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  • Cane Creek Kitsuma Coil shock review
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Very nice mate. Looks good.

    Free Member

    Mixed feelings really. A divisive sort of forum dweller – some posts were interesting and positive, but on the other hand many seemed to encourage discord.

    His post/thread rate was extremely prolific to say the least. He must have enjoyed very accommodating employers/friends/partners etc.

    His general 'rage against the system' ethos used to make me smile and I echo what Nonsense said.

    Clearly he will be back under another guise but no doubt will be unable to restrain his wide, unequivocal views on all sorts of matters and will again be found out.

    I sort of liked him actually. Wonder what his new name will be and what will the prize be for the first person that unmasks him?

    Free Member

    What DD said. Bristolians leave out certain syllables and add others where they're not needed.

    Coleslaw – not the salad mayonnaise accompaniment but the Colston Hall – a gert proper place in the aerial.

    Free Member

    As you said sound resonates strangely through carbon but keep an open mind when trying to determine where it’s emanating from. I had a similar problem and took it to my LBS where it was found that the big gripper mechanism itself was loose and needed tightening. This resolved the problem.

    What have you used on the drop outs? I use Red Devil Grease, which is excellent.

    Free Member

    My soon to be father-in-law who is a farmer informs me that the farmer ought to put out caution signs during maize cutting or when an inordinate amount of shite is on the road. But as has been mentioned it all comes down to common sense, taking a practical view on what farmers do and appreciating that the countryside presents certain accepted hazards or considerations for other road users, which of course includes cyclists.

    Free Member

    Labour 14
    Conservative 8
    Lib Dems 30
    Green 2
    Plaid Cymru 1
    UKIP 0
    BNP 2
    NF 0
    Respect 0
    SNP 4
    Spoiled/Void Ballot 2
    Monster Raving William Hill Loony Party 0
    Militant Greens for Clean and Tidy yet Independent and Frightfully Middle-Class Scotland 1

    Free Member

    I was up there today. What a fantastic place and the Bluebells are starting to bloom nicely.

    Free Member

    Fool magnet.

    Free Member

    Is this of any assistance?

    I'm not a Dr mind!

    Free Member

    Do not ask for cash I think its offensive IMO. If you feel you have to ask for something then have the balls to put a wedding list together and do that instead.

    What? How precious and delicate can you be to find the ‘invitation’ for money as offensive – a bit strong, no? Would this upsetting of your sensibilities be so grievous to you that you would actually take OFFENCE at someone who considers you such a friend that they would invite to their wedding? As far as balls and wedding lists go, what if people simply don’t want gifts as they have enough bed sheets and saucepans (forgive my lack of imagination). What difference does it make?

    Chill out.

    Free Member

    On balance the right verdict was returned in my opinion.

    There’s a feel on here from some posts that he made a conscious decision to do as he did. If so you’ve not understood the circumstances of the case.

    I believe s. 3 (Provocation) of the Homicide Act 1953 extends to ATTEMPTED murder (I maybe wrong on this) –
    Where on a charge of murder there is evidence on which a jury can find that the person charged was provoked (whether by things done or by things said or by both taken together) to lose his SELF-CONTROL, the question whether provocation was enough to make a reasonable man do as he did shall be left to be determined by the jury; and in determining that question the jury shall take into account everything both done and said according to the effect which, in their opinion, it would have on a reasonable man.

    If there is no loss of control this defence is not available.

    The court heard he’d snapped after being terribly goaded by these pupils. There is case law such as R v Humphreys [1995] where the court recognised a particular event can prove to be ‘the last straw’.

    This was systematic and targeted abuse that resulted in a reasonable man employed as a teacher to lose his self control.

    Free Member

    Balls to all this mincing around, my wedding is costing the in-laws a fortune 😉

    We have asked in a round about way (It’s contained in a vomit inducing rhyme that was sent out with the invites) for people to consider contributing to our honeymoon fund.

    Plus we’re putting on a free bar FFS.

    I do however consider it bad form to ask for donations from people only attending the evening-do.

    Show me the money.

    Free Member

    CFH, Agree. Sorry slight hijack and I'll leave it … but my favourite –


    "I will have my money by Evensong tonight or …

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart, very good 😮

    Prince Regent – "Honestly Blackadder, I don't know why I'm bothering to get dressed. As soon as I get to the Naughty Hellfire Club I'll be debagged and RADISHED for non-payment of debts.

    Free Member

    "Well, in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if I also offer the doctor my most enthusiastic CONTRAFIBULARITIES."

    Free Member


    An excellent summation.

    Free Member

    Corry Tap, another classic. The Apple on Welsh Back is OK for a cider brew.

    Free Member

    Holy Christ – now the Flame has had a mention. Micks purple barrels of Thatchers Gold have ruined a few rides home.

    Free Member


    I've had many an evening on the Black Rat down at the Kicker. Makes cycling up Naish Hill after an amusing but gut wrenching experience.

    I recall a summers evening having indulged a bit too much on the rat and getting slightly pished riding down the Bridleway that runs from Cadbury Camp Lane down to the golf course. Senses impaired, I over-cooked at a section near the top and collided with a boundary fence and nearly ripped one of my ears off.

    Mendip Magic is a lively one as well.

    Free Member

    I'm getting married in August in Langrish, Hants.

    We are using this bloke having been recommended to us by friends. His albums are fantastic and he comes across as a really nice fella.

    Free Member

    Glaring irony – Bollox. If it was it was lost in internet translation.

    Free Member

    Bill Hicks and Frankie.

    Watching speccy ginger …

    DEROGATORY humour just isn't funny in my opinion.

    Those statements seem somewhat at odds with each other.

    Free Member

    Cider – Black Rat, Westons Vintage Organic, Stowford/Ashton Press.

    Free Member

    Not exactly the quintessential David Niven-esque English gentleman cat-burglar then.

    There should be AMPle evidence to convict him.

    Free Member

    When he was alive – Bill Hicks.

    Free Member


    I love Thatchers but have you par-taken of the Westons?

    Free Member

    Is There Ever Any Acceptable Excuse For Drink Driving?

    Absolutely not.

    However, the law allows for the defence of 'Duress'. Where a person is threatened with death or serious physical injury unless he or she carries out a criminal act, such as drink drive, he may have (in law) a defence of duress. You'd have to go some to get home on this at court mind.

    There are also occasions when circumstances leave the defendant no real alternative, which is a variation of the above.

    Free Member

    Westons Vintage Organic cider – 7.3%. Proper.

    Gaymers & Addlestones is kids cider 😉

    Free Member

    I love Frankie. Think he's hilarious, but it's all a matter of taste I guess.

    What strikes me as a little odd is that almost without exception his jokes are going to be offensive to one group or type of person. He's that type of comic. The parent concerned no doubt was a fan I would imagine as she went to see him live. In that case it follows that at some time she would have been guffawwing loudly to a joke or two he said that someone else might have considered offensive. Smacks of raging hypocrisy to me. If you go to watch someone like him live you must anticipate surely that everybody is in play for ridicule.

    Free Member

    Police have downgraded the search level I thought (previous comment on here) so doubt they'll be bothering checking bank acct details.

    It's standard procedure to conduct financial intelligence checks in circumstances such as these. I can't imagine for one moment they've not been completed.

    Hope the fella turns up soon safe and well.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    The definitive guide.

    Best Goalkeeper – Peter Schmeichel

    Left Back – Roberto Carlos

    Right Back – Cafu

    Centre Back – Franz Beckenbauer (1)

    Centre Back – Booby Moore (2)

    Left Midfield/Wing – Ryan Giggs

    Right Midfield/Wing – George Best

    Centre Midfield – Zinedine Zidane (1)

    Centre Midfield – Lothar Matthaus

    Attacker/Striker – Diego Maradonna (1)

    Attacker/striker – Pele (2)

    Free Member

    Diego Maradona. Without doubt.

    The above 🙄 irritates me immensely. As a footballer he was unrivaled. He cheated on one occasion. Get over it. Before that goal he was running rings around the whole team.

    Free Member


    Cheers for that. Questionnaire completed.

    It really is incumbent on those that ride the Mendips to engage with this.

    Free Member

    I've gone with an Ethernet cable in the end. It wasn't as necessary to go wireless with the Xbox as it was with the laptop.

    Just downloaded some new stuff for Mass Effect 2 off Live, which was good.

    I'm wondering if it's worth linking up the Xbox's media centre with my laptop?

    Free Member

    samuri, Phildean.

    Cheers guys. I looked at the router and found the netgear website that explained a few things, which I'm in the process of reading and applying.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    I set it up but I can't recall assigning or using a password.

    Free Member


    Cheers, I was on about using the official Xbox live adapter that retails for £50. I don't want to buy it though if just simply plugging in an ethernet cable will result in faster speeds.

    Now I'm looking on the Xbox Live site regarding setup and it's going on a about selecting a wireless security: WEP, WPA, WPA2, or No Security and inputting the password. I've no idea what all that's about and when the fella from Virgin set it up I was never given a password, or at least I can't recall it. AAAAAAAAAARGGGGG 😈

    Free Member

    Those members of the central governing body of the Roman Catholic Church who are or have been wilfully blind to child sex offences or even more heinous, have actively concealed allegations of this sort, are as bad if not worse than the actual perpetrators. How this corrupt, venal, miserable consortium of motley loonies and criminals can still gather and retain followers is staggering beyond words.

    I’d like to see the ECHR invoked in some shape or form so as to enable the appropriate authorities the power in law to shine a big sweeping light into the sinister and shadowed recesses of the Vatican … and on its denizens. As for Benedict visiting England – I don’t want that man anywhere near my country. And I’m disgusted with the head of the Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, who said the visit would be an opportunity to "cement ties" between the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian churches in the United Kingdom. How indelicate a statement to make at this time. Just goes to show … although they hold slightly different incoherent imaginings they're all cut of the same cloth.

    Free Member

    One of these two. Very capable – unlike the doughnut that rides them.

    Free Member

    I don't think education to 'A' level is necessary. Read the thread contents again.

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