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  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Yep, what singletracksurfer said…my old Mondy could take two metres. Much better than most of my ex girlfriends who coould barely manage 12 inches!

    Free Member

    Don’t get my mate who is sposed to do mine, to do it, though. He’s **** useless.


    Free Member

    I don’t know, but I reckon COOKING DOESN’T GET MUCH TOUGHER THAN THIS!!!!

    Free Member

    Yep, what Peter Poddy says…I use them every day…have a cordless for general wood drilling and screwing…but for drilling into brick/concrete, I’d have to spend three or four hundred squid for cordless equivalent!

    Free Member

    what’s your budget cg?

    Free Member

    Yeah, what miketually said…the target attribute setting, that’s it…just got there before me

    [whistles off]

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, you’re not trolling now are you? This is not even “similar” to the CT episode. But, if it’s true, then hell, we’ve all been there…just make your apology and move on. I wouldn’t expect to get into trouble for this but you might be asked to apologise for it. Little mickey-pulling things like this always look worse when they’re written down.

    Free Member

    As a quick aside, posters here seem to “get” very quickly who a new user is…a la snigletrack/adamg…how do you work it out? Is it just the style of their posts or something a little more sinister at work?

    FWIW, arguing the point of the OP is nonsense…asking a question can be just as nasty as making a specific point. To put a question like the OP has done is clearly meant to wind people up. Throwing it out there and then claiming it’s an innocent question is clearly bollox.

    Oh, and second the “photocopying business” suggestion. Sounds like a plan indeed.

    Free Member

    You seem to be overly sensitive to the feelings of some in society yet prepared to trample on the feelings of others. This is clearly a double standard, caricatures and name calling is wrong to some sections of the community but not others,

    I’m struggling to understand what you mean by this. It is not a double standard to say that racist language needs to be treated on a different level to name calling and mickey-pulling or taking the piss out of where you come from in the UK. To what “others” are you referring? Surely you’re not equating your treatment by Londoners to a black person being called a golliwog or worse, the “N-word” to which you so sensitively refer, you being called a “beanpole”, or me being called a “shortarse”.

    clearly you are selective as to who gets these rights? I see a clear parallel using this approach, how ironic!

    I don’t wish to select who gets rights and who doesn’t. We all have rights and responsibilities and deserve not to be abused for our ethnicity. Where’s the irony?

    despite the fact that you failed to stand up for your convictions when a smack in the mouth may have been the outcome you are happy to support those who only stand up to racists when they in no physical danger

    Believe me, I’ve stood up to racists when I’ve been in plenty physical danger – nothing that compares to facing a baying mob of white supremacists or anything along those lines, but I’ve experienced it, stood up for myself and then reported those involved. So you think the best tack is to just smack the guy in the mouth and get seven colours of sh1t beaten out of me for my trouble. Great, lets try that with all racists, it would soon learn ’em a lesson wouldn’t it – that the only way to deal witb their ignorance is to try beating them up instead of rising above it. Is that what you’re suggesting?

    Furthermore you feel the latter is virtuous!

    Let’s not get into patronising talk here.

    I probably would have done the same as you in the first situation but not in the second.

    I’ll let you have the last word.
    I don’t quite understand what you mean, so explain to me what exactly what you would have done. And please, have another word or two. I’m far from finished.

    Free Member

    Any more quizzes like this out there on t’web?

    Free Member

    Making a joke (in very poor taste) about someone looking like a ‘gollywog’ during a private conservation deserves the sack does it ?

    It certainly deserves reprimanding wouldn’t you think? I don’t want to get into a debate about the whole BBC thing a la Ross/Brand incident, but she was asked to apologise and she refused. It would be nice to think that every workplace should adhere to the exact same standards for what is acceptable conversation, but it’s the real world and someone having a conversation in the green room of a BBC show should be reprimanded for using racist language. Whether I’d expect the same standards in a workplace where it’s expected that the language would be a lot more colourful, well, it would be nice but as I said, it’s the real world. She was reprimanded, asked to apologise and she refused. This is where any sympathy I would have had for a supposed gaffe runs out.

    How about you coming on a public forum calling people “sh1t” and “a cvnt of the highest order” …….. does that deserve the sack too ?

    Well, I stand by those comments – I think she is sh1t and her brother is exactly as I described (well, ok, not strictly anatomically, but I think you know what I’m getting at) – if she or her brother was black, and I used racist terms to abuse them instead, then I would expect to be at least yellow carded for a display of ignorance such as that.

    Who knows, maybe the moral zeitgeist in fifty year’s time will judge us as being extremely poor and complacent, maybe it won’t. I recall a particular incident when near the Kop at Anfield when Liverpool played Blackburn years ago (possibly the late nineties but I’m not exactly sure). The ref at the time was a black referee called Uriah Rennie and Blackburn were fielding a striker called Nathan something-or-other (I think it might have been Blake), also black. IIRC, one of the linesmen (hehe, remember when they called linesmen?) was black too. There was one guy a few rows behind us who used some very upsetting language when abusing the opposition striker, ref and linesmen – it made my blood boil. I took a sneaky peek and put it this way, he would have had me for breakfast, lunch and supper if I’d said anything to him. So I didn’t, and nobody else did either – and I still feel crap about it today. Who scored the winning goal for Liverpool that night? Paul Ince did, that’s who. And that guy cheered like the rest of us. “Irony” is just too nice a word to use in that situation. Was I and all the other fans complacent? I believe that kind of behaviour would have you removed from a football ground these days – because people report it to stewards and aren’t so afraid to do so anymore…because of the “Kick It Out” campaign…derided by many at the time as “political correctness gone mad”.

    You must be a great guy to work with

    I wouldn’t know to be honest, I’m self-employed, so any racists who I might come across in a work situation are safe from my thought policing. But I’ll check with those who I’ve worked with in the past and let you know what they thought. I assume, some probably hated me because of my ethnicity and sticking up for myself when they made casual comments that everybody else thought were just a bit of “fun”.

    Free Member

    Might just be a problem with one or more of the glow-plugs – worth getting these checked too…cheaper than fuel injectors, new ECU etc.

    Free Member

    But even more out of order was the tw4t who reported her – what a **** sad loser

    I say hooray for the person that reported her use of the word in workplace. It should be done far more often instead of quiet disapproval and tutting.

    I’ve always really disliked Carol Thatcher, not because of who her mother is but because she’s sh1t, has one fooking annoying voice, reminisces far too much about the “good old days”. I remember seeing her on the documentary where she went to visit the Falklands – Jesus H, it was cringeworthy television.

    But you’re right, shge’s nowhere near as much as a waste of skin as her brother – now there’s a cvnt of the highest order.

    We dont need thought police, we dont need political correctness and we do need to be a bit more intellegent and think about the context and intended meaning of what people say.

    FFS, there they are again, the TP and PC brigade. Who exactly are these people? Can someone tell me who exactly is doing the policing and maintaining the political correctness? Is it a quango of which I haven’t heard? Please tell me.

    Free Member


    Yep, I’m with Drac…it’s got the t word written all over it this one has

    Free Member

    20 for me (he boasted) and no flukes I tell you

    Free Member

    According to R4 you can’t be further from the truth!

    Ooops…point taken there. Jesus, she really is as stupid as she sounds then.

    however I feel your rush to be offended on peoples behalf is an over reaction and is a typical response to those trying too hard to be indignant and be seen to be a paragon of liberalism.

    I’m in no rush to be “offended on peoples’ behalf”. However, shouldn’t we all be offended when racist terms are used by anyone? If I was in a group of white people in a pub and one of them used a racist term, I’d be offended for sure, feel indignant too, and let the person know. Why is that an over-reaction?

    The issues arise when bodies (the BBC in this case) want to include additional ones and become disproportinately indignant on our behalf

    The BBC is simply reacting to the moral zeitgeist of our times. Obviously, I’m guessing here, but I can be sure she wouldn’t have used that term if there had been a black person in the room. And saying he “is” a golliwog or is “like” a golliwog isn’t that different – it’s the use of the word that’s being debated.

    Racial stereotypes are dying out fortunatley, I suspect the BBC’s self serving efforts will only re-awaken an unfortunate one to an audience that didnt even know it existed.

    “Golliwog” isn’t exactly a racial stereotype…it’s a word for a toy from more ignorant times when we thought it was fun to laugh at the “darkies” from the colonies. If some people had forgotten it existed or or didn’t know about it, then it’s worth a reminder every so often that this kind of “banter” is unacceptable.

    FFS, there’ll be a call for the return of the Black and White Minstrel show next.

    Free Member

    Lets try and stick to the topic Flash…can’t you just create another post if you want to have your daily pop at Brown, ta.

    Free Member

    I dont think her language is “despicable” just misguided and a bit silly. The fact that a great deal of our money will be diverted to investigate a “non event” is the criminal act here.

    Well, I find it despicable that someone, in 2009, would use such language. Forgive me, but I thought the term “golliwog” is more or less accepted as unacceptable in enlightened society. Or perhaps there’s a “political correctness” dictionary to which I can refer?

    Free Member

    Surfer, I can’t believe you are likening the use of racist language to simple name calling. I can sort of see where you’re coming from about the difference between perception and intent…any intelligent person can judge when terms are used to cause offence or whether it’s simple banter. However, this should not be used when it comes to terms such as “coon”, “****”, “****”, “raghead” etc etc. Enlightened society has decided that racist terms such as those we’ve been discussing are unacceptable, especially in broadcast or written media. Comparing and contrasting them with things like “shortarse”, “beanpole” is not really apples with apples is it?

    You appear to want it both ways here. The word does not offend but as with the above words it is the connortations that they have.

    I assure you I most certainly don’t. Everytime there’s a discussion here about racist language, there are those (you seemingly amongst them) that want to put every pejorative term into the same basket. If you find it upsetting that you’re being referred to as a “thieving scouser” (or something along those lines…I assume that’s the term to which you refer), then you should ask them to stop. But comparing it to CT referring to the tennis player (I assume it’s Tsonga) as looking like a golliwog is in a different category. I bet she wouldn’t have said it to his face had he been in the green room with her.

    Free Member

    her co-presenter is an idiot of the highest order

    Why so is that then hora? Because he found her language despicable and reported her? If she’s working for and being paid by the BBC (otherwise you and me ultimately) then he was damn right to report her. She was given the chance to unreservedly apologise – though I don’t understand what a reserved apology would have been…”well, I’m sorry this time but I reserve the right to have another go next week”. She’s obviously part of the brigade who are obsessed with the encroaching enlightenment that is supposedly killing off our language – isn’t it terrible that we can’t use those words in public anymore…just terrible I tell you.

    Free Member

    And while the term “gollywog” has all sorts of racist connotations and I wouldn’t use it to or about a human being, I have no problem with the toys of that name that came from a less PC era

    So the fact that they’re a piss-taking caricature of those savages from the colonies is fine is it? Just because it was ok back then, does not make it ok now. You’ve said it yourself…it has “all sorts of racist connotations” – therefore, why wouldn’t you have any problems with the toys?

    I may be wrong but I understand she likened somebody to a Golliwog, isnt it a bit like likening me to a beanpole?

    No it’s not – I don’t think anybody finds the term “beanpole” offensive. I’m a bit of shortarse myself and somebody might use it to upset me but in fairness, I can get over that…if somebody with dwarfism was referred to as a “shortarse” I don’t think any of us would find that acceptable would we?

    alternatively I am from Liverpool should I recoil in feined “offence” when somebody calls me a scouser?

    I don’t recall anybody using the term “scouser” offensively. Is it any different from people from Newcastle being referred to as Geordies or those from Sunderland calling themsleves “Mackems”. Yes, those words can be used in a phrase to upset you…anyway, I digress into semantics here.

    I am also criticising individuals who claimed they were offended by this and I suppose my only description of them is that they are unbelievebly “politically correct” and frankly quite wet!

    I still don’t know who these people are? Is there a “political correctness” society or something? Who the bloody hell are these people policing our language then?

    Free Member

    On a general note i am disapointed that recently we appear to be held hostage to those that would find “offence” at almost anything

    Who are the “those” to whom you refer surfer? It was in the green room of a BBC show for which she corresponds and is paid. I think that counts as a workplace and as such, the workplace (or nowhere else for that matter, but I’m not condoning “thought policing” really, I’m not!) is no place for that kind of language.

    As for the Royal Family incidents, I don’t think a two week vilification in the enlightened media was exactly them being excused or it being “dismissed”.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t have been reading a story with a golliwog in it to a child – but I condone the actions of the thought police I do

    Free Member

    What’s the name of that book? “They **** You Up” I believe it’s called.

    Free Member

    I swear, in the eighties, every tinker in Ireland had one, so much so, that ordinary tradesmen stopped buying them. Also, this is kinda a “you had to be there one” but there’s a certain type of name they’d call their daughters – think Irish versions of Britney, Chantelle, Chardonnay etc etc and Hosanna wasn’t far off what they sounded like…

    Free Member

    or even “adult teeth there” Drac, or maybe just “their adult teeth” 8O

    Free Member

    My next door neighbour sucks his thumb on the q.t. – I see him in his kitchen sometimes looking at the tv and having a good old suck.

    He also cries if he gets frustrated with something.

    He’s in his early thirties!!!!

    Free Member

    It’s a fuzzyballs, i meant foozball table

    Free Member

    LOL @ sofatester

    Free Member

    I haven’t a clue but I think “ignotion” should actually be a word…for the ignition on really old cars

    Free Member

    One of you two is on my wavelength

    Free Member

    Shiny isn’t it…I reckon he spat on it and gave it a rub before the photo

    Free Member

    Can’t see mine for the fur to be honest

    Free Member

    Quite stressed recently? Could try Ecanacia?

    Nothing like a bit of homotherapy I say…

    Free Member

    All very scientiffffic y’know that palm reading stuff

    Free Member

    We used to have a joke growing up in Ireland…”what’s the first mention of tinkers in the bible?”…”Hosanna in the Hiace”

    Free Member

    HTF did you manage that then? 6 points in less than a year? Google is your friend. Hyperformance insurance were the “barely legal” crowd I used when I had my first speedy car.

    Free Member

    Wish it was about Norman Tebbit – obviously we could leave out anything about being missed

    Free Member

    Aren’t you the one who is supposed to be thinking up the ideas

    One did fight the temptation…

    Free Member

    Hmmm, technically, I think Drac’s on the money there…

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