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  • derekfish
    Free Member

    17 million? For abject failure…

    Free Member

    King-ocelot – Member
    None these days, i am not a big drinker anymore and would sooner get a taxi these days. Grassed up an old work mate after he drove home on 6 or more pints, I have no shame in grassing him up.

    So, tell me, had he chosen instead to ride his bike home would you still have grassed him up, or would your self righteous sanctimonious nature make a different judgement call ?

    Funny old world these days, pride in being a grass…

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    Actually you can add any Daniel Day-Lewis film to the list.

    Not seen Last of the Mohicans then.

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    that horrendous woman who’s name I cannot bear to even remember, long pointy face something about wives
    can you give us the quick clue coz I’m getting nowhere with the cryptic.

    Doh she was in another horror movie with Matthew Maconaghey, ‘Failure to launch’ honestly pre senile dementia setting in, have totally blanked her out she’s so not a day on florida beach.

    Who was that dissing the greatest movie of all time back there Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, even made the Benedict Cumbersome look capable of acting.

    edit, googled that failure to launch, Sarah Jessica Parker, definitely falls under the heading ‘unattractive to men sir’

    Free Member

    That Wolf of Wall Street was pretty dire, very seldom I click away especially with frequent gratuitous sex involved but it went on way too long.

    Die hard the last was pretty crap as well.

    Nicolas Cage ruined Con Air an otherwise excellent vehicle for good psycho method actors..

    Lone Survivor another disappointment.

    That Will Smith thing about forgotten earth or some similar title, avoid it.

    Anything with Wesley Snipes in it or that horrendous woman who’s name I cannot bear to even remember, long pointy face something about wives..

    I do watch far too much crap.

    Free Member

    How strange, only yesterday I’d though of posting something similar, I’d been in the supermarket restaurant where an old crone was slopping soup in my bowl and whistling away, so I felt compelled with a cheeky wink and grin to remind her of a ditty my Gran used to use.

    ‘Whistling Women and Crowing hens will sure to come to some bad ends.’

    Ask me if she found it amusing, in fact ask me if my Mrs found it amusing… :?

    Free Member

    People who use them, from posting on the internet. :wink:

    Free Member

    Ah so he gave her a dose then, so that’s OK the world back on its keel..

    And yes Ernie bitter and twisted as I am, I’ll use any excuse to attack the teachers profession, they are a constant let down imv many of them spend far too much time on here instead of working and I’m also aware it is Easter, another long vacation so a time when not so many will be on forums instead of all that marking and supervising of our young.

    Free Member

    So have I read that correctly she not only had sex with the fella but gave him a dose as well?

    Is it just me or does there seem to be an increased incident in the number of teacher pupil relationships and if so does this further underline the discussion we were having about teachers not necessarily having the respect of either pupils or parents that they once enjoyed?

    Then they wonder why there is little support for pay rises, not of course that you can hold everyone responsible for individual cases, it’s not good though, something is clearly wrong in the discipline structure, not of the pupils, of the teachers and how they feel they can behave.

    Free Member

    RJ Mitchell
    Barnes Wallis
    Frank Whittle

    Alan Turin
    Jerry Roberts
    Berners Lee

    Free Member

    I hadn’t even touched on the free movement of workers, which i can see no reason not to leave in place, the problem for us is our reluctance to teach languages, one thing I ensured my kids did and they enjoyed the opportunity to work and learn in Europe. Free trade and free movement doesn’t need the level of central Bureaucracy to organise.

    Free Member

    The Logic goes, we withdraw, others follow, the whole thing has to be reshaped, back into what it once was, a free trade area, not a superstate. You live in Spain? I have lots of Spanish business friends, and acquaintances that would just love to be out of the Euro, never mind the Eu, their economy is shot, they are having a much worse time of it than us here, how long do you think they’d stay in if we pulled out?

    Free Member

    Blues brothers, just started..

    Free Member

    I’m not really capable of a truly rational argument at this time of night on a Friday, after a ride to visit Aunt Stella, suffice to say, we borrow an awful amount of money just to support our own Governmental mechanism, we also are taxed now at 20% Vat which is more than most businesses make, you may not remember but the rate we opened at was 8%, VAT is the tax that our contribution to the behemoth that the Eu has become.

    That’s one fifth of pretty much everything we spend, this on top of the third of everything we earn. I guess if I admitted it deep down I’m a bit of an anarchist, I really don’t trust Government of any shape size or description, but when it has grown to the level it has simply to be part of some huge imperial structure, I feel enough is enough.

    You can argue back and forth of the strengths and weaknesses, features and benefits, but simply put it’s no longer worth the money, we are one of the four major contributors, we could use the money elsewhere yet still negotiate the free trade agreement, I don’t care much about all the other crap, Human rights? It’s a gravy train for Cherry Blair and her kind, GCHQ/NSA, yeah right like you can avoid that, wear the tinfoil hat and hope, farmers ruined? heard that before, didn’t the floods just do that, better start ploughing that set aside and work for a living. We’ll win some we’ll lose some, maybe keep more of our fish, I don’t care, what I do resent are Cleggs and there are far too many of them being paid by my efforts to do precious little but make my life difficult.

    Free Member

    Auntie Stella always delivers a more measured answer :wink:

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Getting involved in Africa would require far too much state planning for UKIP.

    Chum, you do know how things work, with the civil service and everything? Have you never watched yes minister? There’s nothing magical about Politicians, they are all ‘guided’ by the various mandarins that run things, UKIP would be no different than Labour or Tory once in power, from that sort of perspective, thicker people than you or I have found themselves heading Government departments, need I cite two jags?

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    And they like our financial sector why?
    Because it has good links to both the United States and Europe, all of them fear that leaving the EU would damage our ability to provide that service. Even if it didn’t, the perception would still damage trade. None of the city boys, I repeat none…want us to leave the EU.

    Do you think your shitty little company would be able to deal with European trade barriers, lol?

    I’ll answer the bit about my shitty little company and it’s demise due to European centralisation first and the choice to headquarter in France rather than here, that cost the jobs of the 22 odd brits we had at the peak and **** our business into a cocked hat. Had there not been an Eu we’d still be going strong, like the Swiss guys, but that’s another tale, what’s done is done, am I bitter? Of course, difficult not to be watching a lifetimes work being wasted, but we move on.

    As to the City generally, it is very naive to think the City Boys give a toss for political issues, it’s not the way the world works. If they thought they could go on making more bucks from Eu expansionism I’m sure you’d be right, but it’s done, the Eu thing is a busted flush and in this risk averse world it is all about risk management with a healthy bit of currency manipulation faced with a world of competitive devaluation, the Euro and Germany’s historic fear of devaluation has given them breathing space as a safe haven currency, but, it’s only temporary, so Germany keeps it’s single currency market base, whilst thousands go unemployed.
    There are only two sources of power, political and financial, but the one needs the other and guess which one inevitably calls the tune, don’t think for a moment that Brussells is strong enough to take on the Worlds Financial institutions and sadly it is the likes of Goldman Sachs that do call the tune eventually, whilst making a shedload of cash doing it, ask Greece.

    We little people are powerless, all our politicians, Labour, Tory they are all in thrall to the city, that alone would be reason to vote UKIP if only to send the bloody city boys a swerve. I’m not here to represent UKIP to you guys, I’m just explaining why a previously sensible sort of bloke is now even considering what was a lunatic fringe party and I do think as a Nation we would be better off in terms of jobs and global business outside of the EU, it’s just an opinion don’t hang me for it.

    What we should be wondering is who is pulling their strings, how are they financed? We (think) we know the score with Labour and the Tories, so what would happen if they ever started making inroads into Westminster, would they become just another Tory/New Labour bankers poodle, or would they be reactionary enough to stand their ground? Who knows, only one way to find out in my view, would it be any worse than what we have now?

    Free Member

    Edukator – Troll
    The yanks made a 233 bomb over half a century ago, I doubt the Iranians would have much trouble. Thorium reactors produce 233 so the idea thorium reactors can’t be used to produce bomb material is false.

    Really, I had no idea, so somebody is clearly misrepresenting the stuff, which does beg the question why not use it more often then, there’s lots of it about I gather.

    So, more importantly, forgive me for asking but I couldn’t help notice you are labelled – Troll, how does one manage that, there’s a chap on another thread that could make better use of it?

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Commerical enterprises aren’t often able to challenge another countries trade policies, that is what Goldman Sachs is for.


    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Very few of the ex colonial emerging powers don’t care about us, what they care about is access to the Banking & Money System. You have made factual claims based on all you years of experience throughout the entire course of this thread and I thank you for enlightening my naive young mind.


    Tom_W1987 – Member
    The United States don’t give a damn, nor do Australia , Brazil , or India providing our banks continue to finance and trade with them.


    Tom_W1987 – Member
    I bet they’re the types that sit round in hundled groups, drinking everyday after work blaming all their problems on “them immigrants” and “educated toffs in London”. **** them, they are obsolete relics of a bygone era and the sooner they sod off and die the better for the rest of us. Unfortunately that won’t happen, as the unskilled/semi-skilled seem to procreate at a faster rate than everyone else.

    Is anyone else slightly amused by the fact that a lot of UKIPers seem to be the types that complain about the fat cats in London but then vote for aspirational policies (eg low taxes) because they figure they might get rich one day?

    True, you’re pretty much screwed I fear, never mind you can always emigrate.

    Free Member

    Politically they could suggest it to Iran as well, then see if it really was nuclear power or weapons they are after..

    Free Member

    They’ve got Thorium Reactors working in Norway and India I believe and it doesn’t have the same waste issues as Uranium, it works, we could have it now, whereas Fusion is still unproven imv.

    There’s a load of stuff about it on youtube if you do a search, hours of it.

    Free Member

    dazh – Member
    Now the UKIP line is that all this would continue anyway
    This is just more hubris. If the UK leaves the EU, why do we assume the rest of the EU will continue trading with us on equal terms simply because ‘we’re Britain’. And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t UKIPs position that we’ll have separate trade deals with individual countries? So they’re also proposing a massive expansion of the civil service and regulatory bodies required to implement these? I though they were also anti-bureaucracy?

    As Nigel said, it’s called business and the commercial sector tend to work these things out pretty quickly, especially given ‘they’ will wish to continue selling more to us than we do to them. As to the rest we have the WTO these days and many more emerging markets some of whom are commonwealth or ex colonial dominions who still like us, then of course there is the dear old internet that knows no boundaries (in theory at least). You forget, there was a time when a good chunk of that Globe was coloured pink…

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    That’s very true Tom, how perceptive of you, we are the new poor and as such blame everyone but ourselves, and there are lots & lots more of us thanks to your lot screwing up the economy and this lot helping their rich mates rebuild their balance sheets at our expense.
    Where do you think former commodities trader and current EU expenses junkie Nigel Farage fits in with all that then?

    You know I really hadn’t studied him much until he started going head to head with Clegg, so in ‘my enemies enemy is my friend’ kind of way I began listening a bit more to what he had to say, like most I had him down as the swivel eyed loon that cameron painted them all as and hell there are a lot too many ex Tory nut jobs surrounding him for my liking, the last time I really noticed UKIP that Kilroy Silk fool was trying to celeb his way to a more permanent job.

    Could they be a force for something other than a protest spanking, no, not without some influx of more heavyweight common sensical types and more Women, but they do provide a talking point, not only here, there have been any number of pub conversations lately with folk threatening UKIP at every turn, last time there was a local election round here they did split the Tory vote and a Green got in, it’s a damn shame there is no one switched on in the Green party to make capitol of all this, but then they’re like lots of typical lefties, too busy being heavy weight thinkers and not doing enough for fear they’ll be thought of as uneducated masses eh?

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    I’m simply trying to draw comparisons between the types of people who adhere to any mass movement.

    They’re called markets these days and most of life is spent trying to manipulate them one way or another and to bring us back neatly on topic, what we signed up for was a common market, in which uniform tariffs freedom of movement of goods across borders etc etc was applied equally and fairly to all member states.

    Which is what UKIP are seeking a return to if you read their postulations and/or listen to what that nice man Nigel is saying, contrary to that is the political generation seeking to extend and strengthen their gravy train. I can’t say I’ve been wronged by the EU as such, quite the contrary, buying stuff from there and selling it hear has given me a living over the years, but having it made here and selling it there which should be just as simple, isn’t, because of the difference between the various nation states and their application of the various rules and regs.

    Now the UKIP line is that all this would continue anyway, might even be better if the markets were left to sort themselves out quid pro quo, in an I’m not buying yours unless you sell mine sort of style which shouldn’t be necessary under the current system but actually is for us in the UK. Why do you think for example that it’s cheaper to have bulk mail sent from Holland rather than using our own mail service? I ask this question not actually knowing the answer, but in a common community, it shouldn’t be the case, but five ‘ll get you ten the word subsidy is in there somewhere stacked against us and our postal workers.

    The fact is that what we have never really fully got implemented, the only bit that did was the bureaucracy, they all get equal pay, their expenses get sorted and very nicely they all do, even Nigel, he’d better hope this gambit for UK power works or he’ll be out of a job won’t he?

    As to what I think you are, is young, trotskyite, and probably mid dissertation on American literature.

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Derekfish is a prime example of what Eric Hoffer talks about in “The True Believer”. He is typical of the uneducated, disconted weak masses – he places his locus of control outisde of his own power. He is unhappy with his life and feels that it has been somehow spoiled, as the weak do not like to take responsibility for their own failiure they then seek to blame it on external factors. Leaders like Nigel Farage offer these kinds of people hope and freedom from their own personal responsibility.

    That’s very true Tom, how perceptive of you, we are the new poor and as such blame everyone but ourselves, and there are lots & lots more of us thanks to your lot screwing up the economy and this lot helping their rich mates rebuild their balance sheets at our expense.

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    We cannot win the weak by sharing our wealth with them. They feel our generosity as oppression. St. Vincent De Paul cautioned his disciples to deport themselves so that the poor “will forgive them the bread you give them.”

    Well you could try sharing your favourite tree with me, maybe I’ll get some comfort by hugging it alongside you, what is it by the way? Bet it’s a Beech, they have very smooth bark, almost like a babies bottom eh?

    Free Member

    It’s like Mirrors, ever seen a woman manage to walk past one without checking herself out?

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    You are driving a commercial vehicle at the end of the day and estates aren’t as tall and slab-sided as a van.

    When people say ‘its the most car-like’- its basically its not as good as a car to drive but its the nearest one.

    And that occasional move of big a load that an estate would struggle with (washing machines, furniture etc)
    If you’ve decked it out why would you want to damage your interior anymore than your pride and joy car?

    Only on two cars I’ve owned have a struggled to get a white goods in.

    My old Forester got a packed up double fridge freezer in no problems.

    I too would like a van but it’d be my only vehicle so its a car every time.

    Camping – you can get any camping kit into any car too.

    This is all true, however if you ‘deck it out’ to suit what you need, i.e. Ply Line the back so if like me you have to hump the occasional half a ton of hard core to fill pot holes, or chuck muddy bikes in the back, then the front bit stays OK and the back you swill out as per.. Honestly once you’ve lived with one, very difficult to use anything else, other than say a twin cab pick up, but T4/5’s drive better and return more mpg.

    Free Member

    You know what? The more you go on, the more I’m beginning to believe it was Gay Marriage that brought all that bad weather recently, not to mention this air pollution, and that is going to influence my vote come May. :wink:

    Free Member

    Just got a new T5, got a late low mileage panel van and got it converted, it was ply lined so i have what i want for my toys in the back and seats for the family with windows. Recently I’ve been through a 2006 90 hp which I foolishly sold (it didn’t have A/C) and that gave me a 5-600 mile range on a full tank which cost about a hundred quid give or take then i had this LWB shuttle 2.5 which blew up but only gave me about 350 miles and was pretty knackered with 180k on the clock.

    This new one is a 140 1.9 6 spd, they tell me it should give better consumption but I haven’t done a tank full yet so I’ve no idea what I’m going to get, but there is a remap apparently you can get which improves it 20%.

    They are the only van to have, there’s a forum somewhere with loads of intel.

    Kombi’s are what to go for if you have a family, or just get a panel van and either convert it yourself or go to a specialist which will give you a near factory lookalike for a couple of grand.

    Free Member

    No, the law was what ‘they’ cited in their objections, you don’t really read much if it gets in the way of your dogma do you? It’s actually not an argument from where I’m seated, I’m just presenting a view backed by real world experience of dealing with Europe, take or leave what you will from it. Reeling out leftist or pro EU bollox isn’t actually going to change anything that has happened to me now is it?

    Free Member

    For Liberal Democrat insert STW. :wink:

    Free Member

    MSP – Member
    Ah, you mean regulations which expect certain trades to have certain qualifications, same as the UK has corgi regs and NICEIC registered electricians.

    They have to prove that the local requirements are specific and that another equivalent qualification from another nation is not suitable. I can see that it this has been a problem in the past, and may still be entrenched into some peoples mindsets. Thankfully the good old EU is clamping down on this, and if you come across such restrictive practices you should report it.

    It was even quite some time ago that Germany was forced to accept beers brewed in other countries that don’t meet the old purity laws. The EU forced them to change, and if they can get them to back down on that. then all hail the EU.

    This isn’t fitting gas or electrical, neither is setting up a car distribution franchise, Exhibition organisation is largely unregulated, even in Germany, unless of course you are not German, it’s not just exhibitions it’s whole rafts of protectionism that theoretically the Single market was to have swept away, but didn’t and now time has moved on, globalisation not to mention the internet other than pressure that gets applied by German companies, I could go on with other instances of their actions to support the Euro, keeping prices here artificially high, even when purchasing far eastern based manufactured finished goods.

    Now and again you folk should accept that there are some of us that are not here just for the sake of a Junkyard style argument purely for the sake of it and just want to explain the realities, but like Clegg your politically motivated minds (God knows why, are you all card carrying trotskyites?)refuse to accept genuine albeit anecdotal proof, these things really happen, they have happened to me and my friends who have tried to trade with Europe against the grain (The grain being they ship to us).

    Whatever, I am going to get such a warm feeling when good old Nigel is downing a pint or two after slam dunking Clegg in the May Elections, and I’ll be like Arnie to gloat here I’m fairly sure..

    Just for the record though, who are you in all conscience going to vote for then?

    Free Member

    MSP – Member

    Which German law prevents you from putting on an Exhibition there?

    Here have a butchers at this Go to the bit about Mercantile trader, then the Mercantile Register.

    It’s the usual catch 22 scenario you can’t be a trader unless you’re on the register, but you can’t be on the register unless you are a trader, which requires hoops to be jumped through, meanwhile a German Company will set up whatever it is your trying to do, then another law cuts in which persuades the companies you are trying to attract to your ‘show’ that since the German National is now offering the same thing, then that show should be favoured.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    the fact is National Commercial protectionism is still as rife today in France and Germany as it was back then.

    Repeating a fabrication does not make it true
    Please present some evidence for this statement both for then and now

    Go, try and set up an ebay account to sell your bike in Germany.

    Try and start a trade exhibition for whatever sector you are in, in Germany.

    Free Member

    Beer Battered Truck

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    Free Member

    Jaguar were never crap, Rover had their moments but generally were OK, not to mention Aston, then Range Rover, plenty went to the states why not in equal quantity to Europe? British leyland well you have a point, but back then they were just one. You forget just how many brands we had, there’s no point going over it all again, but the fact is National Commercial protectionism is still as rife today in France and Germany as it was back then.

    As to the other thing you fail to realise as to why the multinational car company owners are so keen to stay here is because of our ‘flexible’ labour laws, no 6 month, 12 month or zero hour contracts in France or Germany.

    I had never voted Tory in my life until the Clegg involvement with the Libdems and the Gordon Brown tenure with Labour, but by then it was already broken and i was stupid enough to think maybe a dose of Tories might fix the opposition, it didn’t and now we have total disenfranchisement of my class, which is the self employed new working poor and sadly the only person who seems to be making the right noises is Farage.

    Free Member

    Sadly I did get taken in by Blair in the ‘it can only get better’ days such a great opportunity wasted by a vacuous idiot manipulated by a mad woman and some evil advisers..

    Free Member

    The one common denominator..

    There is always a beard at the root of the worlds problems.

    Free Member

    Got my warranty dropper post back and it came with a packet of Jaffa Cakes, +1 to Fisher for that needless pleasantry, and all the trails are now light dry and warm, God is in his heaven.

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