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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • Denis99
    Free Member

    If the cheque is suspect, then the police will prosecute.

    I contacted the bank – I can pay a fee to ensure that the funds are available in his account to cover the £975 , about £15 I think.

    Its not over yet, but the police detail has spurred him into action – so it must be worrying him ?

    Free Member

    I'll just be glad that the saga is (hopefully) over.

    Once this is over, I'll be posting on most of the UK camera forums to warn others. I have been looking to see if he has been trying to sell the same lens on different forums – but haven't seen it yet.

    A friend of mine has emailed him to enquire if the lens is still for sale etc – he hasn't replied to date.

    Free Member

    I've told the police about the cheque in the post, but am still going ahead with the police action(s).

    Didn't have much of a choice about the payment method – he surprised me really – just sent me an email as a statement of what he was prepared to do.

    In the end I'll accept the cheque and hope it doesn't bounce or have any other complications.

    Sounds sad, but I'll be glad to have my money back – its just a relief to (hopefully) get the money back and …….relax.

    I'll keep the bottle of Newcastle Brown in the fridge for the moment :-)

    Free Member

    Well there has been a development.

    I re emailed him again……

    Just stated some facts

    Confirmed bank transfer from my bank to his….

    Gave police investigation report number to him
    Gave investigating officers name and badge number
    Gave police telephone number

    He responded within one hour saying that he's had enough of this, and my harassment .

    He said that he has put a cheque in the post today for the "missing" £975 and this will end the matter.


    Sits back and waits for cheque, and wait till it clears before I look for a replacement lens.

    Might even buy a bottle of Newcastle Brown to celebrate the return of my money.

    Free Member

    Nothing yet – the officer dealing with it is on nights.

    I'll be speaking to him sometime tomorrow.

    Free Member

    He could do as you've suggested, and I would have to be with him etc.

    But even so, he would have to initiate the investigation – or the police involvement is the only way to progress.

    It seems incredible that I can't get the 2 banks to sort this out to confirm its not a bank error.

    Free Member

    He could do this..

    Go to his Nationwide branch and make them investigate the transaction – he has all the information from me and RBS to ensure this can happen.

    God knows, the Nationwide could even ring me to discuss.

    Free Member

    Nationwide have told me that they are aware of the transaction and it is not in their holding account (won't actually confirm that it has been transferred, but it is not in the holding / query account, and hasn't been returned to me).

    Seller says its not in his account.

    He could be lying or there could be a fault in the Nationwide transfer to his account.

    Free Member

    Yep, the seller doesn't want to help, which probably means its fraud, but the poloice will soon find out.

    The seller does seem a little dull, and doesn't know (or want) what to do.

    So I've emailed him ('cos he won't phone etc) telling him what to do.

    He hasn't replied………

    Free Member

    Forgot mention.

    There's a hidden factor in all of this, as its been going on for over a month now.

    I have become very preoccupied with this, telephone calls to police, banks etc. Checking emails to see if the other chap has responded (even with something remotely useful).

    Hasn't done me a lot of good, sleep is distrupted and I'm very short tempered (not normally), and generally feel ill and worn out with it.

    Its like waiting in the dentist waiting room.

    I'd rather know the true story.

    Bank error – ok, get money back.

    Fraud – ok, police case and maybe get money back.

    I've as good as written off the money , as I'm completely worn out and fed up with the whole saga.

    Good to know the banks are a responsible lot (not). Sure the press will be interested, as (if its a bank error), then this could happen to anyone again. But they're just saying its not their responsibility, and I'm powerless to do anything as an individual.

    Free Member

    Further to the saga, and drifting a little off the main issue (ish).

    I rang the RBS on Tuesday evening to ask if someone in a senior position within RBS could enter into some dialogue with the Nationwide to investigate where the funds are. (Nationwide won't talk to me).

    RBS said that they would log this issue as a special concern and get back to me within 48 hours….

    Thursday evening came, and no one from RBS phoned me………

    Rang RBS last night to explain the story again…….

    Basically they said that there is nothing that they will do for me, I made the request for the £975 to be transferred, and they have done that.

    So, the only way to resolve this is the police (even if the funds haven't been transferred to the Nationwide).

    It appears that if the transaction goes wrong between two banks then the issuing bank (RBS) says that they've done what I asked them.

    Receiving bank (Nationwide) say – funds not in the account – we won't talk to you.


    Needless to say the police will be investigating, and if this turns out to be a bank error I'll be informing the press about the service from my bank.
    I've had a bank account with them for over 25 years.

    Will be changing from RBS after this is sorted out – one way or another – appalling customer service.

    Just beware of the consequences of using online direct money transfer in future.


    The other chap in this still hasn't done anything, and won't answer phones calls.

    Thankfully, the police will get around to sorting this out – but it still looks another week away.

    Free Member

    Yep, rang the Financial Ombudsman dept who told me how the system works.

    I've found someone in my bank who is helping with this (at last), letter sent to the Nationwide awaiting a response on a trace for the funds.

    Police due to make a visit to the other chap today / tomorrow and get access to his bank account details.
    Once the police can confirm euither way I can take action to recover the funds.

    1. He has received the money and he will be arrested etc
    2. Money "lost" in the banking system, and funds will eventually be returned to me.

    Option 1 doesn't mean I'll see my money.

    Option 2 does.

    Free Member

    I've just spoke to the police who will be visiting him and investigating his (and my) bank account transactions.

    They have advised me to inform him that the police will be visiting him and have the power to look into his bank account(s).

    I have tried to speak to the chap, but he won't answer the phone to me, or ring me back – this has been going on for well over a fortnight.

    The police have advised not to bother with him anymore and concentrate on the police and bank investigations.

    Thanks for the offers of help, but I'm going to put my trust in the official channels – I'll keep you all posted , thanks for your comments etc.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I've got a bit of an update, but would appreciate some advice from anyone who works in a bank to help me get my £975 back.

    It appears that the chap was on holiday for 2 weeks and didn't bother progressing this issue for me – I'm still a little suspious about him, but probably err on giving him the benefit of doubt about not trying to steal my money (just) – still very annoyed with him , he doesn't seem to think that I have an issue here….


    The £975 was successfully transfered to his account details 3 weeks ago.

    He says it is not in his account.

    Its not in the Nationwide holding / query account.

    He's dragging his feet in contacting and sorting this out – still.

    Who can I get in touch with at either bank (mine RBS , his Nationwide), because I cannot get any joy from the Nationwide (customer confidentiality etc).
    But the money must be somewhere, yet I'm not allowed to find out where. So it could stay missing forever???

    Any help/ advice/ contacts greatly appreciated.

    Free Member

    Two from Cwmcarn earlier today

    Free Member


    You won't be disappointed – I bought a 21" IMac about two months ago – super stuff –

    Free Member

    Just an update.

    Still no progress…

    Seller does appear to be genuine, he has been in touch , but the money transfer is still in limbo.

    My bank (RBS) has confirmed the transfer was successful.

    His bank (Nationwide) have confirmed that the money is not in a holding account for any abnormality.

    Money is not in the sellers bank account – as of today…….over two weeks.

    It appears that the money can stay in limbo for an indefinite period – never use bank transfer again.

    Free Member

    €300 – Paris (CDG) to Chalon – work related.

    My boss didn't even bat an eyelid once I explained the situation.

    Free Member


    Thanks, I've had a friend email him about the lens (about a week ago), he didn't reply.

    I think he is playing me badly – just spoke to the police who are getting back to me soon……

    Free Member

    The seller has contacted me after 5 days of silence.

    He's emailed me saying that he's gone on holiday in Cornwall without his mobile – but he's been checking his emails to keep in touch.

    Well I emailed him about two days ago saying I was concerned about the situation and wanted him to get in touch with me – otherwise he'd leave me with no option other than involve the police – as it looks like fraud – but he didn't get in touch then…..

    Anyway, he doesn't seem to think its too much fuss to have the lens and my £975 for a fortnight……

    I did tell him that I wanted the lens for a specific event last weekend , and when I emailed him this week, I said I needed it this weekend…

    I don't think he realises the stress he has caused, I've given him my contact details again, but he still hasn't contacted me, therefore, I keeping the police option open for the moment.

    He hasn't even checked to see if the money has cleared in his account yet.

    Free Member

    Waiting for the police to contact me back with news.

    Free Member

    I've had a phone call from the police saying that they will be pushing this case as it is fraud.

    Hope to hear from the Lancashire police in the next 24 hours – at least they are taking a real interest and seem to want to do something about this.

    Hope I see my money again……..

    Free Member

    timc – Member
    im near preston, i know of a few people who will get your money back, but will want 25%… haha

    I'm glad its amused some……………….


    Police involved – will hear in 24 hours from the police what is happening. A neighbour of mine is a policeman, he has advised me not to get involved – his words – there are some dangerous and desperate xxxx's out there, and you could get hurt.

    So thanks to all for the offers of help, but I'm a straightforward type – I'll have to let it run officially with the police.

    I suppose the one thing I've learnt from this is that I will never conduct another transaction for less than say £20 online ever again.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks hora

    I'm going to start this today – he will have received the confirmation of the bank transfer from me to his bank account this morning.

    I also included a letter to remind him that I've been trying to contact him via phone and email for days, and he's been ignoring me.

    Doesn't sound like he cares etc.

    Perhaps some official intervention will resolve one way or the other.


    My bank says – the money would have reached his account by now – if there was a problem with the transaction it would have come back to me by now as undeliverable.

    I asked him to double check the account details he gave me — no reply.


    If he was genuine, and wanted to get the money for his lens (after all it nearly 2 weeks since I originally contacted him), he would be wanting his money for the lens.

    Next stop is the police station.

    Free Member

    I do have his address, and google maps confirm it exists.

    I've sent him an email explaining that if he doesn't get in touch with me tomorrow then he leaves me no option but to begin the small claims / police/ solicitor route.

    No response yet – no answer to the mobile number he's given me either.

    I am thinking about the four hour drive , but what do I do if he's not there and even more so can't get his hands on £975 in cash? Because his promise of getting the money to me would be pretty valueless.

    Wouldn't trust a cheque off him either as he can stop this payment also.

    He could get aggressive – I'm too old for that sort of thing now, and haven't had a fight since I was in school – read over 40 years ago (suppose I a stupid old xxxxxx, now).

    This whole episode has really got me down…… Could do with a bit of help.

    Free Member

    maybe not, but I'm me and I treat people the way I'd like to be treated.

    haven't always come out of things in life on the winning side – but see plenty of people who have no trust or compassion.

    I pity them, hope I'm not stung for a grand here, and it will teach me a sad lesson…….

    But life will go on, and if I've been scammed , then who knows who this chap will scam next

    Free Member

    There's no history on the Canon forum

    Got his name address and bank details plus his mobile number and email address.

    Google maps show the address exists

    Nothing in BT directories for a landline phone number though – but more people just use a mobile these days.

    Don't know dodgy stuff, I'm a pretty straight forward (too) trusting type……

    Free Member

    9 days long?

    no communication for the last 3 days?

    if you were selling something for £975 wouldn't you want the money in your account/.

    speaking to RBS now …..again

    never, ever again….

    Free Member

    Me – Royal Bank of Scotland

    Him – Nationwide

    RBS says the money is in his account.

    Nationwide won't do anything for me.

    Took the letter of confirmation to them and asked them to confirm that the transaction was successful and without any problems.

    They won't do anything for me – customer confidentiality etc.

    So, I have to post a copy to him, he takes it to his bank and then they confirm that the money is there.

    Free Member

    Making acusations….

    The money has been transferred sucessfully.

    He's got my money and the lens.

    He's got my address and hasn't sent the lens

    He's stopped communicating with me.

    Am I just supposed to forget about the fact that I sent him £975 for something that I haven't got.

    Its been well over a week now since it should have been with me.

    Been in touch with small claims people, another day or two and I'll begin that process.

    I thought I'd been pretty patient and trusting up to today.

    Free Member


    Yes, but if he was genuine he would answer the emails and phone / text wouldn't he (wherever he was).

    I've got the letter from by bank confirming the bank transaction – off down to his bank now (Nationwide).

    Free Member


    Tried the different mobile – still doesn't answer.

    Free Member


    He spoke to me on Saturday and sent me a text on Monday.

    Doesn't say anything about not being at home – in fact he said he would post as soon as the money appears in his account.

    Free Member

    I paid the money into the bank account details that he gave me – I asked him to double check the sort code and account numbers were correct.

    I've asked him to chase up the money from his bank, but as I said won't answer his mobile and seems to have stopped replying to my emails.

    He's in Preston.

    Free Member


    It wasn't Talk Photography, it was the Canon EOS forum.

    Initially I contacted the seller with less than his selling price and he refused the offer. About 5 days later he said that he'd take £975 – so I said fine , where can we meet. He agreed to meeting and sounded very genuine.

    Had lots of detail about the lens and knows about photography – it a 70-200f2.8 IS. Good images of the lens and case / box etc.

    Got his mobile number – he even rang me last Saturday – got his address.

    Seems he thinks he can get away with this though.

    Free Member

    I've asked the bank to reverse the payment, but they're not allowed to do this. I made the request to pay him the money, and they have no legal power to refund the money I sent him.

    Small claims court looks to be the only way here, but I'd be interested in other opinions.

    Won't be using the direct money transfer or cheque route ever again with an individual.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I prefer raw files to jpeg, and it might just be software driven,I'll explain.

    I used a Canon 7D, if I chose save the file as raw and jpeg, then I can clearly see a difference in the unedited image.

    Raw is much better.

    I save the images to a folder on my external hard drive and then open them with Canon DPP (its free as well). The images really do look good from the off.

    Sometimes export in Aperture as its easier to edit if I need to do some extensive editing.

    Have to agree about saving the final version as a jpeg though.

    Best policy is to print your best images – so many people leave them on their hard drive.

    Its the same as holding a vinyl record – the album cover artwork needed to be handled and viewed by many. Maybe its just me, but its the same with books vs ebooks.

    Raw files as sooooo big though.

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