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  • Podcast: The budget and click-bait journalism episode
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Honestly reflect on aspects that you felt didn’t go as well as they could have in the first interview and work to improve them.

    Express gratitude to the interviewers for allowing you a second opportunity to demonstrate why you’re the right person for the position.

    Free Member


    I’ve an 07 A4 Avant and have Thule Aero Bars and the appropriate Thule foot-pack for the car. Nothing else is needed.


    Free Member

    Lots of ranting and swear words by DD = me being outraged and offended.

    *faints on floor, but then roused with a dose of the vapours and a lace fan*

    Free Member

    All this ‘taking offence’ is amazingly narcissistic – we’re so self absorbed with our own feelings – like children who must be prevented from upset and insulated from other peoples views. I consider it creeping linguistic fascism. If we’re not careful all communications will be rendered inexpressive, banal & stilted. Yes our sensibilities will be unruffled, but Jesus wept it will be boring.

    Irrespective of his policies, I guess Cameron of all people knows of the reality of caring for a disabled child.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t the most politic remark to make but I do worry about discourse in these times being characterized by everybody ‘taking offence’ and fainting like Victorian spinsters at the mention of something controversial or ‘inappropriate’.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A particularly cruel joke was played on a mate when he did a bungee jump in Australia a couple of years ago

    As he was tipping over the edge and beyond the point of no return a travel buddy shouted ‘NOOOOOO’ and threw what looked like the unattached end of the rope into his view.

    He wasn’t happy and didn’t speak to the lad for about a week – proper hacked off. He still refrains from talking about it to this day.

    Free Member

    The Order of Death – what a superb track. First heard it in a Scifi film called Hardware.

    Free Member

    How are you deleting in the trash – are you pressing the Empty Trash button at the top of the screen on the right? Once you do a window will pop up that says something similar to ‘Are you sure you want to delete X number of photos permanently? You cannot undo this action’ Once you press ‘OK’ – that’s it, it’s gone for good and will no longer appear as an event/photo.

    Free Member


    Check out James Nachtwey a great photojournalist.

    He’s shot some very powerful and harrowing images. The sort of stuff that moves people to action – like trying to address the Romanian orphanage scandals.

    Free Member

    saracendan – per chance, are you anywhere near Bristol?

    Free Member

    16stonepig – cheers, sounds like it could be something along those lines.

    coffeking – again thanks, I live way south from you but thanks for the offer. I took it to a garage within an hour of one of these occurrences – matey connected his thingy-me-jig to it but no fault codes were registered?

    Free Member

    We should have been at this point 18 years ago – but that was not the case and lessons have been learned (at a very high price to the Lawrence’s admittedly). Although long overdue this is nonetheless a positive outcome and restores a partial sense of justice. We know that others were involved in the attack and the idea that they are out & about with their liberty intact still remains an effrontery to decency, but hopefully they too will someday be held accountable for their revolting actions.

    No doubt Stephens mother will take some consolation that her sons legacy resulted in the Race Relations Amendment Act, abolition of the double jeopardy law and changed attitudes within the various public bodies, all of which have directly contributed to a broader delivery of fairness to minority groups.

    I studied the SL Inquiry on my CID course and it was by far and away the most interesting input during the six weeks. I didn’t think then that we would see this day. I’m glad we have.

    Free Member

    Reading ‘Blood’s a Rover’. The concluding novel of James Ellroy’s The Underworld USA Trilogy. Fantastic noir crime where dubious characters are weaved into Americas dark history during the 60’s.

    Free Member

    I use Bonty Mud X’s 2.0 all year round – great tyre & just ordered two more today.

    Free Member

    Here’s our green project – we’re trying to sort out the hortus conclusus at the moment. The intention is to relocate the Betula Platyphylla to allow peaches, nectarines and grapes to be grown as espailers against our south facing wall – however we have to balance this with a classic car restoration that’s also occupying our time/space.

    Free Member

    Set up searches for your frame and forks on eBay and Gumtree and run everyday.

    Is it on Immobilise –

    If not register as stolen.

    Free Member

    He’s obviously an R Sole. It makes one thankful that we don’t have to suffer incivility of that sort on here 😮

    Free Member

    Hackney … and because you’re the (wo)man?

    Free Member

    What about a splendid papier mache sculpture?

    Free Member

    My HT is caked in mud and in sh*t-house order and I’m struggling for enthusiasm to put the tyre on my newly mended rear wheel for my FS.

    Currently watching Rick Stein on the TV making a Nasi Goreng, which I love.

    Free Member


    What evidence do you have for the assertions expressed in your last paragraph – not too sure I’d go along with all that!

    I viewed it as a ludicrous judicial anachronism that needed to be removed – having no place in modern English law. The lawmakers at that time could not have conceived of the advances that would come about in relation to investigative techniques and forensic evidence, which can surface subsequent to a persons acquittal etc.

    An example –

    Free Member

    Lloyd Grossman’s are not bad, particularly the Korma one.

    Don’t listen to DD – I’ve heard his chili dishes are insipid, stale mulch, or at least they are after they’ve been in the boot of his car with his dirty mountain bike lycra for hours on end.

    Free Member

    Purely on the basis of the fact that hundreds of years of legal convention, and a fundamental tenet of the law and our constitution has been eroded just to prosecute these two

    Z11 – are you referring to the double jeopardy rule that was repealed under the Criminal Justice Act 2003?

    There have been hundreds of years of many things that I’m happy to do without. The abolition of that rule has lead to a number of convictions and seen justice served.

    Free Member

    Cougar – was the naming of your Wood Elf a nod to ‘Bored of the Rings’?

    ‘… rolling a Rogue type character’ Are you a proper ‘pencil and manuals’ RPG’er!?

    Free Member

    I like the way it’s been shot with a dark and bleak, desaturated look.

    Orlick – what a menacing cove he is. A great bit of acting by whoever’s playing him.

    Ray was mustard, as is usual – he portrayed Magwitch spot-on as a right rough bastid but with an underlying humanity.

    Very good indeed – and I’m looking forward to tonight’s episode.

    Free Member




    Free Member

    “There is the suspicion that the US never wanted to take Bin Laden alive”

    Mark Mardell BBC News, Washington.

    Free Member

    Spikes Harvey Rotten is my fav character.

    I think my oldest copy is prog 58.

    Free Member

    What Buzz said.

    Maybe include 50 Acre Wood across the road from AC if you wanna enjoy a shi7 – fest bit of fun. Although that might not be the principled option as it churns up the trail and undoes Mr Agreeables great trail maintenance.

    Agree with stev0 – there is no better bike shop than BAB’s situated at the bottom of Burrington in the Bristol / North Somerset area in my opinion. They will be shut between the 25th and 28th, but the car park just down the road will be a good start-off for a blat round the Mendips.

    Free Member

    Scottish criminal law is different from what I’m used to so I can’t comment on the intricacies of what goes on abroad (so to speak), but as obnoxious as I find MAIN’S behavior, I can’t help feeling that POLLOCK acted beyond his civic responsibilities in the circumstances.

    Something to consider is that a visual recording of a section of an event does not usually amount to the entirety of what actually happened – so there might be other factors involved that we’re not privy to.

    The relevant authorities clearly believe POLLOCK has a case to answer, but if it goes in-front of a jury I can well imagine them lacking the appetite to return a guilty verdict (appreciating the strange vagaries of a not proven possibility in Scottish law). Look at the views here for example – STW is obviously a microcosm of the public that could be called upon to compose a jury – not a great deal of unanimity is there! I wouldn’t bet on him being convicted that’s for sure.

    It will be an interesting case to follow.

    Free Member

    Lawrence (although everyone calls me Larry).

    Interesting fact – as a first name it’s more usually spelled with a u instead of a w (yeah, you liked that didn’t you).

    Many notable Englishman with that name – helps to mark one out from the hoi pollio.

    Free Member

    I’ve read SBZ opening post and not much else.

    I would say that the UK is a ‘post Christian’ county that is moving towards modernity.

    The link between church and state in the UK is mostly froth, pomp and tradition as the governance here is very much secularized.

    Statistics relating to the UK population by religion are often nebulous and inaccurate I suspect. One superfluous question as to an individuals religious alignment reveals one answer but further more penetrative questions would expose a different landscape of religiosity. For example – in regards to Christianity, many have a pastural or cultural sense of identity and would say they were C of E on a questionnaire because it’s been inculcated in them from a young age. However if that same individual were asked if they actually believed in the fire and brimstone elements of the Bible i.e. virgin birth, rapture, resurrection, most would say no – or at least they would state their belief of Christianity was a very personal interpretation that was free not to accept some or all of the supernatural/miracle claims as real historical events, rather they choose to view them as allegorical or metaphorical. For me that position is such a distillation or dilution of the Bible that their belief is Pascalian and not worthy of a tick in the C of E box.

    Free Member

    A funny scene is when Bob has a bust up with his Mrs and says that sex with her is like shagging a sack of spuds or something like that. Very funny in parts. I remember it being cheap to rent in the ‘Turkey’ section of the video shop – turned out to be a bit of a cult classic.

    Free Member

    That’s a travesty.

    The only other option for number one spot will be the 1980’s ‘Eagle Eye’ Action Man in German Stormtrooper outfit.

    It will probably something surprising like a bloody hulla hoop.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I’m having to sit through Strictly.

    But I know what the winner will be – Evil Knievel stunt bike (not a spoiler, my opinion).

    Free Member

    I would be happy to meet up with Deluded and Munque Chique, as they both strike me as very reasonable, thoughtful and intelligent Human Beings.

    High praise indeed. 😀

    Anytime you find yourself in Bristol Elf give me a shout if you fancy a few scoops and/or a blat round Ashton Court or the Gordano Valley, Mendips etc – be a pleasure mate.

    As for DD – I’ve had to take out a non molestation order out against him – he’s like on of those weird celebrity stalker types 😀

    Free Member

    wunhundred 😀

    Free Member

    I’m watching YouTube through it at the moment – excellent. Doesn’t seem to record my favorites/likes though?

    Free Member

    I’ve had better backhanders 😀

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