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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    How often do wimmen choose throat slashing as a means to end another womans life?

    It just doesn’t happen that way, wimmen don’t do that, it’s a bloke thing.

    Women do poison, shoot guns (not often), strangle, tear hair out, scratch, bite, bore folk to death.

    But throat slashing? Nope she’s innocent, acted stupid precisely because it didn’t even occur to her she could get banged up.

    Wasn’t there some Sub Shaharan African involved? They don’t mind the odd throat slashing, hate to do the stereo type thing, but in this PC world of total stupidity, the obvious very often gets totally ignored, precisely because it’s so flaming obvious.

    4 year wasted of a young womans life and now the damn eyties are trying not to look stupid in the face of extremely dodgy DNA evidence.. They’ve got nothing on her..

    Free Member

    “I said good luck” Leave the illustration to your imagination.

    Free Member

    Dogride-work-spreadsheets-early lunch thanks to daughter throwing a sicky at school and having to be picked up-work more spreadsheets-last sunny sunset ride of the summer it’ll be cooler tomorrow, winds filled in, trails will be wet by the weekend or I’m not incredibly good looking…

    Free Member

    Noticed it’s a single speed, maybe this nurse would be more appropriate

    Free Member

    wors – Member
    rather than one chucked together in a shed next door to a White Flag factory.
    Is that the one next door to the unused ammunition dump?

    Yep probably, here’s one of the work force

    Free Member

    emsz – Member
    I saw the photos, you all look a bit good. all dressed in the proper gear and stuff,

    I saw those photos.. Since when have volley shorts and wife beater vests been ‘proper gear’ and there were bald people riding there, how could they do that without a wig?

    It looked wrong, totally wrong they need help from a stylist, I should have been there..

    Free Member

    I wonder, would that CBT involve not wasting time posting on internet forums during office hours?

    If so, not much use to me then..

    Free Member

    I would keep the cool one assembled by your fellow countrymen, rather than one chucked together in a shed next door to a White Flag factory.

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    Ive posted pics of this in its original incarnation before, but now in it’s final form and had a quick clean (after some direct hits on some cow poo on the common), here’s a few pics with the blood washed off.

    Step away from the keyboard son.

    You’re not very well, come with this nice nurse, she has something that will help you with your problem.

    Free Member

    I have a theory that the current Cancer epidemic is due to increased mobile phone use, never have I known so many folk that either have it or have lost someone near to them, I bet everyone reading this knows somebody in similar circumstance.

    So yes, like electricity pylons that definitely produce clusters of cancerous disease, I believe them to be dangerous. I was also concerned at the effect they found Wifi had had on some plant in one of the Scandinavian countries, I don’t like even knowing to be really honest, nothing any of us can do about it now.

    Nothing written here has any basis in fact, jus pure anecdotal evidence and speculation, but then if it were fact would we be told and if we were, would there not be some equal and opposite case put before us by some high priced scientific lobbyist.

    Am I a conspiracy theorist? Hmm I do wonder sometimes..

    Free Member

    It may not be my place to comment as I’m still new and don’t really like these ‘aggro’ threads, but here goes anyway.

    1)It’s a woman at fault here so you’ve already lost, they can do no wrong, pointless to argue, your role as a man is to pick the litter up and put it in a bin and to say nothing, just feel lucky she allowed some mild interaction with her, smile then be on your way.

    2)Having challenged both her and effectively her ‘escort’ you have now introduced the need for said ‘escort’ to prove his ability to defend her. You then acted in a manner that encourages pursuit, never a good position to take in an aggressive debate.

    3)You probably don’t have all the necessary defensive weapons (have you a hammer clipped to you handlebar, I find it an essential device for dealing with traffic, they really don’t like you hitting their cars with it.)

    4)The answer to this question is key, what were you wearing? Tell me it wasn’t spandex and spankies, if it was, then everything that happened to you was deserved.

    5) Are there not people in fully paid employment whose task it is too look after the young damsels droppings? She would have been especially mad with you for denying them gainful employment.

    No I think in your case you should not get involved, mind your own business is probably the best counsel I can offer, or arm yourself better, then a simple tap with the hammer to the BMW wing would have rectified the situation and if not then a tap to the skull of the escort and a tut tut to the lady..

    Free Member


    Not as bad as that Irish dude as Alexandra the Great.

    Free Member

    Presumably you’re having trouble getting it started?

    So 1st some questions.

    1)Is it fresh or salt water (last time used)
    2)Have you changed/cleaned the plug
    3)Using fresh new fuel with the correct mixture, i assume old = 2 stroke.

    Do all those, spray the electrics with WD40, taking care if it’s been used in salt water to clean stuff. (Salt often shorts out things like plugs and coils)

    Then set the nob 3/4 rich and try and get it to fire, it’ll probably four stroke a bit, then turn it 50% try again if it catches, turn the nob leaner.

    You need to turn it over a bit, get some fesh fuel mix into the crank case, do this by taking the plug out if necessary after a long lay up. (It could have been winterised with a heavy oil mix in the crank).

    Unlikely much wrong with it, outboards rarely get anywhere the use they’re capable of.

    But they do clog up, too much oil, salt in the electrics, water in the float chamber, stuff like that..

    Nothing a good cleaning won’t sort.

    Edit, er pardon if I’m telling you how to suck eggs, but only start it in a bucket of water, don’t want the impeller burning out.
    And, I’m probably a bit out of touch, although I did race suzuki engines back in the day, but OMC was Ediinrude and Johnson, Merc & Mariner were the same thing, but I wasn’t aware of any hook ups with OMC & the Japs, then again, times change it was a while ago now.

    Free Member

    Good old fashion Roast beef, yorkshire and veg after a family day on the beach, ‘they’ invaded because of the good weather so Mrs Zoolander treated them.

    Free Member

    Dude, finally, someone to put on the cool section of my list..

    Free Member

    So, so I can grasp it, would that be Morris as in Mo with hard o like in choc and riss, or Moe and Reese like in Witherspoon?

    Where’s the elfin dude when you need him?

    Er in case you were wondering, yes, limp handshake and drink lite beer sorry dude

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – Member
    Cougar – he won’t know what a spurtle is.

    He lost me at morris, nobody calls their kid ‘morris’ didn’t you Brits call one of your lame old cars ‘Morris’ ?

    Spurtle? Sounds like something Northern your kind elf’nsafety dude warned me about, then again that could be it? Northerners don’t eat their young they psychologically destroy them by calling them Morris..

    Spurtle is Spurt in Liverpoolese or Liverpudalien whatever you call that worse dialect in the world that makes ears bleed and cars jump up on bricks and shed all their wheels..

    Free Member

    I’ve a pal trying to chase down one of these, in black, I think he’s a large, not certain, there are none down here and none left at the distributers apparently, are any of yours large black by any chance Mr Fox?

    Free Member

    antthebike – Member
    My dear chap,…
    There are some hazards, …..
    Zombies tend to be only of concern at twilight and if you stop.

    I’ve found once you explain to them their road bike is what is giving them that thousand yard stare and is why everyone hates and fears them, they cease to be an issue…

    Free Member

    On the beach, sailing, waterskiing maybe.

    Free Member

    Great, I’m off to bed happy, very moving, ta for that…,

    Free Member

    I’m a bit like samurai, hadn’t considered it a risk, I’m not totally alone, got the dog, but then that can turn into being a liability, last winter it was fairly deep snow and I was out on a heavy clunker so it gripped ok. Made the mistake of going down by the lake, the damn dog made a mistake thinking it was solid and jumped straight in, couldn’t get out.
    Just as I’m going to his aid, the lights packed up, that’s a whole sudden other ball game. pitch black icy cold, no lights and I’d left the phone behind, it got me thinking, would she even know where I’d gone, she’d have been probably more worried about the dog than me.

    Anyway as usual my luck held, managed to fire up the light it was a loose cable when I set the bike down and we set off for the pub, the fire and a warm. But I did talk it over with her, she’s followed me to ER in the ambulance on a number of occasions for broke bits and smashed skulls, so we’ve agreed, phone with me at all times and a rough ETA and she’s cool (and checking the insurance).

    Riding at night isn’t without risk though, came horsing down this normally clear track only to swing round the bend into a veritable sea of cats (sheep as it happened) eyes, then ploughed right in and over the front, that was pretty damned scary not to mention painful for all involved.

    Free Member

    I must admit to being a bit baffled by you single speed dudes, can’t be categorised as uncool for that, not like those fixie types.. I was at a show in Germany once and in another part of the exhibition there were a bunch of fixies types trying to do tricks, jumps and things, they were all Brits from Lunnon, none of them were sticking the tricks they were crashing and piling in left and right, one of those times I’m glad to be American not Brit (Germans can’t tell the difference, out there I’m Chuck and come from Texas). Fixie riders are definitely uncool, so Single Speed dudes are in danger of uncool by association to the casual observer all very embarrassing.

    Free Member

    Reading the Saxon Series from Bernard Cornwall, read pretty much everything he’s written, like his style, bit of historical fact with plausible fiction, well researched.
    I’m an airport reader mainly don’t get stuck in at home, too many distractions, forums, movies and bikes not necessarily in that order.
    Other stuff anything Michael Crichton sadly denied anything more, occasional Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy he pads stuff way out. George Macdonald Fraser (That’s Flashman to y’all) is hilarious and love them all. Like Tom Sharp occasional Grisham but not lately, that’s about it for the past few years..

    Free Member

    I’m jealous too, I should be there, they clearly need me..

    I can save them from themselves..

    Free Member

    Doh !
    Just seen the pictures, there are some style terrorists with extreme prejudice.. Volleys, Wife beater combo’s it’s like transportation to the Planet Urunkewell. Are there Australians there?

    Free Member

    I can see I need another list section

    Free Member

    slimjim78 – Member
    are you for real derek?

    Hmm real? Real in a virtual sense I guess.

    The person operating me is real. The bit doing the typographic representation is a computer generated personality manifested in this instance by a ridiculously good looking but ever so slightly ‘slow’ male model who in turn was a ficticious tale acted by somebody else for the cinema.

    So real in an unreal sense.


    The same reason I guess peeps ride with only one speed, a flatland affectation dahling.

    They couldn’t do that round here, we have proper hills.

    Free Member

    Think I’m going to watch The hangover for the tenth time, followed by my movie of course.

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    watching “The Lovely Bones”, recorded the other evening.

    Is it one to keep going with do you reckon?

    No Dude, very depressing don’t waste your time, very lame ending.

    Free Member

    So single speeders are poor and don’t like girls?

    Er <insert blushingicon> do they er prefer boys? (That T shirt is a bit misogynist)

    Which is perfectly cool, well not cool cool but not well you know what i mean lots of boy on boy stuff in my world, so it’s actually a gay thing then (can we say that)?

    Its fine, so it’s a club,like ‘special people’ they choose not to have gears and they like boys, do girls who ride with single speed only like girls, or doesn’t it matter?

    They like working hard and going slowly then.

    Free Member

    Daughters don’t you just love it when they grab the control of visual joy?

    It’s why i spend so much time on forums, that and Eastenders.

    Free Member

    Hey sounds like a great ride, I’m jealous, do any get organised down south, I mean further south and east a bit preferably.

    Er one question, why do peeps ride with only one speed (I guess that’s what single sped means) are they poor people, I could probably find some old gear stuff, should we form a charity?

    Gears for poor single speed riders that can’t ride good.

    Free Member

    Hmm, I find my OCD ness has recently extended itself to making me form lists of uncool people I don’t know on an internet forum i have only just joined, I think I might have a problem.

    Free Member

    GlitterGary – Member
    I’m in the uncool list? I had a number of chart hits in the 1970s, including the best Christmas song ever, better even than Slade, or Cliff Richard’s.

    Dude you did, i was your greatest fan, you live down the road from me, but er that stuff you did in vietnam dude, not judging or anything but, not entirely cool.

    Free Member

    CountZero – Member
    I’m not on the list. Does that mean I’m not allowed in?

    No dude being on “the list’ as it stands at the moment is not a good thing, it wasn’t/isn’t finished I updated it a bit and I will switch people around if they do cool stuff, that Phil Consequence did organise a ride so he could be redeemed, maybe go to some charisma restoration centre, I’m new these are all immediate assumptions, I could be wrong, but I won’t be they did all openly admit to shopping for cycle gear in Aldi which is definitely not cool, so I put them on the uncool list, so i don’t get caught hanging out with them or anything that might make me catch uncoolness..

    Here is a bit of an updated version

    Derek Rides

    don simon
    spooky b329
    Edric 64


    Everyone else

    Free Member

    I’m a bit prejudiced, Idon’t think its real, i mean I would still talk to them, maybe a bit but…

    Stand Up Paddleboarders (That Bender Owen Wilson and his chum Matthew Maconahay do it)

    Road Bikers

    Blokes on Mobility Scooters who are perfectly fit and younger than my old Mum was.

    People who shop at Aldi (I have a list, they are all uncoowell)

    People with Piercings

    People with Tatoos

    People who consider themselves fundamental any Religion

    All Politicians

    Most Lawyers

    Upper Echelon Bankers


    Police Officers


    Drug Addicts

    Traffic Wardens

    Travellers who don’t keep Travelling

    Free Member

    I think why would anyone ride on the road when there are views and smells like this..

    Free Member

    I echo everyone else’s sentiments chap, sorry to hear of your loss, yes life does send some cruel swerves, I’ve had my share of them this year, two good mates my dog and my old Mum, she was pushing her luck a bit at ninety something but nevertheless she’s my Mum.

    A young guy like that though, it’s no age, so very sad, my sincere condolences, it does help to get it out there, shows we’re not alone in grief and shitty life.

    Free Member

    So today pepper berry has designed stuff with my boobs in mind…

    This gets worrying, thanks all for the welcome.

    Erm there’s just one thing, I don’t always ‘get’ Northern speak.. this phrase from deepredave.

    “inflatable held and a basque” is that some Northern Mining expression us Southern Softie none miners don’t get? 😕

    I even googleyed it, it talks about somewhere in Northern Spain being blown up, terrorists I guess.

    I didn’t realise I’d have to also learn a new language to be here…

    All very intimidating.

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