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  • JoGo Straw review: decent coffee on the move?
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Nah, I’d have to go straight into officer training mate. I’m far too educated for the lower ranks.

    No such thing at the moment Elf. Once you’ve done your two years probation you can then apply to go on the High Potential Development Scheme – which in theory fast tracks you up the ranks.

    Anyway here’s one of my favorite books (and I’ve got the framed poster hung up in the spare bedroom – serious).

    Free Member

    Fred, the best way to set Babylon right is from the inside – make a difference and submit an application to the Met to become a PCSO 😀

    Free Member

    I get this quite a lot – it’s like being a prisoner in your own body! A very weird experience when you first suffer/experience it. Sometimes it’s accompanied by a dream where physical restraint is present, on other occasions I can be lead on my back and my minds ‘awake’ but the bodies yet to catch up. I’ve got used to it – it’s difficult to articulate but if it happens again, keep calm and actually try and move your body – mentally force yourself to roll over and I promise you, you will snap into full wakefulness. In fact I’ve got a bit bored of it and can make myself fall back into sleep 😀

    Free Member

    Somewhere with flagstone flooring and brush down wooden benches!

    Welcoming Landlord and regulars that aren’t asshats who look down on cyclists.

    Decent ciders plus nibbles (pork scratchings and Real roast ox crisps) – to negate all that hard work. 😮

    A feeling that your bike isn’t going to get half-inched from the carpark.

    One of my favorites is the Black Horse (AKA The Kicker), Clapton-in-Gordano – a proper old styley traditional English pub.

    Free Member

    ABC Enamelling – Nailsea, North Somerset.

    I know a number of people that have had very satisfactory powdercoat jobs done on their bikes. I’d imagine that you’d need to strip the frame.

    Free Member

    Nothing more subjective than music but that ‘Madchester’ scene back in the 90’s was a huge pain in the balls.

    Inspiral Carpets
    Stone Roses
    Happy Mondays
    The Charlatans.

    Parpping moaning unadulterated pish.

    Free Member

    Police officers are a bit odd I think.

    Aaaaayy, come on – there’s no need for that nastiness and bigotry 🙄

    I think you’ll find that those that frequent this forum are sensible, pleasant, well adjusted individuals 😯 🙂

    Free Member


    I read Flaperon’s comment the other way (sarcastic) – if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick then I apologise. 😳

    Free Member

    A truly inspired policeman today gave me a quick quiz after he spotted that my clipless pedals and trainers combination wasn’t working well. Seemed happy with my explanation that I was riding it to the bike shop to get new forks fitted (said forks sticking out of a backpack) and had to walk back.

    Wish I was that on the ball.

    Sounds like he had reason to stop you and having questioned you was happy with your explanation? What’s the big deal (or point to your post)? Should he have deduced that having not spoken with you?

    Free Member

    Yes – both are registered on with photos and serial numbers recorded.

    Free Member

    Elf – glad you liked that 😀

    It’s how Fred (played by Jason Sudeikis) raises his eyebrow and nods his head that makes me laugh.

    Free Member

    And try to be a bit more directed than this –

    Free Member

    😯 Only on STW!

    Free Member

    Anyone else?

    Free Member

    Can someone tell me WTF this thread is about so that I might express a view on matters and clear this up for everybody.

    Free Member

    I don’t think you do!

    Read my second post … and the other suggested material 😀

    Free Member


    I’ll go slower then.

    You needn’t bother.

    You mention sweatshops in a non Christian country. Read Leviticus 25:44-46.

    Of course those things have ethical ‘dimensions’. That wasn’t my point – which was they you don’t need religious texts to tell you how to handle them.

    Free Member

    It really makes me laugh

    – doesn’t sound like it.

    Are you currently eating a bluefin tuna sandwich whilst sporting a pair of mink pants knocked up in a Bangladeshi sweatshop whilst “reading” the terrorist handbook or a porn mag? (I’ll refrain from speculating on your sex life) – no ethical issues there eh?

    … no, you’ve lost me… and it’s not the point I was making. Religious texts impose ludicrous prohibitions that we don’t need, but advances other moral principles we could well do without … like slavery.

    Free Member

    I’m not (as yet) a parent.

    I would tell him that in the fullness of time he will come to an understanding of what death means (to him – on a personal level) but at the moment he ought not misspend any energy thinking about it.

    What I’m totally against is religious indoctrination. You wouldn’t try to influence your child’s view on politics so why try to shape their world view?

    Hopefully as he grows older, free of uncritical beliefs, he will lean that secular morality is what encourages religion to address its own dogma on issues such as slavery and the treatment of women. Secular morality doesn’t concern itself with ethical non issues such as — what we eat, read or wear, when we work, or whom we have sex with. He will work out that there are startling omissions from testament god decrees like rape and child abuse. No doubt in conjunction with friends & family, he will come to conclude what the ethically correct things are to do in life , rather than because he grew up having been taught he must flatter a perverse sky fairy to avoid punishment in the hereafter.

    Free Member

    Human Rights and Civil Liberties are far more important than flipping bicycles (and yes I have had bikes stolen from me). something your lot might want to think about next time yer out bashing students or killing electricians/newspaper sellers on their way home, etc…

    Oh, did I just lump all coppers in together? Assume they’re all bad because of the actions of a tiny minority? How naughty of me….

    Fred, I’ve genuinely appreciated many of your posts over the years but this is a bit silly and beyond it … isn’t it? I impute from many of your posts that you don’t like prejudice or the bracketing of people or groups … practice what you preach and grow up some, ah (said nicely and all that 😀 )

    Free Member

    May I suggest The Pony & Trap, which is in Chew Magna just down the road from Bristol.

    A very experienced and well traveled chef with a Michelin Star.

    My wife and I went there to celebrate our anniversary – the food was lovely.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Pedant – you know what I mean ‘singing’ 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m with deluded.

    – best way to be.

    Reckon on everything and trust nobody. In fact I’d like the OP to account for his movements that weekend 🙂

    I’d have em all signing like canaries 😈

    Free Member

    The money was most likely pocketed by either the boyfriend or the mate … that much we can say with some credibility. Of course the niece can’t be ruled out. I note they BOTH denied anybody being invited over, before floating a moody story about an ‘opportunist’! This undermines her honesty to a certain extent.

    There are numerous possibilities. Perhaps the mate gained possession of the backdoor keys at some point during his stay, (which may have been with or without the boyfriend’s knowledge/collusion), with the intent to turn the address over later that Sunday.

    Believing that the house was unoccupied he may have returned and attempted to enter via the rear door but didn’t penetrate far into the address, as he was unexpectedly disturbed by your returning brother. He managed to make good his escape without stealing anything or coming to your brothers attention.

    Believe it or not some burglars can have varying M.O’s – some will nick only cash and jewelry (stuff not instantly identifiable) where others will have kit like PS3’s etc. Some will conduct tidy searches, others will totally ransack rooms.

    Tell niece and matey that you want the £60 to materialize in the next day or two unless they and the as yet unknown mate will be getting nicked.

    Free Member

    Spent three years living in London in the mid 90’s. Lived in Soho – loved it, although back then I was a very idealistic young maaaayn. Not sure I’d have the energy for it now though.

    I remember various places where I ended up for one reason or another – West Drayton, Chigwell, Finchley. They’d all be good places for you to live.

    Got utterly toasted on Brick Lane once and ended up in Stoke Newington, where I had to run into a Esso type garage seeking succor from two nasty hoodies intent on turning me over for my possessions. 🙁

    Free Member

    Re-reading one of my recent purchases.

    While at Stark, I witnessed scientists giving voice to some of the most dishonest religious apologies I have ever heard. It is one thing to be told that the pope is a peerless champion of reason and that his opposition to embryonic stem-cell research is both morally principled and completely uncontaminated by religious dogmatism; it is quite another to be told this by a Stanford physician who sits on the President’s Council on Bio-ethics.

    A book you must have in your library Woppit, I should imagine.

    Free Member

    I’ll never become an iSlave.

    Sent from my MacBook Pro.

    Free Member

    If i was paying for a bespoke service I’d expect them NOT to be wearing a uniform.

    Having some personal knowledge of your appearance DD, I’d suggest you start off by running a comb through your hair and brushing your teeth 😀

    Free Member

    And then there’s that dance she does for Arnie in True Lies … 😯

    Free Member

    Not sure the Bristolian oligarch is his target market.

    He’s a plastic Bristolian at best (not honorary or anything) 😮

    Free Member

    Aren’t you meant to say dual-parentage nowadays?

    EDIT DD – I’ve heard both.

    Free Member

    Agreed – we’ll (talking from an English POV) be under 3ft of snow next week.

    Edit – not too sure it’s man induced.

    Free Member

    DD … but perfectly formed and expertly wielded 😈

    Free Member

    Washed my car and give it a good ole polish with some of that Autoglym stuff.

    Had a few beers with a mate who’s not in the best of places at the mo.

    … it’s the little things that matter.

    EDIT – cheers elf.

    Free Member

    I’ve not noticed that as a problem, and I run my RS Revs at 130 as can be seen above.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’ve got one and it’s really bright. I don’t use rear lights on group night rides but I can appreciate why they’re prohibited by RealMan’s lot. I plug it straight into my Exposure Piggyback battery that’s fitted to my helmet – so simple and so very very bright!

    Free Member

    ‘Arguably’ by Christopher Hitchens.

    Typical Hitchens – wit, erudition and uncompromising. An unparalleled essayist on culture/politics/life.

    Hopefully this will not be his last book.

    Free Member

    Knew I was right 😛

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