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  • Hope F22 flat pedal: initial riding impressions
  • deluded
    Free Member

    It looks similar to the logo used for the TV programme ‘Cheers’ – which may have been done in ‘Cabaret’.

    Free Member

    I like this forum – threads vary from the powerful and poignant to the utterly farcical and ridiculous.

    On a daily basis there are insightful and humorous contributions, and as already mentioned – the hive mind is a great resource to draw upon when people are being sensible.

    Threads done to death and back again by the logorreheic’s can hack me off though.

    I’ve met some good people on here as well.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    Mrs Murdoch gave the assailant a swift-one round the fiz-og?

    Free Member

    LOL @ sharkbait 😀

    Free Member

    Good God this has it all – what next FFS.

    Free Member

    Dancake – Member

    36. been riding 4 years. wish now that I had done this in my twenties instead of Caning booze and speed every weekend

    38 – agree with the above. I wish that I’d got into MTB’ing earlier than 2005. Boozing & my career (and laziness) took precedence up until that point.

    Free Member

    So, following my recovery from an injury sustained in March, I had my first blat around the new Ashton Court trails today … and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Whilst I liked the ‘rutted rootyness’ of the original it had deteriorated into something attritional to get round (despite the fantastic work & commitment of the Bristol Trails Group) and clearly was no longer a sustainable route.

    The new resilient surface, small berms, twist, turns and all that make for a decent streamy ride. I reckon that it will increase the average rider’s skill level – to ride quickly and efficiently. It adds something to the scene and compliments the more natural stuff at 50 Acre and LW’s. I noticed a number of blokes pootling along with their young off spring – which was good to see.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    +1 for Soho – a must.

    Loads of decent ways to pass time – theatres, bars, restaurants, great live music scenes.

    I lived on Broadwick Street for three years – a fantastic place. Very fond memories.

    Free Member

    Be careful not to become a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m not the easiest person to get along with either, but a little introspection and a moderation of your ways are sometimes needed in life, as samurai more or less said.

    Like any pastime or hobby cycling’s important but it’s ancillary to having a decent, meaningful relationship with somebody who cares – for me anyway. Unless of course you really do prefer your own company (and that’s fine), but given that you have gone to the trouble of posting here I suspect this not to be the case.

    I was 35 before I met my wife. Looking back, all the relationships I’d had up until that point amounted to nothing other than vacuous polyfilla.

    I know it might be easier said than done, just get out there and mix it up. Remember, although it’s a vomitous phrase ‘every pot has a lid’ 😀

    Free Member

    I love stuff like this.

    They’ll be walking upright on two legs soon and typing furiously on keyboards.

    Free Member

    OT but for what it’s worth Edukator the vast majority of my ‘real’ mates are NOT police officers. I don’t generally mix with other officers because you invariably end up talking shop and it’s a job that can breed a certain mentality that on occasion I find boorish.

    Free Member

    “recognised” Freemason code-phrases.

    In fairness I wondered what you were on about. I put it down to your Irishness – When you turned up I only understood about one in five of your words 😀

    As a shadowy, corrupt and dodgy policeman I’ve been monitoring this thread with some interest – and taking notes 😈

    Free Member


    It’s not cheesy action mind – like with Willis, Arni, et al.

    Free Member

    They’re are a ‘TROOP’ of bickering kno883rs. Known to wear tinfoil or there ass’s for hats.

    Free Member


    Very much liking Vogel bread Soya & Linseed – very dense and tasty. Good for toasting with Bovril on.

    Use their Toastarizer !!! –

    Free Member

    Haye seemed happy to come across as a pastiche loudmouth from yesteryear by perpetuating the pantomime bad mouthing in pre-bout conferences we see all too often. I appreciate that sort of banter can drum up support for the match but I’d rather they do it another way. He did himself no favours with the ignoble toe excuse that he floated after the fight (even if it were true the bigger thing would have been to keep it to himself). Klitschko on the other hand was refreshingly gracious & respectful IMHO.

    Free Member

    Yes when I think about who I would want advice from on going over the same argument over and over and over again I always think of you.
    Now what would Hitchens/dawkins/Jesus do

    “The first requirement of anyone engaging in an intellectual or academic debate is that he or she be able to give a proper account of the opposing position(s)” – Christopher Hitchens.

    Free Member

    I reckon some of the worst offenders post whilst ‘in drink’. That is to say they do a lot of drink-typing! As a result their posts lack temperance, sense and on occasions – charm.

    Of late, I’ve noticed one or two of the more garrulous or opinionated contributors mellowing out somewhat and have wound themselves in a bit.

    STW still remains a source of constant entertainment for me and amongst the dross there are some really fantastic glimpses of genuine wit and insightfulness.

    Free Member


    I wouldn’t say anything on this forum that I’d not be prepared to say to someone face to face.

    Loads of ‘sockpuppetry’ goes on STW – mainly by anonymous logorreheic’s .

    Free Member

    The pussyfication of BrE by AmE is an insidious & unwelcome encroachment – much like how McDonalds nudged Wimpy into the shadows by the mid 80’s. Yeah… you may laugh now but this is serious business.

    Free Member

    DD – crank it up some with this 😀 Just purchased off iTunes – the old giffers present will love it as well.

    Free Member

    Not sure that I’d bother with the rolling pin business. Whatever you do make sure you give it some beans. I was told by the physio that my Achilles snapped because my calf muscle was too tight. Use a hot water bottle on them and do some proper stretch exercises.

    1) Face a wall and stand 12 inches away from it.
    2) Extend one leg behind you, keeping both feet flat on the floor and your rear knee straight.
    3) Lean toward the wall until you feel tension in the calf muscle of the extended leg.
    4) Hold for 10 seconds.
    5) Repeat with the other leg.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    Just tuned in – has Mark Thomas done his tax protest thing at U2?

    Free Member

    the Theft Act s.24 states that you must … take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to secure that the credit is cancelled.

    Free Member

    Get on the Charlotte’s instead.

    Free Member

    cats don’t have owners. they have staff


    Free Member

    The story you’ve described is almost exactly the same as my own.

    Around February we noticed a black cat with green eyes and a very distinctive gait (I know it sounds stupid – but he sets off walking slightly askew with an arched back before straightening out). I rang up a vet who said it might belong to a family that reported a lost cat a week earlier, however they lived over the other side of the town, but then cats are known to wander fair distances – so I ought to give them a shout. I rang the number and invited this fella round to the house. He came round with his family in tow but they couldn’t decide if it was theirs? The couple were a bit wish-washy and faintly annoying. Anyway the cat saw them and sodded off over the next door neighbours hedge. I don’t think the cat belonged to them – I suspect they were mulling it over as to whether they should say it was theirs (knowing it wasn’t) just to keep the kids happy.

    Anyway, he kept coming back and on one occasion plucked up the strength to enter our home through an open kitchen window. In the last two weeks there’s been an escalation in his visits and we’ve taken to feeding him. Within the last week he’s been coming in the house and snooping around and is beginning to look settled. He’s a little skinny – it doesn’t appear that he’s over fed

    I’ve knocked on a few doors in the street to see if he belongs to anybody but he remains unclaimed. I have those same thoughts – are we being fair to him – is he a proper homeless tom – are we depriving someone else of their cat etc. In truth, I’m fairly close to putting a collar round his neck with my number on and assuming ownership (as ephemeral as that sounds). That way if he does belong to somebody who still retains an interest in his welfare and he returns home, then they can phone me and I’ll know he’s being looked after.

    Free Member

    Well done Fred – good on you mate.

    Free Member

    Love the RPG genre – Oblivion being my fav then stuff like Mass Effect.

    I’m pretty good on FPS’s, so I like mixing it up on-line with Halo, Call of Duty etc.

    Most looking forward to Skyrim and Deus Ex.

    racefaceec90 are you a real person or some sort of game maketing software construct 😆

    Free Member

    My brother in-law has one. I’m not that big on dogs but I have to say his Patterdale is lovely – very friendly, loyal and good with other dogs. Her personality is much like that of a cat, a bit haughty. If she doesn’t want to do something she just looks at you and then buggers off. She’s a great ratter as well (lives on a farm).

    Free Member

    The courts have always taken a very dim view of this sort of thing… and quite rightly. Basic tenant of our justice system is to see that it is done transparently and without favour. As soon as that goes by the way-side then it’s a house of cards. No excuses I’m afraid and I don’t subscribe to the notion that she was ignorant of her duties and responsibilities – not good enough. It would have been impressed upon her at many intervals during the proceedings that she must not discuss the case. The arrant contempt she has shown was wilful disobedience worthy of a turn in the poky.

    Free Member

    It struck me that he felt his toes had been trodden on. Perhaps a discourteous hospital PR bureaucrat authorised the filmed interview without his say-so (as head of the ward/unit), and he got the hump, maybe felt undermined or a little disrespected. Ruffled feathers and all that. I guess you can’t fault him for placing his patients first. It lacked charm but overall I thought “fair play to you mate”.

    Free Member

    higthepig wins 😆

    Free Member

    CREDENDA – doctrines to be believed; matters of faith.

    I’m struggling to use all of them.

    Free Member

    Agreed with Elf – can’t see that changing it is a big deal really. We live in more enlightened times (one hopes) so why not avoid the needless upsetting of sensibilities? The name of a dog in the context of the story is a piffling detail.

    Totally irrelevant, but there is a similarly named cat in a rather good story called ‘The Rats in the Walls’ (1924) by H.P. Lovecraft – I commend it to all connoisseurs’ of gothic horror.

    Free Member


    Just donated.

    I’d like to see Fred wearing a plastic Met police tourist helmet as well. 😀


    Free Member

    DD – LOL. There’s only you flatfish and maybe one or two others on here that will appreciate that!!

    Free Member

    DD – LOL. There’s only you flatfish and maybe one or two others on here that will appreciate that!!

    Free Member

    Found him – Dr Bunsen Honeydew.

    Free Member

    Found him – Dr Bunsen Honeydew.

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