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  • Review: Ibis 738 Aluminum Wheels
  • Del
    Full Member

    the dog and i are unsupervised assuming herself gets up to brighton this afternoon. could be dangerous.

    Full Member

    A38 / A380 closed at Haldon Hill. Red Run anyone ? [:D]

    well, first you’ve have to get up there, and i know you don’t like the climb :-)
    and second you’re bloomin welcome. it was minging on wednesday night.

    Full Member

    i have a five. if i were buying new i’d get the frame/shock and build it how i want it, but i bought my 08 SH.
    i felt at home on mine very quickly indeed, which was really pleasing. given the cost though i would look at the commencal 5 closely. used to have a prophet, and i’d like another go on one now, but i can’t see them staying cheap for much longer given what’s gone on with the exchange rate.
    nice choices though. have fun. :-)

    Full Member

    Some people are just wired up a bit tight, and are naturally aggressive. One of the positive aspects of being like that, is that some people can also be very good ‘under fire’, and do things when ‘thinking about it’ would be detrimental. IE, running into a burning building or something. It’s because this type of mind possibly shuts off the ‘consequences’ section, and just runs on instinct, to do what is necessary.


    Full Member

    just tell ’em you have to be sure the place is maintained to a certain standard for the comfort of paying guests and that is for the good of your business and point out that 40 quid rent for a cottage for a week is pretty good value.

    Full Member

    I have a 5 with the float 32s at the mo. feels noodly. i have a set of pikes to go on. wrt the length i run an inbred with a 5″ fork ( which is about the max for that frame ), but felt very at home with the length of the foxs, so that should give some idea?
    i suspect that if you go to 160mm you’ll need a travel adjust of some sort to get up steep stuff – i would want it. i did consider going longer, but with the pikes at 300 quid, i’d have to lay out another couple of hundred again for the next step up and i don’t think it’ll work too well, at least for me anyways.

    Full Member

    Mick – you never said what tyres you used!
    i’m guessing knobs

    Full Member

    Fox have always been pricey and their prices this year are definitely more pricey because of the exchange rate. If you bought a pair of Vanilla R’s at $2/£1 exchange rate they’d cost you £230 direct from Jenson (excluding import tax etc), at the current rate they’ll cost you £330.

    Time to find some friends in the States me thinks!

    don’t really see how that will help you, unless your new friends are so nice they’re going to buy you a set of forks for your birthday, you’re still going to have to make your pounds into dollars at some point?

    Full Member

    have a look at the tftuned website, then give ’em a call if needs be – they’re very helpful.

    Full Member

    oh, and FWIW i’m not about to spend 50 or a 100 quid a year servicing a fork which costs 2 or 300 quid. i’d rather bin and buy another when it starts playing up. my time is worth more than that.

    Full Member

    Vinney – there’s a big difference between bribery and ‘putting a positive slant on things’.
    take someone sunny and have them experience your kit in that environment is going to produce a more favourable response than a wet, blowy thursday in the middle of the moors. not necessarily because the trip is free, but simply because human beings are generally happier when the sun shines. it’s the same difference between surly bu66ers trying to sell stuff and a nice looking girl – ‘he’s a **** but their stuff is alright’ or ‘lovely norks and great kit too’.
    which one makes you feel more positive? it’s bound to come out in the writing.

    Full Member

    could be a bit of both, but also throw in holding charge from the w/e, which nimhs aren’t so good at.
    lumi will take a look at it for you – you may just have one cell going off.

    Full Member

    from what i have read elsewhere – customary for it to be a ‘nominal’ figure – ie whatever the accountant will swallow. this is on the basis that they could sell it at ‘market value’ to anyone in the street, but in order to do so ( and avoid liability ), they would have to have the thing serviced and given a clean bill of health. as it is your responsibility to keep it maintained during your stewardship, if you buy it and it falls apart a week later, that’s your fault, but if they wanted to pass it on to someone else, they can’t take your word for it that it has been maintained properly.
    in your case that’s a very sensible approach…

    did you buy it then?

    Full Member

    no need to buy a specific bike and look like a tit

    can’t argue with you there

    Full Member

    i was told you should not use tanalised wood as chemicals leach into the soil…

    Full Member

    you should see the physios after the fracture clinic. they’ll give you exercises to do. DO THEM. ask to see the physios again in a few weeks if they don’t offer – tell them you’re in training and you want to get better as quickly as possible, as for me, the contact with someone to tell me it was going back together ok was invaluable for morale. don’t leave it in one place all the time. take it out the sling. keep your pit ventilated. good luck with it. the pain is a distant memory now but i remember enough to know i don’t want to do it again.
    all the best.
    oh yeah – take a memory key in with you next time and get the pic! then post it. :-)

    Full Member

    well i’ve let you struggle along in your schoolboy devonian for about two years now….
    known as a ‘french press’ as well i think ( according to the aforementioned bodum )

    see you later.

    Full Member

    i got a mio a710 for xmas. windows mobile, built in gps and wifi, takes my old PAYG orange simm. now has mm and tomtom installed on it. haven’t used it much yet, so can’t really recommend it off hand, but you’re welcome to take a look at it some time. no idea on battery life or owt, but teh phone bit works ok, and the gps seems pretty decent at getting a lock.
    about 130 quid IF you can get one – it’s an old bit of kit ( 2006 ).

    Full Member

    last time i rang them it took 40 mins to actually speak to someone.

    Full Member

    well that chap who does the training stuff in the mag suggested vit c, zinc and enchinea, and cod liver as well i think.
    i take lots of vit c when i start snuffling, and when travelling, and it doesn’t appear to do any harm, but i’ve really just followed teh advice i’ve read…

    Full Member

    you’ll probably need two people and a bench vice to get the existing one off!

    no you won’t. a length of tube and an adjustable. easy.

    Full Member

    alfine. i’m about to fit one to my inbred. quite aside from anything else why have a mech to knock off and get covered in 5hite if you don’t have to?
    sounds like the perfect application in your case.

    Full Member

    A few years ago, I was in a situation where I said nothing and walked quietly away. I still feel bad that I didn’t stand up for myself.

    Last November I had a confrontation, didn’t back down and got a broken cheekbone.

    Hard to know the right thing to do sometimes.

    well, if you can’t draw a conclusion from those two experiences, there’s not much hope is there?
    100s of people end up in hospital every week because they can’t walk away. if they’re lucky they don’t also end up in court. life’s too short.

    Full Member

    get over it you lot.
    i liked wwaswas’s response, but i would never have occurred to me at the time. even if you run away it’s better than being bleeding on the floor whichever way you look at it.

    Full Member

    no comms after a week and i’d start action.
    if it’s any consolation i sold a car in june and didn’t rid of the bugger until the august.

    Full Member

    10 pence short..
    second GW.
    listen to those guys on listen again at work, annie mac, and sometimes rob da bank and mary-anne hobgoblin if i’m really bored.

    Full Member

    i thought that too Peter

    Full Member

    uh – that is odd. manufacturing defects do occur s’pose.
    sounds like they’re going to sort you out. i expect they make spares available because it’s quite a common for tents to get fallen over?

    Full Member

    go into your bios and poke about a bit. i’ve had to ‘enable’ a sata drive this way before ( which i thought kind of odd, but there you are ).

    Full Member

    i take it it’s getting to the standby point then?
    so basically what you’re saying is that you don’t get the ‘gurdang!’ noise when the tube fires up?
    usually you can get them out of standby by hitting the channel + button on the tv itself, as well as using the remote, so try that. this works on our tv, though the remote will no longer bring it to life for some reason – works otherwise. otherwise unplugging overnight might get you going again, but it’s in the post. often this sort of fault is caused by dry solder joints, so it might be worth chucking a few quid at it, getting someone to take a look. if something as simple as that fixes it it’s unlikely to fail in the same manner again.

    Full Member

    well, i’ll just add that i have the gill event jacket ( now the dhb something ) and it’s superb. i’d buy another gill tomorrow if they still made them, but don’t like teh colours on the dhb. i’d look at the pace 3×3 as a replacement. you’re going to sweat in any waterproof, but i never feel as though i’m boiling in the bag. if it’s proper raining i would rather be wearing it than not, and at this time of year i’ll wear it all day if it’s really cold, and be very comfortable thanks very much.
    there is no magic bullet. if you’re warm enough on a bike, you’ll always overheat a bit riding up hills, and sweat. all that matters is what happens afterwards.

    Full Member

    are they fibreglass poles by any chance?

    Full Member

    was told by the vendor that their agents just recommended that they raise/revise their asking price by 50k. I couldnt get my head round that. 3months on and the house is still unsold.

    or more likely the vendor hadn’t found what they’d wanted themselves, but figured if they sold at +50k it would be worth them renting a while?

    we viewed and second viewed a house we liked, price set just above the stamp threshold ( 5k or something? ), and offered just below, as anyone in their right mind would expect i think, and we waited over a week, before we eventually phoned the agent and asked what the hell was going on. we were also in a position to move very quickly. we never did get a sensible answer out of them, and eventually went elsewhere. she was very pretty, but completely listless, couldn’t actually sell or remember any details, wasn’t pro-active in any way, and i quickly lost patience with her.
    eventually found our house, saw it twice, made an offer, and i think we wrapped it all up in three weeks.

    Full Member

    i can confirm a chimaera will take a bike in the boot, even with the targa panel off. :-)
    couldn’t have put wheels behind the seats though as it had a roll-over hoop.

    Full Member

    flippin eck firestarter – 250 quid!!

    Full Member

    In a normally aspired car, overtaking maneuvers can soon become questionable or 50:50 compared to overtaking smoothly in a more powerful car.

    what does this mean?

    there is a rack available for the cayman already. chap turned up for a ride in one last year.

    to answer the OP, bmw diesel would be top of my list as you’ve started throwing in concessions to mpg. the top of the range is loopy fast ( only marginally slower than the flagship petrol ) but will still get good mileage.

    Full Member

    anything up a meter is open to dispute, so if the boundary has moved 8 ft it should be a bit more clear. see what the plans say, then see what his response is. if he won’t back down it’s going to get awkward, so after that i’d get a solicitor to write him a letter in the first instance, asking him to remove the fence from your property.

    Full Member

    ‘If she’s prepared to throw away nine years of companionship, love and decency with not so much as a reasonable explanation then she is not worthy of you.’


    i know this sounds flippant, but she’s faulty. find another one.

    at least there’s no kids involved and you’re not tied together by a jointly owned home or anything.

    find a mate, get lashed ( if that’s what works for you ), ride your bike. take care.

    Full Member

    pretty chilli north of the artic circle. i suspect it may not be as cold where you are…

    Full Member

    yep – join the aa and love the nail.
    second hand cars are so cheap now they’re throw away.
    give it a couple of years and throw it away, the spend a couple of grand on something equivalent.
    or buy a vectra brand new for 8k.

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