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  • 15 Ways To Spend Less On Mountain Biking
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Sole Survivor?

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to hear the officers version of events … but that’s not going to happen is it. So, we’ll just accept the OP’s account of the incident.

    Predictions for this thread – I think we can probably all see where this is going. Innumerable bores droning on about the injudicious speeding ticket that was issued to them by the nasty surly policeman blah, blah blah.

    Dry your eyes and go out for a nice ride on your bike – that’s what I’m going to do.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9″ and a 17.5 is just right for me. At 6’1″ you will defo need the larger size. Handjob’s come up quite short in the top tube, which is the most important measuring point for sizing IMHO.

    Free Member

    In order of preference –

    1. Blade Runner
    2. Platoon
    3. Sideways

    Free Member

    schrickvr6 – Member

    If i was a vegetable it would be this –

    deluded – Member

    LOL for real. Good spot (not that i did). 😀

    Free Member

    If i was a vegetable it would be this –

    Free Member

    Tell that to the grannyring mincers. Grannyrings have there place. For the old and past it.

    Oh dear …

    Boorish hair vest wearing flagellator with confidence issues IMO.

    Free Member

    Cove Handjob. No journo descriptions – just feels right.

    Free Member

    In Strict Confidence – ‘Promised Land’

    Free Member

    Generally if I see a post as long as ‘kiwidave’s’ – I’ll give it a quick glance over and not much more, unless the thread is of particular interest to me.

    I’m glad a read it. He clearly expended a fair amount of time and energy in constructing what comes across as an unbiased and critically thought out exposé of life as a MTB guide.

    If there was ever a contribution to encourage a forum inspired piece in the magazine – this is it.

    Best post in years.

    Free Member

    You wont regret that – Brilliant book.

    Do both those legs belong to you?

    Skyrim gets ever closer.

    Free Member

    Saccades – Member

    Slaine – if only for Bisley’s artwork in the later books.

    Agreed. What about Clint Langley’s ABC Warriors & Slaine art – Superb.

    Free Member

    I don’t presume to know anything at all about the evidence in this matter and it would be wrong to do so without a proper analysis of the case, but irrespective of that my thoughts on the death penalty are much the same as the below.

    A humane and generous concern for every individual, his health and his fulfillment, will do more to soothe the savage heart than the fear of state-inflicted death, which chiefly serves to remind us how close we remain to the jungle.

    RAMSEY CLARK, New York Times, Jul. 3, 1968

    Free Member

    A little shame to admit this, particularly online but I’m a big comic graphic novel collector.

    Here’s some to get on with.

    The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller cannot be avoided – possibly the best graphic novel ever written.

    The Joker – ‘Devils Advocate’

    Batman – ‘A Death in the Family’

    Any of ‘The Grendel Tales’

    Night Raven – ‘House of Cards’

    Marshall Law – ‘Fear and Loathing’

    Turf – Jonathan Ross’s foray into comic writing.

    Aliens vol. 2

    Free Member

    Trimix earlier 😀

    Free Member

    That sounded like a very restrained and proportionate review to me. I also think MC’s review is a communally responsible thing to do – for the benefit of STW forum users currently deciding with whom to invest their time and money.

    Isn’t it about time (Mr MC posting) got his own username though? 😀

    Free Member

    +1 Dead Man’s Shoes – Paddy Considine is superb.

    Gattaca – clever & atmospheric sci fi.

    Narc – gritty / visceral cop movie.

    Sideways – very funny road/buddy movie.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I found it quite attractive which then went to devastatingly sexy when you mentioned you were a bizzie.

    LOL 😀

    *frantically thumbs through Yellow Pages for hair transplant surgery*

    Free Member

    Load a shite – we should just accept that people are people with their own human baggage/life choices and get on with it … or completely have done with it all and hand it over to robots.

    Free Member

    Grade .5 all over for me – it’s a matter of dignity, in order to avoid the Terry Nutkins look.

    Free Member

    Abstracting electricity – this person clearly has a massively inflated sense of permission. Wearing glasses of the sort you describe and being a lager imbiber are aggravating factors , which in themselves set a starting tariff of 15 years. If he was wearing a polo top with the collars turned up and Crocs this may raise to a full on life sentence.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    I’m no expert (just flicking through my police manuals) but for the purposes of criminal offences I’d say your ‘common or garden’ traveller is NOT an ethnic group but traditional gypsies are, having regard to the case law above.

    OY DD – just noticed that – Cheeky little tinker. Next time you want to convey your bikes you’ll have to use a pony & trap 😀

    Free Member

    In terms of criminal offences – a racial group is defined under s. 28(4) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. In each case hostility must be based on the relevant person’s membership of a racial group, i.e. membership of a group of people defined by reference to

    Ethnic Origins
    National Origins

    in determining whether or not a group is defined by ETHNIC ORIGINS, the courts will have regard to the judgement in the House of Lords in Mandla v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548. In that case it was decided that Sikhs were such a group after considering

    a long shared HISTORY
    a CULTURAL TRADITION of their own
    a common GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN or descent from a small number of common ANCESTORS
    a common LANGUAGE
    a common RELIGION
    the CHARACTERISTIC of being a MINORITY or OPPRESSED or a DOMINANT group within a larger community.

    Free Member

    Traditional ‘gypsies’ (as opposed to travellers) are capable of being a racial group on the basis of ethnic origin (Commission for Racial Equality v Dutton [1989] QB783)

    Free Member

    Mine is going through a distinctly Teutonic phase at the moment with a gathering pace following ‘Genius’ assistance. Keeps playing German Electronica bands such as Diorama, Rotersand, In Strict Confidence and others.

    Free Member

    It does look excellent and a fine exhibit for the plethora of British acting talent. Might go Sunday whilst my wife is at work.

    Gary Oldman is fantastic in whatever he’s in and probably worth the admission fee alone.

    Free Member

    Point break is a guilty pleasure of a movie for me – ridiculous and over the top, but nonetheless an enjoyable hit of silliness.

    This seems to be an every increasing theme at the moment – the regurgitating of films that a probably best left alone. I don’t know what the reason is – is it a matter of economy, are film companies hoping that classic/cult films re-made will ensure box office success, is it a general lack of imagination – is there a lack of decent scriptwriters or producers etc?

    Admittedly it was the trailer but I saw a few clips of ‘The Thing’ and was singularly unimpressed – seemed to lack all the suspense and tension that was so superbly generated by the original.

    Free Member

    I’ve never had anything other than fantastic service from CRC. Ordered a fair bit of stuff and it has always been on time and in order.

    Free Member

    Obvious troll & utter bollox.

    Free Member

    It is – and please start your sentences with a capital 🙂

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Bizzare judgement – I bet he is out on appeal. diminished responsibility

    Diminished responsibility is a partial defence to Murder only.

    Free Member

    There’s tw*tish trolling (some of it amusing) and then there’s highly offensive behavior committed by unpleasant inadequates like Mr Duffy – that clearly engage S1 of the above act. The vast majority of people can distinguish the two apart despite the murky cross-over I would suggest.

    Despite a lot of the balls that gets batted about on STW I’ve never seen anything that I would deem a Malicious Communication per se – but it’s food for thought, particularly for those that think anonymous internet forums or social networking sites are not ‘real life’ and as such they can’t be held to account for their submissions – something Mr Duffy may ponder over the coming weeks.

    It would be interesting to know what a MOD’s view is on this?

    Free Member

    Sorry – wrong forum 😡

    Free Member

    Still love my Cove HJ.

    Just finished cleaning it.

    Free Member

    Who gives a **** whether God exists or not? I’m being serious. I can’t begin to detail how supremely uninterested I am on the matter (apart from contributing to this thread!). We don’t need him to anchor our moral values or to be good. It isn’t god that gives meaning to life – we do that by deciding on how we choose to interact with other human beings. Why do we need him?

    The universe is magnificent beyond adequate description. I’m happy to be a tiny insignificant speck amongst it. That will do me. My faith is in humans without the ludicrous attachments that come with a god and his religion on Earth.

    Free Member

    MC & easygirl – why are you spending time on a perfectly serviceable Friday evening responding to such erudite comments like

    If you’re an absolute James blunt then it’s the job for you


    Stop this now!

    Free Member

    RS – I’ve hit four on that list. Sorry. Having said that I’ve gone off Frankie Boyle after his dismal TV show.

    Free Member

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