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  • Issue 148: Looking The Other Way
  • deluded
    Free Member

    Yes thanks for the compassion xiphon – a fair few comments have made me smile as well 😮

    OK! The tide mark that can be seen is where the seat post finished. It might not seem it from the photo, which doesn’t give a true sense of perspective – but the mark is directly in line with the bottom of the top tube – so pretty much as shown in the Thomson diagram.

    EDIT – perhaps it needed another 20mm at least.

    Free Member

    Toasty – cheers for that (genuinely!) I guess that puts a different complexion on things. On reflection it does seem that it should have gone past the tube tube, what with ‘common sense’ and all. When I set it at that height years ago (by marking the post myself) I thought that there was an adequate amount in the frame. Well if that is the reason let it be a salutary lesson to people out there to check! 😳

    EDIT – not to mention this being an endorsement of Thomson products!

    Free Member

    wwaswas – that isn’t were it bent around the seat post – it didn’t go down that far.

    EDIT – the last picture on the first page is how they lined up with each other.

    Free Member

    For the benefit of any Metallurgist’s out there –

    Free Member

    I would have taken my bike straight into Bike before posting pic’s on the web

    Dibbs, what difference does it make? I shall be reporting the facts to ATB exactly as I’ve told them on here. If for any reason they say shove off, then I’ll consider the reply and no doubt move on. I like to think myself a reasonable and honest bloke like that.

    I’m not as yet persuaded by the minimum seat post insertion theory – I’ve been riding that bike for five years with it at that exact height. There are no markings or anything else on the frame to indicate a minimum seat post level and nothing in the documentation. I do take the point that maybe the post should have penetrated past the top tube though – I think at the time I’d assumed it had?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    druidh – 15 1/2.

    Seat post is definitely not bent – must be trick of the light.

    Free Member


    I’ll send them those pictures – no worries. I’d not put in a bent claim – more than me jobs worth!

    Free Member

    It never flexed – and as I said I’ve had it at that height for 5 years. I thought there was adequate seat post but if not – you live and learn. Would it fail in that way though?!

    Free Member

    Seriously do people think there was not enough seat post? There’s nothing marked on the frame in terms of minimum insertion and I can’t see anything in the supplied literature. As I said the post was just shy of where it snapped. It’s no big shakes to me, I’ll have to see what they say.

    It inserted into the frame so far –

    Free Member

    I’m “stocky” tis true … but not that many pies!

    Free Member

    FFS the seat post was just shy of where it broke – there was ample seat post. Someone talks cobblers then it spreads like wild fire in true STW fashion!

    EDIT – cheers druidh

    Free Member

    It’s seen a fair bit of action in fairness but I keep my bikes in good nik and generally ride my Cove HT in the winter.

    Sympathetic crowd tonight then. 😀

    I was lucky my gonads weren’t left hanging off the top tube.

    Free Member

    dirtyrider – that’s balls. I’ve been riding it like that for that last five years.

    Free Member

    I’m going to a GRRM signing in Bath on the 4th April 😀 – loved the books and the HBO GoT series, season 1 that’s just been released on DVD/Blu-Ray is superb … and faithful to the book. It certainly doesn’t resemble anything ‘Warhammer’. Not that I look down on that, Dan Abnett has done some fairly decent 40K inspired books 😳

    Bimbler’s shout about the First Law trilogy by Abercrombie is a good shout.

    Free Member

    We should have a general moan thread so that we may air our grievances & rants.

    Free Member

    Got out ‘Drive’ & ‘Warrior’ from Blockbuster the other day – both well worth the money to rent – Drive was supercool, Warrior somewhat cliched but excellent viewing nonetheless.

    EDIT Blade Runner is my bestest film though – NEVER tire of that.

    Free Member

    In tune with our times – austere.

    A purposeful avoidance of colour and character.

    One might say drab.

    Free Member

    @emsz – yeah I know what you mean about iTunes and all that but hey ho, I’m not as young as I used to be and don’t go to the clubs that I once did back in the day so invariably I turn to other means – but no less legitimate! I’ve started gigging again so that’s a good thing – but missing the Killing Joke playing in Bristol recently was distressing.

    Free Member

    Evil Sovereign FTW.

    Free Member

    Clarks sintered – had them for three rides and they’re soon to be replaced.

    Cheap tat.

    Free Member

    The iTunes Store exposes me to the vast majority of new stuff, particularly the Genius recommendations, which is based on my library – excellent that I reckon. Occasionally I’ll hear something on STW that I like and there have been some decent tracks put up on this thread already!

    Genius propped up VNV Nation so I checked them out a few days ago – Wow, what a track this is.

    Free Member

    Yeah, like the look of that. Love HJ’s – got one myself. Looking forward to the complete build pics.

    Free Member

    Agree that Vince Clarke should need to be referenced.

    The transition of Joy Division to New Order.

    The most successful synth band are Depeche Mode who have had a massive influence on that genre of music and electronica in general like Trance/Ambient, EBM, Industrial etc.

    Jean Michel Jarre also an important experimenter with synth sounds during the late 70’s early 80’s.

    Free Member

    Withnail & I
    I wanna say Fargo – a black comedy maybe?
    The Pink Panther

    Free Member

    Try ‘The Winter Queen’ by Boris Akunin. It’s set in the 1870’s and concerns the exploits of a Russian Police Officer (of sorts) named Erast Fandorin. Clever, fun and not too taxing.

    Free Member

    Immense – cheers Hadge.

    Yeah, love that Metallica.

    Free Member


    Is there a rare one that you’d like to get hold of? I mean that ethically of course, in that it’s good for the creature etc.

    I’d like to see something near to the three year old female just to get a sense of scale!

    I’ve had to warn my wife of this thread in case she sits down at the computer if I’ve nipped off – it would send her into shock and at the moment she’s roasting the lamb, so that can’t happen.

    Free Member

    … king hell – this is soul destroying.

    I thought I’d become totally immunised to the bollox spoken on STW, but perhaps not.

    I wonder at the credentials of some of you waxing hysterical on here and what you really know about the situation – which appears to be less than zero.

    Everybody wants greater efficiency in the public sector, particularly the police, but I can tell you this is turning into a dreadful inversion of priorities.

    We (the UK) have the best police service in the world – I have no doubt about that whatsoever, far from perfect but definitely the lead.

    Be careful for what you wish. I have very real concerns that this could be profit over people and the erosion of accountability and expertise.

    easygirl +1

    Free Member

    Did someone say ‘Ministry’? – as in ‘Jesus Built My Hotrod’. That will be excellent as well.

    Having seen Front 242 a few months ago, and what with Ministry I just need to get to a Front Line Assembly gig.

    Free Member

    I saw them on Saturday at the LG Arena. Probably the best gig I’ve attended – really fantastic. Mind the flames and the jizz-lobbing though.

    Free Member

    Agree with people taking offence to easily though.

    Free Member


    I suspect ernie is provoking you with his deliberately sarcastic/mischievous –

    He was absolutely right, how can anyone pass through the scanners with their faces covered ? How can they be scanned ?

    It was an X-RAY scanner FFS looking for weapons and such like. Nothing to do with issues of identification.

    Free Member

    ernie 😀


    Be careful not to conflate aspects of this matter. No matter what you are wearing everybody gets searched for SECURITY reasons. In terms of veils – there is no power to require someone to remove it to check their IDENTIFICATION, however the airline can ask you to remove it to board their plane, and as I said, if you refuse – they just tell you to shove off and your all inclusive to Benidorm ends there!

    Free Member

    The purpose of the search is to prevent the passage of weapons, not confirm ID. ID is checked at point of embarkation by the airline. If for example someone declines to remove a religious veil, the airline simply refuses them to board and they wouldn’t fly. I’m not sure I believe he was detained. Sounds like a load of bullshine.

    Free Member

    Sheepy’s Oak Matured Vintage Reserve. 7.4% – a few bottles and you’re pretty mullered!

    Free Member

    Let me guess Marsh Street or Queen Charlotte Street junctions?

    red Altura jacket, black helmet and riding a white flat bar bike with a Rohloff hub

    – clearly he’s an accountant traveling up across the bridge from the Temple Gate quarter. 😮

    Free Member

    Dislocated both my shoulders during the same incident – one was a subluxation the other a full anterior dislocation.

    I was back riding after nine days.

    I’d recommend resistance band stabilisation exercises.

    Free Member

    ‘State of Grace’ on American Blu-ray import.


    Free Member

    When he’s in a more calm and lucid moment take him to one side and ask him what the problem is. He might have a few dramas in his home/personal life that he needs a hand with.

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