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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • DenDennis
    Free Member

    Oh BEHAVE.
    This is Australia and this is the ASHES.

    They ALWAYS raise their game. This will not be easy.

    OH, hang on are you lot trying to jinx it?

    Morning everybody, morning Richie. its a slightly overcast day at trent bridge here, the sun is beginning to come through the cloud cover…. etc

    Free Member

    I’d guess Cav DQ also, lucky that didnt bring a whole load down!

    Free Member

    Hope no long lasting serious damage and you’re back on the trails soon.
    Fair play for posting the vid.

    Not taking the pee but are you SURE you didnt touch the brake(s) a little on the ramp? either way, to my amatuer eye it looks like you were WAY too slow to go off it with whatever other technique might be needed….

    heal up soon dude.

    Free Member

    cracking last two days,
    Froome-Dog staying with the best- shame for the Tasmanian Devil with the grin of pain but I reckon he’ll get time back over the TTs and other big mountain stages. 😀

    kind of shows Sky are human, I wonder if questions will now be asked of the other teams if they keep up such relentless storming of the hills day after day??

    Free Member

    theres this great italian family owned deli in London I used to go to, did proper good pizza slices and pastas, queue out the door every day etc.
    They would practically throw people out the shop if they tried to order whilst on the phone, it was hilarious!

    almost fell foul of it myself once, then remembered my manners 😀

    Free Member

    i’ll love it if it ends a sprint but I doubt it on this one-
    interesting tweet from Cav earlier- any further comment on this?

    Mark Cavendish ?@MarkCavendish 5h

    I’d love an explanation from @UCI_cycling as to why time was neutralised on yesterday’s stage, but not points. Were only GC riders affected?

    Free Member

    another Ian Brown here,
    weekday morning about 830am before work, just off to get milk from what was then a Safeway at the bottom of Berwick St, soho.
    He’s mucking about being filmed on a silver BMX in the road. Have only seen clips of the final vid – was it FEAR?

    Not Ian Brown-

    The late, great Richard Whitely at the gents urinals in what was then the volcano club, glasgow!

    Free Member

    yeah, take your pick of above advice for getting liquid through the valve.
    does anyone else get that thing of some bubbles blow-back just when you don’t want it?

    also, regardless of getting sealant in, if you have some still sloshing around from the initial fill, it may be that the holes need to be sealed by doing more of the wheel twisty/shakey/spinning thing around those areas, rather than adding more sealant. see stans vids for how to do this, including laying wheel horizontal over a bucket etc. I had to slosh around for quite a while near to the valve to get it all to seal on the last set I did. it took a while but did work.
    good luck!

    Free Member

    yep- I think so. some adult birds popping around to offer food every now and then were…… ADULT ROBINS! 😛

    Free Member

    its a good ‘un. mainly the descents, as the ‘ups’ from ladybower side are VERY hard to ride, if rideable at all. I’m not sure if anyone on here can claim to get up those with no dabs or pushing.

    even though its short, don’t underestimate how tricky/energy sapping it is, I found the bouldery bits along the top quite heavy going too but I’m no riding god. beautiful views from the top.

    Free Member

    cheers IA- yes, i was meaning live tracking and live posting so others can view from comfort of their home screen- do you know if this uses a lot of data, or just battery?

    Free Member

    Running a wifi-hotspot on your “proper” phone will run down its battery in short order.

    so just one (final) numpty question, the issue with the GPS tracking live on say Endomondo, is battery life, not really network/data usage?

    I ask because if I try this for a few hours on my work phone and go over the limit our finance dept would no doubt give me a rollocking!


    Free Member

    OK ta.

    Free Member

    or as I’ve considered, carrying your normal mobile with you (since I’ll still always have that with me) acting as a wifi hotspot which the ‘GPS mobile’ could the piggy back on.

    cheers, conan, clubber.

    so in the above, piggy back via bluetooth onto my basic cheapo Nokia?
    would this possibly help with battery life issues mentioned on the other threads about live GPS tracking?


    Free Member

    numpty tech question here- would the defy phone with no sim work if wanting to use a live-tracking GPS app like endomondo, or is a sim and phone connection required for this?


    Free Member

    quick question – is there an average time for a typical cat4 race?

    getting curious myself now, Ta!

    Free Member

    not a dentist, but is it the greyness on the 2nd-last tooth? it looks like mine that is dead.
    I take it the dentist did an X-ray?

    I had a root canal job on one and apparently when they are dead the greyness can show through more.
    have you had anything similar on that tooth? if not, it may well be going all nasty and dead inside (I hope not for your sake- root canal work can be costly and a bit harrowing).

    if not, floss around it big time or use inter-dental brushes as sometimes this can deal with pain.
    ***if symptoms persist, consult your physician***

    Free Member

    It’s mafs innit…. i.e. it’s potentially more financially savvy to have a higher loan, ergo a higher interest payment on a rental property, which can be offset against tax implications…

    genuine question here, DrP. (I might learn something).

    Why wouldn’t you want the lowest interest payments either way? Tax is only payable on profit made on the rent so why would you want to ‘artificially’ reduce that profit so you pay less or no tax but also have none or less profit?

    Free Member

    the old ones as they say….

    Free Member

    I like the word


    especially when in business correspondence. not sure why.

    also words that put together sound pleasing and evoke nice images:

    Whelping Basket,

    Beer Garden

    Free Member

    OK cheers Owen, I’ll give that a try

    Free Member

    one last bump 😛

    any advice / help appreciated – thanks

    Free Member


    anyone? thanks

    Free Member

    Whatever the reason for the ‘mixup’ in this instance, clear communication from the LBS appears to have been a factor.

    a question for the LBS owners / staff on here- have you ever ‘invented’ the need for a spare part as a way of buying time against an over-optimistic turnaround or pushy customer?

    I can recall overhearing a conversation at a certain very trendy london road/hipster-centric shop, (staffed by 70%tools 30%decent types) where customer rocks up asking for his campag rear wheel they were due to have fixed by last friday.
    Customer goes off browsing clothes as till staff is calling workshop downstairs saying something like “what? you aint looked at it yet? eh? ok i’ll tell him”
    then to customer- “yes sorry sir, we are waiting for a part – needs to be fed-exed in from italy – a er, spoke, should be here by tomorrow.”
    customer looks a little confused and says “ok, i thought it was just the hub that needed sorting”…

    never used that workshop!

    Free Member

    Where does Froome’s missus get her voodoo dolls from? I want to know. 😯

    shame Brads out but in my view, he still couldn’t cut it on the real steep stuff even without sickness- it would still have been a tough Giro, regardless of the fact it was said that the course suited him.

    Free Member

    AlexSimon – Member

    I think he’s still got a good chance of 3rd. In which case it only needs one bad day from the others to still get the win.
    So many mountain top finishes to come!

    It’s only when they go to above 15% that Wiggo can’t cope compared to the very best.

    Today’s finale maxes out at 9%

    Saturday looks just about doable

    Sunday’s Galibier looks doable

    He could gain a few seconds in the mountain TT

    Fridays stage is another tough one – first Stelvio, then a 14%er to finish.

    Then – oh dear – a wall! looks like nearly 3km at 18%

    What a Giro!

    indeed. my question is, did Brad and Sky not take a look at some of the profiles when the word was put out that this Giro really suits him?

    I want him to win it and as stated if he does from where he is I’ll be shouting encouragement as loud as anyone but when he’s stated as being in better condition than ever and also when he makes statements about also leading the Tour, knowing that this would unsettle his teammate and compatriot, shurley a bit of questioning is allowed?

    (come on brad- break them on the galibier!)

    Free Member

    Oh Bradley, those steep bits really don’t suit you me old mate. 🙁

    And this is when he’s in the best condition he’s ever been in according to ‘the numbers’….

    Free Member

    good point there, acracer.

    OK he’s not got froome-dog leading him but the 2x colombianos will do the same.

    Nibals will of course have the upper hand on those really steep finishes but if Wiggur has been training as effectively as we’re told, the tactic may be to get the team to set a relentless pace from the base of some of those big big passes like stelvio or even Galibier.
    Once a gap is formed, due to sheer consistency of pace, he’s created a time-trial stage from a mountain stage….
    I’d LOVE to see it.

    Free Member

    If the giro win does materialise now then I reckon he would deffo be a better bet than Froome-Dog.

    He’s had his work cut out anyway without the likes of losing such time as today.
    those big steep mountain finishes in the last week, combined with the likes of 20sec time bonuses for stage winners will be against him.

    I’ll perhaps be eating my words if he puts 3mins into everyone 2moz but has he injured his elbow too? shame if so.

    Free Member

    hora, i’m guessing the honey&raisins are your problem.

    try organic rolled or even non-organic jumbo oat.

    honey has glucose and fructose and not really that different to table sugar i believe.

    Free Member


    are you eating just porridge, or porridge with additional sweet stuff eg brown sugar/syrup/honey etc?
    if the latter, the resultant insulin spike may cause energy levels to feel depleted within the time you start the ride. or so i’m told.

    Free Member

    my missus keeps going on about the dangers of fructose (very low GI and in lots of energy nutrition products).
    This apparently does not get broken down as easily as other sugars and ends up getting stored as fat on the liver. something like that.

    is that a dirty carb too then? any one know about that?

    Free Member

    its gonna be an interesting one this I reckon.
    even though sir Brad has done climbing specific buildup, will he hold Nibali on those last big steep mountain stages? have a look at them- the last in particular, SEVERE.
    What with time bonuses for stage wins, Sir Wiggo will need a sizeable margin on the TTs in my view.
    Mind you, if he can hold his own on those climbs then his rhetoric earlier this week rings very true.

    Free Member

    cheers- i’ve now had more luck with the online babel. must have not selected correct drop down- thanks

    Free Member

    A selection of England’s ‘finest’ 😆
    HAPPY St George’s Day!

    Free Member

    Consensus seems to be that I underestimated his speed/acceleration – which is fair enough.

    its an interesting one, if I accelerate fast enough on a roundabout I can effectively make anyone in front who’s entered after me ‘in the wrong?’

    anyway i’ve done almost exactly the same as OP when on pushbike commuting. in that instance, i actually entered the RAB before the motorbike, but he accelerated so quickly he nearly rammed my back doo wheel in..

    Free Member

    Strange, but over the past couple of days all I’ve had is Roger Waters’s lyrics haunting me- just curious as to whether anyone else has. Apologies if already posted, but what an album btw, whether you agree with the political message or not (ultimately Gilmour fell out with him)

    Free Member

    Very sorry to hear this, RM.

    hope you’re OK, get out on the bike or walking whenever you can- keep strong, fella.

    Free Member

    yeah boisdales good option, top steaks and ‘unusual’ venue

    Free Member

    rustic, robust, hearty

    look no further than: river cafe.

    £150 will get you very decent dinner there, portions always man-sized. and don’t miss dessert.

    only things is a little off the beaten track (best to cab it), but worth it if you’ve not been IMO.

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