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  • derekrides
    Free Member

    jhw – Member
    Thegreatape – no – it was served to the police investigating the crime

    Derekrides – lol on what basis am I a racist?!? But I’m amused by your post as a whole.

    Oh it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt…

    *I read someone called you it, the term gets bandied about here quite often, why indeed even my own fair persona has been so branded, it’s a STW mob thing, I shall look back and see where it was i saw it..

    Certainly not my opinion, mine was of the event rather than the players therein.

    Sorry to hear about your bike, although you’re probably well rid if it was a road machine, karma.

    *seventh post down, houns, who i believe is a regular STW member so therefore above reproach and the fount of all that is true here. I shall just check and see where he resides on my list.

    Hmm Houns, as yet uncategorised, i shall put him down temporarily under ‘minor cocks’ with all the other abusers and accusers, then study him further…

    Free Member

    I had one back in the day when it was tax efficient, loved it, chipped it and still think they’re cool have since had a couple of others, but the L200 was the first so have fond memories, it didn’t have a brilliant turning circle but in all other aspects it was reliable and served me well.

    My latest acquisition however does eclipse it.

    I ‘ve got a VW Amarok, which has probably the most fuel efficient engine of all the trucks (i’ve had and or rented them all). it drives well, about as car like as a truck can be, not the most expensive truck on the market and has the usual VW standard, a little bit more utilitarian than say the Toyota, but it’s a v-dub so cooler.

    Free Member

    Ah Bless..

    would’t let any daughter of mine go out with a man who rides with only one speed. 😉

    Have a similar pic of my lass, but can’t put it up for fear of flaming for lack of helmet content..

    Free Member

    Well I find this all morally reprehensible..

    A Pick Axe wielding racist doesn’t get banned and I did and I didn’t even threaten to kill anyone, where’s the mob justice?

    As to the OP, an ice axe? You went to a gun fight with an ice axe?

    Free Member

    Of noise and boredom (people die)

    Free Member

    I was thinking that, it wasted seconds of my time, shouldn’t they be expected to carry a ‘beware road bike content’ warning. Same for single speed and fixie folk.

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    bet his lights were rubbish and battery life non-existant. How did you not end up on the list anyway? you own more aldi stuff than me!

    He’s on it under another category, my lights rock, you’re lucky I let you see them. If you keep on I’ll put up a boring video of them which you won’t be able to help yourself, will watch and waste more valuable minutes of your life….

    Free Member

    It didn’t work when they tried it in the Matrix, why do they think it’ll work now?

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    sure enough there you are right up there on the STW my uncool list..
    idly wonders what I’ve done to make it onto your list. Was it a mudguard comment?

    You made it from day one by buying stuff to ride from Aldi 😉

    It’s quite a long list

    Er just re-read what you wrote, sounds like Darwin might come into play, SPD’s in winter boots for night riding?
    And I missed that Franki, not to worry he’s on it now..

    Free Member

    D0NK! Just been to recheck, sure enough there you are right up there on the STW uncool list..

    Free Member

    No it has to be lights, since the thread says ‘single’ thing, it’s a the one bit I wouldn’t be without now.

    Free Member

    Steelsreal – Member
    a bike that fitted properly…priceless

    +1 finally admitting a small was better and getting an uppy downy seat post as well.

    and Lights so I have more time in winter to ride.

    Free Member

    So you’re goofy, so you need to practise switch, but when it counts (i.e. you might stack it) then ride regular, but with the caveat outside pedal down in turns.. All this according to the smiley dude at the training place I went, I can claim no status as an expert rider, but I do know about goofy and regular from other stuff..

    Oh and don’t look down, look where you’re going next, not where it’s already too late to make a decision about.. Where the head goes the body generally follows…

    Free Member

    iDave – Member
    Some of you worry too much about what other people think about you. It’s quite probable that they never think about you. Wear what you want.

    Everybody thinks about me Dave, I’m a style icon, why even you think of me, you were worried about me sounding 12 in that other thread, which naturally I’m grateful for..

    Free Member

    Lucky to get 31 or 32 on daily commute to work (up and down big hills, my journey crosses three valleys) on mway get 40+mpg, it’s an Amarok with a supposedly fuel efficient engine, it apparently improves with time. I do drive defensively both with this and the Mrs’s Mini, have the computer on all the time, coast down hills stick to speed limits even slow down for roadies who inadvertently harm my consumption figures by having so to do. But I do get 500 miles per tank which lasts a couple of weeks but costs either side of £100 quid depending where purchased.

    Free Member

    iDave – Member

    And saying ‘simples’ doesn’t make something true, it just makes you sound 12

    Why thank you Dave, that’s the nicest thing anyones ever said to me here…

    Free Member

    All my life I voted LibDem (SDP) was where I came in, the one time I voted Tory (I hate Clegg because of his pseudo Godlessness, not because he’s Godless per se just because it demonstrates that his word is worth nothing) the Lib Dems get handed some power and look how they’ve squandered it. AV was a stupid contrivance and was turned down as such, full PR should have been what was on offer, then that’s now off the table for all time afaics.

    Free Member

    tbh I was devastated that so many voted against, I can’t believe at least some of Red Ed’s lot didn’t join the fray.

    To misjudge the mood of the country so badly.

    Frankly all it does is enforce the hopelessness of our current situation, a badly needed reforming Government hamstrung by handwringing Liberal wets and an opposition so badly compromised by a fratricidal **** so in thrall to the Unions, that no-one can take them seriously.

    Who the **** can you seriously vote for?

    One point is true, the unwritten rule of the house, that if all the party leaders are in agreement then generally they are wrong.

    The thing that is going to really get them is the growth in the ‘occupy wall street’ movement, what’s going on stateside, I seriously think we could be in for a bit of an upheaval, it is time that Westminster bubble got burst.

    Free Member

    Etnies remains the choice of my favourite rider – me.

    Edit: i would give those sticky sole 5 10’s a go if ever i find someone who stocks them.

    Free Member

    Nobody came out of Belsen 5 kgs over weight.

    Nickname pretty much nails it.

    Eat little – weigh little – simples

    Free Member

    We stack wood either side, without any issues.

    Got to get the chimney swept this year I’m reliably informed, even though its stainless lined..

    Free Member

    I’m hoping to grab a couple of days next month, am out in Austria for work. Haven’t skied since 93 and fancy going those new twins a go, but in the meanwhile I’m going to try the new fangled camber thingies, see how it goes.

    Free Member

    Nearest actual ‘center’ would be Foulness, where ironically they’ve converted slag heaps (ironic because slag heaps are normally reserved for them oop North) from the former Betteshanger colliery, nice road track there as well.

    Trail wise there are lots across the Downs (North Downs Way), there’s a neat ride along the cliff tops around Dover and like the others have mentioned, the north coast inbreds take their banjos to Blean..

    Kent is Gods own County, be sure to be grateful riding here… 😉

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member
    As an (admittedly crap) Catholic, can I just say that I find this -“‘God’ is just the positive element of ‘The Force'” cringeworthy to the point of wanting to agree with woppit. Please stop it now dereck. You stated yourself, in a since edited post, that you had ‘faith’ but didnt consider yourself religious. I dont know where you’re coming from now, to be honest, but I strongly suspect that you’re just trying to provoke ANY kind of response. Being provocative simply for the sake of it is a bit of an untenable position to maintain.

    Forgive me Mr Mitch, in my trollish way I’m trying to illustrate to these fellows that denying the existences of something they don’t fully understand and using it to back a given stance, is hypocrisy..

    God is a myriad of things to myriad people..

    And she doesn’t like being denied.

    Free Member

    God is an interpretation.

    Made by man as the reason we’re all here..

    I’ve just given you a perfectly logical explanation as to why we are all here, with “God” as a symbol for the positive force that makes it all possible.

    We cannot exist without electromagnetism.

    Electromagnetism cannot exist without a ‘positive’ force.

    We should call in someone who knows about Physics to explain electromagnetism to us fully.

    Free Member

    Oh and yes, it was a bit of a troll, long overdue I might add. 😆

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Gravity – pretty objective. It doesn’t really matter what you believe or how you perceive it – gravity exists in the same way for everyone

    Well so does God, given that most descriptions are semantics, try this as proof of the existence of a supreme power..

    If you believe in God then you have to accept Satan and vice versa and you’ll find the latter easier to believe in than the former with just a little research, anyway I digress.

    If you change the terminology as a force for good and a force for evil.

    Then call them Positive and Negative.

    Then accept that electromagnetism is the reason everything works, and as such is the life ‘force’ and requires both Positive & Negative in order to function at all levels.

    Then how can you disbelieve one of them?

    ‘God’ is just the positive element of ‘The Force’

    The stories, the various religions, mans pathetic attempt over the years to understand ‘why’.

    Easy really can’t understand why more folk don’t get it…

    And anyway I have to believe, because God speaks to me all the time and I never seem to be able to ignore her.. She sent me here to help y’all… 😉

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member
    What because I’m new?
    I’m guessing it’s more that suggesting that when he’s ill in hospital, his mother would be hoping he wouldn’t get better and his wife hated that she was stuck with him. That’s pretty nasty, dude.

    Doh I’ve had to log back in to answer this..

    You mis read it, it was a double negative it meant his mother was probably praying for him, ok the wife bit was an ironical aside, read it again…
    How would a guys mother not want him to recover ffs..

    I’m far too complex for this place, even irony gets taken for insults..

    Ok are we done? I’m done, with yet another apology for not being correctly understood ironically, I’ll type slower next time..

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Does it not occur to you that some of these views are nasty and insulting to some of us that do actually hold a belief?
    Granted, although it’s reasonably retrained for once on this thread I must say. Yeah, very often, people act with considerable prejudice and bigotry on here. No excuse for targeted nastiness though. If you want, challenge people by all means yeah, but you’re just sinking to proper depths with your comments.

    So the guy tells me to **** off

    Yet I’m damned for a response?

    Is that how it is?

    He can tell me to **** off I can’t call him retarded?

    What because I’m new?

    Anyway I really must do some work… later and think about it, are you telling me there’s never been anything written here more insulting than that gentle script prior to its edit.

    IanMunro – Member
    Derek’s doing a great troll though.

    Yep isn’t it just, shame I can’t stay here to watch it pan out..

    Free Member

    Generally Godlessness rides with the left, the more extreme left being Communism, since religion does prove a bit of a sticky point for a lot of what the left purport to stand for..

    This last Government for example, the current leader of the libdems as Godless a philanderer as ever there was, hardly surprising ‘they’ don’t stand by their word, why would they need to, there is no higher authority..

    Wether you believe or not, there needs to be a higher authority to call these folk into account.

    Personally I believe there is one, that’s my opinion, I’m entitled to it, I was living and brought up in a society that also believed, my kids went to school which had queues of folk lining up to get their kids to go to precisely because it was a faith school.

    So, why am I ranting like this on a monday morning?

    You know what, I’ve no idea, think I’ll leave for a bit..

    Religion and Politics, they say never…

    Apologies to all the affronted – I’m gone for a bit.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    none of the above. just against the forum rules.

    hopefully a mod will be along to mop you up.

    Well lets hope he’s a member of the institute of free speech then and the irony would be complete..

    Free Member

    Does it not occur to you that some of these views are nasty and insulting to some of us that do actually hold a belief?

    Oh No of course not

    That’s the total intransigence of the left.

    It’s your view, anyone who disagrees is racist, insulting, <insert host of other isms>

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    derekrides, you need to edit that.

    no need for that at all.

    Because it is an opinion counter to the norm here?

    Or because it ridicules through irony the Godless amongst y’all

    Or because it was difficult for you to understand?

    There.. have made it slightly less true 😉

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    When I was lying in hospital, with no feeling in my leg, did I pray? Nope. When it came back, did I thank god? Nope.

    So **** off with your patronising nonsense

    Ah so that means what exactly? There’s no Mummy Northwind praying her son won’t get better, or a Mrs Northwind not sticking pins in the duppy so she can be with her true love and be done with this Godless person she’s ended up with.. Or kids praying their dad might get well again?

    Comfy was it in the bed?

    I can think of a few situations that might have you and your mate two on a bike called jerry both on your knees begging someone for it to stop..

    So much BS so little time…

    Free Member

    Here’s a little test to illustrate our current ‘market’ situation within the EU, it works against each and everyone of you.

    Right now, if you want to sell say your high end bike and another guy in Germany also has the same bike for sale and you both choose to use ebay. Your bike would earn more in Germany currently due to the strength of the Euro but hey that’s another matter.

    The fact is he could advertise his on ebay here, but you can’t there.

    You can’t set up a German ebay account to circumvent the rules either. Even if you do happen to live there a while and set up the account, once you come back here you’re IP blocked from operating it.

    Just one of the many little trade ‘barriers’ within the so called free market that acts against us .

    Now that, the free market, is supposed to be one of the benefits of membership, never mind the constant imbalance in financial contribution which is heavily weighted one way..

    It’s one of many examples of Nationalistic tendencies that are rife in business in both France and Germany, I could cite lots of similar little annoyances I’ve experienced over the years by firms I work for and friends who work in businesses that get hamstrung trying to export British goods and services.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    derekrides – Member
    I think it’s another easy to do thing behind that little computer screen and keyboard and an anon ID..

    What the… Hang on, you think we only dare to be atheists because we can’t be easily traced?

    Yep – bang on.

    Lot of herd mentality on here and all.. ooh lets all be atheists and half of them no idea what they’re on about.

    Put em in a shitstorm watch em fill their pants and pray for all they’re worth..

    Free Member

    I’m not another leftist PC secularist, just asking questions of the pseudo disbelievers me, wondering how they cope..

    Free Member

    +1 Dakine, Over head or CarryOn Roller..

    Tells the world I do action sports..

    Free Member

    Pricerite? where did they go?

    Free Member

    Those thing you’ve mentioned are not difficult plates to keep spinning, probably the mountain bike thing being potentially more demanding if you decide to pursue it to the limits.

    So do them all, the big benefit is keeping fit, which keeps oxygen in the bloodstream, makes you feel good, quicker thinking able to deal with all lifes little stresses better, whilst of course making the pursuit of each of its happinesses easier.

    Good for you doing all that stuff.

    I’ve always been a bit of a multi choice sports type, although i did focus occasionally when one or other of the more tricky activities required it.

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 927 total)