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  • DenDennis
    Free Member

    forum-big-hitter-bashing aside, to be fair to TJ, the diagram below of current consumption against a (massively optimistic) theoretical maximum UK ‘green’ energy production bar chart- crossed out indicatively after “public consultation” shows that home heating is only part of the massive amount of carbon produced by our energy consumpttion…..
    there’s obviously the argument as to whether nuclear is green or not.

    all more clearly set out and debated from all aspects in this book (downloadable in full free) without hot air

    apologies if the above book has been discussed and rubbished by more intelligent forumites.
    just a soundbite from the above that I found staggering is that for every second an average car is driven, you may as well leave your phone charger on for an entire day 😐

    whether carbon caputre or even carbon is the issue, it seems crazy to me, as mentioned earlier that we don’t have CHP or district heating more commonly

    Free Member

    shame, seems Jones bottled the droppie option at the end….

    by the way, warburton DID ensure that the player landed safely. by releasing mid-air this stopped the rotation thus frenchman landed on his shoulder-blades not head or neck. what more does warb have to do? slip a mattress underneath?

    Free Member

    to be fair, seen at full speed that tackle would have looked well dodgy.
    i agree with francois, why not consult touch judges or use the video for such an important decision- SHOCKING ARROGANCE from the ref. no surprise there then!

    Free Member

    what are the odds on the ref seeing that again at half time and feeling he needs to even up in 2nd half? watch this space!

    Free Member

    VERY HARSH sending off! well done ref *slow claps*

    Free Member

    RichPenny – Member

    Great to see everyone getting behind Wales as the last british hope to bring the trophy back home. Really looking forward to the games this weekend.

    yep, after being exasperated by the shower that was england’s campaign, I’d love to see some stylish rugby from the Welsh win through, and I really think and hope they can go all the way, even against nuzulun! 😛

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But still very few of us would ever see an expression like “2+2+2+2+2 * 0” which – don’t ignore this point because it’s important – is designed to trip people up.

    FTFY 😛

    Free Member

    yeah, I got stuck too. looked at bodmas and pedmas and none mention what to do if there’s a couple of random spaces in the equation.
    can someone help?
    i’m trying to type it all into my phones calculator and I get stuck just before the ‘times’ sign….. what key do I press for space, and where in bodmas does it tell me about that. thanks in advance. 😉

    Free Member

    I guess to some people it will remain a complete mystery why their calculator, spreadsheet, phone, google, wolfram, and their 9 year old all insist that 2+2 x 3 is 8, when it is clearly 12.

    FTFY 😉

    Free Member

    Condor shut sundays.

    Lookmumnohands FTW. barbican will be nearest toob.
    not really a shop and no MTB but great coffee, food and general hipster coolness for marvelling/chuckling at in equal measures. lots of niche retro- roadie style stuff but not much actual kit to buy if thats what yer after??

    as above, mosquito up on essex rd is decent if small with an emphasis on road and some niche

    Free Member

    cool thread, some uncannily similar memories to others:

    The Daily Express. Never met anyone since who reads it.

    yep- same here.

    – rubbber toucan guinness toy thing on bathroom windowsill
    – loads of rotting plums littering the garden along with associated wasps
    – mental looking hoover that looked like it was made of cast iron (or was that my aunties?)

    Free Member

    PMSL that this thread is still giving!
    so many IT/computing bods on here and a subject close to heart.
    of course its only due to the existence of those troll-ass spaces in the original ‘sum’ that we are beyond page one.

    lets just imagine that the last two digits were 1. all sides would be happy! 😀

    Free Member

    Explanation for figure of 4 stretches?

    google is your friend…. try different height positions of the non-bent leg too to fine-tune the area targeted

    Free Member

    yes, sounds like you’re caning it a bit early before having fully warmed up. I get same pain at top of hammy when I do this.
    figure-of-4 stretch before/after can help and is the only one i’ve found that targets that area… i wouldnt stop during the session though, just start easy for at least 10mins. 😐

    Free Member

    I can even type it as written into the calculator on my phone and it correctly comes out as 26.

    which key do you press for the spaces?

    Free Member

    what ebygomm said and what waswas said on page2.

    question writing fail. 😆

    Free Member

    OP is GOLD. the joke’s on those whose protesteth too much

    ending up looking like a Joey.


    Free Member

    I believe in miracles– you sexy thing Cud 🙂

    Free Member

    deffo Mr Jolly was my fave feature-length, I didnt get The Strike at the time, but quite liked it when I saw it again recently.

    also, anyone else got/heard the Bad News album? lots of swearing but never fails to raise proper chuckles 😆

    Free Member


    well played scotland. england are out in the quarters on that performance

    Free Member

    I had a good few swiss army knives up to that age, possibly even the odd sheath-knife as they were known then, not sure if that was a bit older.
    I did live on farm estates though, endless fun fishing, whittling and perfecting the end-over-end throw to stick into tree trunks. tends to knacker your pen knife if it hits the wrong end though…..

    not sure if the same deal would apply these days in urban areas, mind 🙂

    Free Member

    still not sure why it would take 30mins to pay etc?
    Or does OP want it to take that long to get 25% extra free and a few mins peace?

    Trouble with all these organised places these days is the no-win-no-fee solicitors encouraging peoples to claim when wee johnny hurts his knee.
    if you go in free they will not be insured is my guess…

    Free Member

    turned the scot arg game on late, went onto itv+1 instead of looking at result, thriller of a second half, and nail biting finish.
    good to see the try scoring team win, jinking run from the young amorosino. scotland once again brave losers 😀

    scotch will no doubt be invigorated for the clash with england, a potential banana skin for the better and bigger nation, especially so if the lack of dynamic running in the backs as described by TJ is present. the ball continually being passed to a standing-still flat back line is a cause of persistent frustration.

    Free Member

    apart from changing angle/geometery, I tend to just not over-tighten the brakes bracket too much on the bars- in the event of a crash the lever rotates around a bit rather than snapping itself/ damaging frame…

    Free Member

    have been there in the past year, and I find the OP’s post not really surprising.
    I’d say compared to other guided weeks i’ve been on, I had just an ‘OK’ time, and SC’s hosting style seems to be very ‘hands off’ to say the least. I prefer my MTB hols to be a bit more organised feeling. I think the week certainly felt very fragmented…..
    shame, as the range of trails are great in the area. guides were both decent chaps, but they can only do so much I guess….

    Free Member

    I’ve had a decent look at those ctc studies and also the ones they link to.
    its great what you can prove when you are sampling from instances of the result you are trying to prove, innit! 😆

    Free Member

    As helmet wearing rates increased – in some cases more than doubled there was no reduction in head injuries per mile cycled. …

    10 people cycling, 5 wearing helmets. 1 has crash where helmet does nothing.

    10 people cycling, 10 wearing helmets. 1 has crash where helmet does nothing.

    doubling the number of helmets has not helped that one person.
    why would it? same per mile cycled all round.

    [whisper it] what if 9 of those 10 had ‘minor bumps’ but didnt report them?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    DenDennis – Wrong

    several different studies have show that as helmet wearing rates increase across whole populations the head injury rate does not fall.

    Thats double the number of folk wearing helmets, no fall in head injuries once all other factors are eliminated

    sorry TJ, i know you’re a bright bloke and all that, but that logic does not follow, (unless all of the population has been surveyed for all crashes)

    almost ALL of the failures are counted.
    How would ALL (or any) instances of a helmet working go into such a survey? are there ctc people hiding out on the trails with clipboards?

    Free Member

    Time and time again it is shown that as helmet wearing rates rise head injury rates do not fall.



    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    you should be arguing for better helmets and better research

    agreed. i want better researd before people start scaremongering with figures like 30%quoted above.

    I want all cyclists who’ve worn a helmet that’s worked in a crash to be included in the data. its gonna be a long research period.

    Free Member

    The first 2 I have never seen quantified, the third I have see a reputable bit of research give a 30% figure to that I personally believe is too high

    OH Goodness me. where is the test data for the 90-odd percent of crashes that turn out to be ‘minor’ because the helmet simply works?

    no one reports it, only the cases where 2 and 3 happen are reported of course. for example, i’ve had at least 5 crashes this year where i bumped my melon a bit and the helmet reduced the pain i would have inevitably suffered due to skull slowly scraping sharp rock.
    those (and all me previous crashes) are not in anybody’s test data.
    do the mathhhhhh………..

    Free Member

    ^ am I doin it wrong or something, can’t hear a word warner says on that vid due to annoying backing music drowning the great man’s voice out- anyone else?

    Free Member

    hypothetical situation, GW, you’re coming fast up to approach that drop, just before the turn right to get lined up perfectly to get airborne BIG.
    the guy in front slips his pedal, stalls, and leaves you with no momentum and badly lined up. whats the best course of action if racing?

    Free Member

    That one about helmets being potentially more harmful by wearing them than not in certain crashes is a good one too! 😆

    Free Member

    I like the ones about twin towers not getting hit by planes, but missiles.
    The theory goes, surely after the 1st one hit there’d be loads of decent resolution video of the second plane with all those cameras looking up. Apparently not that much available.

    Free Member

    not sure whether its just a recent thing but have had reports of a few people saying that this and last years’ crop of plums have been ravaged by wasps 😯 .
    anyone else experienced similar, and know whether its the norm or a new trend?

    Free Member

    probably a lost cause Kenny. Some folk just aren’t able to question the massive generalisations made in the maths to get to seemingly ‘scientific’ numbers. They must be right cos they go down to decimal points and everything.
    Look at TJ’s quote above of p54- the use of ‘therefore’ is hugely unjustified in logic of that context.

    Btw I’m not necessarily disputing the overall premise or sentiment of the report, just that the direct logic it claims does not work for the evidence and analysis given. *Still labouring* my point is that (sadly) most black folk live in deprived/’forgotten’ areas. This is where the stop and searches are carried out. Po Po doesn’t stop and search for tax fraud.

    Now if I were to question an independet report on, I dont know, off the top of me head, for example the effects of branding/visual marketing on society, would I be silly to do so? everyone knows what a huge effect that has, right?

    Free Member

    Thanks TJ, and I’ve read those bits, they don’t appear to address the point I’m getting at.
    For example, say in a massively simplified Dorset there was 1 deprived area, populated 50% ethnic/50% white. The searches all occurred in the deprived area- that would show a massive skew in relation to the whole county, no? (BTW I Know dorset is not populated that way)

    edit and London borough have a broad mix so breakdown by borough is not even that useful

    Free Member

    apologies for going back to this, but have at least now skim read the report’s salient points and tried to look in detail at how they analyse the data 😛

    I can’t find any mention of debunking the possible skewing due to black/ethnic people tending to live ‘disproportionately’ in the ‘deprived’ areas when compared to the overall ‘white’ spread across the uk.

    could the figures in the report simply be expressing that cops tend to stop and search a lot more in deprived neighbourhoods?

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