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  • Is It Time For A Shakeup In The MTB World?
  • derekrides
    Free Member

    Snowing in the Alps at last… It hasn’t been this bad in fifty years – lack of snow this time of year wise.

    Free Member

    You clearly need to ‘do it your way’..

    ‘My way’ on the other hand would involve a degree of violence, round at his in front of his Mrs, then she can ask him why..

    Free Member

    What do you expect from a Godless philanderer?

    Swears an oath to God to be an MP then denies the existence of God, a little clue there don’t you think?

    Worse thing that happened to the lib deems, forced me to vote tory and I haven’t stopped washing since.

    Disgusting man.

    Free Member

    Transition Covert, precisely because it isn’t the most popular bike.

    Free Member

    Hmm did that already, heard about something called super tacky what’s that all about?

    Free Member

    There she is..
    Can you hear her purring?
    I can.
    She’s just purring I want you to ride me hard big boy..

    Free Member

    toys19 – Member
    ugh horrid nasty brown stuff why would you want that all over your peachy cheeks?
    that’s not what littlostyladybandityboy said last weekend..

    She’s a bit of a mucky duck though, he’s gone to the Quantocks whatever they are, probably involve pasties, cider, sitting on walls and falling over backwards..

    Free Member

    mikeyp – Member
    I’d go for a small.I ride a medium and I’m 5’11. Its a perfect fit. Its worth remembering you can’t put a reverb seat post all the way down as well.

    Eh? Only thing that stops my reverb going all the way down is the super mudguard that protects the golden cheeks from becoming mud splattered, ugh horrid nasty brown stuff why would you want that all over your peachy cheeks?
    Just had the phone call, my bikes ready and the suns aight, got my hammerschmidt restored on the Covert of total joy, it is now the perfect bike, uppy downy, hammerschmidt, couple of thou lumens, can (riding)life get any better?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    TJ I don’t understand why a govt would Diliberatly make a whole class of unemployed people, it makes no sense
    (simplistically) Two aims -one is to drive down the cost of labour. if there are loads of people looking for work then you can get people to take on those jobs under low wages thus increasing profits. The second is to break the power of the unions. (Along with laws brought in by her government) But it removes the power of the strike if you have a large number of people so desperate for work that they will cross picket lines. also the job losses were concentrated in highly unionise areas.

    Mass unemployment creates the conditions for a transfer of wealth from poor to rich.

    In thatchers own words ” its a price worth paying” and ” if its not hurting its not working”

    Hmm I think your in danger of a distinct lack of objectivity, I seem to remember the ad that got her elected was a picture of crowds headed to the dole queue and the legend “Labours not Working’ which it wasn’t and unemployment was already high and like now, you had unions making unrealistic demands.

    Free Member

    You can’t blame Thatcher for todays problems, only insofar as Blair wanted to be like her, whilst Brown wanted to be something else, either way it is they who have totally **** everything up, they had a chance to undo the so called ‘evils’ of deregulation but didn’t, they lapped it up, totally eradicated boom and bust as I recall..

    As to immigration we’ve bred a nation of wannabe celebs, they want MTB style cribs, the trappings of pop celebrity without necessarily having the talent, after all Jade Goody became famous so why can’t they?

    Eastern Europeans know the truth, money comes with work, so they wash our cars, wait table, serve at reception desks, carry our hods up ladders and do all the things that our would be celebs don’t want to do, whilst they queue up for X-factor, or wire into X-Box transported to an alternate reality.

    Sadly until we stop paying em to do nothing, nothing is what they’ll continue to do, until they become famous of course.

    What really needs to happen is a fresh ideology based on equality and fair play for all, globally, enough being defined and limited with wealth distributed more equally, some form of modern day communocapitolism, something for the kids to get behind and rebel, maybe throw up some conviction politicians, life can’t go on like this, with no hope for a better future and just looking for scapegoats in the past.

    Free Member

    Interesting political description of what she was and how she went about it, but a couple of points essentially missed, first off you have to remember this happened during ‘life on mars seventies’ wimmen hadn’t really come to the fore and here she was a female absolutely ruling the ‘wets’ as they were called at the time (Wets were what you could best describe as the more humanitarian politicians in the Tory party).
    We’d just suffered the late seventies with such low esteem as Brits, we couldn’t afford to travel abroad, our currency was worth nothing, inflation had eroded everything, you would apologise for being a Brit it was that bad.
    Don’t get me wrong here, I absolutely hated the woman for the way she pretty much militarised the police, deregulated everything, imported Reganomics and was totally enthralled to that monetarist Alan Whateverhisname was.
    In the winter of 81-2 however she was on the ropes, the recession she’d caused had pissed everyone off and she’d have been resigned to the margins of history had the Argies not invaded the Malvinas, she seized that opportunity, galvanised the tossers, was Churchillian in her response and given we didn’t have much going on in the way of firepower, did a fair job of beating up a third world nation in true tradition of Empire and Gunboat diplomacy and won the day, sinking the Belgrano showed a totally ruthless streak, from there on in, all the right wing yuppy rednecks had a field day..

    But strangely we did as a nation all feel a bit better about ourselves and the good old eighties ensued and damn I wish I was back there counting the loadsamoney I made back then, not that I ever voted for her or them, I’m still an SDP man at heart.

    But the worse travesty of modern times, we eventually kick the bastards out and in the spring of 97 with a new hope a fresh young Blair and his steadfast dour Scottish companion looking to keep him anchored all was going to be so much better… What was that song again?

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    10 days???
    Yes 10 days. Perhaps someone will write a book called “10 Days That Shook The World” ?

    er 9 days, in fact 8 as of tomorrow.

    So nothing will happen tomorrow they all go and get pissed at lunchtime friday, so Saturday Sunday nothing, Monday to talk more then Tuesday, no I bet it goes to the wire, Wednesday, big announcement they get more centralised fiscal controls everyone has to obey, then the CEB starts the presses churning, Euros get printed and with any luck we’ll see the Euro v Sterling nearer 1.20…

    Free Member

    I put a bit of a post up yesterday about this, I think during that Autumn statement there was a lot of Sh1t hitting the fan.
    Loads of USD’s flooding the market, I figured ready to take up the slack if the Euro crashed. Euro banks just can’t borrow money right now, so probably more than just one in trouble.
    Then todays BOE announcement, but it’s probably just a bit of brinkmanship forcing Germany to do what everyone knows they have to.
    **** markets, and their perceptions, do we need them, constantly **** with our lives.

    Winds me right up. You can bet your arse all this negative news there a bunch of them shorting the Euro like no tomorrow ready to make another pile on the downswing.

    Free Member

    +1 for these..

    Free Member

    He means me, this is him before he bought an XL Bandit

    Free Member

    Wow any of you getting an ad for recording top gear on the right, they’re quick these ad bots..

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    God knows how many times I’ve posted this link, but some people really need to read this an inwardly digest:

    The offended people

    Then have a cup of tea, and calm down dear

    Quality, thanks for that binners – sanity

    Love this bit
    “I hate offended people. They come in two flavours – huffy and whiny – and it’s hard to know which is worst. The huffy ones are self-important, narcissistic authoritarians in love with the sound of their own booming disapproval, while the whiny, sparrowlike ones are so annoying and sickly and ill-equipped for life on Earth you just want to smack them round the head until they stop crying and grow up. Combined, they’re the very worst people on the planet – 20 times worse than child molesters”

    Free Member

    lostboysaint – Member
    talk to toys19 or derekrides they have one
    Possibly between them

    Don’t listen to her, she’s a Lady Bandit Boy..

    I’m 31″ inside leg, rode a Medium for a bit have switched to a small, love it. I use it to jump clean over Bandits I find wobbling about the trails punching furiously at the Grindr app on their iPhones.

    Free Member

    I’d buy STW, sack the moderators, offers free lift passes to all over a weekend somewhere in the alps to celebrate, invite everyone from here, then a mass free uplift at a UK trail centre, hire in skills coaches, spray everyone who turned up in lycra with silage, (but have free baggies and a shower on hand), free beer at a happy hour at the end of the day, hire Jeremy Clarkson to give us a chat about dress sense after we’ve all had a drink or two..

    Free Member

    Prayers from me as well, hope all goes well.

    Free Member

    I hated it to start with, difficult to follow, to know what’s been posted since last visit etc, getting the hang of it now after a couple of months, but it makes it more time consuming than maybe it ought to be and I’m such a bad forum addict, it’s not good for me.

    I hated the original pre hack forum, only posted a couple of times then lost my original ID in the switch, I don’t miss the avatars, certainly don’t miss the signatures, quotes are a bit cack handed but agree with the sentiment that endless long multi quote posts screw up threads.

    Had only intended to stay a short time to work out what was what, sort out the cocks from the clowns, but there’s some really interesting stuff and bright folk on here if you look hard enough, I guess some of them are not flame proof enough to overcome the cock factor, but every now and again some real gems emerge, so I think I’ll hang around a bit longer, even though my covers blown a bit in certain quarters..

    Forums are only the sum of their content at the end of the day and there are still some very valuable contributions despite any perceived issues with the layout/functionality..

    Free Member

    He makes me laugh, and anyone who does that can do no wrong in my eyes, including some of y’all on here.

    I see the Daily Mail agrees with the humourless here, ‘outraged etc etc’

    He can write, he’s entertaining, and ok like the rest of us flawed to ****.

    I’d swap places with him anyday, might even match his sarcasm at times. (Can’t do it here, I’d get banned again)

    Free Member

    Wow! Love what you’ve done with that Hammerschmidt, I’m just having mine switched over this very day.

    Color Coded bolts, kewell!

    Not sure I like the black wall, very dark satanic mills, is it Burnley?

    Pedals if I had to be supercritical, maybe a bit lame..and you probably should have coded that red cable bit, not sure if that ‘goes’ but hey I’m being picky, only cos I”m jealous, it’s a cool bike dude, well put together, excellent.

    Free Member

    I bet he’s weally worried about what a forum of folk who worry about meeting their exes, wonder why their seat tube breaks when they centre punch it, argue endlessly about bollox, read the Guardian, ride with only one speed, love tight fitting spandex, have the sense of humour of a physics teacher, pour their heart out over all and any minor swerve life chucks at them to a bunch of… well all of the above..

    Yep I bet he’d be really concerned.

    Free Member

    Ha Clarkson rules, y’all who don’t get it need corrective soh surgery, lobotomy should do it.

    Free Member

    Surely not with that rear mudguard…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I think plastic rear crud guards look kewell and I get to ride everyday in my work clothes.

    I’d like to see a more ‘fishtail’ version with a rear light built into the tail.

    I do hope those folk who think they don’t look kewell don’t wear lycra, or ride spd’s or single speed and are not writing whilst on strike today..

    Free Member

    Pook – Member
    corporate world can screw up a good local business.
    yes – THE most famous local business in Guiseley/Menston; potentially West Yorkshire.

    Is that branch just up the road from Otley?

    Think I went there once.

    Agreed corporate world screws everything up, happening in my world right now.

    Free Member

    Can you still get them?

    I shall google cycle cape straight away, it’s time I got one, sooner or later it’s going to rain down here and when it does it’ll probably go on for days..

    Free Member

    I’m with junkyard, heights and getting old(er).

    The height thing is totally irrational, illogical, obviously comes from some previous life.

    Fought it all my life done all sorts of things involving height, only time it really badly affected me was once when snowboarding, I was up this ridge and set off a mini avalanche under me, left me hanging on the side of the ridge, very scary, nearly panic froze, but managed to stay calm enough to extricate myself.

    Free Member

    +1 on the it’s probably not a bad thing for the immune system, sad fact is all of our immune systems are under fresh attack from stuff inbound with visitors from overseas, where we are folk are getting TB again which had long since gone away, it’s a new strain from Eastern Europe, there are lots of folk here now from that area.

    As long as he gets better he’ll be the stronger for it. Normally you don’t get stuff until they start school or nursery, so if he is getting exposed to other kids then he is going to catch more of what they’ve got.

    Haven’t read much of the rest of the thread, have you had all the jabs?

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    Cut VAT to 15%, raise income tax allowance to £10k and increase income tax rates by from 20p to 25p and 40p to 45p and scrap 50p rate.
    Government underwrite of all SME loans <£20m. No underwriting of any real estate loans.
    Make Project Merlin (the lending to UK business) legally binding on banks, but with the underwrite in place to protect bank capital – dont believe you can have it both ways – require increased lending, but demanding capital rebuilding at the same time.

    Do all that, and..
    Nationalise all the utilities Power, water, transport.
    Exit Europe immediately, negotiate trade agreements along the lines of old common market.
    Invest in Tide based renewable power source as well as solar, reduce wind.
    Stop all welfare based payments, and employ more on all of the above or pay them nothing.
    Institute a care for the community programme which also employs folk, there must be availability of employment for all.
    Only pay welfare to the genuinely disabled, aged or infirm
    Institute a National Pay scale with upper limits beyond which no-one gets paid, thereby reducing ‘envy’ bring more of a sense of fair play to folks working lives.
    Nationalise all left wing cycling sites then ban all their moderators.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the Times a tabloid these days?

    I don’t think we deserve what they dish out, we’d read whatever they put in them even if it were less trashy.

    It’s just the lowering of journalistic standards, to many media studies at Bognor victims churned out on a diet of sensationalism, we were taught restraint, integrity and factual reporting in my day.

    Free Member

    No good asking me technical stuff, i wouldn’t have the first idea, this one has got floats I think they are and the one I had before had vans, I don’t even know what the difference is, except the vans were heavier.

    It’s why I’m here, to read up on stuff like this so when folk ask me i sound like I know what I’m talking about, which sadly i don’t. It’s shiny, black, cool and rides well, that’s enough for me.

    Free Member

    Thats it’s charger, it’s cradle to charge and there’s this button you push and it does this clean up cycle thing, not that i use it that much, once the liquid that came with it ran out, it remains a charger and I flip open the little rotor covers, blast it with water and leave it to dry the wrong way up in the cradle. I only put it the right way up once a month to charge it.
    It’s got excellent battery life, then it bloody should it must be the most expensive razor on the planet.

    Er there is one little benefit, when SWMBO is laying in, the lazy cee oh doubleyouu, you fire up the cleaning cycle, it makes a row, goes on a bit and she then gets up and into the kitchen where she should be, firing up the kettle of joy.

    Free Member

    Well I can get up pretty much anything I need to on mine, that Bandit is just the latest ‘must have’ fashionistas Surrey hill girls accessory, Covert is for regular down to earth folk, like moi.

    Free Member

    Yep looks like mine, what would you like to know? It’s still working O.K. doesn’t actually feel like it’s giving you a good shave but actually does. It’s a bit woossey, I had a panasonic that kind of threatened to rip my head right off, it was that noisy and powerful, can’t get them anymore.

    Free Member

    I think I might have one, does it come with an electric bath thing that it lowers itself into, to clean.

    I spent ages researching ‘which is the best’ and most fingers pointed me at it, don’t recall the 3d tag though, I need to go and check.

    Free Member

    I used to be mental about it, taking it a bit easier these days, but still have a bit of a diet fest, I’m due one soon, probably after Christmas. Was a bit troubled the other night when fatigue set in on the dance floor, not used to that, so maybe it’ll be back out pounding the pavements as well as upping the ride distance.

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