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  • Fresh Goods Friday 632: The Brandy Absorbing Edition
  • deluded
    Free Member

    The scientist that knocks about with Beaker – can’t recall his name. I look a bit like him.

    Free Member

    The scientist that knocks about with Beaker – can’t recall his name. I look a bit like him.

    Free Member


    You speak of the sciences? Explain where it is scientifically demonstrable to raise the dead or rapture a person into the sky or be born of a virgin? These are claims that I’m less inclined to believe over natural biology as to how are species evolved – which can be explained.

    Within the bounds of my own intellect (granted this is small :D) I chose to follow a world view based upon what I find persuasive. The bottom line is I don’t know and you don’t know either, I accept that, but I feel the ground is firmer where I stand – and I’m not saddled by the unfounded constraints, dogmas and strange hang-ups that religions impose.


    Free Member

    or Stage 7 – when you realise that relativism is a cop-out and you should probably grow some balls and have an opinion

    😆 – excellent!

    Free Member

    and I guess you are at stage 6. How comforting for you 🙄

    Edit – and where have I claimed to be really clever?

    Free Member

    and the irony is where molgrips?

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – page 302 of ‘Breaking the Spell’ I believe.

    Free Member

    People’s attachments to imaginary Gods and the flagrantly irrational are diminishing in this country and as a consequence we are seeing significant falls in church attendance. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for other parts of the world across the various denominations. Those young people ton is referring to are no doubt the dwindling products of parental indoctrination – hopefully they will avail themselves of the scientific and philosophical advances made since the first century, outside the purview of their parents, and transcend religious bewilderment.

    The word atheist shouldn’t really need to exist. We don’t have names for people that doubt the Mad Hatter’s tea party was an historical event or that Elvis is still alive.

    Free Member

    spacemonkey – couldn’t get your link to work. I’ve had a look at Witcher 2 on Gamespot – looks good but I can’t imagine that it will be anywhere near as free roaming and layered as Skyrim.

    Free Member

    Not what I expected but I still enjoyed it. Those big alien beasties did not qualify as monsters for you? I’d give it 3/5.

    Free Member

    Today I will be bimbling around the house with no clear purpose, making cups of coffee, watching a bit of TV, maybe do some reading (‘Revelation Space’ – Alastair Reynolds & Christopher Hitchens archived ‘Slate’ articles) and just generally loafing. I’ll also be diving in & out of STW amusing myself at the expanse of peoples ego’s and ill-informedness (that last word doesn’t exist).

    Free Member

    Cheers for the link.

    This looks absolutely fantastic. The level of detail and depth in all areas of the game is quite staggering. Oblivion was my favourite game but Skyrim will notch it up a fair few levels. Oh well, that will be me written off for a few months playing it, before re-emerging into the real world a pale & withered husk with eyes like pi55-oles 😀

    Free Member

    5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

    Free Member

    He will be referring to the ridge line the runs between Nortons Wood Lane and Clevedon Court.

    Free Member

    I’d love to but I’m getting over an injury and don’t want to rush it and end up back to square one – no matter how tempting it is.

    Free Member

    No… I don’t behave like that. Friendly type of chap me. 😆

    Free Member

    The Babylon – stems from the corrupt city in the bible. I was told that by a Jamaican fella whose door I’d kicked in, in St Pauls years ago. Never knew what it meant up until that point.

    Free Member

    You’re on about the Gordano Valley I suspect? Come down this way and ill be glad to show you the local runs. I should add that I’m a policeman… as long as you can hack that 😀

    EDIT – Yeah, you got it.

    Free Member

    Fair enough. I was based at Avonmouth for a while, Not a bad place really. Lots of hard working folk in that region.

    Free Member

    Fred – I/ve just returned from watching a boxing tournament. I’m as pissed as a parrot/ 😀 I do like you mind – when you coming down to Bristol?

    Free Member

    All it needs is that Yeti bloke – usual sad gits on these sort of threads. You’d all be better off on adult friend finder or something… not a MTB forum.

    Free Member

    I love this photo of Ali. A proper legend.

    Free Member

    It’s an outrage of public decency.

    I note you say cubicles only. Was it the female toilets! If so that takes on a slightly different complexion.

    Free Member

    1996 for the Warre’s. The homemade Sloe is just below in the cupboard, that’s 2005. 😀

    Does the Marantz display track info from what it’s playing on the iPod?

    Dez, no it doesn’t.

    Free Member

    The Marantz M-CR603 is a great little system (I need to sort out speaker placement).


    Free Member

    But doesnt that just mean you’re looking for bells and whistles to validate your gifts/occasions, rather than doing them for the right reasons?


    … and how dare you. I have done it for the right reasons – namely a sizable inheritance 😀

    Free Member

    But surely you could (and should) do those things without, and in fact to do them without the surrounding basis of a wedding makes them equally if not more meaningful. Everyone can get together for a big day, give each other nice gifts on their wedding day etc. To do it out of the blue on a rainy monday, or organise to meet all your mates and have a great day together without some backstory and expense makes it all the better IMO

    Yeah, I guess you could – but that lacks a sense of occasion IMHO.

    Free Member

    Marriage has nothing to do with religion as far as my wife and I are concerned – that’s why we had a civil ceremony. Committing your life to somebody is worth celebrating and why not share that occasion with family and close friends by way of a ceremony of some description? My wedding was probably the best day of my life. It’s all the other little attachments (not necessarily of the material kind) that go with it. On the morning of my wedding I was given a pocket watch with a very personal inscription on from my wife – I’ll never forget that moment. I’ve a photo of me with my close circle of mates that I grew up with outside the wedding venue – it brings a lump to my throat seeing all the lads together.

    There’s not a lot of point to many of the things we do in life if we want to get reductionist about stuff.

    Free Member

    Platoon – Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings

    Free Member

    Cheers Hadge,

    Like many on here viewing this thread, I’m mesmerised by them really. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle one though. I can’t understand (literally) why people are so inherently averse to them. I guess it’s something to do with anthropomorphism – that there shape is so different to our own?

    Free Member

    How much do they cost?

    Roper/Hadge – how did you get into keeping them, where/when did the fascination start?

    Free Member

    Mark Gatiss – he went off to do his own stuff. Just won a BAFTA for Sherlock.

    Free Member

    tina turner was best bit so far

    Agreed – crying with laughter at that – when he takes his wig off at the end, brilliant.

    Free Member

    It’s defo missing, but yeah, I guess it might not have changed the outcome. Hope the fella is alright. Something needs to be done about that section.

    Free Member

    Is that strip I mentioned above that saved Rosberg missing?

    Free Member

    It’s happened again in Q3. But this time the driver (not Rosberg) went into the barrier 🙁

    Free Member

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands doesn’t issue death penalties out. Mladic will be sentenced to life imprisonment, the ICJ’s most severe sentence. Protocol 13 of the ECHR prohibits the death penalty.

    As a rule I’m against the death penalty but for his unthinkable brutality I could be persuaded to make an exception.

    Free Member

    That very well sited hazard bump, angled as it was, deflected him off the path of the barrier. An arse twitching moment no doubt.

    Monaco was one of the stops on my honeymoon.

    It’s very tenemented. Some of the blocks reminded me of Barton Hill in Bristol and parts of London – it’s not all that.

    Free Member

    Lol at Woppit – agreed. 😀

    Free Member
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