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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • deluded
    Free Member

    ‘Plebgate’ never bothered me DD. I wasn’t ‘offended’ – I can assure you I’ve been called worse!

    For me it was an insight into how the government views the public sector, of which I am a part of and feel strongly about. I thought the whole debacle was hugely funny if anything.

    Free Member

    I struggle with long sentences

    I’m with Edukator on this one – mostly. I don’t know from where it stems but I feel there’s definitely a social meme of some description – a pernicious encroachment on what people can say without the risk of disproportionate censure from certain quarters. This ‘PC’ness’ serves to moderate communication to the point of banality and stifles free speech.

    There’s a line between communications that engage criminal offences, i.e the idiot that posted vile comments about Tom Daily and those that just happen to upset someones sensibilities – I appreciate it’s a little nebulous and what upsets some might not others. I get annoyed at third party indignation and people fainting like Victorian spinsters when they hear something they ‘take offence’ at.

    I think in general we just need to toughen up and be a little more robust.

    Free Member

    What we know ought to be terminated is Jeremy Hunts tenure as Health Secretary.

    Free Member

    Prometheus for me was a film that had such grand designs that it forgot the basics – one of which is a cohesive story! I don’t mind depth and intricacy in a narrative or one that evolves over a series but I do ask that the dots join up.

    It seems ridiculous to say given RS’s undoubted ability and experience, but I hope he pulls his socks up for future productions. Perhaps it’s harsh to lay it all at his door – I dunno? I’ve said it before – I’ll be mightily hacked off if he doesn’t learn from this, and any Blade Runner follow-up gets a similarly inept re-rendering / addition to the line. I hear Hampton Fancher the original screenplay writer will be involved, which is reassuring.

    Free Member

    Good link Cougar – cheers.

    I found this interesting –

    While none of these scenes are outstanding as scenes, they’re revelatory in demonstrating how the director and writers grappled with the film: how much to say, how much to explain, and how much human interest to sprinkle on the cast. Even if Prometheus failed, the Blu-ray says much about how it failed. This story of a disappointing film is stronger and more thought-provoking than Prometheus itself.

    I’m still deciding if I want it in my collection.

    Free Member

    It’s too much of a faff NOT to have a Camelback – I’d lose stuff.

    Bottles on the bike get caked in mud and sheep poo – nasty.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you might be suited to Gore stuff.

    The Gore Phantom jacket regulates temperature well. I’ve had mine for 7 years and although slightly snugger it’s worn superbly. Gore Plaster shorts are fantastic as well, airy but cut nicely. Not cheap though.

    Free Member

    Why is he being deported?

    To answer American indictments.

    He is wanted in the U.S. on multiple terrorism-related charges, including helping abduct 16 hostages, including two American tourists, in Yemen in 1998 and helping set up a terrorist training camp in rural Oregon.

    Free Member

    MODS – the purpose of this thread does seem now to have elapsed. Feel free to lock.

    Free Member

    I’m a police officer that has worked on countless murder enquiries.

    I posted this thread about 1/2 an hour after it hit the BBC News site.

    It’s simple. People from all over the country travel to Mach to cycle mountain bikes some of whom might frequent this forum. A MTB’r may have been in possession of a piece of information that could have helped to find her (at that stage it was a suspected abduction). It was a long shot sure, but one worth taking. In my experience sometimes these long shots to canvass for witnesses pay off.


    Free Member


    It was put on the forum to see if locals and riders from outside the locality might be able to assist in some way. Mach is a known MTB area (this place might be a fertile ground for witnesses). I thought that would have been fairly obvious! Nothing to do with voyeurism??? Riders from other parts travel to the location – they might have seen something relevant. :roll:

    Free Member

    I’m not the only person here who just picked words at random from a random wiki page am I..?

    yunki – thanks for that. I picked one out at random and wasted my time watching Fulham FC’s mascot on YouTube!

    Free Member

    And not before time.

    Free Member

    Just seen the Sky News piece featuring Ms Burley. Sickening. Keeping the cameras running and asking cretinous questions was distasteful beyond words. Hugely insensitive.

    It’s this sort of gutter-mongering journalism that compromises police investigations and rides rough shod over the victims families feelings.

    To paraphrase Mr Bryant, she’s quite dim.

    yossarian – Member

    we don’t know why they’ve charged him but its not looking positive is it?

    They’ve not charged him (as yet) – he’s been arrested for another offence.

    Free Member

    geologist – cheers, Come Monday I’ll take my bike with me then.

    Free Member

    How long is it?

    I’m at the in-laws @ Petersfield next week. Always intended to ride QE but never got round to it.

    Free Member

    Dead Can Dance – ‘Opium’ from their latest album Anastasis.

    Free Member

    Technically it is though isn’t it.

    Indeed – ‘attacking and protective adaptations’ if my limited attention in biology is anything to go on.

    Also where = wear!

    Free Member

    Glitch bump?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’m above the national average – but certainly no Lothario.

    I think there have been a fair few occasions where I’ve been the recipient of a sympathy shag to be honest. Remember for the men – woman where beer goggles as well.

    Free Member

    Is it tastier when melted?

    Same as squashing bread glass bottled Coke innit

    Free Member

    The problem is not the thread – it’s the people that contribute and give oxygen to them. Supply and demand.

    Free Member


    Spruce it up with some low risers and red lock-on grips and job done.

    Free Member

    I think Branson should move into politics and shake up the ****** currently installed at Westminster.

    ‘Flaws’ by innumerate civil servants or something a touch more shady? I wonder how many fat brown envelopes were exchanged between Mafioso politicians, board members and net-working cronies in this, the latest government imbroglio.

    Free Member

    Edric 64 – Member

    He would have had my fist in his face for knocking me off .I do road rage on a bike rather well

    A submission from you a few weeks back.

    Most coppers are working class and ill educated ,maybe the entry level sholu be raised to 2.1 degree level to get rid of the tattooed pleb scum ?

    ill educated you say? Both of your posts above strike me as being rather uneducated. Perhaps you ought to join up? On the evidence you’d fit right in. :D

    Free Member

    I see that the Blu-ray / DVD release is to have a different beginning and ending with deleted scenes being restored to shore up a poorly edited theatrical release.

    Questions Will Be Answered.

    Free Member

    I also find it perverse that a convicted jihadist with a complete disregard for human rights now seeks to invoke legislation that enshrines those very entitlements … to protect his own?

    This is a grotesque mockery of the law – which has now, unimaginably, been an EIGHT year judicial comedy that has still not concluded … and conceivably may go on another eight years.

    Laws written in such labyrinthine complexity that allow this sort of rubbish to rumble on need to be repealed and redrafted.

    Free Member

    True but there have to be higher standards set for plod

    True JY – personally I set low standards and on occasion achieve them. :D

    It does look like he was in tandem with what looks like an unliveried vehicle of the same colour/type/fleet.

    Free Member

    Neither party showed themselves to be a good example of proper roadship. I suspect we’ve all let ourselves down in similar ways whilst sharing the highway.

    Free Member

    mikeconnor – end this masqueraded farce now and confess. YOU ARE FRED!

    I won’t mind. :lol:

    Free Member

    I thought the racial characterisation might be a bit post modern and smart, but no – it’s a cliched sitcom reheated from the 60’s.

    Unutterable pish.

    Free Member

    The name for thinking too much in the manner some posters are describing is called ‘rumination’ – which is an inclination to self reflect on events negatively. A ruminative thinking style maintains depressed mood previously installed – sometimes by past events as the OP details for example.

    I have to guard against it myself otherwise I can ‘brood’ resulting in increased anxiety.

    If you understand it, there are mechanisms to break the cycle. Essentially you need to make the good things in your life the focal points.

    Free Member

    I hear that next month the mag will include a free aluminum foil deflector beanie. The AFDB is a proven guerrilla tactic against the government’s invasive tactics. Only for Premier members though.

    Free Member

    KevinPP – what happens when you ring the telephone number?

    Free Member

    Get on to ATB Sales and see if they can assist / speed things up. A contact Tel No. is listed.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that. How certain are you of the LBS pro-activeness in this?

    The service I received for my Whyte E5 that had snapped at the seat-post was 5 star – really pleased. In quick time a decision was made that it shouldn’t have failed in the manner it did (after 5 years of riding mind) and I received an upgraded carbon replacement.

    Free Member


    You don’t consider Downing Street a target from a whole host of different groups, be they terrorist, domestic extremism or otherwise?

    Anyway, I’ve had enough of ‘Plebgate’ :D – off to work a set of nights.

    Free Member

    For what its worth, wasn’t plod in the wrong for trying to make a vehicle go through a pedestrian gate, because he couldn’t be bothered opening the correct one?


    I think it was Mitchell’s humungous ego that wouldn’t fit through the side gate don’t you! Pedestrians wheel their bikes through this gate. The S06 Protection Officers aren’t allowed to open the main gate unnecessarily as each time they’re open, security is compromised.

    Free Member

    A.P’s great but Less Than Zero’s better, both on paper and film.

    Free Member

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