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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • deluded
    Free Member

    All eminently sensible advice – thanks.

    I’m in a funk / fug and just can’t shake myself out of it. I’ve done most of the little things suggested to trick my mind or kick start my enthusiasm – cleaned the bikes, washed / prepped kit etc but to no avail.

    I have thought about going to my GP for bloods but the state my local surgery is in, and from the recent experiences of others, I’m likely going to be told to p155 off and stop wasting their time. In truth I could do with dropping a stone or two.

    There’s a steep, rocky climb on my local loop – I’ve always managed to clear it without dabbing and I’m terrified of the day when I can’t do it – it’s become a strange psychological hangup that accompanies me for the length of the ride until I reach it ¾ of the way through. I worry about overexerting myself trying to clear it.

    The days are getting lighter – I’m hoping the moment will take me and I’ll just hop on and spin off.

    My riding group has fallen apart for one reason or another. I like riding on my own though – sometimes solitude is the best companion and all that.

    The use it or lose it is nagging at me.

    I am grateful for reaching 50 and I think of those in a far less fortunate position, health wise.

    Free Member

    Do what makes you happy – as long as there’s enough variation in the ride experience, which there will be in terms of geo, wheel size and frame material between the two bikes.
    Plus it’s good to have two in case one needs a repair.
    Plus, Plus Cotic HT’s are pretty fun.

    Free Member

    That’s a shame – rather fond of my Soul.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t Knives Out that’s for sure. Was expecting big things after decent reviews – bored me rigid.

    Free Member

    I’d be up the GP’s on the lively.

    Free Member

    @Cougar – it went through mate. Must have been some lag your end! All good.

    Free Member

    Wise words, Trimix, wise words indeed.

    I’ve been working the idea into my wife who, it’s fair to say, is fairly hostile to the idea! A glimmer of hope was given last night when she said that I’d have to flog one of the three bikes that currently occupy my garage before any hope of the conversation developing. That will be my road bike, which I don’t use – never got into roadey’ing.

    TallPaul – my LBS have started to get interested in Occams, again – they look lovely, capable bikes.

    Free Member

    Subbed. Many thanks. Good luck.

    Free Member

    I’m 99% certain that I’ll get one, once things start to return to normality. By then the price may be adjusted – who knows but as it stands it’s great value.

    Taste buds well and truly moistened.

    Free Member


    Thanks all – great feedback, really appreciated. A lot of things mentioned accord with other sources I’ve read on-line re the hub and dropper etc.

    It’s been getting great reviews and I think it’s a mighty fine bike to look at with a clean front triangle and a lack of shelving. I don’t like overbuilt meccanno shock setups. And of course you get a lot of bang for your buck.

    I see it being compared to the Ripmo often

    I know it’s hackneyed phrase but that do-it-all bike is what I’m after.

    Free Member

    Very difficult to look beyond a Soul.

    Free Member

    Winter Thrasher.

    Very pleased with it.

    Free Member

    The same sentiments as Bregante, @siwhite. All the best at this terrible time from an Avon and Somerset colleague.

    Free Member

    I have very wide feet – looking down on them, they resemble Monster Munch crisps.

    If you’ve the sponds – maybe consider SIDI ‘Mega’ range. Mega being the wide fitting.

    Very comfortable and long lived.

    Free Member

    Nice one mate – enjoyed that. 👍

    Free Member

    Yeah, that will be it 🥴

    Free Member

    I’ve never really given a **** about what other people think – more interested in how it rode, over a decal.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit stubby and Coves always came up short in the top tube – which was ideal.


    Free Member

    I think I preferred my old 26 Hustler over the 27.5. Not sure.

    I was a Cove fanboi back in the day – loved my HJ.


    Free Member

    Steady Nobeerinthefridge!

    Love my Hustler.

    They just faded out. I don’t think Cove continued badging frames up and distributing via Silverfish.

    Free Member

    In fairness the ‘visual effect’ of me hoovering up a rock cake post ride is enough to put anyone off their stride, especially Augustus Windbag (Retd Col.) and his dull wife.

    Free Member

    Hey DD – how are you mate? Good to see a few of the old guard are still present!

    Yeah – I’m back into my MTB’ing and talking utter sh1te on here!

    Funny enough I went through the forum last night to try and bring myself up to speed and was saddened to hear of Bullhearts passing. I did well up at Fred’s post.

    But anyway, give TOTDY a go. It’s pretty good.

    Free Member

    Not a great deal outside of the modelling profession should require a photo! It would probably contravene employment law and policies to insist one was included. Most big companies and institutions will have their Recruiting / HR depts anonymise applications – getting rid of certain personal factors and information that could be used prejudicially or identify the candidate – before sending them on to those actually doing the paper sift. The whole purpose being to prevent nepotism and bias at that stage.

    Free Member

    Some police forces have devolved powers from DVLA that enables officers to remove untaxed vehicles from the road. The seizure applies to untaxed vehicles after 2 months and a day. (The Vehicle Excise Duty (Immobilisation, Removal and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations 1997).

    So if it’s untaxed beyond that day, you’re possibly in play of getting picked up by a mobile ANPR or otherwise pulled by the police and having your motor towed off – which is not desirable if it’s laden with bikes and kit!

    Free Member

    Riding with the elements cracking about your head is probably best avoided if possible.

    I actually quite like the ambience of it – when it turns black overhead and the weather gets a bit feisty – though that’s tempered with the memory of playing cricket and a fielder being struck by lightning just before play was called off – with him being ferried off in an ambulance.

    Free Member

    Really enjoying it.

    Some genuine belly-Lol moments.

    It’s got a Watchmen, Marshall Law vibe about it – I’m not a fan of conventional Marvel super-hero stuff.

    Am I the only one to think Urbans gezza accent’s not too bad – with his swearing vernacular!?

    Free Member


    That’s good news – if I achieve certain goals I’m going to go for one and at that point I’ll contact BW.

    I hear they’re agile/nimble. Perfect for me to blat around LW, Fifty Acre, Mendips and trail centres across the bridge.

    Free Member

    Cheers vincienup. Yeah – would go for the C for sure.

    I’ve always been a M but know SC are different from the norm. It’s trying to track down a 5010 demo – I’m in Bristol – I think BW Cycling have one.

    Free Member

    @ronniebond … blue inhaler is worse for your heart.

    Interested in that comment. What do you mean by worse and is there an evidence base for this? Genuinely interested – not meant sarcastically. I’ve been issued with a brown steroid one but never use it because I’m convinced it greatly increases my appetite – I just have a toke on my bluey, as and when.

    Free Member

    Bookmarking this in case anyone else chips in.

    I do like the look and what I hear of 5010’s, which would probably suit my riding. I gather you don’t get a great deal for your bang, componentry wise.

    Q – I’m 5’9”. Am I betwixt and between a M and L size frame?

    Free Member

    People that have queued for an age but are still not ready to order when they’re up.

    Ludicrously loud and intrusive ring-tones.

    Stealth boasting on social media, especially on Facebook – with accompanying photo. Some sort of self deprecating post that surreptitiously draws attention to a career advancement or material acquisition.

    Laughter that derives from The Last Leg TV show.

    Free Member

    * Puts down Tesco breaded crumb ham sandwich.

    Free Member

    Apologies – slight thread hijack.


    And personally, as a biochemist and food scientist I wouldn’t touch commfrey with a barge-pole ….

    Why wouldn’t you touch comfrey?

    Free Member

    I see Ebikes as a divergence – a sort of macroevolution of MTB’ing. They will co-exist alongside ‘normal’ bikes because they serve different purposes. I don’t therefore see a tipping point.

    I’m ambivalent towards them – I can see how Ebikes might help older riders and those that want to maximise their time on the slopes and such like. I have to say I’ve never tried one – I don’t not feel inclined to do so … each to their own and all that.

    Free Member

    Curtis still build XC 100/120 frames, I believe. Really good 26” steel frame.

    Free Member

    A bullseye rash or erythema migrans, is a telltale symptom of Lyme disease, and if I’d developed it after a suspected Tick bite I’d be on the blower to my GP, lively.

    Free Member

    I live not far from the Mendips and have picked up a fair few Ticks over the years. I always keep a Tick Twister removal tool that I purchased from a vets in my Camelbak.

    Watch out for the particularly distinctive bullseye rash that can develop after a Tick bite.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    This thread is concerning and inspiring at the same time.

    I’m 46 and over the last three years I’ve slipped into some very slovenly ways. As a consequence my fitness has nose-dived and I’ve put on some timber. Shoulder reconstructive surgery back in 2016 caused me to take up a sedentary interest that’s been to the detriment of my health.

    In the last week or so I’ve resolved to get my fitness back. First step will be cocking my leg back over the bike for some steady rides and making lifestyle changes as I go along – improving eating and sleeping habits mainly.

    I had a mid-40’s MOT test at my GP’s last year and all though the results weren’t spectacular I was given no real cause for concern. I was advised to drop my weight and cholesterol. I had an ECG back in 2015 which didn’t reveal anything abnormal.

    Well, I shall crack on in the hope my exertions don’t dislodge some plaque, which puts an end to me – I guess there are worse ways to go.

    Free Member

    Why’s that? ^^^

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