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  • Cotic Jeht Gen 2: First Looks (No Feels)
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Silly they may be, but no offence intended to anyone here as i recall, and no doubt had it been one of you two ‘longer termers’ no action would have resulted.

    I don’t care what anyone says about anybody, i subscribe to Helvetius (the man who quoted the defend your right to say it line) people call me all sorts of things, it doesn’t hurt, it does me no harm.

    You can call me Gay, Faggot, Ugly, Uncool, i can react to the contrary should I so wish, but some self appointed judge jury and executioner calling me racist and banning the use of a public forum because of his own personal and very probably contrived offence, I find personally very offensive.

    So as to your question do I think it’s lame?

    Is my ironic comeback to your spelling disability..

    Free Member

    I’d be happy to put Gordon Browns head on a stake and parade it around a bit if you’d like me to and can arrange an opportunity..

    If you could chuck Mandelson and Blair in for good measure I might even do it for free..

    Free Member

    I dunno what’s going on these days, I think in a lot of cases it’s just plain attention seeking on behalf of the hand wringers, seriously do you think for one moment the actual downs syndrome sufferers themselves are at all offended by Gervais’s remarks, wether or not it was aimed at them. No, it’s those tasked with the job of caring for them, or those parents who are sensitive to the stares and probably over sensitive in some instances.

    Sayings used to go sticks and stones.. etc.

    And whatever happened to

    “I may not like what you say, but I will defend your right to the death to say it.”

    Thousands died to support that particular mantra.

    And now, you can get called racist, banned from places like this for the silliest of remarks by small minded power crazed folk.

    All of it is hypocrisy we offend each other in all sorts of ways without even realising it at times, yet protect particular groups in the name of God knows what sort of harmony.

    Basic human tribalistic tendency will always select some group or other for ironic diversion quite why now it’s become a criminal offence one can only assume is down to lack of real enemy action as a diversion.

    Either way stuff like this sucks.

    Free Member

    W hatever you do, don’t get a Doberman, they’re a total nightmare. Best bike dog I ever had was a German Shepherd, he’d take a five bar in one bound.
    Don’t buy a beagle you can never let them off the lead. Labradors tell the world your soft.

    Jack Russell’s can be cool wish I had one, currently looking at a pincher to try and calm the delinquent dobey down.

    Rot ties are ok, can stink a bit, but theyre good loyal family dogs we miss our old boy who died recently.

    Free Member

    Blue Steel

    Free Member

    +1 with Vimto, Lion sucks, stick with Snow Leopard.

    Free Member

    Lol @ zippykona.

    Returning from the hills one night across a bridge over the motorway I illuminated an old boy knocking one out presumably over the traffic.

    What’s the best tyres for semen?

    Free Member

    See somebody riding an ATB in Lycra, which is an entire crime against style in itself, right up there with speedos, I just feel sorry for the poor sap.

    My mates? They just roll their eyes and go ‘cock’.

    Free Member

    Hmm imv you’ll struggle to find many, (the heterosexual ones) too much temptation by lycra..

    Free Member

    I did this last winter, got a deal on a keyboard from some website called normans musical instruments, but the thing that kicked me off on it was an iPad app of all things.
    It was called Play Piano in a Flash, by some guy called Scott Houston a self titled ‘The Piano Guy’ as I remember it was a free app and I initially had delusions of learning to play the piano or keyboard via my then new iPad.

    None of which came to pass.

    I ended up back doing the whole learning scales thing and after a couple of days could knock out a vaguely recognisable tune reading the music hesitantly. I didn’t get good enough quick enough then Xmas hols over it was back to work and the bread knife cleared me out of the lounge – game over, it’s still sitting there, maybe this will prompt me to go dig it out again for this winter, it’s something I would really like to be able to do.

    What I need is a Groundhog day.

    Free Member

    There – just like Sancho, bet he smiles a lot..

    Good post dude.

    Free Member

    I think it depends on what bit of the ‘Industry’ you are in and the word ‘Industry’ is a bit of a misnomer..

    That smiley dude who runs UK bike skills, I bet he doesn’t mind going to work in the morning..

    Then he’s getting satisfaction from helping kids and big kids to ride good.

    I think that bit is a growing area, with lots of bike parks, they must need more smiley dudes..

    I also think lots of not smiley dudes sitting behind counters unhappy need to get out and remember why they are doing what they are doing, if they set some time for themselves and went with customers regularly then maybe they would turn into smiley dudes, have more smiley customers who in turn would be happier to part with their cash.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Buy the Covert, never heard of one of them breaking and they’re kewell

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member
    There are 3.5billion women in the world, move on!

    Car’s and girlfriends are things you should definately never ever ever EVER take 2nd hand off a mate.

    Especially when they tell you your mate’s a better shag.

    Free Member

    I don’t think I’ve ever read such a diatribe of slefish self centred drivel in all my forum adventures.

    Dude you want to stop expecting people to do things for you and try helping them with their issues, I hate to think what you did to piss the girl off. Expecting everyone around you to come to you, to pay attention to you all the damned time, life aint like that.

    You want to take serious stock of how lucky you are, you need to take a trip to Africa..

    I’ve got to go elsewhere now, but I’ll be back with more advice shortly, before you end up topping yourself.

    Free Member

    Trail Guru..

    Free Member

    Fair amount of dust being kicked up here for this time of year.

    Free Member

    Left foot forward is regular, right foot forward is goofy and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with being handed, although left handers do tend to be goofy.

    Simple test, stand with your feet slightly apart looking forward, lean back until you have to put one foot back to brace yourself, inevitable you’ll be left leading with your left foot if your regular and vice versa.

    Everyone is handed and most riding sports involve more practise on the switch stance.

    Free Member

    I was only thinking that this morning, we’ve had the odd sprinkling but nowhere near what we normally get, the South East must be suffering a drought, no idea why they haven’t kicked off about it. But hey it is unprecedented I can’t remember a period like it..

    Some of our trails have become a bit dicey where big chunks just break off under your front wheel, there’s a couple of nasty downhills that have had riders injured as the usually firm bits have crumbled and sent them over the front or into the fence.

    Free Member

    Rah, rah, ah, ah, ah,
    Roma, roma, ma
    Gaga, ooh la, la
    Don’t want to sing this bad song…

    Free Member

    Trying to see what it was she’d seen in the T leaves that so upset her that she dropped the cup..

    Grandad died the following day.

    Free Member

    I’m kicking the dog round the room after he trashed my mag, and curled one out in the sweet spot of a kicker I’d just dug..

    Free Member

    It’s best if you are still learning or progressing to own your own board. All your receptors are having enough problems ‘learning’ the new skill, a degree of consistency helps.

    Snowboards vary such a lot, variable flex, variable sidecuts, not to mention the new trends with variable rockers and cambers.

    If you only go once or twice a year for a week, then it still works out (given the board always has some residual value)better to buy than rent.

    Boots, agreed first purchase and change them if they go too soft and lack ankle support and/or you start getting heel lift.

    Right now there are lots of shows where there are inevitably deals, wether you’ll get a board and bindings for your target budget without buying s/h off ebay I’m not sure, funnily enough I’m changing mine this year and it’s about to go on ebay, but it’ll be board only, I’m keeping the bindings, they’re step in rapid fires from Shimano, you can’t get them anymore and I’m a lazy rider, like to ride on and off my lifts.

    Free Member

    If it requires Lion, my counsel would be to give it a drive by, Lion is diabolical.

    Free Member

    BigJohn – Member
    Ask him if he remembers what it was like before he was born and tell him it’s just like that. No horrible feelings etc.

    Then what happens if under regressive hypnotherapy he recalls his previous existence as a sixteenth century witch burned at the stake?

    To the OP, in all seriousness you need to emphasise there is so much we don’t know in life, but that it is a common held belief that we come back time and again until we get it right.

    Then tell him about the Force.

    Atheists = lazy Agnostics

    Free Member

    It’s been the worse 12 months of my life, probably losing the sight in one eye if I don’t slow down a bit, (something to do with potential retina detachment through myopia and stress, don’t ask, I’m ignoring it if it happens it will) lost two mates to cancer and mother to old age bless her, work is at an all time low, lost my favorite dog and replaced it with a total nightmare, but I have rediscovered bikes in a good way so some compensation. Sorry to read of all your issues funny how you don’t realise everyone else has sh1t in their lives, you tend to think it’s only you..

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Have you thought of moving south to the land of opportunity?

    He can speak English.. he’ll be no use down here.

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    Folkestone I believe is actually the 37 minute destination and on the North Coast somewhere around Whitstable, agreed Ashford is exactly as you describe it.
    wrong ashford is 37 mins folkstone is 57 or 55min on the high speed line.
    (great train service, i use it to visit my folks)

    Mr Smith ahem it doesn’t take 20 minutes to get from Folkestone to Ashford on a fast bike, I hesitate to play the pedant here, but wrong is somewhere between us, shall we build a bridge and get over it?

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Have you ever bin here? Do you actually know what you’re talking about?

    I also have this within minutes of my front door, do you?

    No. So shut up, you know you’ve already lost.

    Dude those are pictures are of places they make you go to when you’re at school, on a sunny day when you want to be on the beach or riding up the hills, nobody want to see that shit, ‘cept Yank tourists, Eurotrash and Slanty eye dudes. We’re all sorry you have to live up there cos your *parents were cruel and heartless and made you move there when you were a kid, (maybe why you turned out weird and ride with only one speed on a mountain bike)but hey we er actually feel sorry for you and with great hesitation about using such a cruel word as loser to one so obviously damaged, er it’s not us who lost.

    *making assumptions here apologies if you don’t actually know them

    Free Member

    Dakine Network Bag, goes everywhere with me.

    Free Member

    Well I’m sad today upon hearing this news. This man certainly enriched the course of my life, obviously not alone from Wosniac in the early days to Jonathan Ive more recently, but he was the Lynchpin, the man that made it all happen.
    From the moment I first saw they’re little Mac Classic hitched up to a laser imagesetter, I must have owned pretty much everything they built from the iicx to my xserves, they were not the originators, I owned a windows device with infra red mouse and cordless keyboard built by the Scottish company Apricot two years prior to Apple and the man that set computing back ten years, Gates and Windoze.

    But Jobs didn’t just change computers, Pixar studios brought joy to millions, today the world is a lessor place without the guy.

    O.K. so life will carry on and there are many other gifted people that will continue the tradition.

    Job was cool, I’ll miss him, funny I just cancelled my sub to Macuser mag only yesterday thinking there’s not much more they can do for me now, the Jobs done.

    RIP Steve I’m grateful for your presence in my world.

    Free Member

    brakes – Member
    what about the hot chicks? there’s more to life than work and money.
    hot chicks for instance.

    I learned to become Gay

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Have you ever talked to a girl?
    Yeah; she said she moved to London to get away from her **** of a father….


    Not one of mine, you’re still alive, mine kill and eat their mates..

    Free Member

    brakes – Member
    I didn’t say anything was wrong with London, just that Yorkshire is much better, but that’s stating the obvious – but you knew that already didn’t you?

    They’re both bad places for different reasons, turned down two very good jobs once for entirely different reasons, but both involving grimy shirt collars and filthy environment – no amount of money would encourage me to live and work in either of those wretched places.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    You calling me a pussy don?

    Do you feel like a pussy?

    Are you offering then?

    Have you got bonus points from Russian brides dot com or something?

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    37mins gets you to Kings Cross if you must return (you won’t you’ll wonder why you didn’t come down here long ago)
    but that means living in Ashford, a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong.
    it’s a shitehole.

    Folkestone I believe is actually the 37 minute destination and on the North Coast somewhere around Whitstable, agreed Ashford is exactly as you describe it.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Eurotrash are trash from Europe
    Still not quite with you; I don’t speak bigot, you see.

    Back under that bridge. Preferably the QE2…

    You’ve only got one gear on that little red bike haven’t you?

    And you don’t get out much either.

    Have you ever talked to a girl?

    Free Member

    project – Member
    You only have to go to parts of Manchester, london, Brighton, and now Liverpool and quite a few other places, to see lots of gay and lesbians, enjoying their new freedom from the bigots.

    Some places straight men seem be the minority.

    It’s been like that for years now, why should it suddenly be relevant to Tories is my point, not wether anyones sexuality should make them relevant as a voter.. And it’s not just here in the UK, other places like Germany which were far more hostile to Gay people are and have been for most of this millennium far more tolerant, visit Cologne, Hamburg, even Munich, times have changed long since, typical Tories trying to climb on a bandwagon that left years ago.

    Free Member

    Eurotrash are trash from Europe who have come to lunnon to work in the city, are at business school or going out with one of my endless supply of daughters who currently reside up Lunnon and complain about Eurotrash (or zombie single speed and fixie riders until it’s time for one of them to pedal them home from the theatre)

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