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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • DenDennis
    Free Member

    Are we saying Nibali is on some drug that improves bike handling skills?! He had 2 team mates ride themselves into the ground for him. And they still got dropped by Boom, so obviously he’s dirty too

    Cyclocross world champ innit.

    either way nibali is of course a top top bike handler for sure, the skill he has on descents obviously came into play yesterday

    Free Member

    a couple of questions today:

    1- why is kittel not going for intermediate sprints? does he want the green jersey or just kudos of stage wins?
    all the points he gets on Sagan at the final seem to have already been covered by Sagan getting those intermediates…
    will kittel decide to go for a few key intermediates on later stages?

    2- Was that ride by Nibali and the rest of Astana TOO good?? i mean 3 guys blowing away sagan and spartacus on the latter’s specialist turf?
    (3 guys in a team managed by good old Vino)??? can you Really do that?

    Time will tell, sorry to sully the thread and raise such thoughts!

    I really hope its all genuine as Nibali looked sensational and if he keeps yellow all the way its going off in the final stages big time. 😛

    Free Member

    full stormtrooper kit it is then.

    God I hope my full facer hasn’t been growing mould inside in the garage…..

    Free Member

    It’s all a tad sketchy if it rains

    Ah great, looks like I’ll be praying that the weather forecast for next Thurs is wrong!

    cheers all.

    Free Member

    cool thanks,
    don’t mind a bit of rocky action myself.

    No riding up, not even up the road? I’d better get an uplift booked then. will look into availabilities, ta.

    Free Member

    Nice, but I believe the correct usage is ‘keep being’ , rather than ‘stay’, as per:


    Free Member

    as above, big key mountain stages e.g. with froomey going off pedalling like billy the whizz,
    Also like the last few miles of the big sprint stages, seeing if Cav can get lined up to be deployed.

    Circuit races and stuff like the Tour Series, dull as hell for me (though womens tour was good, probably because of the short stages)…

    Downhill MTB would be a better spectacle and I reckon quite popular, in a ‘I’d never do it but it looks fun’ kind of way for most of the public, much like ski-sunday.

    EDIT- and yeah, if I do go up to watch the tour in yorks, I’ll be taking a good book to bide most of the time.

    Free Member

    agreed. so all those maxed out miles don’t count towards upping the average??

    Aww- that’s not fair!

    (I know in reality they do of course, but for playing the ‘game’ its a bummer)

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, on my VW, when I’m effectively coasting down a hill or whatever the MPG rate goes to 199 I think then maxes out at “—“

    does anyone know whether that “—” contributes towards the average or is ignored?

    I’ve always wondered whether to get the average up (just for the hell of it) its better to keep the foot on the gas a little and keep it out of the ‘max’ zone??

    Free Member

    the old ones are are the best…

    its a fine line between child-like genius and child-like nutter…

    Good to see ‘unexpected’ teams go through at the expense of the old guard, though I’d imagine one of the ‘stars’ of the tournament will not be playing any more games

    Free Member

    yeah good call blobby, can they be downloaded as a one-off? might have to do that, cheers

    Free Member

    yeah basically what you have if you buy a physical magazine, but on the phone/pod etc..

    I’m even prepared to buy it for a small fee!

    Free Member

    Interesting and good to know about this.

    also means the lad who works at the bike shop in Llandegla was talking B**loX when he told me they were a type unique to magura last year. Tut…. 🙄

    Free Member

    my 2p.

    you say your place is not listed, but is it a conservation area?
    if not, I doubt whether planners would have any influence on the appearance as its not ‘significantly’ changing height/ridge lines etc.

    what did your party wall agreement say?
    might be best bet to go back to the surveyor and find what, if anything was written into that in terms of the roof detail.
    if its work to a party wall, then in theory both ‘parties’ should be happy with the work carried out…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    assuming you can reach the external hole exit point from inside, how about extra long block spirit level?

    plumb up a vertical line on outside with chalk, measure back horizontally to e.g. centre of window, then plumb back horizontall and vertically on inside. Bosh.

    Free Member

    Good point John D- i actually meant is there a difference between the ‘natural’ and the ‘natural live’ yogs.

    Cougar- Badoom-Tish! 😆

    Free Member

    The “live” yogs are not pasteurised, but others are.

    i see. so live yogs are different then, with no ‘live’ bacteria in the naturals. (whether or not that bacteria does the old pipes any good).

    stoner, slowoldman, mogrim: Badoom-Tish! 😆

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hey Hey BAD NEWS.

    RIP sir.

    (Alan b’stard)

    There’s so many to chose when you think of it, from his Jackanory reading george’s marvelous medicine to Mr Jolly, and so on.
    For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, one of his best characters and definitely worth checking out is Colin Grigson on the Bad News soundtrack album- way funnier than the film….



    Free Member

    on-demand video of previous days stage available every day.

    can I get that as part of regular virgin cable package?

    would be good to know, I dont have Tivo.

    Free Member

    Its been a great race this year, though I’m well p1ssed off with Eurosport’s lack of evening highlight shows recently, preferring to put tennis on.

    I knew Qunitana was doing the rope-a-dope till the big climbing came in. (and placed a bet at the right time 😉 )

    Interesting to wonder who out of a fit quintana/froome/contador would have won this one, some really tough steep climbs over several days.

    not one to suit Wiggo for sure.

    Free Member

    😥 Waaaaaaaaah! 😥

    there’s usually some seriously decent work set up in there around this time ready for degree show (Jenny Saville’s stuff during my time for example)….

    Hope the library gets saved.

    I’m in this pic of a few years back. Poor old Mack.

    Free Member

    Another circular saw one here.

    when living in a small london flat on 4th floor, needed to cut down an 8×4 ft sheet of plywood, didnt want dust inside so propped it up on the small balcony…
    got all the way to the end of the cut before thinking ‘whats gonna happen when the top cut bit falls forward…’
    So, so nearly had me and the plywood going over the balcony edge onto the people sitting in their gardens below..

    another one, helpfully trimming the weeds along the gap under garden shed with some long handled shears, got through the really tough grey ‘stalk’ only to hear that familiar sounding electric-‘pop’ and power inside house going off..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    you do need to have the right rim / tyre combination too otherwise you’ll have the problem you mention, i.e. any deflation and the tyres just flop off. I had this with an old set of mavic rims…
    you need to have some where the tyre bead audibly pops in and stays in even after deflation otherwise its a right kerfuffle.

    if in doubt check out justridingalong for compatibility info or stans site.

    just any old set of rims is a bit hit and miss, even with the ‘conversion’ system. 😐

    Free Member

    as above ^

    Free Member

    In similar vain – St John’s Wood is the only London station to contain none of the letters from the word “mackerel”.

    as this is STW, i’ll FTFY 😉

    Free Member

    Catatonia Londinium was made for this question:

    “Euston, paddington train station please…”

    Also another CarterUSM: the fairytale of Only living boy in New Cross

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Pulsating match there! MASSIVE hits going in right to the last. Well done eng for keeping discipline and condistency

    Free Member

    the legal and court system we have has been built up over centuries and whilst far from perfect is the best we have got to.
    cases such as this may mean that the law is tested and things change. I don’t have much sympathy that a fellow such as this had to die for arguments to be raised.

    the protesters on here were no doubt represented on the jury panel- 20% did not agree lawful killing (given the evidence presented, must have been based on similar ‘hunches’ that the coppers were all lying).

    unlike forums, you don’t have the option to basically claim the law is an ass if you’re a juror, you must decide on the options given to you by the judge.

    BTW- does anyone know whether the cab driver stood as a witness, and if not why?

    Free Member

    so what do you believe the police should do if they are armed and come into contact with a motivated suicide bomber equiped with a bomb in a public place and ready to detonate? please answer that question.

    for a start I’d want to be wearing one of these if I got close enough to bear hug him-

    (either that or just take him out out asap, which is what sadly happened). The armed officer in question was certainly a lot braver that the numpty ‘intelligence’ officers giving information to just follow whatever vaguely ‘brown’ person comes out of the house first.

    Free Member

    One thing to point out that people going on about ‘facts’ should of course bear in mind:

    in a coroner’s court, the jury has to come down on the balance of probability, not eliminate reasonable doubt..
    when I attended one, the coroner clarified this as being “more than 50% sure”.

    Free Member

    Here’s an interesting thought then…

    Substitute Mark Duggan for deMenezes on that day, right down to leaving the house, taking same route onto tube (being of ‘brown colour’) shot in head 8 times etc, only difference is he had a concealed pistol (not reached for) inside his thick winter coat light denim jacket…

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Getting on tube trains, while in possession of the wrong hue of skin, can also rightfully lead to being shot 8 times in the head at point blank range

    who says?

    Open Verdict

    was the only alternative option to the above monumental trigger happy ***-up.

    @ crankboy, I think the relevance to the Duggan case could be in the comparison between available independent witnesses the the shooting:
    Many v PoPo in deMenezes and 1 v PoPo in Duggan…

    not that I have much sympathy for Duggan and I’d imagine the jury made the right decision on the witness statements/evidence presented…

    Also, surprised there’s no mention of relevant CCTV coverage, even from a distance

    Free Member

    the late, Dear old Reg Presley certainly did.

    I’d rather spend my royalties on other pursuits but good on him…

    BBC link

    In recent years, The Troggs’ frontman, Reg Presley has become as well known for his obsession with crop circles as for penning evergreen pop hits like ‘Love Is All Around’ and ‘With a Girl Like You’.

    Indeed, in 1994 when Wet Wet Wet spent a whopping 15 weeks at number one with their cover of ‘Love Is All Around’, Reg famously joked that on receipt of the imminent royalties, he’d finally be able to devote all his time to investigating the mysterious field formations.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    cheers guys, good food for thought.
    my current skills are architecture, but like others, I’m beggining to think I’m maybe in the wrong game! 😀 not necessarily for financial reasons, just speed of personal development, which I know is a big part down to myself too…

    PopLarkin, I’ll give you a pm tomorrow and would be good to talk briefly at some point.

    Free Member

    cheers Mikey, I vaguely remember that one! will have a look again.

    have you made any decisions or progress yourself towards this?

    I wonder if you or anyone else knows about the chances of work-based learning, i.e. going into a company effectively as an apprentice or some general position again? is this ever done I wonder?

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