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  • Vitus Escarpe 29 CRS review
  • deluded
    Free Member

    He was found not guilty as are many people up and down the country on a daily basis. Your point?

    Free Member

    As a matter of (limited and diminishing) interest Talkemada, just what is this vast experience you have of dealing with ill-educated Peelers? So that we know what standpoint you are speaking from … like. You know ours?

    Free Member


    You've summed it up far better than I.


    Free Member


    Not wishing to be over-dramatic but be under no illusions – you will be thrust into some deeply unpleasant and stressful situations. That goes back to what I said earlier – you must WANT that job.


    There is an entrance examination that all applicants have to sit irrespective of their educational background. At the moment due to the financial times we find ourselves in the job has become extremely attractive to many people (from all sections of society – milkman to business professionals, those with degrees and those without). Many forces have stopped recruiting for the next few years. Let me tell you this (from experience) – a policeman's worth, productivity or overall ability to do the job is NOT related to whether he possesses an A level or not. Trust me.

    Free Member

    Don't make the mistake, that too many coppers do, of thinking they 'know' the Law. Your job is merely to uphold the Law; it's the Lawyers and Judges who administer and dispense it. The number of times I've had coppers quoting the Law at me, and getting it wrong. This is more the fault of the training though really. I think educational standards should be increased a lot for entry. A-level Law should be mandatory.

    Be prepared to be met with hate, fear, suspicion and mistrust. It's a nasty job, but someone's got todo it.

    How can you uphold what you don’t know? In order to do your job as a policeman you need a fairly good grasp of the basics of criminal law (particularity in crucial bread and butter areas of legislation such as PACE). Agreed it isn't to the degree of a lawyer or judge because as a policeman you are not conducting a trial or interpreting the minutiae of the various statutes. A policeman who doesn’t know his powers under the Acts would have his cases kicked out and in certain circumstances could be personally held criminally negligent/responsible.

    On the issue of ‘A’ levels. That is utter piffle. If that were to be the case some fantastic, intuitive officers that I’ve worked with over the years wouldn’t have got in the job.

    I've very rarely been met with hate, fear, distrust or suspicion from ordinary law abiding members of society – as it happens. Not exclusively, but generally, those feelings tend to be displayed by the criminals.

    But in answer to the OP I would recommend it. Goods points – at times very rewarding, good sickness/holiday benefits, job security. Bad points – bosses that haven’t got a clue about policing, high stress, pernicious Government schemes/targets that inhibit proper accountable policing.

    If you are going to apply, be committed, don’t just give it a go. You must WANT to do the job, otherwise it will find you out and your tenure as an officer will be a short one. In recent years I've found that many recruits join to see if it's something they can turn their hand to (usually equipped with 'A' levels) and discover a year down the line it's not for them.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    Churchill – Bollox to all that sh*te above, he got us through the war FFS.
    Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
    Victoria Beckham.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    He’s a wolf in cheap clothing.

    Free Member

    Yeah, basically you can't advertise a reward.

    You could appeal to their better nature but I doubt that would get you very far, knowing the sort of shite that does this type of thing.

    Have you reported it to the police?

    Free Member

    Make sure that you do not use words to the effect that no questions will be asked, or that the person producing the goods will be safe from apprehension or inquiry or that you will pay to get the article back. Should you do so you may commit an offence under s. 23 Theft Act 1968.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    J.F Sebastian & Son.

    Free Member

    flatfish on here is a locksmith.

    Free Member

    +1 basspine.

    The FSR XC was my first mountain bike and I thought it was perfectly capable.

    Free Member

    The Greatest Show on Earth – Richard Dawkins. Excellent.

    Free Member

    The great thing about this thread is the metaphors. What with steaks, microwaves and others. Hilarious.

    Someone exercised their freedom of speech. Mark responded … vociferously … (being generous) but later had the good grace to rescind his comments and apologise. Hopefully this should draw to an end a matter that (as a collection of mountain bike enthusiasts) we could best describe as internecine.

    Free Member

    I accurately criticised

    the coding style and presentation

    Knit wit.

    Free Member

    is it still 1999 in the Nederlands ?

    What a ****.
    Perhaps I'll be censored as not being part of the STW glitterati.

    Free Member

    Have to agree with Hora, she's fantastic. Not my type of music but she is lovely.

    LOL at the faux dis-interest. If a girl that looked like that showed the slightest bit of interest in forum dwellers on here, you expect me to believe they wouldn't jump at the chance. Yeah, reckon 😉

    Free Member


    Glad that was yours. I work at Southmead and recall it coming in. The Pipedreams was in red in a different font and was basically a made up decal. I rang up the fella that imports them and he confirmed they are only written in that style pictured. I was aware the officers found the crime report and were making enquiries with you. I think when it originally surfaced it might have been sporting a pair of Boxxer downhill forks on it so look for stress marks at the headtube.

    Excellent news.

    Free Member

    What could they do to make amends?

    Free Member

    There are people that should swing in the Tower for views expressed on here 😆 👿

    Free Member

    I use a Joystick on me head, which is a superb commute light and accompaniment to a main bar mounted light for night trail riding.

    Free Member

    Utter filth.

    Impending wedding has put a stop to those sort of dreams for me. Unfortunately 😆

    Free Member

    This thread has caused me to look at a deck of ‘Plop Trumps’ that were ungratefully received at Christmas.

    Tiger – In the Vietnam conflict, the CIA made a listening device disguised to look exactly like a tiger poo to detect troop movements along the jungle trials during the fighting. It was successful because nobody wanted to pick up tiger poo. Yuk factor 9, Smelliness 10.

    Horse – A horse produces about two tons of poo every year. Just over a century ago, in 1890, there were 200,000 horses in Central London alone. They pulled cabs, trams, busses and delivery wagons, creating 400,000 tons of poo each year. Yuk factor 4, Smelliness 6.

    Free Member

    I put my own through the wash. I instantly put it on charge. No adverse effect other than the battery display, although charged and fully functioning the display shows a thin line of red as if almost depleted.

    Free Member


    Could it be something to do with the position of the shifters/brakes and the rotation of your wrists in relation to them?

    All the best.

    Free Member


    Forgot to mention mate, but it would be wise for you to assume that they will be back to have another go when the insurance has been settled and you have some new bikes. The statistics are in favour of this. They know the layout of the building etc and what to expect in terms of home security. It's a bit of a grievance expenditure but you will need to ramp up your locks etc.

    Register them on

    All the best.

    Free Member

    Acer Aspire 5735 form 'Simply Acer'.

    Very good and would buy another, which is the test really.

    All the best.

    Free Member


    Sorry about your stuff getting nicked.

    What's this about a Bristol gang? There was a crew of London bike thieves operating with a specific M.O in Bristol but they got nicked in the summer. Not heard of any specific Bristol gang doing thefts of this sort up your neck of the woods, although I concede it's very plausible. Have you any specific info that's suitable to be aired on this forum?

    All the best.

    Free Member

    LOL at some of the replies on this thread.

    It’s interesting but whenever I chance upon a large group I feel more a sense of camaraderie than say irritation or frustration that they might hinder my progress in anyway. I cycle in Leigh Woods (Bristol) and access the area via North Road. At times, particular in the summer there can be some large club rides in addition to solo riders converging at the same time resulting in an almost entirely blocked road.

    It’s about being reasonable. If you are a member of a large group and you see a solo rider heading towards you then IMHO you ought to alert other riders and allow the person through. By the same token if you are alone and you encounter a large group, then all that’s required is a pleasant salutation and a gesture that you want to get through. If this meets with disinterest then the only proportionate response left is to throw your bike down heavily to the ground and with helmeted head bowed, charge full steam into the group with bombers flaying.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    A white Ibis will look superb. Go for it.

    Free Member

    The Shield.

    Free Member

    Hold it. He just said he was going to the toilet and eat his fruit bowl. Utter twunt.

    Free Member

    Lol. I've just turned it on. Why is matey a knob. What have I missed?

    Free Member

    Apparently I look like this doughnut, and remarkably so as people OFTEN come up to me (uninvited) and tell me. Either him or Adrian Edmonson.

    Free Member

    What happened with the Mint Jewllery that was supposedly being considered?

    Free Member

    Love Evils. Nice and black as well. Good work.

    Free Member

    In fairness fingerprinting the bike that was left at the scene is not that far out. Police will do that, although it will not prove the job it might highlight a well known sh*t bag who needs his front doors kicked in by the cops to arrest him, but more importantly see what he's got stored at his address.

    However there is no need to be negative about the police (JohnClimber that is not helpful). It's not about it being too much like hard work, it's about competing and more important demands/priorities, like for example a burglary scene or photographing the injuries of some poor git who's had his head kicked kicked in during an unprovoked attack.

    Flattyres, hope you get your bike back.

    All the best,

    Free Member

    Because I like Combichrist and out of curiosity I just youtubed this lot. Wow, superb. Loved ‘Du Hast’. Really reminded me of Front 242, Die Krupps and Front Line Assembly etc.

    Just listened to Ohne Dich. That’s it, I’ll be expanding my CD/iTunes collection in the next few days.

    I can’t understand why they’ve they not come to my attention before.

    I’m grateful.

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