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  • deluded
    Free Member

    our police stations are being readied as the next fertile orchard ready for the capitalist scrumpers.

    Excellent. Well done DD, +1 on that.

    Free Member

    No, in short – there isn’t.

    The most wretched of them all has to be Metcheck when you can get it to work – I’m convinced their meteorological kit is an old village summer fete tombola.

    Free Member

    prepares for yet another week or random stop-and-search from A&C Polis

    DD – you’ve forgot that I’ve still got your mobile number, which is keyed into a surveillance drone. It’s been observing you sat in a works van on a two hour grub / STW break – parked outside a poor customers house who’s waiting for their flooring to go down.

    Free Member

    I had a whole fifteen minute conversation with him once and he hardly used words of more than one syllable.

    I moderate my pitch to my audience 8)

    …. and it’s A&S.

    I can’t help it if I’ve got a big dic..tion.

    Good use of peppered BTW.

    Free Member

    however, im in a bad mood and seeing an stw circle w@nk about the next iphone i couldnt help myself

    Chill out fella. You need the restorative powers of a good MTB ride in the sun :D

    I assume you mined and handbuilt the computer you are typing this from…?


    Free Member

    kimbers – that does come across as a little sententious, mate.

    Free Member

    My wife hates it if my stubble evolves into a beard … really, really dislikes it.

    My mates love it, cause they can then take the pi55, saying I look like Michael Evis or Henry VIII.

    Free Member

    Ill-judged comment, yes. Racist, no.


    I’ve noticed a sudden and dramatic up-turn in the comeliness of the female competitors in recent years – not like years ago when some had faces like blind cobblers thumbs.

    Free Member

    It will defo have a bigger screen, given consistent leaks regarding the casing size – four inches and some in the diagonal I reckon.

    Free Member

    Chinese & Taiwanese production factories making accessories have been manufacturing a 19-pin connector following information released by Apple, to a timescale very suggestive of a late September launch date, which would coincide with the release of the iPad mini … but I agree with Jamie, probably October.

    Free Member


    Bloody Hells Bells – I was genuinely unaware of that.

    The blunder apparently occurred after the event’s organisers downloaded the parody from the internet by mistake. They also got the Serbian anthem wrong.

    8O :D

    Free Member

    Not a massive big deal in the grand scheme of things, despite the tensions between the two countries. Perhaps this could be the first step in their unification.

    Are Kazakhstan represented ? – hopefully they don’t show Borat singing the National Anthem.

    Free Member

    Covetous and bitter peasants the lot of you – just be happy with the DeWalt’s you’ve nicked from work and stop whining about what you can’t have … bloody proletariat. :-)

    Free Member

    It would be nice if the logorrheic’s ‘Big Hitters’ would post up a picture of their bikes please, possibly accompanied by an anecdotal story, say … about mountain biking?

    Free Member


    Yeah, it was a kind of cool moment.

    As regards DH – don’t think so. It’s very difficult to say – what with the passing of time, peoples appearance can change a fair old bit.

    I said devout earlier – that should be devote!

    Free Member

    I’m wondering if it was Colin Lewis?

    Lewis was the last Welshman to ride the Tour de France in 1968 until Geraint Thomas in 2007.

    EDIT – no that’s not him, just seen a photo.

    Free Member


    I’m sure he said he was 68 and it was the 68 GB TdF. I’m kicking myself for not asking him his name now. I’m quite sure he said he was 68 years old, perhaps he said 69 TdF??

    I did some research when I arrived back home as well – not as much as I’d have liked but I was a little pressed for time.

    The gent was wearing a club athletics racing top but I take didn’t take the name in, began with an H (or something!!), I think! Useless I know.

    I’ll continue my enquirers – There’s another name that cropped up on the net yesterday, which isn’t included above – I’ll devout some time to trying to find out who it was through the morning. I don’t think that link names all the GB riders?

    Free Member

    I’ve got what I want but aside from that I’d go for an Independent Fabrication steel deluxe HT with a tasty fork, and some trick kit.

    Free Member

    Yup- that to me sounds like grooming……..


    Free Member

    Agree with PMK2060.

    I finally, finally went for that same pump and it’s excellent – decent Psi from it and the ABS system helps prevent valve core removal. Not cheap though but a good bit of kit is worth the extra in the end.

    This thread suggests some further options you may wish to consider.

    Free Member

    It’s demonstrated very well that when you give someone some hope, pride and a future what can be achieved.

    Now shoosh, I’m watching it on 4+1 and don’t want to hear any spoilers – I’m expecting big personal triumphs over adversity and new leafs turned.

    EDIT – talking of Eubank, I spoke with him at a small provincial boxing venue near to me two weekends ago – surreal.

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking that a former Home Secretary, Lord Reid is one of the directors of G4S? Behold the new firm that this Government will see running the police!

    It’s nightmarish that the State is delegating a large number of crucial societal functions and powers to a small cabal of unaccountable super companies that have the naked financial capacity to bid. The electorate however wish to have policing, healthcare and basic standards of housing and social equality well within their control and purview.

    I’d like to ‘outsource’ our governance to the Norwegians or Swiss.

    What’s happening to this country is like something out of a dark, dystopian Orwell novel.


    Free Member

    More of a Brazil man myself.

    Free Member

    … that’s bone!

    Free Member

    It’s simple, people in this teachers position feel great discord with the gender they have been genetically assigned. I view it as a male being born with female physiology and vice versa (as per Mrs Toast’s example).

    This presents as an excellent opportunity for your child to recognise diversity and tremendous strength of character.

    Any silliness from the children is to be expected to a degree – but I suspect that some of that behaviour will have been transmitted to them by the less enlightened parent.

    Free Member

    Game of Thrones.

    Free Member

    It might seem a little naff but If I’m feeling stressed, under pressure or on occasions lacking in a little confidence at work, or I’ve made a mistake – I remind myself of what Theodore Roosevelt once said concerning ‘The Man in the Arena’.

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat”.

    HTH :D

    Free Member

    What was this significant error that manifested itself in the finished article AAMOI?

    Your boss will hopefully recognise this as being a one off aberration amongst many good pieces of work.

    We’ve all made mistakes at work – and will continue to do so … biggest thing is own up (as you have done), which shows honesty/integrity and learn from it.

    Free Member

    She’s got to go – utter incompetence from Theresa May from the get go since she took up office.

    Free Member


    I’m calling good trolling or monstrous irony.

    If it’s the latter – you’re doing the very same thing that you’re accusing him of!

    Free Member

    Yeah, like you by the sound of it :D

    Free Member


    Of course – but I welcome his opinion as well as his particular style of patter. I don’t like prevaricators, or those without balls that obfuscate and/or edge around the issues.

    Free Member

    He’s not one for equivocacy, is he!?

    I’m drawn to firebrands like that.

    Free Member

    That’s very nice mate – good work.

    Free Member

    “Yes, well…you get your clothes on and I’ll buy you an ice cream”. :D

    Free Member


    Like how you tied in my username, clever that :D :roll:

    As drlex has said Avon doesn’t exist, and hasn’t for about 15 years!

    N,C & P are towns in the unitary authority of North Somerset, within the ceremonial county of Somerset … so, I think that’s Somerset!

    Free Member

    See topic heading.

    which part of devon or somerset is

    Bristol Nailsea, Clevedon, Portishead


    WHAT? :roll:

    N,C and P are Somerset (North). See a map.

    Clevedon has a very active mountain bike club that runs out of Bike Style cycles.

    Free Member

    The nice bit between WSM & Bristol = Nailsea, Clevedon, Portishead.

    Free Member

    I’m sad he’s leaving radio 1, as I don’t listen to it.

    At least you knew where he was…


    He’s a wearisome oaf – with a vastly over inflated sense of self importance.

    Free Member

    Sidi Bullet 2 shoes.

    Hope Pro II hubs +1

    RS Revs.

    Exposure lights.

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