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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • debaser
    Full Member

    DJ Krush was born in Tokyo…

    DJ Krush – Only the Strong Survive

    Full Member

    Thanks for the advice and photos folks. The Geldie/Bynack crossings were fine and the entire weekend was pretty spectacular. Crossed the Feshie a wee bit upstream from where the shoogly bridge used to be and even that was only knee deep.

    Full Member

    Rode Blair Atholl – Gaick Pass – Glen Tromie – Inshriach for cake 🙂 – Glen Feshie – Geldie Burn – Glen Tilt – Blair Atholl over two days at the weekend.

    Superb trip.

    Full Member

    Thanks, I realise levels fluctuate a lot and had taken a peek at the SEPA data already.

    A better question would perhaps be how bad can the Geldie crossing get? (although again that’s another question that doesn’t really have a straight answer 🙂 )

    I think I’m worried about it because it’s a long way back out again if it is looking too dodgy to cross.

    Full Member

    Another option might be to pop it up in the classifieds on here.

    When I sold my van I got both interest from forum users and quite a few emails from folk who had found the ad through search engine referals due to STW being very well ranked by google.

    Full Member

    All black, no hope hubs allowed.

    Full Member

    oops, crossed posts. (I assume your not refering to Goblin as a jolly happy tune) 🙂

    How about I link to both zombies and hello/goodbye with this one from the album Aloha! Go Bannanas, Zombie Girl by the Spazzys.

    Full Member

    Martin is a film by George A Romero and so is Dawn of the Dead, so here’s some prog from the soundtrack by Goblin.

    Goblin – Zombi

    Full Member

    Can’t make this one but will hopefully be along for one or more of the other rides.

    Hope you get a good day for it.

    Full Member

    The blue at Glentress is good, it manages to cater for groups of mixed abilities very well. Fun/challenging for beginners and an absolute blast to ride fast for more experienced riders.

    Pentlands would be a good option if you want to ride from your friends front door. Not particularly technical but nice riding and feels quite removed from the town very quickly.

    Southern Uplands Way is ridable, try from near the east coast to Lauder and onto Melrose.

    It is, mostly, rideable but make sure you avoid the carry up loads of steps from Pease Bay if you do go for this.

    Full Member

    Still recovering from the full metal experience that is Wacken and all of my upcoming gigs seem quite genteel in comparison…

    Burns Unit tomorrow night
    Retreat! festival at the weekend
    Sons & Daughters

    Full Member

    TJ COMMANDS YOU! :mrgreen:

    That, and I’ve made lots of cake, so it would be rude not to come along and lend a hand 🙂

    Full Member

    aye, I’ll be along for this, possibly with another willing volunteer.

    Full Member

    Great post.

    I am now sitting happily with a pile of OS maps and a dram looking at those ever tempting dashed lines 🙂

    Full Member

    Just watched that on 4OD and a short behind the scenes video too.

    Superb stuff, Danny on the wire rope was ridiculous and I was blown away by Kilian Martin’s skating.

    The Swede, did you not read the channel 4 site warning that the video contains ‘Some dangerous, imitative behaviour’ 😉

    Full Member

    wear as a hat, devo style?

    Full Member

    Always refreshing to get a response like that rather than a flat out refusal.

    Still waiting to see you and Jedi take the tandem down Caddon Bank 🙂

    Full Member


    Full Member

    We were on pistachio and the horses were out on the track on the other side of the trees.

    We slowed down and said hello as we passed through the stream. I think the shout was more to warn folk that the horse was getting wound up and that slowing down further might be a good idea.

    Full Member

    Very nicely done.

    I also quite like this look at the US Federal budget… Death and Taxes[/url]

    I find the amounts of cash involved completely inconceivable.

    If its not measured in double decker buses or blue whales it doesn’t count

    Those, plus football pitches, the Isle of Wight and Wales for units of area.

    Full Member

    A lovely evening for a ride. cheers folks.


    Not too a bad spot for Jim to dry up

    Sheep track

    Pentlands Panda (edit – actually not a proper danger panda according to the rules[/url])

    Full Member

    aye, will be at bonaly for seven, it would be impolite not to…

    (unless this evenings ale assisted fettling was as ham-fisted as I suspect it might have been)

    Full Member

    I do enjoy these threads. Here are some control rooms…

    Hunterston ‘A’[/url]

    Stonebyres Hydro Station[/url]

    Kincardine on Forth Bridge[/url]

    (Okay, so the last one controls a bridge rather than a power station but I’m putting it in on the strength of it looking damn cool and having a microphone to bark instructions at errant road/river users)

    Full Member

    Schwalbe Marathon are good but the plusses are betterer.

    Doing 2000-3000 miles I think I’m on an average of one puncture per year, which for the few extra grammes, I can definitely cope with.

    Full Member

    Fits quite neatly with deore levers, although I probably would have preferred to have the brake lever inboard of the shifter. Didn’t fancy taking a hacksaw to a new bit of kit though. However, I did do that with an old deore derailleur shifter and it was fine.

    Also had my first alfine puncture this morning and I’m pleased to report it wasn’t too much faff at all. Having said that I was running a mechtug arrangement before the hub gear and that was a total nightmare to sort out flats.

    Full Member

    I found the paddles being the ‘wrong’ way round a bigger issue than positioning the shifter on the bars, but will try to remember to take a photo of mine on the way to work tomorrow morning and post it up.

    Full Member

    Unlucky Rob, sounds painful

    Glad you enjoyed the helicopter trip, hope it makes up for some of the embarrassment of having your pain recorded for everyone elses entertainment. 😉

    Hope you have a swift recovery.

    Full Member

    Nice bodge.

    You’ll have been grinning even more than most at the bottom. That would be a grim one to have to walk/push down.

    Full Member

    Purely responding to the OP and pretending the other billion posts never happened since I’ve been lucky enough to discuss branding with Jeremy in the pub already 😐

    Always liked the Canterbury Clothing Company logo, especially since it took me a wee while to spot the kiwis 🙂

    Full Member

    Used a combination of ironing everything at the hottest setting available (kills the larvae in the fabric apparently) and then hoovering like a maniac to get rid of the ones in the drawers, carpet etc.

    Was told that they hate lavender, but I don’t know if that works. Worst case scenario someone in the pub will call you a perfumed ponce 🙂

    Full Member

    ahem, here’s a shed with some nice fittings in it if anyone is thinking of going down the conversion/fixer upper route.

    I wish I had the time, space and spare cash to keep it going 🙁

    Full Member

    By Brompton and PackRaft?

    Never been myself but have always wanted to get up there. Have heard mixed reports from those who think it’s a breathtakingly beautiful place to those who think it’s a godforsaken barren wasteland.

    Was planning an Orkney, Shetland, Faroes, Iceland trip when the ferries used to do those routes but alas they don’t anymore.

    Full Member

    I stuck an alfine on my roadrat a few months back. Was running a 1×9 (11-27) beforehand so the restricted gear range doesn’t really bother me. Would really have liked the extra flexibility of the 11 speed version but the price was a little off putting.

    Looking forward to seeing how it copes with winter commuting as I tend to chuck the bike in the shed and forget about it, which was the main reason I went for it rather than just replacing the drivetrain I salted to death last winter. It’s already much less hassle to look after than derailleurs. (Belt drive would have be ace but the frame wouldn’t allow it, unless I got the hacksaw out)

    There’s a tiny bit of drag in a few of the gears and the shifting takes a bit of getting used too as you have to ease off the power a little.

    Being able to shift while stationary is really useful around town and I imagine it would be great on an mtb too. Takes a bit of getting used to the shifter paddles being the ‘wrong’ way round and I miss the multi release that some other shimano shifters have a wee bit.

    on-one and rosebikes had good deals when I was looking. I went for this shimano stock wheel from on-one and added on a shifter (which came with cable included) and an 18t sprocket.

    Fitting is pretty straightforward, just make sure you get the correct non turn washers for your frame and that you have lots zen calm in reserve for fitting the springy lockring for the sprocket.

    Full Member

    GW – It’s just one big hall, but I think the idea is that the bowl on the right hand side can be split off for lessons/beginners/private hire when required.

    There’s loads more space than the Leith site, looks like the shop and cafe space should be excellent too.

    Are there any photos of the Space[/url] layout or is it mid-build too?

    Full Member

    Thanks for the friendly offer of assistance Fraser.

    I think at the time I said that if it couldn’t be fixed with gaffa tape and zip ties, then it couldn’t be fixed at all… I take that back now 🙂

    Full Member

    ooh, while we’re getting excited about new bmx parks – that’s why this thread was started wasn’t it? – the new plans for the new Transgression Park[/url] in Edinburgh have been released…

    Popped in for a sneaky peak and a chat at the new building a few weeks ago and it looks like it’s going to be very good indeed.

    Full Member

    I’m around for this one.

    Was thinking that Clubbiedean could do with a bit of drainage work last night, there are only a few places where it holds water so a little work might go along way.

    Happy to act as dumb labour and do what I’m telt.

    Full Member

    Yikes, swarms are quite scary, only encountered one once and fortunately had a vehicle to hide inside.

    Something went down my t-shirt on the pleasant, sunny commute home a few weeks back. I hoped I could get it out before either of us came to harm but the fecker stung me and I had to squish it before it decided to have another go… since I was going downhill at 20mph or so at the time it was a little bit stressful.

    Full Member

    Great ride, good beer and fine chat.

    Schoolboy error of forgetting to change my dual ply tyres for something more sensible was compounded by a sheared seatpost bolt at clubbiedean and having to spend most of the rest of the ride standing. 😕

    For those bits where I could sit down I must thank Stu for some rather splendid zip tie jury rigging.

    Thanks for hanging around for me to catch up folks, much appreciated.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the suggestions folks.

    Now in the big city and staring slack jawed at the muckle buildings like a country yokel 😉

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