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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • derekfish
    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Who does this? (What you need a list, look up there how many times has the word racist appeared in this thread?..”)

    homophobes if they criticise gays
    Criticise gays for what? Being gay? Or shagging in the nice clean sheets of your Christian B&B, then suing you for complaining..

    She was (and I presume, still is) a bigot. So how would you feel if your mum got called a bigot on National TV by the prime minister, lots of people are bigots according to the left. They don’t think they are, they are just simple, or badly educated, or dare I even say it thick? Which as we have proved earlier on here is a crime which prevents you qualifying for a vote according to the super intelligencia lefties..

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member
    I wonder if individuals are able to express their own views anymore good or bad?

    I am sure there are nutters in all the parties.


    They’re not trolling around looking for nutters in the other parties, the lefty knives are out for UKIP..

    Naive not to think that mic wasn’t deliberately left on Brown.. The knives were out for him at the time.

    Only in UKIPs case people are fed up having to mind their p’s and q’s for fear of whatever, political correctness, causing folk to be called racist if they question immigration, homophobes if they criticise gays, on top of all the other crap, it’s no wonder you’re going to get an Earthquake of protest, and from all sections of the community, lots of other cultures don’t much like being told what they can say and do either. I notice nobodies interviewing Muslims on their position re Gay Marriage for instance…

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    just as Gordon Brown thought that woman a bigot
    That’s fantastic !…….what is the connection between some plonker claiming that gay people can’t love and that men can’t rape their wives, and Gordon Brown claiming that a woman was a bigot ?

    Journalistic entrapment?

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Except ukip have more nutters….I bet its statistically significant as well.

    38% more.. and they’ve all got a vote, getting worried are we? :lol:

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    One of their main donors thinks homosexuals are incapable of love and that married women cannot be raped by their husband.


    I’m sure he does, just as Gordon Brown thought that woman a bigot, it’s only that idiot Michael Crick who hates UKIP with a vengeance on his usual mission.

    You mean to tell me you wouldn’t have to look to hard to find nutters like that in every party, it’s called being human, only the politically correct left try to alter that.

    And here’s a thing the more Channel 4 air views like this poor old boy the donor, the more similar types that still hold those views, that daren’t speak them in todays society for exactly this reason, will vote UKIP.

    OMG they’ve got that grinning gibbon Hamilton, coming on later, they must be in real panic.. :lol:

    Free Member

    Left wing scum causing trouble in Swansea noted..

    Free Member

    deleted didn’t read the previous post properly…

    Free Member

    Followed him ever since pennies from heaven, great bloke, sad loss, gutted, not really that old in todays money.. RIP

    Might have to watch LGF with the added bonus of the young Helen tonight.

    Free Member

    And there we have it, Godwin invoked, argument lost, goodnight one and all, I’m off to find somewhere to post my big purple sign..

    Free Member

    I love it.. Lefty assumption that intelligence defines wether you’re worthy of voting..

    Here’s the news guys, remember that little ditty ’10 million Sun readers can’t be wrong’

    Have a guess how many Grauniad readers there are?

    No matter how many lame high minded Grauniad pieces you post links to, the Tim nice but dims of this world don’t read it, then come to think of it how many Daily Mail readers are there?

    So, brace yourselves ladies.. For every bright left vote, there could be ten dim right ones.. :lol:

    Free Member

    There’s a new cycle park thing somewhere near there..

    And the Malta Inn is great for a pint if the suns out by the river.

    Here cyclopark linky

    Free Member

    Spreadsheets of any complexity are crap to work with on an iPad.

    If I had my time again I’d be content with this macbook air, but to get here I tried the iPad and bluetooth keyboard route.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    derekfish – Member
    UKIP sadly are a single issue party that’s right wingedness can be defined by petty nationalism, but the idea of leaving the EU in itself is not racist.

    Genuine LOL. Of course it isn’t, who has ever suggested it is? But things like, oh, for instance, saying black people born and brought up in the UK should leave and go to a “black country”, you might think that’s a little bit racist? Sort of like how being anti-EU doesn’t make you misogynistic, but claiming “no employer with a brain in the right place would employ a young, single, free woman” does. Or being anti-EU doesn’t make you homophobic, but calling gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and making links with bestiality and paedophilia does.

    I’m not going to defend who or whatever said all those things, but like a lot of folk from my era, I’d defend their right to say them however offensive, that’s the difference between tolerance and the left, as to whatever context they were quoted from, I could have said that myself about employing a young single woman in the face of employment and maternity rights these days, if the quote were aimed at small businesses and as to gay rights and paedophilia I have no idea who said it or why, only that it probably wasn’t Cyril Smith. Then since when was saying or thinking things a crime? Oh yes I remember now, since the last bout of left wing governmental influence.

    Free Member

    Anyone vaguely right wing on this forum is automatically racist/troll/fascist ……
    To be fair many people with right-wing views are also racist, few people would deny that, so it’s hardly surprising.

    To be even fairer many people with left wing views are also racist, Uncle Joe (Stalin) killed way way more than Adolf, if I had a £ for every leftie losing an argument that reeled out the ‘racist’ ploy, I’d be a wealthy man.

    UKIP sadly are a single issue party that’s right wingedness can be defined by petty nationalism, but the idea of leaving the EU in itself is not racist.

    And ‘Racist’ that is an extension of human tribalism, which taken to it’s nth degree, could be argued, that supporting the wrong wendy ball team is racist if you go to the same absurd length some lefties do when reeling out its definition. It’s quite pathetic in this day and age.

    Free Member

    no, just you seem to be the only one posting on this thread. There are several regulars (or ‘big hitters’ if you insist) that argue for rigt wing agendas in a civilised fashion with the jy’s, ernies and binners’ on here and are not accused of racism/facism or trolling.

    I wish you’d point them out to me, I can’t say I’ve noticed that many..

    richmtb – Member
    The problem is there is no progressive party of the left in UK politics anymore.


    Free Member

    deleted, missed the TV reference.. nothing, not even Ian over acting Beale on bloody Eastenders at the moment..

    But then I did measure 96% psycho and will vote for UKIP.

    Free Member

    Anyone vaguely right wing on this forum is automatically racist/troll/fascist and as it happens my politics are actually not that right wing, if anything they’re slightly left of centre, as I said in the last Clegg v Farage debate, this scenario has come about because of the failings of the other parties, in my case the SDP being absorbed by the liberals and then them adopting a Godless philanderer who happens to look good on the telly, or the Labour lot who are lead by a spineless back stabbing idiot in thrall to Unite and the other choice, Tories? lead by an expense claiming (has everyone forgotten the Wysteria incident) posh boy who’s grasp on reality was probably never there to begin with.

    But in this instance and in this place if Nigel’s loopy crew makes the lefty big hitter bully boys unhappy then that has its own rewards for me.. :wink:

    Free Member

    The more the politically motivated howl ‘loonie’ when some of the things they say hits a chord with just about everyone, the more the groundswell of ‘ordinary none political folk’ will build, it’s not the answer.

    The answer would be a sensible opposition offering a different approach to politics, one that didn’t involve lies, deceipt, fiddled expenses, made for TV suited smart boys, & support for big capitol & the city, then maybe institute state control of essential services and less taxation at every level.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    yeah charity and human rights workers derek, scum of the earth eh?!

    I don’t know what you saw, but I saw lawyers and union reps with the odd charity worker who if you think about it can’t be that dedicated to care work or wouldn’t be standing as a politician to climb on the gravy train.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    I’ve read your posts derekfish and UKIP is definitely the party for you.

    Well if it’s any consolation ernie it gives me no pleasure that it’s come to this.

    kimbers – Member
    well I work in a research department at a cardio vascular genetics institite

    fortunately I dont have any openly ukipper types in my office

    I quite like the labour candidates

    Well I can honestly say kiimbers you couldn’t line up 8 more useless examples of the human race than those labour candidates imv, it’s no wonder UKIP are surging.

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    I’m glad I don’t work in those places.

    So ignoring the obvious quip, tell us grum which metrosexual suited wunderkind should we vote for and why?

    Free Member

    Had a mate you used to bodyguard for them, that Liam is a total cock.

    Free Member

    Even if I’ve checked in online I tend to make 90 mins before the flight the closest I’ll cut it these days, it only takes the wrong profile family to be ahead of you in the security line to throw things into chaos. It also depends on the airport and the Terminal, Gatwick south has raised it’s game a bit lately, Stansted remains a nightmare, City you can cut it finer, and Heathrow? unless it’s terminal one or five, allow two full hours, and three for terminal three.

    Free Member

    GEDA – Member
    I have not lived in the country for the last 6 years and don’t get the UKIP thing. Can someone explain it to me?

    It’s a protest thing against the status quo, pretty much all of which has screwed us in one way or another, so the Eu is a handy scapegoat and the more the lablibdemcons rail in favour of it, the more a population disenfranchised by the isolation the political classes often exhibit from reality, wether it’s supporting bankers, fat cat public sector wages at managerial level whilst cutting frontline services, the rich getting richer whilst the poor have their benefits slashed, the energy companies milking us, an element of uncontrolled and unregulated borders with no infrastructure improvement, there are any number of reasons to give Nigel a boost in an election that is regarded by many as meaningless.

    About sums it up, so expect the earthquake in favour of UKIP, but don’t expect to see it repeated at a General Election imv. Unless a miracles happens and the Greens&UKIP merge.

    Free Member

    zippykona – Member
    On here I like to think we are a fair cross section of left wing society.


    Free Member

    We got a leaflet at work today, even with the garbage they’ve written on it, it’s not going to stop our entire office voting for them.

    Why? because voting for any of the others is a hell of a lot worse.

    So you lefty hand wringers… you’re going to get yours as a result of the actions you’ve supported all these years.. Can’t stop pendulums swinging.. From wrong to wronger..

    Free Member

    They ran a “are you a psychopath” test on their website after they showed it last time on Channel 4, I was most distressed to score 96% and I think that was only because I took pity on the puppy question.

    Here try it for yourself

    Free Member

    I’ve got a full carbon race thing, I ride it in baggies with cheap old rubber block pedals, nothing like winding roadies up, they are not all there anyway, ghastly thing riding bikes on the road, all that traffic and carbon monoxide fumes, only use it when off road is a no no for whatever reason..

    Free Member

    CountZero – Member
    And the connection between supposed abductees and cyclists wearing a type of cycling gear is?

    Er fairly obvious?

    Free Member

    It’s factory media, they’ve killed a couple of previously lively forums, their software keeps crashing, folk drift away, Facebook, Twitter, Forums generally are on the slide with all the other social media pressure, not surprisingly and cycling generally seems to be in a bit of a down phase we’ve lost two bike shops locally recently that were once very popular, ran group rides, those things tend to be cyclical if you’ll pardon the pun.

    Free Member

    I’m taking names for when Nigel gets in, I’m thinking it’s the de lousing chamber for some on here.. :wink:

    Free Member

    cardo – Member
    That’s it done and dusted….

    Quite painless really and not too awkward or uncomfortable.

    A face to face chat with the bosses and colleagues individually and now it’s the count down to emptying the desk and offski. Thanks for the suggestions and replies.

    Doh, it’s too late for me to help here then, how much notice did you give? Have you elsewhere to go?

    It’s always better to have the next job lined up before ditching the old one, personally I’d have given a sob story about not being able to manage due to <insert any number of reasons from lame to fantastic, lay a guilt trip on them> in an attempt to have them try to keep me, which would a)Boost your confidence for the next job and maybe b)Leave the door open should things go pear shape and you need to return for a meal of humble pie.

    +1 on never burn bridges unless total arseholishness has been dispensed in your direction.

    Free Member

    There can be and only ever was one, from way before you children of the Left were born…

    All that followed were mere imitations of the Guitar playing deity that was briefly Jimi Hendrix.

    Free Member

    deleted, flikr has gone mental and is now of no use to mankind..

    Apologies it was early bluebells at Hole Park, level 4, earliest on record.

    Free Member

    Well yes I am outraged, if I go there which I do now and again, on business and I have to put up with their shit that’s my choice, but when I’m going somewhere else and the frikken airline I booked does a stop over, because it’s bloody easter, I don’t expect to be swept up in their frikken homeland security every bloody time.

    It’ll be DNA next, I can’t believe y’all are so pussy whipped, then again, lefties? State control, I guess wrong place to complain.

    As to doing wrong, I haven’t yet, but there might come a time when enough is enough and I’ll feel the need to rebel and there, they have me already first print I leave.. and what if it’s not a benign state by then?

    Wait til Nigel gets in, he’ll sort it, it’s probably the EU’s fault anyway.

    Free Member

    Other than the computers and a Singletrack mug, I have only death row marv for amusement.

    Oh and a Carhartt “Chaots” Mustang Limited Edition die cast model and a couple of Harleys..

    Not a lot really

    Free Member

    Mobile Phones, WiFi and the cancer rate has to be another…

    Free Member

    Us UKIP supporters are all Christians and he’s trying to win us back to the fold, but since we’re all racists, oh and secretly total homophobes who will never forgive him for the Gay Marriage deal, he’s totally screwed, did you all like our nice new posters?

    Free Member

    Major Weakness: Internet forums and the ability to stay away from them.
    Actions to overcome: Believe every word Junkyard writes.

    Free Member

    Yes, life death, religions, afterlife, re-incarnations, we speculate as to what it’s all about and have pretty much come to the conclusion we’re all here as a punishment for some crime in an alternative existence.

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