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  • derekfish
    Free Member

    Moltke? Have we got that far yet? I might have dozed off toward the end last night, but I thought he was still on vacation, tonight the fireworks start..

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    Karma only really works as a concept if you buy into reincarnation, at which point yep, it’s pretty cool, cosmic justice as a natural law. But if you don’t then it’s really just wishful thinking.

    Well it works for me, and it’s as good a way as any to run your life, and if it doesn’t work quickly enough for you, you can always give it a helping hand

    Free Member

    Same here, I shall be riding to vista my Auntie Stella the long way round shortly and in daylight with any luck…

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Ah, the voice of reason at last:

    And like it or not, he’s spot on.

    Free Member

    Careful gloating could end up inducing bad Karma.

    Free Member

    epicyclo – Member
    derekfish – Member
    …What if we’d given Scotland away to Southern Ireland, they then wanted to come back, but the US and Eu started up, what would we think, other than we’d probably have to wall them up…erm come to think of it isn’t that’s what’s going to happen anyway?
    No, no, you’ve got it wrong.

    Shift Hadrian’s wall further south to stop the barbarians coming north, and give Scotland the north of England.

    Then you’ll get open access like we have in Scotland. Think of all that lovely riding in the Lake District and Yorkshire and the posh nobs won’t be able to do a thing about you going wherever you want. You’ll never need to go to a trail park again (unless you want to).

    We could call our new country The United Kingdom of Northern Britain.

    The killer bonus is once we meld our various cuisines, we’ll be able to enjoy deep fried butties after a ride.
    Hmm if it was up to me that wall would be erected North of the Thames and we’d chuck in all those city boys and anybody else who speaks funny, I wonder if Putin would consider taking Kent into the Russian Federation, well come to think of it the southern bit, I don’t expect it be interested in the inbreds North of the Medway.

    Free Member

    Other than that dodgy treaty thing they signed to get the nukes, I don’t really see what it’s got to do with the EU or the bloody US, Crimea was Russian anyway until Kruschev gave it away in 1954 and lots of them didn’t much like that.
    What if we’d given Scotland away to Southern Ireland, they then wanted to come back, but the US and Eu started up, what would we think, other than we’d probably have to wall them up…erm come to think of it isn’t that’s what’s going to happen anyway?

    Free Member

    You teach kids to ski.

    Snowboarding is a surfer/skater wakeboarder sport a bit more niche, everyone can ski, even your grandmother, not so many can ride a Snowboard well, so learn to Snowboard, you can pick ski-ing up anytime.

    And if you want to wind them up ask them ‘Dude what’s with the poles?’

    In fact, what are the poles for Cap’n they’ve redesigned skis to be more like two snowboards, why the heck do they still tote them about, is it a deliberate policy to look stupid? Because it’s working. :lol:

    Free Member

    Hired one once at the airport, got to where we were going for a meeting and had the embarrassment of getting them to charge it for me or I’d never have made it back to the airport.

    Was going to buy a van, Renault kangoo, took it for a test drive last winter, it was really cold, the range halves in low temperature.

    Binned the idea.

    Free Member

    I have also had the dream issues.

    I get blamed when the mud on my shoes transfers itself to her recently cleaned floor, even though I point out I walk there and will likely do so again so why clean it in the first place.

    Everything the big dog does is my fault, little bastard dog gets away with murder, knows this so winks at us both just as he does it again, then slinks off to let the big dog blame transfer to me.

    The car crashed itself into a supermarket pole thing and had I bought something more sensible with a bit better all round vision it would not have happened.

    It was my fault someone spiked my birthday drink, so I had to receive a black eye and be kicked out of bed crawl to a vacant daughters bedroom and throw up, that was also my fault, the shit they pull..

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    They cannot cope with the concept of ‘never’, as in ‘will never see their mum again’.

    Second hardest thing about being an atheist is facing the stark cold reality of believing that when you die, you’re gone.

    The hardest thing is explaining that to your kids.
    Atheists are worse than theists in that regard, what’s wrong with agnosticism ffs

    As to animal awareness, dogs are aware of my existence and that is all that is important to me, they do also exhibit all manner of emotional behaviour and have varying levels of intelligence and communication, to that end, as I would wish would happen to me, they need relieving of pain and suffering at the end, which can be almost on a par with losing a human relative, in fact I’d go further and say worse in the case of some relatives.

    Free Member

    I am about to put curse on BT and every call centre I’ve wasted hours on this past two weeks I’ve been out of action, if it comes to pass, there will be no BT it will vanish in a puff of the amyl nitrite I’ve been having to sniff whilst they shaft me.

    When it was up it was ok, but not worth the extra line rental for infinity fibre, it started off fair enough but eventually slowed at all the usual times (4pm when the kids get off), so today I’m just about back online with all manner of routing issues thanks to having to have another new router and IP address.

    Free Member

    You really ought to check it out, if it’s vitreous detachment, which is a sort of carrier film at the rear of the eye, it’s also characterised by ‘floaters’ so things that float about, it’s more prevalent with folk who are short sighted, (because their eyes are generally a bit bigger)and beginning to age. It can also be brought about by being a bit too active whilst stressed, so they’ll tell you to take it easy for a bit. (told me to give up gardening, not that I spend any more time in the garden than is absolutely necessary). Anyway if it is that it can be a prelude to worse stuff like retinas becoming detached, so you kind of need to know, do yourself a favour.

    Free Member

    duckman – Member
    Derekpish,I was a plasterer for 20 years,not only that but I was shopfitting with the hours that entails…Teaching is harder. Sorry if that disagrees with your opinions about something you clearly understand little about,but every day a school day..( see what l did there)

    I actually don’t care, how hard or easy it is, as I said earlier I just really don’t like the breed, so sadly by definition that includes you, although naturally since we’ve never met I’d sooner you didn’t take it too personally because as a breed, plasterers are a whole lot nicer bunch, but if Gove makes teachers mad, then that makes me happy, that is all there is to it really.
    You’ll note I resisted the childish replacement of the letter ‘d’ in your name as retaliation, that’s what us grown ups do that teachers don’t. :wink:

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    That nasty man really did bad things to you didnt he. Point on the doll, its the first step in making you feel better

    Yes he did <points at dolls bottom> and all I did was have a bit of a fit of giggles in general studies.

    Free Member

    There are hundreds on zero hours contracts, many more on annual contracts, don’t talk to me about private sector luxuries..

    More hours, better discipline and higher standards, what can possibly be wrong with asking for that after the rest of us have worked our butts off standing still for the past 7 years.

    We’re all in this together, remember that?

    Time for teachers to join in.

    They wouldn’t know how to work their arse off, other than polishing a seat with it.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    But can you tell us why you think he’s doing a good job?

    Because the incumbents are wailing & whining like the idle unrealworldly fools that they are.

    I’m loving every minute of it.

    Time for them to wake up to private sector working hours.

    Free Member

    jeffm – Member
    there average salary is a staggering £37,000.

    Their salary is also matched with an excellent pension and holiday periods, far in excess of any of the average pay the private sector in which I exist can expect and private sector pensions well don’t get me on another rant.

    So, all in all, teachers should be happy with their lot in life.

    Michael Gove is passionate about his task, which is dauntless if he genuinely thinks he can get the state sector to come even close to the private sector, not least to the essential difference which generally is in pastoral care.

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    I just hate teachers.

    Were you in education today, you’d be required to back up your position with evidence. Care to do so?

    Anecdotally I’m sure I could provide reams of examples of graduates lacking in basic common spelling and arithmetic skills, not to mention asking simple things like naming English Counties, who the figure on the top of Nelsons Column was and what did he do.

    But that isn’t evidence of teaching skills or lack thereof, my hatred extends beyond that, it’s the general patronising attitude they carry across from pupils to me as a parent, similar to those posting here, they just have this arrogance born from standing in a room of young humans forced to listen to them.

    We had an old saying for them, teachers, the male versions, men amongst boys and boys amongst men, it is so very true.

    Now, it is my opinion, it can’t be disputed so don’t try, you won’t change it. There are of course exceptions, some are even friends, but when it comes to the crunch, even they can be absolute tossers, it goes with the job.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    To be fair derekfish, this is your standard answer on Gove threads isn’t it?

    Er, what other threads on Michael Gove, don’t think I’ve seen any, but if there had been then yes probably, I do have a thing about teachers, probably unfair, but then what would life be like without sweeping generalisations?

    deadlydarcy – Member
    I mean it’s not like right wingers on STW

    Right Wingers? Are there any left? I thought it was a banning offence.

    And no, I don’t consider myself right wing, I just hate teachers.

    Free Member

    I’ll respond when you get your teacher to correct the spelling in your post.

    Don’t tell me teaching standards are anything other than poor, please, I hire the results, it’s pathetic.

    This guy is trying to do something about it and all he gets is the sort of childish abuse you see above.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    STW = The Blob?

    I think he’s doing a good job, which is more than can be said for the teaching establishment.

    Free Member

    Tragedy. He carried many a crap film, wish I could remember the title but he’s playing one on one basketball really badly and then blagging an interview for Ben Stillers Character in a really comic role playing an ex child star making a reality video of himself. Funny film, well the bits he did.

    Free Member

    monkeychild – Member
    I already have a HD screen and mouse + keyboard. Hmmmm mini+ More RAM. Is iTunes quicker on a mac? (Genuinely never tried it on one). I do like the mini’s iddy biddy size. Decisions, decisons.

    Itunes has always appeared clunky on PC’s to me, everything just works on a mac, speed wise you presumably mean on imports etc, which should be, but then that would be processor dependant.

    It’s not difficult to add ram later but get at least 2gb I’m running a couple on 1gb and they’re a tad slow.

    Free Member

    Could be something called posterior vitreous detachment, I think it was diagnosed as, are you myopic and getting on a bit? Lighting bolt lights then floating bits? Optician would tell you.

    Free Member

    We have them at work, very reliable, have never had a problem with them and we’re running a Mac mini server now as well, it’s a very tasty machine.

    We replaced PC’s with them and kept the screens and keyboards which work fine on the Mini’s, small footprint, silent, fast, what’s not to like?

    Free Member

    Don’t think I could survive without my counsellor Auntie Stella on a Friday night, she’s always got the answer at the bottom of a pint glass.

    Don’t drink at home and don’t drink to excess on a regular basis, but yes in order to have a really good time alcohol generally has to be involved in none sporting activities.

    Free Member

    Mickey Spillane – Mike Hammer, Leslie Charteris – saint novels, couldn’t get enough of it back when I was reading Bond novels, mind you I had the mental age of a fifteen year old – not the sixteen year old i am now.

    Free Member

    Read them all, in order, my favourites were Moonraker & Only live twice, ditto ignore PC whinging, that was the way things were in the period.

    Free Member

    Kettle boil water to expand the carbon, cold water over the seat tube.

    Free Member

    Lol at making ninja stars in metal work.

    We spent our time making double headed pennies, to always win the toss.

    Free Member

    Watching England win a World cup football match.

    Running up to a copper and knocking his helmet off, running away, and if caught just getting a clip round the ear.

    Playing split the kipper

    Airgun fights

    Going to France without a passport on a school trip and buying flick knives.

    Being able to use whatever language to insult whoever you like in whatever way you like without fear of arrest.

    ‘Sticks and stone may break your bones but names will never hurt you’ being a very reliable mantra.

    Free Member

    It is going to be windy, up the west side of the country over the next couple of days, oh and more rain, in case you were wondering.

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    Whatever happened to the snowmageddon we were promised by the Daily Express? I can’t believe they got it so wrong.

    You didn’t think the city boys were publishing ‘selective’ long range weather forecasts to get higher wholesale gas price futures then?

    Seemed pretty obvious to me at the time.
    (then I have a daughter who dates a city boy weather analyst and guess what his job entails)

    Free Member

    Oh joy wettest period in South East since records began and still it rained all last night and only now call me dave thinks of the army for those poor buggers on Somerset levels

    Free Member

    Haven’t been out on my bike for any distance for a couple of months, it’s a quagmire, tried that Road biking, hated it, it’s just an accident waiting to happen if the cars don’t get you the pot holes will, I have never been so depressed in a winter SAD syndrome squared exponentially spoke to someone else on the phone today actually considering topping himself (he has other issues) very difficult to be upbeat for him..

    Free Member

    Haven’t read a lot in the middle but in answer to the OP, I’m not that comfortable with it, personally I’d rather they spent money on developing Thorium powered nuclear reactors, I hate it that it’s the French benefiting, I hate it that we no longer have the CEGB and I’d love to be able to vote for a political party that supported re nationalisation of Utilities, Power, Water and Communication.

    Free Member

    coolhandluke – Member
    Firing blanks? its possible but instead of worrying or getting yourself stressed out about it, got a sample tested.

    It could be fun just getting the sample out…


    Free Member

    Feel a bit glum tonight

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