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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Shame about that logo on the front down tube.

    Free Member

    I have to say, having watched the 69 landing and having lived through all the technological breakthroughs since, I’m disappointed they haven’t been back, had there been something there they needed, they would have done I’m sure.

    It’ll be the Chinese or Indians next but until we can curtail our global differences and some realisation that this rocks resources are finite and sooner or later humanity is going to have to go find somewhere else to screw up, I can’t see anything other than Mars on the agenda for some time. Although one of those moons of Jupiter is supposedly going to be worth a look, Europa is it.

    But, just think about it for a while, you need food, fuel, repair options against damage from space crap busting big holes through your craft, (remember Apollo 13) they were lucky with the Moon trips, going any further they are bound to bump into something, until they can work out the means of self determination from the craft itself, which afaik they don’t’ do yet, they are solar system bound for some time to come.

    And anyway where the **** are we going to get dilithium crystals from for the Warp drive?

    Free Member

    Bloody Midwiffery took over here..

    Got to say though, after that ‘India’ charade i couldn’t put up a serious argument, everything runs its course and i think they’ve lost the plot now..

    Free Member

    The TJ I recall was a hooker..

    Free Member

    Went out last night and again first thing this morning, it’s bloody brassic here, a couple below at least, and the trails are a bit frozen rutty was mud only a few days ago now rock. So bracing yes, fun er not really, not hitting anything hard that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    Best thing Neil Young ever did, was cause by reaction to ‘Southern Man’ the greatest opening riff of all time to and all round cool tune, Sweet Home Alabama from Lynrd Skynrd.

    Was he around on ‘Ohio’ ? Can’t remember, that was a cool protest to the Kent State riots from Crosby Sills etc.

    Free Member

    Napolean Dynamite
    Gay Boys in Bondage

    Free Member

    Trails have dried out nicely, it’ll be a brisk ride tonight, maybe even a snow night ride, it’s due here this avo, clouding over nicely, maybe even a spot of kite snowboarding tomorrow..

    It was pretty brassic in Munich early part of the week, it’s pretty general, all the time that wind remains in the East and the high blocks that low coming in from the Atlantic, they don’t know which is going to win, the high blocking with cold or the low with mild, anyway you lot up North will be getting some over the weekend and no mistake.

    Good. I like snow, makes the place look clean for a bit.

    Try and keep the damn dog out of the lake this year..

    Free Member

    spooky_b329 – Member
    Doublecab Dropside would be my choice.

    Up to seven seats and still loads of space in the bed.

    Good with Tarmac are they?

    Plenty of room for a daaag in the back.

    Shouldn’t there be a broom strapped to the upright? 😉

    Free Member

    knottinbotswana – Member

    VW Amarok got good reviews, but people here don’t trust small displacement engines.

    It’s kitted with low and hi range turbos, quite an efficient new engine, having said that it has stalled on a third gear take off which wouldn’t have happened with the Chevy with it’s 3.0ltr common rail.

    Flip side, if it’s your main day to day and you’re on road more than off which I am (although I live down this unmade track at the edge of town next to a bike trail) then of all of them it drives most like a car, better than the Hilux imv.

    I’ve towed a couple of boats around, nothing heavy, but it ate it up a trip from Southampton back here to Hythe towing at 80+ if I needed to.

    So I really rate it.

    Navara’s? They’re so nineties and mostly from Dale farm.

    Free Member

    Volvo drivers are/were responsible for more bike deaths than any other vehicle, so no other than once when forced to rent one by an errant employee, since terminated, having exposed me to the life-force and charisma sucking action of said brand over a period of three days in the fatherland some time back, no, I don’t nor ever will drive a Volvo, I’ve even had it written in my will not to engage a Funeral service that uses them.

    Free Member

    I drove the Chevy version of the Isuzu for five years, before that I had an L200 and now use the VW Amarok which is superior to both.

    But you won’t be getting a two year old, so next best would be the Toyota Hilux for comfort and reliability, next down is the Nissan Navarra, then the Colorado/Denver whatever GM badge you choose, I actually think the L200 is a better ride than them if you get it chipped and or re mapped.

    I love trucks, have driven them all at one time or another and rent them when travelling.

    Er wouldn’t be seen dead in a Ford, they’re almost as bad in trucks as Volvo are to cars, except in the States, those F150’s are OK but guzzle gas so useless this side of the pond.

    Free Member

    Since my alternative would likely get me another ‘sexual content’ ban, you’ll have to make do with this.

    Free Member

    Pyro – Member
    I’m flattered, Derek, but sadly you’re not my type, and under the beard I’m plug ugly.

    Anyway, you’re only after me for my hat, you rotter.

    I could change. 😉

    You wouldn’t believe what I look like in my girlie outfit…

    Very very very clean shaven.

    Free Member

    Pyro – Member
    Yes Derek, that is me and that is my hat. and my beard. and my perennial expression of confusion.

    Always a dangerous move, admitting to a male model on an internet forum one’s visual identity, stalker heaven, however do not worry, I never stalk men with beards, should you ever decide to shave and continue to wear that hat call me.. 😉

    Free Member

    Is that really you?

    Do you wear that hat?

    That could well get you a move into the coowool section of my list of forum approval..

    Free Member

    That’s not facial hair that’s lack of a good cat.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    I accept Jesus Christ existed, as probably did the other Prophet Mohammed and at the risk of having some fatwah issued against me would simply point out that whereas the first preached turning the other cheek to a core group of a dozen or so followers, the other preached war and death and destruction to thousands of followers raising cities to the ground, so if I had to raise my kids to follow one or the other it’s fairly obvious which I would choose.

    really – you read the Koran and thats what it says is it?

    Got one..

    Someone pass me the landing net…

    Jeez they’ve not been biting well today at all have they?

    Yes that in brief is the principal difference between those two prophets one preached love, understanding and turn the other cheek to others the other preached similar bollox but then said ‘or else’ then went on to demonstrate what ‘else’ should be at the head of an army.

    Oh and the evil one definitely had a beard and some indicators suggest the good one might have as well, either way, beards were involved and still are in religious disapproval.

    How many mods have beards I wonder?

    Free Member

    What your facial hair says about you…[/url]

    Free Member

    if your dad has a beard you’ve got two dads


    Free Member

    GreenBeret = Craphat I have on good authority from my lifelong riding chum.. (Para)

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    I think a number of yuppies were strangled in the 1980’s due to tie/fan interface issues;

    😆 :clappyicon:

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    Google+ is the only serious rival at the moment and so far that seems to have failed to catch people’s interest (though Facebook have cannily made some changes to nick some of the better features from Google+)

    Big mistake google made not rolling that straight out and cashing in when interest was hot, I got in fairly soon only to enjoy a world of tumbleweed, it’s just beginning to develop some interesting feeds, but what with twitter and fb still working I think they may have missed out. It’s a much better system, I like the idea of the circles.

    As to fb the big if is wether to buy and how soon to cash in..

    Free Member

    Why does that video seem appropriate, I imagine lots of you have sex with bearded men, frequently..

    Free Member

    Bear – Member
    yoss, where are you on the Kent coast, chilly here in Folkestone!

    And yes couldn’t care what it is doing in Yorkshire…… 😆

    Was going to post the self same thing, also from Folkestone.

    Free Member

    I’d still check the oil level and colour and no white bits in it (head gasket).

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member
    What were you doing on top of a bus?

    Hiding from the preverts downstairs…

    Free Member

    Yes, I was molested on top of a bus by a man with a beard..

    Free Member

    scuzz – Member

    derek – member
    Men with Beards if nothing else are warlike and aggressive, even though for many it is a defence mechanism.


    My point entirely if ever a (latent) serial killing stalker…

    Never trust a man who watches birds.

    Or twits a lot.

    Free Member

    bigyinn – Member
    I have a Marin, my friends also have marins. No sandals or beards visible amongst us.
    Derek reading between the lines of your post you seem to have an issue with Islamic brothers. Nothing to do with the fact you’re a christian no? (assuming you are from previous posts and not just a troll)

    Not strictly Christian, but believe in ‘the (a) force’ which I have proved already is the equivalent of God in primitive cultures so can be defined as a ‘believer’.

    I accept Jesus Christ existed, as probably did the other Prophet Mohammed and at the risk of having some fatwah issued against me would simply point out that whereas the first preached turning the other cheek to a core group of a dozen or so followers, the other preached war and death and destruction to thousands of followers raising cities to the ground, so if I had to raise my kids to follow one or the other it’s fairly obvious which I would choose.

    Men with Beards if nothing else are warlike and aggressive, even though for many it is a defence mechanism.

    Free Member

    Orange surely.. Men with Beards are from up North, Orange riders are from up North ergo…

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    i will shave derek is a dull attention seeking saddo **** into my beard

    So what are you saying junky boy?

    Everyone else who posts isn’t attention seeking?

    So does your beard smell of anything interesting today?

    Free Member

    Haven’t been to the movies for ages then went twice in quick succession, saw a week with Marilyn which was OK, quite enjoyed it, bit of a UK luvvyfest, but was quite fun. say 6/10 then saw the Iron Lady.

    Love or hate Thatcher it was a nasty film so if you hated her, worth a visit, personally I’m ambivalent she was both good and bad, but no way as bad as our current crop of lying thieving scumbag politicos. The movie however is worth going to see simply because of Streeps performance she is without doubt the finest acting person across both sexes imv, totally wasted in this obviously female bitchfest about Thatcher’s descent into Dementia with hints that it was going on whilst she was at the controls..

    Nasty Film buoyed up by an acting genius.

    Free Member

    Dandad is the norm..

    Free Member

    It’ll be fine..

    Right up until the moment, you’re out in quite deep snow, the dog mistakes the ice on a lake for grass, jumps in, can’t get out

    and your lights pack up.

    Or some scrotes have decided your favourite trail needs a big gap jump in it, start work, dig a big pit, don’t finish, so no kicker and the autumn leaves cover it up before you arrive, next thing you know the dogs licking your face trying to bring you to..

    Free Member

    These guys had some amazing deals (80% off) on special blend pants last time I was in there, they’re worth a call.

    TK Maxx aint what it was, too much ‘made specially for them’ really cheap crap which looks like but doesn’t perform like the way it should, I had a pair of boar dies off them that fell apart the bloody first day I used them and don’t bother trying to get a refund..

    Free Member

    bjj.andy.w – Member
    ….any dog that’s smaller than a cat isn’t a dog IMHO

    Correct.<thumbsup emocion>

    Free Member

    scaredypants – Member
    Obvious troll is pissed


    Free Member

    PIBFAK more like, we don’t have ‘IT’ departments, didn’t need them until now, we are all mac, entire company runs on them. Our FD said the same, ‘at my last job i just asked the long haired spotty ones’ they fixed it for me then ride home on their single speed bikes.

    I agree it was wrong to sell Macs outside of the cognoscenti, I blame the iPod then the iPhone and now look at them, they make more money than anyone else, total sell outs.

    Anyway, a bit of fun, I do kind of know my way round, but did find it tricky setting this thing up to share files.

    Free Member

    C’mon, this is home edition ‘doze7, it’s not that intuitive for stuff like that.

    Think I’ve got it now, but seriously it’s not easy..

    Then there’s the screen thing, how the hell do you set it up so you scroll/drag stuff between the screen of the laptop and the external monitor, I like to have the web browser on the laptop screen and my spreadsheet on the monitor, so how does that happen?

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