad ohs that spend their lives on forums 😉

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    derekrides – Member
    Would it be fairer for all if the civil union be called just that and it matters not what the union is between, same sex or opposite sexes, why at the moment is there a necessity for the term marriage with all its traditional connotations of Religious ceremony, brides, bridesmaids, brides mothers, flouncy hats, groups of often fighting relatives, drunken dad dancing et al. All that enough in itself to start a new culture surrounding the making permanent of a union I would have thought.

    I do feel you’re trying (perhaps unsuccessfully) not to appear unfair. You can accept that we could have something called a “civil union” for everyone. How about if we called that “marriage” instead, and all the trappings/frippery were left to the individual?

    Well tbh I already thought we had that in all but name.. So Rachel, Emz, Alan or whoever can design whatever ceremony they please, most folk do these days, long gone is the phrase “Marriage is the union of one man and a woman for satiation of mans lust” or whatever it used to be.. These things change according to folk requirements, jump the broom ffs if you must, but it’s what differs legally I’m trying to get to the bottom of and what these tories are so het up about, I bet they’re as confused as I.

    The legality of spouse as next of kin was that not precisely why the civil partnership thing occurred?

    And whose name to you choose? Mrs & Mrs what? Or do you keep your own names (that could be cool that way the jolly old family name could carry on if daughter no 3 can be persuaded to give up wasting her pathetic attempts at girly boys and go for the real thing.

    Free Member

    So are you saying you don’t get to do that already with this civil partnership thing whatever it is that goes on now and that Church excluded the ceremony is that different?

    In what way is a conventional ‘registry office approved marriage, different to whatever procedure is in effect for gays right now I guess is what I’m getting at.

    The last ‘marriage’ i went to was a niece, they said all kids of different stuff to what I’d have conventionally thought, they made it up as far as I could tell. The register signing goes off at one side whatever gets muttered there isn’t of any consequence. The whole thing took place in a designed for the job converted barn in some farm place…

    So what’s stopping you and your girlfriend doing exactly the same as my niece?

    Is what I don’t get.

    leaving the old guard Christian style church thing aside for a moment.

    Free Member

    emsz – Member
    wow, derek, you really can’t help yourself, huh?

    I just want to get married one day. I don’t want a civil partnership or anything different to anyone else, just married, that’s all. My choice, not someone telling me what I can or cant have, (and free, like everyone else to make shit decisions) just like every one else, OK? Please please please stop trying to make us out to be special or different with special wants or needs, OK?

    OK I’ll bite again, I know I’m going to regret this…

    But why? Why do you want to get ‘married’ for convention/ For legal reasons, explain that bit to me first.*

    And you are different sorry to have to break that news to you but like it or not it’s true.

    *Not a troll now I’m suckered into this I need to know the actual reason, most of us that got married did out of convention or to legitimise kids whatever..

    So why do you feel you need to get “married’ instead of some other term?

    Explain it slowly as you would to a child…

    Free Member

    nickf – Member
    Adam, I think what Derek’s saying is that there are those for whom being gay is just a part of what they are. There are others who assert their sexuality rather more stridently.

    Two guys I know would rather run a mile than go to the Sydney Mardi Gras, but they’re no less gay than the draggiest of queens. They’re just very straight-acting blokes. Well, reasonably straight-acting, anyway. There’s a certain fondness for Erasure in their household.

    Not that it matters – this debate is about whether gay people should be able to marry, and not about whether being gay automatically makes you a massive attention whore.

    Thanks for your support there and yes pretty much what I’m trying to say and in answer to Adam and without wanting to patronise him or Emz or deride them in any way, but Gay sexuality is very complex, it’s very difficult to come to terms with initially and even more difficult for the individual to cope with life in the early stages, I know this first hand from folk I’ve known over the years, there are many ‘flavours’ of it, lots of differing characters some might like the Marriage thing some definitely wouldn’t want the commitment, some just don’t get why, other than the legality of it all the need exists unless what, they want to adopt for instance? I’ve known couples who have lived until death quite happily with no problems and others who can’t hold down a relationship for more than a few months without straying, what future for them divorce? That’s just the men, I’ve no experience of the female gay world (other than a suspicion one of mine is probably slowly coming to terms with the fact she might be)but I bet they have equal problems resolving a relationship regardless of the stress of having to commit to an establishment ‘marriage’

    So is it a question of terminology?

    So anyway it’s not that the act of publicly solemnising a union is wrong imv it’s the current terminology that is needlessly inflammatory and could so easily be sorted if anyone with half a brain looked at what is needed.
    Would it be fairer for all if the civil union be called just that and it matters not what the union is between, same sex or opposite sexes, why at the moment is there a necessity for the term marriage with all its traditional connotations of Religious ceremony, brides, bridesmaids, brides mothers, flouncy hats, groups of often fighting relatives, drunken dad dancing et al. All that enough in itself to start a new culture surrounding the making permanent of a union I would have thought.

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    derek it was all going so well you sounded like a reasonably balanced person, til about page 4, what happened?

    Yes, lost the plot a bit when whoever it was weighed in with the attempt to paint me homophobic again it happens all the time here, it’s standard Gay defence if you attempt to suggest there’s something they can’t have/be/whatever, wether it’s your personal opinion or sad fact of current life, and I’m trying to get some work done around this and wish I’d not posted in the first place now.

    Anyway to clarify, my point about the wedding thing is made, folk do it more for celebration lets say, in some cases paying huge sums, so marriage is public domain stuff, I spent my early wife as a wedding photographer, have been to more than most, if you want a quiet time you a)don’t bother at all, or b)registry office midweek with the witnesses and other than post bans tell none.

    Note I’m talking marriage generally here not gay specific.

    My point simply made is there will always be resistance for all the reasons already stated, no point making them again and no not my point, marry away, be interesting photographing it trying to decide which is the bride (bride should always be on the right in photographs)

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    what’s the problem with renaming, civil unions, civil marriage? Why would anyone have a problem with that?
    Come to think of it, why would anyone feel the need for it?

    The point is that one group in society can get married and one cannot so it is by definition unequal treatment on grounds of sexuality which is ironically illegal
    Perhaps we should suggest no one gets married in a church just so they can see how it feels to be denied your right..that is the thing with religion they don’t mind oppressing other folk because of what their book says but go mental if anyone tries to do the same back to them..their view is a minority but vocal viewpoint. – we could easily have civil marriages say in registry offices with no religious overtones…oh we do now we just need to allow it for those of the same gender or ban hetros form marrying I don’t care massively each way as long as they are equal
    Er I would have thought that was a contradiction, if it’s no-ones business why do they want to declare the union in any other way than just co habitant? Hetero or Gay?
    It’s a big deal getting married if you haven’t noticed, bans have to be posted and read, vows taken in public before witnesses..
    It’s entirely for other folks business and notice

    Its public but it is a personal declaration of a love and a personal commitment between two people who are so happy they share this with their nearest and is not just for “show” as you weakly imply nor for th ebenefit of other people.

    Oh really?

    So if it isn’t ‘for show’ why did Bernie Ecclestone spend 6 million on his daughters wedding including having a professional video of cinematic proportion made?

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member
    Read it again, I said that opinion not my opinion, which is such I could give a ****, gays by their nature are very often attention seeking fools, it’s their lifestyle choice, if they want to draw more derision than is already aimed their way then that’s up to them.
    This is why the navy doesn’t employ them.

    Sir Hugh Maharggs: Homosexuals can’t swim, they attract enemy radar, they attract sharks, they insist on being placed at “the captain’s table”, they get up late, they nudge people whilst they’re shooting. They muck about. Imagine… the fear… of knowing you have a gay man on board a boat, when you retire at night you think to yourself “God… will I wake up and find everybody dead?” You can’t run a ship like that

    What are you suggesting here chum?

    I dont’ have any issues with Gay folk, I work with them daily, count several as friends have watched the problems they’ve faced heard their discussions, however like all sections of society they frequently disagree with the way they are projected by their peers…

    As to what we’re discussing here is not my opinion, it is the opinion being complained about as demonstrated by the Tory opposition, so don’t try and wrap me up in it.

    The term ‘Scene’ Gay is from within the shall we say more flamboyant of the Gay community, scene gays were the active oft more promiscuous as against the more down to earth everyday person who is just living a normal life with a gay partner rather than clubbing, parading, and ‘queening’ didn’t realise it wasn’t widely known.
    In real life it shouldn’t matter what your bloody sexual preference is and for the most part doesn’t, however in my experience more like to shout it these days than don’t, gets to the point you wonder if its a challenge sometimes, why should it matter, at street level it’s been accepted now for forty years or more, no one cares, move on..

    Try not to misread posts I’ve noticed a lot of it going on on this forum, more interest in writing than reading happens a lot here.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    derekrides – why did you remove the ‘/work’ from what I’d typed when you quoted it?

    Er how old do I come across as?

    very selective quoting to support a nonsense argument = early teens?

    In fact how old are you then?


    Cool. Aren’t you a bit old to be posting on a forum like this, can you still ride a bike?

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Hora, I bet if someone did it to you you would not smirk.

    My guess? He’s probably not stupid enough to stand by a puddle..

    I didn’t smirk by the way.

    It was more of a chuckle and at nigew 😆

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    the sopa and pipa bills threaten any website which is deemed to be breaching copy right no matter how small with instant removal from the web with out due process or right of appeal,

    So, does this mean that the US govt can close down sites that contain controversial original material?

    You’d think they invented the web the way they carry on..

    Free Member

    nickf – Member
    Gay Union is not likely to be received by the Hetero community as the same as theirs, ever, they might not make a lot of noise about it for fear of God knows what law, rule or phobia they may be accused of, so shout and scream as the Liberal Left may, it’s not going to alter any time soon, (that opinion) and as far as any mandate the Liberal part of the coalition may have had, it went out of the window with tuition fees.
    Not to mention Sharia view on the subject…
    This hetero married person is entirely relaxed about it; speak for yourself only, if you don’t mind. Seems to me that the phobias you mention are in your own mind, but if you have specific instances of it, why not mention them.

    And what on earth does Sharia have to do with it? We’re specifically looking at civil marriages here – everyone accepts that religions can do their own thing.

    Read it again, I said that opinion not my opinion, which is such I could give a ****, gays by their nature are very often attention seeking fools, it’s their lifestyle choice, if they want to draw more derision than is already aimed their way then that’s up to them. Doesn’t worry me if they get married or not, most of my pals have over the years just quietly lead their lives and no one really cares or even judges these days, it’s just the ‘scene’ gays that make all the noise and the workaday types often suffer the more in silence..

    You can’t have travelled much if you haven’t noticed what effect Sharia is having on some gay sectors of the community..

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    if you’re desparate to plagarise soemthign for your homework today

    Er how old do I come across as?

    In fact how old are you then?

    Not generally that I’m particularly ageist but I do sometimes wonder what the average age is here..

    Free Member

    You leave negative feedback, that’s what it’s for..

    Free Member

    It’s not so much the withdrawal of the resource, it’s the reason for it, at first I thought it was a bit draconian, it also highlights that what we have come to regard as a part of life is still able to be withdrawn on the whim of one person.

    So all that work by all those people can be withdrawn if something pisses the man off, does in itself seem a bit bizarre.

    Like closing public libraries because the council don’t agree with something that may or may not be going through parliament.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    Who someone marries is no else’s bleeding business.

    And it’s about time some people realised that.

    Er I would have thought that was a contradiction, if it’s no-ones business why do they want to declare the union in any other way than just co habitant? Hetero or Gay?

    It’s a big deal getting married if you haven’t noticed, bans have to be posted and read, vows taken in public before witnesses..

    It’s entirely for other folks business and notice.

    We live in a world now where ones constantly worried by the PC Fascists to even discuss stuff like this and a clear majority of folk are represented by those Tory views. They sit in constituencies being tut tutted at by the ‘older’ generation who don’t like what’s going on, whipped up by the Daily Wail, so I wouldn’t be to sure that Z11’s views aren’t spot on the money.

    Gay Union is not likely to be received by the Hetero community as the same as theirs, ever, they might not make a lot of noise about it for fear of God knows what law, rule or phobia they may be accused of, so shout and scream as the Liberal Left may, it’s not going to alter any time soon, (that opinion) and as far as any mandate the Liberal part of the coalition may have had, it went out of the window with tuition fees.

    Not to mention Sharia view on the subject…

    Free Member

    Has that comedian fella David Walliams got over his weils disease yet?

    Free Member

    26″ Wheels by the sound of this[/url]

    Free Member

    Mrs Toast – Member

    It’s not about religion though, is it? Mr Toast and I, like a lot of people, had a civil wedding ceremony with absolutely no religious content, but we’re classed as ‘married’, not ‘in a civil union’. We could have had a civil union even if we wanted to. I’m assuming that gay people want to get married for the same reason as a lot of straight people – because they love each other – and they want that to be seen as carrying the same level of weight, legitimacy and commitment as a ‘straight’ marriage.

    It’s the fact it’s classed as something different that’s the issue – it’s not marriage, it’s something else. That said, a colleage got civilly unionised two years ago. No-one called it that though – they called it a wedding, where he and his husband got married. But legally, it’s not classed as marriage. Which is stupid, and hopefully will be rectified in the next few years, if not sooner.

    Yes agreed, I’ve probably got the wrong end of the stick and confusing the issue with requests for Church marriages, I thought Civil Partnerships were Marriages as per Registry Office hetero equivalent, if that is not the case then I see the unfairness and apologise.

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