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  • Dirt Dash(es) Now Open For Entries
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Towering self-regard – check

    Monstrous Ego – check

    Bumbling Buffoon – check

    = unparalleled asshattery.

    Free Member

    My advice is go to the station and play ball with the officer. If it’s a PACE interview get a brief. The officer should make a disclosure of the police case (or the evidence) to your solicitor prior to an interview. You will then be afforded the right to consult with the solicitor who will pass on what the police have decided to reveal and offer you advice accordingly – and take it from there.

    Free Member

    I’m in the CID. I believe amplebrew is an officer as well, judging from his replies.

    It sounds to me that the officer wants to conduct an interview with you as a ‘voluntary attender’. In these circumstances if the officer wishes to adduce your conversation into evidence he must conduct the interview in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE Code C 3.21) – that is to say you will be invited to the station and more than likely interviewed on tape. You have the right to free and independent legal advice. As you will not be under arrest you’ll not be booked into custody as such, and are free to leave at any stage. A haven’t got a copy of PACE to hand but I think the right to free and independent legal advice only extends to when you are at a police station – this FREE entitlement is not extended if it’s conducted at your H/A for example.

    The best thing to do is give the PC a shout tonight and arrange the chat for a mutually convenient time in the next day or two and have no contact with the other party involved. Sound the officer out by asking if you will be offered legal advice – is it an interview under PACE?

    Free Member

    It’s the age when you reluctantly budge from viewing the future in terms of all the endless unhindered possibilities open to you… and start to see it in terms of personal constraint and boundaries I guess?

    Free Member

    Mate, I feel your pain!

    On the 1st March I snapped my Achilles playing footie during a lunch break at work. I attributed the pain to a bad calf strain and walked on it for a week before realising that something wasn’t right! I went to hospital and following diagnosis elected for conservative treatment (8 week Achilles cast protocol). My foot was put in the full equinus position (toes pointed down) to enable the tendon to join. After four weeks my cast was taken off and my foot was placed at semi-equinus. I could only manage raising my foot an inch or half or so at that point. After two weeks the cast came off for the final one, which set my foot at 45 degrees. That process brought water to the eyes and smarted somewhat I can tell thee – one of the plaster technicians had to carefully force my foot upwards and hold it at that position so that his colleague could concentrate on putting the cast on! Since that time I’ve been weight bearing and the cast should come off this Thursday.

    To answer your question there is not much you can do other than elevate it and rest. Then you must fully engage with physio. I’ve noticed considerable muscle atrophy already – which is depressing.

    The photo of xcstu – the mind boggles 😀

    I wish you all the best.


    EDIT – as a matter of interest how did you do it?

    Free Member

    In other news, Chuck Norris returns from vacationing in Pakistan…

    Free Member

    Every day that disgusting lunatic drew breath was an effrontery to the ideals of democracy and civilisation.

    Sadly until religious fanaticism of all persuasions is removed from this planet, we will continue to see needless death for the sake of a human fantasy that indulges in the belief and worship of supernatural entities.

    Free Member

    In the Cafe in Penrith

    We want the finest wines available to humanity. And we want them here, and we want them now!

    Brilliant film.

    Free Member

    Yeah, now worries. Email is in profile.

    Free Member

    Fork mounted is a faff as far as I’m concerned. I can put the bike on the roof and secure it in less than 30 seconds – not that I’ve timed myself, but it really is very simple.

    Free Member

    DD – I live in Nailsea and have a Thule 591 roof rack with two carriers.

    I can’t cycle anywhere as I have a ******* ruptured Achilles, so if you want to borrow them give me a shout.

    All the best,


    Free Member

    The white circle is where the 591 grips my bike!

    Edit – if you’re anywhere near North Somerset you’re welcome to try it out on my rack.



    Free Member

    Sorry, I posted on the same thread in the chat forum!

    Right, don’t know that I agree with davy-g. I have a Whyte E5, which was based on the design of the Mount Vision and it fits a 591 no worries.

    The clamp sits in the triangle between the down tube, seat tube and lower shock mount.

    Free Member

    Yes, it should do. I have a Whyte E5, which was based on the design of the Mount Vision and it fits a 591 no worries.

    The clamp sits in the triangle between the down tube, seat tube and lower shock mount.

    Free Member

    Update – I’ve just finished (aside from another book) ‘The Blade Itself’. Yeah, enjoyed that – Glokta my favourite character, but as a snooping sadist he was always going to appeal to me.

    ‘A Game of Thrones’ next. Then I can start watching the HBO series.

    Free Member

    Agree with Gattaca – superb film.

    I thought ‘Narc’ was excellent with Jason Patric and Ray Liota. I think the director was responsible for The Shield.

    Free Member

    SBZ – yeah, I think despite what I said in my OP I may have to give the tape you mention a go. I didn’t know it existed and have just YouTubed it – looks pretty effective. I was considering a turbo trainer. I’ll take a look at what ones they have at CRC. Thanks.

    Free Member

    roundwheels – cheers for the advice regarding hospital rehab, I’ll bear that in mind.

    JonM – I’m aware of your tendon infection as I read about it on a previous Achilles thread. Unfortunately I sold my road bike days before the incident 😡 That’s good advice about the pedals I was considering putting flatties on my Cove and I’ll try and drill out the cleats on my SPD’s – cheers.

    Free Member

    tomh – might be worth taking a look at this thread –

    Free Member

    if your buying steel it just has to be 853, anything else simply won’t do .

    – this is NOT true 😮

    Free Member

    Cove Handjob here – fantastic HT IMHO. Geometry feels sorted and it has a nice spring in its step – just a really fun bike to rag around local trails.

    If I were to look at another HT I’d take a serious look at a Sanderson Breath.

    Free Member

    Looks excellent – just bought the book though based on recommendations by this forum. I think I’ll read it then watch the box-set when it comes out.

    Free Member

    Brunel’s marvellous structure.

    Free Member

    although they left the deathstar in on photo 4!!!

    LOL at Whathaveisaidnow – I missed that 😆

    Free Member

    Excellent link – what’s your fav? I like 16 ‘Floating Free’. Can you imagine what that must be like? Talk about staring into the void.

    Free Member


    YouTube Lee Evans Parcel Force Sketch. Bit sweary to put on a direct link. Forward it to 1:30!

    Free Member

    Slipped on some granola in the kitchen and burned my hand on a new Krups EA8080 Bean To Cup Coffee Machine.

    Free Member


    Good – all the best, let us know how you get on 😀


    Free Member


    I completely ruptured my Achilles tendon on the 1st of March knocking around a football in the sports hall at work. I felt a sudden tearing pain and attributed it to a general calf-pull. One of the trainers said that it wouldn’t be an Achilles injury as I’d be in more pain. I still had full movement in my ankle, although I had no push-off power in my toes and an inability to raise my heel (tip-toe).

    A week later I decided that something was wrong (the swelling had not resolved) and so I went to the hospital where an urgent ultrasound scan revealed a complete rupture. I elected for conservative treatment and have been in a full cast for the last four weeks at full equinus. On Thursday the cast was taken off and my foot was put at partial equinus. I’ve got another two weeks in this position and a further two weeks with the heel fully raised (to stretch out/lengthen the tendon) in cast followed by intensive physiotherapy.

    Mate, do me a favour – you need to go to hospital and get your injury checked out. If it is your Achilles tendon (and it sounds as if it is) you would be wise not to delay treatment & hamper recovery – it’s a serious injury.

    All the best,


    Free Member

    A great Humanist poem by William Ernest Henley


    Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll.
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.

    Free Member

    I’m with the OP – Hound is a wretched, talentless non-entity. Who is sponsoring this doughnuts career on TV FFS? He’s an irritant that not even the strongest antihistamine would be able to shift.

    I suspect this pint will go unclaimed.

    Free Member

    Vangelis – Blade Runner.

    Free Member

    Basic seasonings then smash some blue cheese and horseradish into the mix.

    Best burger FACT.

    Free Member


    Right click on the YouTube clip and click ‘Copy Video URL’. From there go to the STW New Topic post and click the Video tab – it will throw up a box that you then paste straight into and jobs a good un.

    Free Member

    Some more of what could be described as Vocal Trance.

    Markie – glad you liked it 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member

    To answer your question – As long as matey ensures that they he doesn’t engage section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 and Regulation 103 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Act of 1986) by denying highway access to the public, wilfully obstruct the highway without lawful excuse or make unreasonable use of the highway, he’s OK to live in it I believe.

    I’m inclined to agree with Elfinsaftey on the matter.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    househusband – agreed. They have been very helpful in introducing me to a number of excellent films, books and music. It’s good to have other peoples views on what constitutes a good viewing/read/listen.

    Due to the consensus of opinion I’ll check out Banks’s Culture series I think.

    Free Member

    Yeah, that’s very pleasant on the eye – NICE.

    Was it custom sizing?

    The mind boggles at what the build cost must have been.

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