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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Business is dire. Never known it as bad.

    Free Member

    I don’t think I’ve still got any gig shirts, I’ll just wear my normal shirt when faced with youf.

    Free Member

    Extra anode for his grindr app, makes it more sensitive in the forest.

    Free Member

    emsz – Member
    but trust me, grown women are still little girls that need looking after,

    you can **** right off with that sort of crap

    Then there are exceptions to every rule… 😆

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Right now you most definitely are the problem,
    Is not what I said at all.

    you need to treat her as you do your own little girl,
    ridiculous – she is an adult woman.

    Sorry dude, i overestimated you, I thought you’d nailed it with the walking on eggshells comment you made..

    Never mind, neither of us are qualified for this sort of thing, but trust me, grown women are still little girls that need looking after, especially when they are vulnerable as clearly she is right now and if you’ve ever had daughters, as I have, then you’d know what i mean by the difference you actually feel toward your daughter and your partner when she’s acting up. it’s tough to show the latter the same unconditional love you show the former, but that’s what they expect of you.. get what I mean now?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    My heads a big mashed up mess

    My advice is to go talk to a professional yourself relate or a person centred counsellor would be my recommendation

    Un mash your head then you might see things more clearly in whatever direction is right

    Walking on eggshells is not healthy and it might even make things worse by making her feel indebted to you which further lowers esteem.

    Chill for a bit, go thru life as normally as possible, don’t rise to the rows ( it takes two to argue), get your head unmashed then see how things stand.

    email me off forum if I can be of further help

    He’s right on the button.

    Right now you most definitely are the problem, that climbing equipment thing was entirely something else going on. Now I’m not a shrink, nor professionally qualified to comment, but you need a business trip away for a bit, some other reason to get away give her some space to sort her own personal issues out.
    Oh and that doing things for her thing, that should be unconditional, because you love her, not because you expect anything in return, you need to treat her as you do your own little girl, show her the same kind of unconditional love, expect nothing in return, you really haven’t quite come to grips with the way they think what they are. They need love even when they are being total shits and they need forgiveness, but, they need boundaries beyond which you aint going to take their bullshit and by that i mean you walk away, go out leave them to it, not shout shit at them.

    Anyway, like I said I’m not qualified other than living with them for far to long and putting up with their shit wish I’d been gay. 😉

    And Kat, I’m really sorry he doesn’t appreciate you, ever though of giving him a little tap in the nuts?
    Joking only joking that was a joke. If I loved you Kat I’d spoil you, because you mean everything to me and it makes me happy to make you a little happy and watch those eyes sparkle…

    Free Member

    Me: Tax & NI collected this year 120k, Vat Collected and Paid 600k, my wages 20k my Mrs 20k my pension 10 k p.a. if I”m lucky after contributing for years.

    The Public sector? Don’t they educate the morons that can’t read and write, the so called graduates that still have difficulty spelling the word. Don’t they collect the bins er only once every two weeks these days? Don’t they pay themselves more money than the PM yet withdraw care packages for the elderly? I seem to remember those Union Chiefs are paid from some of that tax money I collect.
    Isn’t it the public sector that’ll put me in jail if I don’t pay my VaT, yet wasn’t it the public sector that lost millions in iceland and no-one was held responsible. Those Politicians that have **** things up, are they not in the public sector?

    Yep lots of sympathy from me for the Public Sector.

    Free Member

    Some questions for you.

    What’s her favorite perfume and when was the last time you bought her some?

    Ditto Flowers.

    When was the last time you got a babysitter in and took some time out to go for a meal, see a show in town or just went for a drink together?

    Vacation have you been on one with the kids lately?

    When was the last time you bought her a new dress/pair shoes/handbag?

    Free Member

    I tend to Tandem jeremys view, clearly you want it to work, but you’re doing it wrong, you’re not making her happy, you are more concerned that she’s not pleasing you, that’s not how it works.

    As a man your job is to provide security and happiness, you have to make her feel happy and at ease, you need to make her feel good about herself, obviously you’re not doing that.

    You should start by admitting here all your bad points, tell us all the shit things you do that piss her off, then we’ll tell you other things you’re not doing, never mind the fact she’s destroyed her body bearing you two fine children and God knows what other stuff she’s done for you, that you never appreciate or show any gratitude for (and are probably totally unaware of given you’re male and wouldn’t realise anyway).

    Tell me your birth date and her birth date for a starter and I’ll tell you wether it’s worth carrying on, difficult to do this by remote without meeting you both, in real life i could tell your right away, here it’s going to be difficult.

    But you obviously care and have tried so far, don’t chuck the towel in this side of Christmas, those kids don’t deserve to lose their dad right now do they?

    Free Member

    bigyinn – Member
    derekrides – Member
    Hmm doesn’t mention the other well known fact..

    Which is, if all the world males were lined up with their erect penises on their heads, they’d all be the same height.

    Another member of the short and bitter camp then derek?

    Not especially either, short or bitter, just a joke someone once used for defensive irony, it used to be one of my ‘things’ of all the isms that get defended by PC, short is one you can’t help like skin colour, whereas say sexual orientation can be described as a lifestyle choice, given even heterosexual can choose to abstain.

    Why back in the day you could be gay and be a copper but folk under 5.6″ couldn’t. Can you get in the guards if you’re under a certain height, my kid couldn’t get to ride on certain rides at things when she was much older than some of the kids going on I recall being a tad upset about, although she took it in her stride, what would have happened if they’d stopped her because she was black?

    You don’t get banned or risk court or legal action for prejudice against short folk, why is there not a TV thing about to come out concerning short folk..

    So, not bitter but in terms of FairPlay which I do like to see, short folk do sometimes come up short, excuse the pun, totally intended.

    Free Member

    well I thought it was hilarious, you lot take yourselves far to seriously why it’s about most of you.. 😆

    Free Member

    My Morning..

    get up, ride with dog, get paper,

    Eat Muesli & Fresh Orange or
    Toast and Fizzy vit C tablet in water with zinc.

    take kid to nearest bus stop

    go to work

    Spend all day on forums typing bollox


    Free Member

    Smiths? Do they still make crisps? Do they have the little blue bag of salt in them still? Is this an oop North thing again, it’s all Gary Linneker down here, except, Satan has opened a superstore, it’s called Asda when it opened folk threw themselves off it’s roof (true and they are now regularly asked if they have new jumpers in stock), but what devastating temptations they have wrought upon us simple minded weak willed morons with which to watch Eastenders ..

    Roast Ox Flavour Crisps.

    Worse than this, there are only 6 crisps on average in the ridiculously small bag, unless you break them up a bit and get twelve smaller ones, it’s such a desperate situation only two bags will suffice at a time of course..

    Free Member

    Hmm doesn’t mention the other well known fact..

    Which is, if all the world males were lined up with their erect penises on their heads, they’d all be the same height.

    Free Member

    And yes, your ultimate point is well made, use it or lose it, never back off, it pays dividends long term.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    I must be a right ‘orrible bastard deep down after all!

    Well you made top of my shit list very early on I’ll say that for you, but i’ve since warmed a bit to your insecurities.

    I will offer you one word of counsell, I suspect I’m a bit further down lifes rocky road and having lost several pals of late, you may gloat early on about it, being fitter lasting longer in the looks department, but when they’re gone and it’s just a few of you left and a couple of them have parkinsons, it’s a pretty hollow victory, don’t mean to make you feel bad or anything and have felt exactly as you do in the past, but it also changes.

    Free Member

    Bandit 😕

    Free Member

    stilltortoise – Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, but something I should add. I’m an “old school” mountain bike rider from the canti brakes and Biopace chainring days. Much as I (used to) love trail centres, my riding was for years all about studying maps, planning routes, reading guide books and having an explore. I’ve spent a lot of time hunched over the local OS map looking for inspiration and have come up with a number of local routes that take in bridleways, sneaky paths through woods, towpaths, back lanes etc. They just don’t do much for me any more.

    Maybe I should rebuild my fully rigid

    No don’t do that, just ring up the smiley dude at UK Bike Skills spend a day of your life there then buy yourself a new bike like mine and dig some things to jump over.. I’m so enthusiastic I’m trying to get my local council to put one of those pump track things in, you’re only still a kid your entire life after all..
    Why would you want to go on the road an hyperventilate on all that carbon monoxide? Wasn’t that why we bought ATB’s in the first place, roadies are just as stupid now as they were back then, all that car dodging and budgie smuggling whilst destroying brain cells, no wonder they have to group together it’s lemming mentality, they’re all chucking themselves over Carbon Monoxide cliff, we’re out enjoying the view..

    Free Member

    What happened to Freehand?

    Free Member

    UKIP, since by STW definition I’m a racist homophobe and we need to be out of Europe for purely financial reasons.

    Free Member

    As a tip, visit a fridge and get some early training in, Escape at Milton keynes or Tamworth there are more maybe there’s one near you, if not do the dry slope thing, it’ll make your vacation more worthwhile.

    Ski is easier than Snowboard in the initial stages, learning to Ski is just learning to stop and change direction, learning to Snowboard is quite tricky just learning to get going, then you have to learn to stop and change direction.

    Both will use muscles you’ve never used in that way before so will exact pain after a couple of days, another reason to prepare yourself at the local facility.

    Resorts, I’d go high I have a feeling in my water it’s gong to be a bad snow year, i was out there last week and I can’t ever remember the Alps looking as devoid of snow as they were, maybe that’s just me.

    Reliable? Tignes/Val D’Isere plus lots of apres ski. Cheap is Andora but unreliable for snow.

    Go with others or go to something like a catered Chalet where you will meet others, it’s a great activity but it’s also great when it stops and you need something to occupy yourself with other than crashing..

    No-one should go through life without a winter sport holiday they are great fun, but like I said you do need to prepare yourself.

    Free Member

    My two cents.. Go on a skills course, find out just how different they ride to the way you think you should ride or that you’ve become accustomed to.

    I’m lucky in that I bought my current gaff precisely because I found it on a local trail at the edge of town, but back then it was all XC, then having again been lucky enough to visit Whistler just off season and see what was about to happen to the Ski Resorts of Europe and got some training at the hands of a slip of a lass whilst I was there on a rented outfit, my view changed dramatically and suddenly there was so much more to learn that I hadn’t even realised.

    Then buy yourself a new bike, you know you’re worth it and start digging…

    Free Member

    As this place is anonymous I can freely admit to acting the self same way, when I think about it as I often do when acting irrationally, I put it down to general insecurity coupled to a deep seated childhood based inferiority complex matched to a terrible temper brought about by lack of parental control in my formative years.

    The solution drive something big and slow

    Free Member

    I’ve always been genuinely concerned about Otters and their ‘pocket’

    “Wet as an otters pocket” has to be a Northern thing, one does wonder how Northern folk find stuff like this out, then again it could be the Cornish they aint all there either..

    Then ‘Mad as a bag of frogs?’

    Who does stuff like this?

    Free Member

    Bagborough? Cothlestone? WTF is this on K-Pax? (I’m watching it at the moment).

    I like birthday bike rides but that looks potentially north and frozen…

    Free Member

    Dakine rule bike back packs, they came in rewrote the genre and as far as i can see, left, but everyone certainly upped their game since.

    Free Member

    Dunno about thanking him for the computer, he broke the Enigma Naval code, totally saved our arses in WW2 had he not done that there would have been no materials for either us the Yanks or the Russians to fight Hitler with, he and Mitchell (designer of the Spitfire) practically won the war for us or at the very least provided the tools with which to do it, thereby saving the free world.

    We owe him a tremendous debt.

    Free Member

    When you look at the rear triangle of that Bandit, they just look like thin bits of tube and you think which would you rather have under you if your belting down some horror story rock bit, even dyne here (it’s how we speak)in Sunny Kent where we do actually get some gnarly bits (North Downs to Sea Level has got to be 800 ft +) not mountains but as big as your Chilterns or Surrey Molehills and like the man so succinctly put it, the going up is simply the means to a dynehill end and the pub.

    North Dynes

    Free Member

    Preffering xc over going downhill to do fast corners and jumping is like quitting sex so that you can spend more time perfecting your chat up techniques.

    Yep, about sums it up and is quote of the week for me also.

    But…. that kid did still just win some downhill against Elite Factory riders on downhill specials, on a bloody Bandit, which correct me if I’m wrong is supposed to be more about XC. Edges seem to be becoming blurred.

    Free Member

    You think everyone on the forum you’re posting on are spotty kids…

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member
    As to Apple, it was Apricot who came first, pre dated Mac & Windows by two years, full windows desktop, infra red mouse and keyboard all in one construction, very tidy machine built in the then silicon valley in Scotland, another example of lack of investment in this country..
    I think Charlie was mentioning the symbol of an apple with a bite taken out of it, supposedly a symbol of how Turing killed himself, by eating an apple injected with cyanide (I think).


    Free Member

    I hadn’t realised they’d chemically castrated the man, I bet that was done in the name of bloody security, what a travesty.

    It wasn’t a bad programme, interesting to hear from fellow inmates from Bletchley Park.

    As to Apple, it was Apricot who came first, pre dated Mac & Windows by two years, full windows desktop, infra red mouse and keyboard all in one construction, very tidy machine built in the then silicon valley in Scotland, another example of lack of investment in this country..

    We’ve never appreciated our Innovators.

    Free Member

    So, nobody’s come up with an alternate venue then?

    My last ban occasioned when I went to the rescue of that GW fella who was getting a pasting unfairly I thought, carried the message that they hadn’t banned me long enough the last time for remarking about the angle of certain dudes eyes in what was decided was a racist manner which I guess could be true, so a fair cop.

    Now i know how prevalent banning is, i won’t take it so much to heart next time, I’m sure there will be a next time, it’s very tough trying to be ‘nice’ especially when all around you folk aint being that way themselves.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Don’t get pre-occupied with the rustling in the bushes around you. There’s no such things as monsters. Or werewolves. Or aliens who wait in bushes to abduct passing cyclists. And tigers rarely escape from zoos. Honest!

    You want to try riding with us at night through the Zoo Park, a real test of your nerves, animal sound wise.. 😯

    Free Member

    Just needed convincing I’d made the right choice is all, those two posts pretty much sums up what I thought, but then I ride with such a bunch of bike whores, always looking for the next thing, she rides a bloody Zesty ffs and calls me whatever..
    I’m not into long XC I can get up everything I need to and I did buy it with the occasional foray into the alps in mind. So ta for that, statistically the kid would have gone faster on the Covert if it’s heavier, heavier things tend to go faster down I’ve noticed, my big mate always trashes me downhill on open hills with no technical turns or anything to slow him.

    And the Talas v Float question what’s the difference?

    Free Member

    Don’t put the helmet light on top of the helmet, branches rip it and you off your bike, put it universal soldier style on the side.. It also looks way cooler.

    Oh and Max D is ok, but they make an even bigger one now, I ride with a joystick on the helmet and a Max D on the bars.

    Free Member

    Freehand? what’s happened to that, I used to prefer it to illustrator.

    Interesting enough there’s a really cheap app for the iPad I’ve been messing with, iDraw, got myself a cheap (£14.50) stylus, since I still get on better in the early stages of messing with logos with a pencil and paper.

    Free Member

    camo16 – Member
    This feels appropriate…

    Never cared for what they do
    Never cared for what they know
    But I know
    So close no matter how far
    Couldn’t be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    And nothing else matters

    That elevation to big hitter, it’s certainly been the making of you camo16
    I may just frame that, tell my grandchildren I once corresponded on the same thread as you..
    I’m just not worthy

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    derek – I don’t get banned as I don’t break the rules. I find this as surprising as most of you and mods I ain’t asking for a ban

    elf gets banned for stuff that others wouldn’t, cynic al as well I believe.

    Er didn’t you just say you did? Is your step dad watching you now?

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 927 total)