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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • derekfish
    Free Member

    Lefties ffs, they love to reel out the racist tag in any debate like this, waste of time discussing anything here.

    Just vote UKIP, it really winds them up.

    Free Member

    Oh and whilst I’m in full rant. – Air travel, people should be charged by their all up weight, thereby facilitating those of us that work on keeping their weight in check, more baggage allowance for sporting equipment.

    Rant fail: airlines estimate each passenger at 100kg, so there’s really no need to start weighing the passengers as overall they’re a teeny part of the take off weight

    Really? So why the high charges for baggage?

    And all that proves is I’m being overcharged for my svelte 70kgs..

    Free Member

    mrmonkfinger – Member
    Oh and whilst I’m in full rant. – Air travel, people should be charged by their all up weight, thereby facilitating those of us that work on keeping their weight in check, more baggage allowance for sporting equipment.
    I’m 6’2″, and you can piss off, cause my ticket will never cost the same as someone 5’2″.

    Well it does at the moment, and then you come, sit next to me, all your flab rolls into my side, I have to be polite, let you have the arm rests, ignore your sweaty armpits and you constantly breaking wind…

    Free Member

    There is a simple solution to this and other problems surrounding obesity, the benefit system, energy costs and the NHS..

    Human Power Generating stations.

    Bicycles and or treadmills, attached to dynamo’s.

    Need benefits? Go down the Power station and earn them.

    Obese? Go down and walk it off in a treadmill.

    Disabled? Use the rowing machine.

    Simple, pay nobody anything and make them earn it whilst generating power, sort of a modern workhouse.

    Every town should have one, attached to the local hospital.

    Oh and in the cases of extreme obesity? Jail the feeders, some of those seriously fat types would die (or rapidly lose weight) if they had to feed themselves.

    Oh and whilst I’m in full rant. – Air travel, people should be charged by their all up weight, thereby facilitating those of us that work on keeping their weight in check, more baggage allowance for sporting equipment.

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member
    And where there’s blame there’s a claim,

    Argh! If you’re going to be a smug tosser that casts doubt on people who report sexual assaults when you don’t know ANY of the facts of the events, you could at least have a clue about what you’re saying. A sexual assault decades ago will not result in any civil compensation because the claims are time-barred.

    But that won’t stop the lawyers racking up costs now will it?

    If you were sexually assaulted back then there was no reason any more than now that it couldn’t be reported and don’t give me any of the ‘it was different’ I was there, all that’s changed is the volume of lawyers and the climate for litigation.

    Free Member

    And where there’s blame there’s a claim, how much of this would be going on if we were not in an era of com pen say shun..

    What I can’t understand is how come nobody has had a go at Jagger and the Stones and many of the other Pop groups of the period, including McCartny, they were all at it.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    ladies and gentlemen I give you the Chicken Kiev

    where generally any kind of liquid had escaped during cooking

    Try waitrose, this is still a regular in the Fish household.

    In fact come to think of it, had not a bad one from Aldi the other week still loads of garlic butter..

    Free Member

    Lamb/Sheep Hearts..
    Bubble & Squeak

    Corned Beef Sarnie

    My Nans super thick Chocolate Blancmange.
    Roly Poly Pudding
    Earnfield pudding.

    Free Member

    Take some ladies underwear along, I heard he collects it these days.. :wink:

    Free Member

    The Jimmy Hendrix experience base guitarist was a mate.

    I’ll be watching.

    Free Member

    Picton Road, is that in Wales? Anything to do with Picton Boats?

    Free Member

    Had me out in the lunchtime looking, no joy.

    That big box for 13 quid…

    The way I’m feeling now, knowing also I’ve managed 7 months, it’ll barely last the weekend and those natural sticks, I’d ride chewing them, we don’t have Holland & Barretts down here in British Eastern Europe even Marks & Sparks gave up the ghost.

    Free Member


    This dutch stuff you’re speaking of….

    No, don’t tell me.



    Oh no, the ice cream pic you posted just loaded.. :idea:

    Free Member

    jaymoid – Member
    I’m addicted to these…

    Old skool liquorice root sticks. If I ever see them in a shop I tend to buy their current stock (after haggling for a good price).

    OMG <shakes visibly>

    Haven’t seen them in years- where did you get them?

    Free Member

    smiththemainman – Member
    My second post and last, in my honest opinion this whole thread is enough evidence why this once proud country is now ruined, I personally thought that this forum was pretty much visited by working class people who tow the line, pay their taxes know right from wrong ,pretty much the basis of what an ideal society needs, we go to bed get up in the morning get to work , in the mean time get the kids to school , work all day and some how get the kids from school with a parent there to look after them, we then run the kids to various clubs then go and coach footy and rugby for the kids and many other things,,why anyone here would want to fight the corner for someone who is everything we are not beggars belief. I’m 46 and cowboys and soldiers carry guns in my ideal world , the guy put himself on the radar in the position of do my actions today allow me go home to the family , or does the hard working policeman go home to kiss the kids good night?? I will sleep easy knowing the pc has the honour!! I will not be arguing with the idiots on here who will try and drag me down to their level and beat me with experience. Good night!!

    Although I think to a great extent the population of this forum by and large falls into the category working class. Sadly the era you describe is from a time when Police were not armed, Politicians were not caught with their hands in the till, Lawyers did not chase ambulances, where there was blame there was not necessarily a claim, and we could rely on the impression of an avuncular old bill to ‘fit up’ the bad guys, cos they knew who they were.
    We are the victims of American imported values and PC gone mad, plus and I don’t want to get drawn into the immigration thing, but with immigrants come immigrant values and lifestyles and we have an upper echelon liberal elite divorced from the realities of day to day existence in the country that has been created.
    We have educated an entire generation to feel ‘entitled’ and fed kids with virtual reality world of shoot em up games and a movie culture where pretty much anything goes.
    Even so with all this, put yourself in the shoes of a mother who’s kid is sent on an errand by other kids to fetch a replica gun that’s been fiddled with in a box (we’re not even sure if it was loaded), gets shot dead and she isn’t told about it for 4 weeks other than by what she heard on the news media.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, a bit like an AA meeting (not that I’ve been) comfort in like minded company, I shall use a couple of those links, dare I trust myself with an entire box?

    Kids should be force fed liquorice from birth or we’ll run out of future consumers.. :wink:

    Free Member

    breatheeasy – Member
    I share your pain brother. I too hanker for those liquorice sticks that were flattened at one end. I found a local market that sold them, which was nice.

    Then low and behold, a sweetie man now turns up a work regularly flogging all sorts (see what I did there?!) of old fashioned sweets including liquorice sticks.

    That’s them, flat one end with Bassetti written in it.

    Liquorice to die for..

    Free Member

    No, these sticks are really really hard, you have to bite so hard you damage your teeth, I’m always down the bloody dentist having them fixed, but… You know how it is, well maybe you don’t, maybe I’m mental, but having to chew so hard is part of the joy, it’s also like if i can’t do it, I’m too old, losing it.

    I also associate it with cycling to school when I was a lad.

    I only ever have the two sticks, if I bought any more I’d break every tooth in my stupid skull.

    So mass purchase on the net?

    Very dangerous.

    Free Member

    The key expression is wether or not Duggan was lawfully killed.

    I believe not.

    Free Member

    I’m not comfortable at all with the verdict.

    I wasn’t comfortable with a ‘highly trained marksman shooting to kill rather than wound’

    I’d have been much happier had the two Woolwich murderers been shot dead on the spot, why the different approach?

    Why? Because in the duggan case it now appears the police were ‘used’ by a rival gangs ‘intelligence’

    The gun was a replica that had been engineered to fire a ‘projectile’.

    Duggan, far from being ‘the leader of one of the most vicious gangs in Europe (Europe, why Europe? Hyperbolic exaggeration typical Plod response when they’re on their back foot) he was actually a low level member sent to collect the weapon and ‘set up’ the Police knew where and when he’d be and what with and who had supplied the tip.

    So, it smacks of execution, and half this ‘evidence’ I guess never got presented to the jury.

    We only hear it now courtesy of the media and the Community service gang liaison social worker types.

    So no this does nothing for the hearts and minds of the community, no more than corrupt prime ministers still being in power.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, they work fine Vertical 8, french brand

    Free Member

    Dude, stop feeling sorry for yourself, find someone in a worse situation than you, (there are gazillions) and help them.

    Change your life, go help others.

    Those eyes of yours, use them to wink a bit more, learn to make folk laugh, cheer them up you’ll find it has the same effect on you. :wink:

    The secret to keeping women happy (other than the obvious) is to make them laugh.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    who could be a good boy for 2 years

    Any one with any respect for their partner?

    Has nobody watched Road trip and become acquainted with the rules?

    To the OP
    Turn it around think about your Mrs left here hows she going to feel, maybe she’ll take comfort in the arms of another (what’s your address again :wink:), or how would you feel if the situation were reversed?

    There’s your answer

    Free Member

    If there can be only one…

    Stairway – Zep


    Free Member

    I think it’s pathetic the constant need to define people by their sexuality, who gives a damn?

    Turin was a brilliant mathematician, he pretty much gave the world mechanical computing, helped build that machine, up there with Mitchell (designer of the Spitfire)in providing one of the two principle tools that saved our asses in WW2 and how is he now remembered? As a Gay who got let off, it’s bollox.

    Free Member

    Ring Tone! Footflaps you hero, exit Nightrider theme.

    Free Member

    I lurk more than post, but do find a few folk interesting, having said that, the left wing political thing is also true, so probably wouldn’t engage in a debate, which kind of proves the point.

    Also over the period I’ve been studying the place, there seems to be a few missing that were entertaining, again from a lurker standpoint.

    Free Member

    If you really want to split amicably and can both agree, just go to one lawyer, don’t engage 2.

    Or as the above post don’t use them at all if you can figure a way.

    Lawyers by nature are adversarial it’s how they get paid, never set one against the other, it gets very very expensive and guess who is the only winner..

    Free Member

    Mine started asking me about the Aryan Brotherhood just recently, seems one of her new chums is a skin head, she wanted to know what they stood for and what was it all about. :?

    Free Member

    Best film of all time, ground breaking Cgi at that period, James Cameron rules.

    Had to go straight out and buy a Harley

    “Say that’s a nice bike”

    Free Member

    Eating at the table together is important, as are table manners.
    Difficult in this day and age admittedly, but worth the effort.

    Free Member

    Surely it’s the wrong question, since ‘weight’ is a measurement derived by gravity then if the earth has increased in size and it’s gravitational pull increased then the answer would be yes. Do things ‘weigh’ anything at the sub atomic level? That Higgs Boson, what does that weigh? And the God Particle if they’re not the same thing?

    Free Member

    Not only people on here, our entire news media these days is very selective in what it decides to ‘air’. I enjoy Boris for his classic education and wit, true like a lot of Tory boys he’s over enamoured with Thatchers legacy some of which is good some of which is equally evil, but you can’t condense a speech like that down to one reference to IQ’s and wealth, fact is the thickest boy in our school went on to being the wealthiest.
    My view intelligence can very often get in the way of great wealth unless you are appropriately ‘connected’ in the first place.

    Whilst I’m on, in full vent I personally think wealth should be capped, how wealthy does one need to be, once one has earned enough to never need to work again, why continue?

    I certainly believe public servants should have their wealth capped particularly if it is a t the taxpayers expense, how many frontline services could we have saved if the cost of management were reduced.

    Free Member

    Has anyone actually read the whole speech?

    Makes an interesting read in its entirety if you have fifteen minutes spare.

    Free Member

    They’re not the only bank doing this, the bastards at HSBC are driving equal numbers of small businesses to the wall.

    Free Member

    It’s not the most important thing, but without it a relationship isn’t really complete, so you kind of need to make an effort at least a few times a month.

    Free Member

    £3.49 Mudguard set from Aldi, can’t wait for the abuse to start on my next ride.

    Free Member

    None of them seem to want my road bike though :(

    Horrible things road bikes.

    Free Member

    A sharper approach surely is to leave the wounded man, hide, wait for whoever comes for him, then deal with them as well.

    I can’t help wondering if there is more to this, maybe the man who did it has a bad rep and the footage finding it’s way to authority is no accident, we can never know, personally I don’t like it as I’ve said elsewhere, but how can we possibly know what went on sitting behind a keyboard.

    I still stand by remark, those who sent them out there in the first place should be judged alongside any we decide to accuse.

    Teach and pay a man to kill for you in the first place is one thing, deciding when where and how he does it in the face of enemy action is entirely another.

    Free Member

    0% Somwhere near Jersey.

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