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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • debaser
    Full Member

    It’s somebody elses preventative maintenance — not yours — that caused it…

    so I’d say take advice and speak to your shysters insurance company again.

    Full Member

    Didn’t cynic-al join them as a product designer to develop a new full suss fat bike?

    Full Member

    Was in a similar situation recently thx1138. Live in quite a small place and wanted to lessen the amount of space that stereo kit took up and replace my flaky Netgear music streaming box and pile of separates.

    I ended up getting one of these (Marantz CR-603)

    hooked up to two of these mounted on the wall (Cambridge Audio Minx Min20)

    and one of these (the wee one on the left)

    The Min20 speakers and sub sound great to me, whether it’s music, films or games.

    Love the Marantz unit. It streams music from my Lacie NAS over ethernet, has DAB/internet radio, phono inputs for my turntable and a digital optical in from a PS3. Does Airplay with a free firmware upgrade (though I’ve not played with that much) and does a really good job with an iPod attached and controlled from the remote.

    It also has outputs for a second set of speakers, which I’ve wired up under the floorboards to a pair of Missions that live in the kitchen. I think the Mission ‘proper’ speakers probably have the edge for listening to music over the Minxes split sub/satellite setup, but not by much.

    Full Member

    Was over this morning. Short, sweet, snowy fun and we may even have ridden some in the right direction 🙂

    I’m closer to the Tweed Valley trails so it won’t be too regular a trip for me, but it’s great to see some purpose built trails near to a big centre of population and I’ll certainly be back for a play again once it’s all finished.

    Full Member

    Kurt Cobain was introduced to the song ‘Where did you sleep last night’ by Mark Lanegan

    Mark Lanegan – Hit the City

    Full Member

    Pinged you an email Rik, should see you on Monday.

    The setup at the Hermitage[/url] sounds great, I had no idea Autism Scotland were involved there.

    Full Member

    Okay, something sweet, how about pudding?

    Dub Narcotic Sound System – Shake-a-puddin’

    Full Member

    The Pot Still on Hope Street has a fantastic single malt selection and decent beers too.

    Quite like the Republic Beer Hall on Gordon Street. Steins of tasty beer and does a pretty good pizza too.

    Favourite pub in Glasgow is the Laurieston on Bridge Street. On the outside it looks like you will die, but inside it is fantastic. Friendly staff and locals with Red X and proper 80 shilling on draught. Well worth a visit.

    Full Member

    Glad you got your bike back, even if it appears some punter has been fettling it with smack cooking spoons and rocks.

    You noted that serial number yet? 😉

    Full Member

    Normally my donations to MRTs are in happier circumstances after I have been out enjoying the hills, but on this occasion it’s tinged with sadness.

    A glass raised to those that lost their lives at the weekend and those that sacrifice their time to help those that venture into the hills, when things go wrong.

    Full Member

    bug powder dust and interzone tripping…

    Bomb the Bass – bugpowderdust

    Full Member

    Superbly written article, well done stw for publishing it.

    One of the best things I’ve read anywhere on the subject and it arrived on my doorstep at a time when I can relate to the content rather too well.

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    Full Member

    Just upgraded my router to a TL-WR1043ND which appears to have uPnP server for a USB drive.

    Not tried it though as I have Twonky running on my Lacie NAS with over 15,000 files indexed. Do you have access to the Twonky server admin to have a fiddle about and check the settings?

    Full Member

    will depend on the guards…

    SKS P45 guards on mine (biggest that will go in the roadrat frame without bodging) and I’ve used them with 700c x 38 Schwalbe snow studs. They worked fine work with decent clearance. Also used them with Kenda Small Block 8s at 700 x 35, again loads of room.

    Full Member

    and Burial worked with Four Tet…

    Full Member

    Full Member

    played rather too much of that game at one point in my life.

    even went to a LAN match in a pub in Cumbernauld once. Defintiely the full on geekiest thing I have ever done :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    holy craparel. four pages on speaker cabling 🙄

    yes, kit above bog standard is generally an improvement on the cheapest and the more you spend the better it gets with diminishing returns, but…

    whether it’s bikes or hifi, it’s not about what you ride or what you listen on it’s about where you ride, what you listen to and how it make you feel.

    Full Member

    Isis – Maritime

    Full Member

    More from the sea

    Kelpe – There’s a Sea in your Body

    [Glad to see Mr – and Missus – Reznor are recording again]

    Full Member

    Can’t make the event I’m afraid, but think it’s a great idea and would be willing to lend a hand.

    It’s a pretty good gradient and decent drop in there and there is a surprising amount of land tucked away in between the path and wall. The fact it would be on my commute home from work would be ace too.

    Given the amount of hassle the Edinburgh skatepark project had I reckon uphill battle is an understatement.

    I think the residents of Dumbiedykes would be more open to and interested in this proposal than the nimbys of the Meadows and Inverleith were to the skate/bmx park, but I can’t see it being without objections.

    Good luck. Hope the event goes well.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Small block 8s on my commuter which does 90/10 on/off road.

    Roll well, very good on both dry/wet roads, ace on dry trails, but hilarious offroad in the wet.

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    Full Member

    Discovered this Kleptones mash/mix a few weeks ago, it’s been on the stereo quite a lot. Can be streamed or downloaded here…

    For some hip hop you might not have heard try Dalek, People Under the Stairs and Aesop Rock

    Full Member

    will shout you a pint of overpriced low quality lager if I see you there northwind 😀

    interested to hear what kind of set they’ll be playing. have no idea what to expect of the not quite release new album.

    Full Member

    okay, this is almost impossible to answer – tomorrows answer might be totally different – but here goes…

    Band – mastodon
    Album – mclusky / mclusky do dallas
    Track – nomeansno / rags and bones
    Single – therapy? / screamager
    Gig – The Reverend Horton Heat / Blender Theatre, NYC

    Full Member

    This, because it’s soooooo tweeeee, but soooo damn catchy…

    and this, because it’s, um, pirate metal 😳

    Full Member

    Cracking photos and report. Thanks for sharing that.

    Did the Blair Atholl – Gaick – Tromie – Feshie – Geldie – Tilt loop last year and have been itching to head back to explore more of the Cairngorms by bike.

    Does anyone have a URL for Pavel the bikepackingbagmaker?

    Full Member

    Dog Soldiers – not at the time – but every time I go out riding at night in the woods on my own.

    +1 for Audition, especially as I wasn’t really expecting the film to take that direction.

    Also, a wee Irish short called The Ten Steps. Still makes my hair stand on end thinking about it. Not sure it’ll have the same impact on youtube at Friday lunchtime as in a darkened cinema, but here it is…

    Full Member

    John Carpenter’s The Fog when I was about eleven.

    Have been a massive horror fan ever since.

    Full Member

    Vortexracing’s solution looks like the cleverest, but I would suggest going nuclear at some point is a better option if you have the chance.

    I used a rim brakes for a while and between the extra maintenance keeping them running sweetly and the amount of crap the rims picked up from the roads in the winter (the commuter gets washed but once a year… if it’s lucky) I decided to switch to discs.

    I’ve found the discs so much better for commuting in terms of dependability in the wet, maintenance and power. It’s a surprisingly capable offroader and discs are definitely worth it for that IMO.

    Granted, I had disc ready hubs which helped sway me that way, but I still reckon you’ll get more enjoyment from the frame that way.

    Full Member

    Same issue here using Firefox on a Mac. Looks like the page is refreshing automatically every 5s or so.

    You can go ‘back’ but you have to click the button as many times as the page has refreshed as far as I can see.

    Fine on chrome, but I’m also logged in now so that might have affected it.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Aged twelve I thought it would be ace to have a system which would adjust the tyre pressure on my exciting new All Terrain Bicyle on the fly. I even drew some pictures of my amazing innovation, but my dad said it was a crazy idea and a huge amount of weight, complication and hassle for no real benefit.

    Twenty-two years later I am astonished to see someone is trying to bring a similar system to market.

    I’d be intriuged to see if it works, but deep down I know that my faither was right 🙂

    Full Member

    Esselgruntfuttock – cheers, maps have already been out to plan some more rides in the area.

    Organic – seems spot on at 120mm and turner seem to be speccing 120s on their 2012 builds, though they may have tweaked the geometry. I’m probably not the best to get a measured opinion from though as my last bike had a very slack head angle so this feels quite different.

    Full Member

    It’s all still rideable (just about, as long as you’ve got good handstand skills and retractable bollocks)

    Are those handlebar-remote or lever-actuated retractable bollocks?

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