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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    She is now talking to some older guy not sure wether he’s related, I’ve let the dog off the lead he’ s done the necessary with his nose, I’m busy trying to seem mildy disinterested whilst typing to y’all. I’ve had another pint, getting dangerously near my not crashing in the bushes on my way home limit when there ain’t ice and snow about. She just smiled again.

    Free Member

    Correct my lame riding girly buddies can’t take the cold up their knickers so I’m tormenting y’all don’t ban me for a couple of minutes more chap, there’s a babe from heaven here thinks I’m engaged in serious communication.

    Free Member

    Trust a farmer to ruin my bliss with talk of biking obscenity

    Free Member

    No-one’s ever answered this satisfactorily, but why is it everything from Yorkshire, from Tea to Broadband has to be prefixed with the adjective ‘honest’, is no one honest in Yorkshire then, so when something is found to be so it’s a reason for celebration?

    Free Member

    Why did my seat post fail where I centre punched it?

    Free Member

    I’d steer clear of D30, it’s been a solution waiting for a problem all along and has wrongly been adopted (for marketing reasons by lots of products) given it hardens on impact, that has the effect of transmitting energy straight to where it shouldn’t, sure it’s flexy but as a protection item has been ruled out by most serious protection companies and as it needs padding to back it and is not easy to secure the padding in a way to guarantee protection and energy dispersion it often fails EC tests.

    We had a bit of experience of this in snow and kiteboarding a couple of years back and it’s now largely been discarded.

    Use Kali knee pads myself, nice way of continuing to wear shorts in cold weather.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    Going to have to watch it again, thought it was average but I was watching it whilst trying to do some stuff for work so didn’t pay a great deal of attention.

    Hmm, since your job title here could be described in part as “troll hunter” you should probably pay more attention. 😉

    Free Member

    Quentin Letts writes for the mail as I recall, not the worse hack on the street of shame.

    Grauniad readers and the PC left are the reason we’re in this mess and it gets me reading the jobs still advertised there, outreach counsellors ffs.

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    The worse thing for me however was being told I’d caused someone to be banned, that really upset me
    well.. that’s what you get for reporting a piece of art..
    I wasn’t bothered by the ban but your attitude was all a bit Mary Whitehouse.. it was quite disturbing to be honest..

    Art? It was desecrating her majesty, 60 years of service and that’s her reward?

    bullheart – Member
    It would have been me that put the drawing pin on the Physics masters chair that got the whole class detention after they’d stopped weeping from the tear gas bomb that had gone off in my pocket.
    He wasn’t a member of the Institute of Physics, was he?

    Hmm a member of that august body would rate more than just a drawing pin.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    If you feel that you have to hold back, wouldn’t it be fair to say that free speech is now being lost and you can’t speak your mind for fear of upsetting someone? That can’t be good. I’m all for free speech and the right to free speech, I am, however, against the personal insults. Calling someone an idiot becasue they are an idiot is factual rather than an insult, I did also apologise to some idiots I know for the slur on them.

    Surely you’re helping them by explaining their idiocy? It’s a kind of social justice thing you should be thanked for it. 😉

    Personally I struggle, I cope by method acting as Derek, it’s the only way, I’d have been flung off and thermo nuked ten times over if I’d been myself. I use a dumbed down version of a yottie dinghy persona I had to create for that forum, it’s part of the fun I find, being a total addict to these places, one ends up acting out various persona to suit the different fora.

    Then I’m a piss taking bastard in real life, some might even say a total cock.. 😀

    It would have been me that put the drawing pin on the Physics masters chair that got the whole class detention after they’d stopped weeping from the tear gas bomb that had gone off in my pocket.

    Free Member

    Hah I’ve just remembered the last ban which was hilarious, I’d posted a pick of a fat lad laying on the beach, can’t remember why, but anyway if you looked to close you could just see the lads left b*ll*ck up his shorts, they banned me for sexual content.. 😆

    Free Member

    It’s been a bit quiet I thought after the mass bannings after the bike show and did wonder if they were having a bit of a clean up splurge, I’ve come to accept the bans here, didn’t like it at first since none of the other forums I visit save one are moderated and none as harshly as this one.

    It certainly has the air of the classroom about it which is hardly surprising if you consider the provenance.

    I’ve never been warned before a ban, it just happens and often when I least expect it, kind of just when I thought I’d settled in and had found the ‘flow’ of the place.

    I think I’ve had about five bans in the four months or so I’ve been here so I’m on par for that 13 in 12 record if it is a target. I can’t remember exactly what they’re for, the last was swear filter avoidance which is a tad childish imv

    Then again as I said else where, there are lots of children here. ( Children = anyone under 39).

    The worse thing for me however was being told I’d caused someone to be banned, that really upset me so the next ban I accepted as Karma.

    It does however artificially alter the demographic a tad, making it a cosy warm feely place for lefty kids who can’t ride good, rather than the traditional rufty tufty sweary laddish culture that used to be the norm for off road biker types, so it is unique from that perspective.

    What should happen, is a place for us to go when we are banned, where we can commiserate with one another and tell tales about teacher without him caning us or putting us in detention.

    It’s just finding a similar style of forum I guess, there’s a newish one not populated on that imbike mag, probably have the effect of winding them up more though, then we’d end up having our user name totally destroyed and all trace of our existence exterminated.. 😯

    Free Member

    Hmm technically the clotted cream should act as the ‘butter’ then a smidgeon of jam if we’re being polite which I can’t see anyone off here being since my impression is most are Children or not least mental age of slightly retarded child with the occasional exception of intelligence of the sort that is normally accompanied by a special chair and a head tapper and or excess grease and spots.

    Children = anyone under 39.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    No, caused by the equalisation of that standard, by the welfare system and socialism
    That’s the same as what I said.

    But that’s quality right-wing common sense there, I don’t think there’s much point in me debating this because it looks like you have the sensitivity to agree what I’d say.


    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    We’ve simply inflated our costs in relation to theirs.
    Caused by improvements in the standard of living.

    No, caused by the equalisation of that standard, by the welfare system and socialism. I can assure you that many Chinese & Indians have a far greater standard of living than us. There is however a bigger differential between their have nots and ours.

    We like to molly coddle ours, with free cash and a health service, for which large proportions of them contribute nothing, we also like to offer these favours to anyone who turns up on these shores, from anywhere in the world, thereby depriving our earners of the sort of standard of living their labour could achieve through excessive taxation, we have also taken of late to borrowing huge sums of money to fund our generosity.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    You know some other reason?
    Yes! The cost of living is far lower, and the standard of living is also far lower.

    Er it’s the same thing, the standard of living is defined basically by the cost of an hour of mans labour, wether that be gathering the crops to feed him, or to do battle in defence of the state, whatever.

    We’ve simply inflated our costs in relation to theirs.

    Ultimately, rice, bread, water, meat, brick, stone, have no value other than what we place upon them and market economics take over, what one man will pay over another.

    Reduce it to barter economics if you want to catch my drift here.

    The exception that rules the West and is now increasingly influencing the East, is the oil economy, which screws all of us, without it, the differentials would not be as extreme.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    You think trade unionism is the only reason China and India make stuff so cheaply? Hehe

    You know some other reason?

    In as much as the trade union movement back the labour party, the labour party gave us the welfare state, the welfare state keeps wages high comparatively speaking, if you’re looking for the reason wages in India & China have lower wages.
    The material cost in a Snowboard is the same wether it’s built in China or Europe, but in China they leave the factory for as little as $50. whereas in the European facilities they’ll be minimum 90 € with the benefit of a mechanised production line.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to manufacture snowboards in England, someone tried it once, didn’t last long.

    In the States it was sad when K2 closed Vazon island in the late nineties, early noughties but….

    As the man said we’re paying ourselves too much to do too little.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Ok – why?

    We used to make things, then we stopped doing it so much. Why was that?

    Same reason we no longer attempt to pay local single speed riding proles to dig stuff out of the ground, we buy it from places where trade unions haven’t given them an over inflated sense of their worth.

    Free Member

    Hasn’t this thread missed the essential thrust about what the dude was saying which was we have to focus less on money creating more paper money, grind coffee beans and stop **** with peoples currency?

    Which I tend to agree with.

    As to the high street having recently had the rent increased mid recession from 10 k to 15k per annum on our store which had to close down and relocate back to a little industrial unit we started out on 3 three years ago by some rich bitch landlady who doesn’t quite understand why we can’t earn an extra five grand a year selling the stuff we sell, with tumbleweed blowing down the high street most days and early closing on Wednesday. The Vat having increased to 20% which effectively switched business off last year (always rely on the Tories to really grind a recession home) so in one year we were almost wiped out at that store.
    Now we’re back in our little industrial unit, folk can drive here in their vans and park, buy their snowboards and chew the cud without worrying about parking nazisattendants stickering up their cars, and so far this year our business is recovering, so we’re all for out of town shop units, just wish there were more of them available to the type of small shop we are.

    High streets are now the province of charity stores, coffee shops, banks & building societies, big issue selling romanies, with the odd busker and chugger here and there, best avoided.

    Free Member

    Is that the Malaysian Prime Minister?

    Don’t anyone go playing ‘Relax’ now whilst I’m around..

    Free Member

    Dude, don’t apologise, they deserve it, just a question of defining who the they are, after a while and a great deal of lip biting keystroke avoidance you get to spot some of them are quite bright and funny dudes who can actually ride.

    ‘Cept the mods of course who are all trigger happy life needers..

    Free Member

    That waterboardings got a lot to answer for.

    Free Member

    bwaarp – Member
    I’m now with a nice, cool, calm calculated woman who respects me enough to just talk to me and discuss issues with the aim of coming to an agreeable compromise.

    Back home with Mum then.

    Free Member

    Hmm looking at that list, with Base jumping rated highest with 9 from a population of 20,000 ish, I doubt there are many more Kite surfers and there have been more deaths than that in that period, there were three in two weeks last summer in Tarifa.

    So per head, Kitesurfing must be up there and it is dangerous.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    Except you eh?

    Dude how could you? 😥

    I thought that post was really kewell, even googled the formaldehyde spelling..

    I’m wasted here..

    talking to junkyards ffs

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    wow Derek subtle as ever so psychos and Learning disability in the same sentence..if it is an art form derek then you are the one who turns up with a hammer smashes it all and then claims to be “perfomance art”
    I wish you well in getting a life

    Actually Yunki put it better than me

    Dude everyone puts stuff better than you..

    As for hammer smashing – too manual for my taste – I tend to the Damian Hirst technique with “performance art” employ others, that formaldehyde is sooo smelly.

    Free Member

    Yes, there needs to be another expression, those ignorant psychos (who’ll immediately claim aspergers syndrome if caught) have nothing to do with proper trollism, which is in itself an art form.

    Talk about giving trolls a bad name.

    Especially in a place like this, troll nirvana.

    Free Member

    Aimed at me I thought, fowled up the header, didn’t get to edit it in time..

    It is of course Panorama.

    And they’re discussing Internet trolls now, we wouldn’t know anything about them now would we?

    Free Member

    Cyber Mentors 😆

    Loads of them here… 😆

    Free Member

    Too much Russian Influence, bullies only pick on countries where they don’t put up a fight.

    Free Member

    Yep, another Concept 2 vote, bought, used for a bit, got bored and sold on ebay for not much of a loss.

    Took up off road cycling regularly to achieve the same effect with a passing view.

    Free Member

    Ooo do you use hair gel?

    What about moisturiser? The wind whipping through the trees as you thread your daredevil way through the branches, bottling your rocket on just an inch or two of timber, must play absolute havoc with your skin dahling, do you moisturise afterwards?

    We need to know which brand.

    Free Member

    El-bent – Member

    One can presume that pre-revisionist PC, we only did “good” things? One should always question history that is written by the victors.

    We’ll be in holocaust denial the way this thread is going.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    derekrides – 2 wrongs make a right eh? You imply you are religious, I think the new testament says not?

    So my position has always been very respectful of the sacrifice made by the men and women that fought that war, and wonder how many of them would be turning in the graves at what the following generations did with the freedom they provided. The CC TV, the Curtailing of freedom of speech, the enforcement of secularism, the state interference.. etc etc.
    Erm so you disagree with how certain things are going…and seek to enlist dead war victims in support?

    As usual simpleton that I am, I’m struggling to understand the two wrongs bit, I guess you mean by that the wrong of the area bombing, laid bare by modern PC thinking? I’m not particularly religious, but did live in the tail end of that period at which time religion or Christianity was part and parcel of life back then, just as it was at school, at sunday school, at scouts, pretty much everywhere kids got sent and it did no harm really, not particularly a thread to discuss religion on as much as I know it’s a crime to be a God botherer here.
    So in answer to your last statement, yes, I guess that’s about it, I disagree with the way things are now and am pretty damn sure those old boys that didn’t come back would be the worse for knowing how their sacrifice has been squandered not to mention dishonoured by latter generations.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    derekrides – Member
    They can’t help themselves bringing up Dresden can they ffs.
    Only the bloody Brits can look back at what those guys did for us then cry shame.

    Was this aimed at the pilots/aircrew or those that came up with the strategy?

    Just saying, like.

    It was aimed at the programme makers, who couldn’t help themselves joining the recent revisionist PC trend of highlighting what they view as ‘bad’ bits of the war. I can assure you, no-one who lived through the Blitz, or any of those Bomber Crews, could give a rats arse as to the outcome of the Dresden Raids, it was just another of a long line of them, historically probably Hamburg was worse and as I said, at the time V2’s were falling on London, a secret weapon with no defence options and had Hitler had his way it would have been nuclear.

    Whilst I’m in full rant, I’ve always found it appalling that they were not recognised and contemptible what happened to Harris simply because Churchill wanted to back track.

    I did enjoy the programme, I was touched by the old girl that riveted, in more ways than one, the obvious love and respect Euan has for his brother, I also enjoyed the Spitfire programme some while back. My old man was in the RAF photo reconnasaince, the other mentor in my life, my former chief photographer was a WOP AG, tail end charlie, he never talked about it, just said he was lucky to have lived through it, but would not have missed it for the world in hind site .

    So my position has always been very respectful of the sacrifice made by the men and women that fought that war, and wonder how many of them would be turning in the graves at what the following generations did with the freedom they provided. The CC TV, the Curtailing of freedom of speech, the enforcement of secularism, the state interference.. etc etc.

    There, shoulder chip duly exposed..

    Free Member

    They can’t help themselves bringing up Dresden can they ffs.

    Only the bloody Brits can look back at what those guys did for us then cry shame.

    Like the old boys said, they bloody started it, we finished it.

    Quoting Bomber Harris, they sewed the wind, they’re going to reap the whirlwind.

    And everyone conveniently forgets whilst Dresden was going on V1 & V2 rockets were still hitting London.

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member
    Nice try at trying to change the subject but as it goes i sometimes ride with gears and sometimes ride without.
    But I never have to get rescued by the coastguard or slag off a type of bike that my own company imports.

    So you’re not going to recomend the 29er Bandit to me then?

    Shame as i have been looking at it as a possible replacement for my last remaining 26er.
    Oh well plenty of other people that will want my money.

    1st. I’ve never been rescued by a coastguard, nor the RNLI for that matter.
    2nd I don’t actually sell bikes personally, but I’m sure if I did and you expressed an interest, as a salesman i’d be stupid to try and disagree with you. Now if you want a pair of gloves, I do sell them now and again, and ladies handbags. 😉
    3rd I’m told, by people who know these things, that if you absolutely have to look ridiculous on a mountain bike with silly big wheels, then the Transition Bandit 29er is at least designed with the task of a)Riding Trails well and b)Trying to retain an air of kewellness about the rider, probably a tough call in your case. 😉

    Free Member

    So let’s get this straight, you, by your own admission someone weird who rides a bike without gears in a world of plenty, is somehow suggesting er I have no clue.

    Free Member

    You must be mistaking me for some other derek.

    One that hasn’t a clue.

    Free Member

    brakes – Member
    thing is, 29ers probably aren’t as obvious as they used to be and harder to spot, since they worked out how to make them look like normal mountain bikes

    Er when did they do that then?

    There again I bet it’s the same opinion as folk have who think riding a road bike and actually admitting to it, is cool.

    They look wrong. (29ers)

    End of.

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