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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • DenDennis
    Free Member

    Pedalhead- my tuppenceworth-
    I’d say deffo do a turbo mid-easy warm up for a least 10 mins before doing whatever training plan/interval sessions.

    I have a tacx flow with power & cadence. I’m sure the power measurement is not accurrate in absolute terms but it will be relatively between sessions. for a partic gear+ constant cadence you obviously have the equivalent power output as you would for speed+gear.
    I can set the Flow to maintain a constant power as it automatically ups the resistance if you drop the cadence- this is really noticeable.
    FWIW (I’m not very fit at all) but if I do intervals with the ‘effort’ part trying to maintain at least 120rpm, this gets my HR way up pretty quick.
    OR try tabata intervals- if you can’t max out on those by the 8th then you’d need a harder gear/turbo!

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    kenny = no – they consider other explanations and debunk them.

    such as factoring in relative social demographics/income/education for where the stop and searches were being carried out?

    sorry, still havent read it yet 😀

    Free Member

    what ton said.

    I’d like to try them from fresh but where they come in the FW certainly did for me. If you’ve not almost pulled your brake hoods off and/or lost control of your bowels by the top you’ve done well IMO 😀

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Den~Dennis – the report is about stop and search. Not chasing people that have committed crimes, not low level street crime. Itscops taking someone off the street and searching them. they are supposed to have reasonable suspicion to do so. However they stop 6 times as many blacks as whites

    I see-
    As i haven’t read report (oviously) can you let me know if they are stopping 6 times as many blacks as white relative to the whole country or relative to the neighbourhood they are doing the stopping in?

    For example, in a ‘predominantly white’ low socio economic neighbourhood (eg govan?), are there 6 times as many blacks as white stopped and searched….?

    Not being silly, just wondering if that sort of thing is allowed for in the stats? 😕

    Again, for the avoidance of doubt, I’m not suggesting that there’s not a element of racism in the cop force, but I’m alluding to whether or not the stats simply show (albeit skewed a bit by whatever racism there is) how the population demographics are split in terms of wealth/ whether or not you are comfortably middle class with your pony etc…

    Free Member

    Not read all of that crime stats report but just a thought- have the figures been ‘corrected’ or analysed according to social demographic?

    Without that, the data might just be a reflection of the demographic that tends to get stopped by coppers for ‘low level street crime’…

    for example you don’t get too many coppers chasing Giles from the Investment bank or whatever down the street when he’s ‘stolen’ taxpayers income

    Just a thought?

    Free Member

    Well Done bregante’s son. too many armchair working class heroes jumping to the ususal conclusions – is that inverted snobbery? its not like he is claimed to be the youngest toff to climb everest or whatever

    Free Member


    Breaking from Guardian web
    “A man shot in his car during last night’s rioting in Croydon, south London, died after being admitted to hospital. He was discovered in a car suffering from gunshot wounds at about 9.15pm as trouble flared in the area.”

    That’s disgraceful! RIOT! Oh hang on…

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    I’m taking it the people who are expressing views about the ‘feckless unemployed’ haven’t spent any time unemployed themselves recently? And I hope you never do

    Believe me, the reality of life on benefits is about as far removed from the Daily Mails depiction of a nice cushy layabout lifestyle as it is possible to get. Its soul destroying!!!

    probably not as soul destroying however as being woken up by partying ‘never-want-to-be-employed’ in the flat above you at 3am when you’re trying to get some kip before the days work that you know will leave you little better off than them at the end of the month

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    How about some fair taxation on the rich and a clamp down on tax avoidance.

    Indeed. And avoid wasting money sending military into other countries on the pretence that it ‘makes our society safer’

    terrorism- the biggest threat to safety on the streets of the capital- remember that one?!

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    goes back a lot longer TSY – as in the two posts I quoted from Ernie and Elf. We as a society have created an underclass of dienfranchised and alienated youth. See the quotes below.

    So – solutions? Redistribution of wealth, end to the deliberate policy of creating a large pool of unemployed, thus a return to (nearly) full employment. Sensible drug laws, reform of the Met, investment in education.

    Investment in social work / youth work.

    and of course now – regain control of the streets calmly and methodically by using appropriate force by the police.

    Still the most sensible stuff posted on here about the riots and how our society got so fracured as to allow this to happen. In order to heal we first must diagnose what went wrong.

    So its clear you’re suggesting that the government that presided over years of these yoot’s upbringings have casued it due to their policies.
    Live on benefits, its easier than working and you get as much, if not more pay, especially if you have a few kids.

    Truth is that increasing numbers of people just don’t care any more, about their society, their community, and worst of all, themselves.

    Very true. If you get something for nothing you don’t value it.

    Free Member

    *social observation mode*
    Jamie’s pics show an interesting and quite sad situation really. (apart from the young hipster mayn looking out of place)

    These kids in countries with real financial poverty would be looting food. ‘Our’ kids have a perhaps worse kind of ‘mental’ or ’emotional’ poverty. A life so vaccuous that getting the latest phone/pumps gives a temporary high…

    going back to the famous logo thread- the looting shows without doubt how well branding has set into the mindset of so many. no one would argue with that, right? 😉

    Are these scrotes in some bizarre way reacting against the meaninglessness of a world based on ‘I-want-it-now’ consumerism, in the only way they know how (anger/violence), crying out for something with more substance (the poor dears)??

    perhaps it will lead to some kind of correction, like a resistance from within?
    doing stuff like gardening and sheeeet becomes cool?
    or building a new pump track. something to do innit.

    Damn shame for all the innocent peoples and small business owners though

    Free Member

    mrmo – Member

    Simple question, who are these “community leaders”

    why should they be listened to? who do they represent?

    Err, People like mr Lammy, MP for tottenham perhaps?
    presumably elected by the locals?

    Free Member

    I have to say I felt the Tottenham MP fella coming out saying the riots were a disgrace was definitely a plus and hopefully more like minded community leaders will do similar.

    As an interjection, Bill Cosby’s social commentary is interesting I find… on education
    FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT- I am not suggesting race is at the root of it- what BIll says could equally be said of white trash /neds / losers of whatever background. 😯

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    You do not get riots without a large disenchanted and disenfranchised population.

    The only way to prevent further riots is to bring these people back into society.


    why would disaffected youth value their community or take pride in working there and contributing to it positively when subsequent labour governments have led to a system where you get as much $ collecting your pay from the hand-outs as you would if you actually had to get up in the morning and work for it?

    as if that’s not enough, our favourite etonian PM bless him, dares to suggest that people should contribute to his big society- the straw that broke the camel’s back!

    education and parenting IMO

    Free Member

    just remembered the ultimate that gave me the creeps for ages-
    “Theatre of Blood” ! oooooh,many creative deaths. nasty

    Free Member

    good call CFH on noseybonk.

    One that sticks in the mind (its probably tame as anything) was called ‘dark night of the scarecrow’ – anyone see that?

    also a few of the hammer horror movies/made for TV jobs. I remember one with a werewolf that looked more like a bear but scared the poop outta me. 😀
    also ‘the house that bled to death’

    Free Member

    Interesting how the perpetrator’s name gets changed from Tracey Attaway to Tyrone Jackson in the made-up version- these journalists know their market 😯

    Free Member

    Where I believe a percentage of affordable housing is compulsory on any new commercial site..


    indeed correct in most LAs, but it doesnt necessarily mean you’d get an easier ride with planning to build say less than 5 new houses- many LAs have thresholds beneath which you don’t need an affordable %age…
    especially if you’re trying to build on agricultural land you’d get a hard time i imagine.
    my experience, and I’ve been involved with planners on several small and large applications for private / affordable resi.
    Happy to be proven wrong, I find its always good to learn something (unlike a few on here!) 😀

    Free Member

    nope yunki, wrong i’m afraid.

    Free Member

    If you were to propose low cost affordable housing for locals you may be suprised

    I was surprised when asking planning officers about affordable housing- its not actually a classification in planning terms and wouldn’t necessarily get an easier ride than private resi if you proposed a couple of new houses….

    Superb troll BTW by ‘gears- I love the way on STW you can get a seemingly innocuous subject totally derailed such that in the coming weeks we’ll be referring to ‘that rick stein thread’ for example…
    FWIW i thought the bbc progs on spain were rather good, though I find Rick’s delivery somewhat annoying- over-use of the word ‘just’ as in “just…… fantastic” same as that awful kevin mcloud mayn.

    Free Member

    Barbican estate is a good example. some of the most pricey stuff in london, top flats- I’ve lived in one of the towers.
    Alan the porter, top bloke.

    Free Member

    The Smithsons can’t just walk away from the RHG project and say ‘well, we’re not responsible for the crime and poor living conditions of those what live in our design’, cos they’ve helped create them. Not deliberately, no, but they’ve made a mistake, and they, and the planners, LA etc should hold their hands up and say ‘we have failed the people who we were sposed to help’.

    yep. trouble is the succesful corb stuff (which all the likes of RHG was inspired by) eg unite marseilles, was never designed to be for socially deprived groups. it was intended for reasonably wealthy folk, doctors etc.
    for those places to work you need the fees for the upkeep, secure porters, other stuff (gym, shops, modern art in the corridors etc)….
    that is IMV the big error of the UK’s version of high-rise/modern blocks. It should be for the wealthy. 🙂

    Free Member

    McHamish – exactamundo.

    the young mayyn should be commended for that at least

    Free Member

    I quite liked his statement to the press after sentencing:
    “this is the most humble day of my life……”

    Free Member

    WD for pointing out that he was a tool. Did he happen to have a rolled up copy of the mail on sunday next to his deckchair?

    Free Member

    have you by any chance got someone next door with one of those super-strong BT hubs?
    my colleague has had one interfering with his signal apparently.
    changed his home one to beam out on another channel or something….
    not sure if this relevant?

    Free Member

    OR switch to Vees on front and keep canti on rear?

    Mixed solution I know but tis what I have, I seemed to always get more clog on the rear than front when I had Vees there….

    Free Member

    bear in mind that a few of the other non-kinked posts have as much if not more than the Thomson setback because the clamping bracket position is not in line with the post….

    Free Member

    Broad a shoe-in for MOTM in my view- the place was rockin’ with his hat-trick.
    only the little prince can save India now, and getting his range-finder in well.
    cricket, eh. bwuddy hell ! 😀

    Free Member

    Broad swan Anderson, Bresnan is not enough. One more bowler needed.

    Trott put in a reasonable infilling job at Lords…..
    Pietersen also can turn his arm over a bit

    Free Member

    WD swanny and broad to steady the ship- should be set up nicely for my attendance tomorrow.

    still interested, Psychle? 😉

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member

    Regardless… you can’t disregard some stats because you think they’re misleading… surely that would definitely be misleading?

    isnt that what bell curves are all about??! 😆

    Free Member

    ^ good example of cheeky pricing

    Free Member

    Circa £100 on a Sat. Absolutely mental.

    eh? off peak?

    Free Member

    jfletch – Member

    The most crazy thing about trains is the pricing structure.

    Indeed- deliberately confusing so that one defaults to a ticket that is not actually the cheapest- cheapest tickets are often ‘hidden’ in the screen menus…. Again, train companies squeezing the boundaries of their pricing contracts and regulators powerless or too weak to enforce

    Free Member

    whether its direct ‘subsidy’ or not for motoring, I suspect the politics of it is that both the current and previous governments (or sadly any future) would not dream of antagonising yer average motorist or impacting on his perceived ‘rights and freedom’- votes loss shocker!

    just look at most planning applications- by far the biggest majority of comments/objections concerns ‘where will we park?’ ‘will this stop ME from doing what I want in MY car’….etc etc…

    And what must be the shockingly weak contracts set up with the rail companies, or the will to enforce them properly 😐

    Free Member

    @OP- sometimes one just has ‘off’ days- if you’re not feelin it, go easy and live to ride another day. 😀

    flow – Member

    For example I wouldn’t say I was fit, and this is the small route I did yesterday along the cliffs.

    Distance 9.70 miles
    Duration 00:57:54
    Avg speed 10.01 mph
    Avg pace 05:58 min/mi
    Max speed 24.9 mph
    Total ascent +1445 ft
    Total decent -1445 ft

    Flow- 24.9mph max speed doesn’t look massive to me for 1445ft of descending- please explain.

    Free Member

    I would reccommend Ciclomontana or AQR, though prob better weather at the former that time of year. Both included very good evening meals when I last checked – a lot of other places don’t.
    friendly and easy-going guides and not massive ‘macho’ groups if that’s something that is relevant

    Free Member

    didnt know michael jackson was that good on a bike 😆

    Free Member

    continental sport or travel contact FTW! – 1year puncture guarantee, inc replacement tyre+tube

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