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  • ddmonkey
    Full Member

    While commuting in London:

    Had a big white panel van pull out directly into my path, I went bang right into the big flexy side panel, wrote off the bike and I was unharmed, the van driver drove off but fortunately a witness got his number plate so I was able to nail the sod.

    Then my fault I was riding up the inside of a stationary queue of traffic, too fast up the inside of a bus, into a car that was turning right off the road through the queue… oops, dented the car but I was fine. Fortunately he thought it was his fault!

    And finally, riding along near St Pauls when a Van overtook me so close he rapped the end of my handlbar with his wing mirror, made an loud bang but fortunately nothing more… phew…

    Full Member

    Crumptet with marmite and brie…. OMNONMONMONMONM!

    Full Member

    But the really big question is what tyres does God use for slightly damp gravel?

    Full Member

    Yep always, I really don't like anything else.

    Full Member

    Ah the Mega, just reading this is bringing back memories of a great week. Gutted to be missing it this year but I'll be back in 2011 no doubt. It would be a long old rock road slog to the top if you can't go on the final lift up, don't fancy that!

    Full Member

    Is it the Nationwide Flex account? I was thinking of applying for that – I will now.

    Full Member

    Isn't the RS one going to be 5"? Personally I think thats a more useable drop, about what I would do anyway with a QR seat clamp.

    Full Member

    +1 for the sunline V1 – I have a 65mm and an 85mm they are very nice.

    Full Member

    Do you mean double de-clutching? Spins the gearbock up to higher RPM ready fpr the lower gear, used to be important before before synchro mesh gearboxes were invented. Even in a modern car it can make a downshift much smoother but you have to do it firmly and quickly otherwise speed and revs drop off anyway.

    Racing drivers do it and brake at the same time by heel and toeing on the throttle and brake pedals….

    Full Member

    I wouldn't risk it… 😀

    Full Member

    Just read the article, confirms my suspicions, steer well clear of stupid flightly animals that weigh half a tonne! 😯

    Full Member

    ooohh tempting…

    Full Member

    I might be going along, got a cold though so I think just fun class for me!

    Full Member

    +1 for Chilterns, its lovely this time of year especially. But v expensive.

    Full Member

    I don't think the rider meant to scare me at all, but I think she was wanting to turn the horse, so the combo of that and skitty animal meant it all got a bit close for comfort and I didn't know what was going on. I don't think anyone can be 100% in control of a horse, they are too crazy and flighty IMHO.

    Full Member

    No the rider was very apologetic afterwards, I think the horse was getting on her nerves as well.

    Full Member

    alex222 I was right by the side of a very wide bridleway. I'm not sure why the rider allowed the animal to come right over so close to me, but the whole speed of the horse drifting over and then suddenly turning to prime kicking out position was faster than I was bothering to think at the time, it was damn hot…

    Full Member

    My two year old lad was in a shop at the weekend with his older brother who is 5. Younger was wanting a football from a display, but my wife said there were lots of footballs at home he could play with, he threw a strop.

    So my oldest shouts at the top of his voice, "Its alright Isaac, you can play with your balls when you get home!" Made me snigger.

    Full Member

    I suppose if you have been around horses a lot then they will feel less worrying, but its the fact that when out and about and presented with things like a paper bag, a stick, a stationary bike, etc horses show an alarming ability to freak out or carry on regardless, and I can never tell which its going to be….

    As for diving off the bike, it was the only way to get away fom the hooves with a bike between my legs and my feet flat on the floor. Even if I did have a snap like Jared Graves…. which anyone who has seen me at the start of a race will confirm I most certainly do not!

    Full Member

    I used Dog Tag and they were very good, covered me for the Mega. People were being lifted off the mountain all week by helicopter and I don't think that can be cheap….

    Full Member

    Yep, spoke to a human being in the shop and was given a very good deal on some forks, which were then quickly delivered.

    Full Member

    I have got an Inbred with some Pikes on and I find I tend to run it around 110 to 120mm most of the time. I should think the main difference in your builds would be reach and weight? Not sure if that helps!

    I may have some Pikes for sale soon if you want some.

    Full Member

    He he Hora, I know, I know, I feel bad, I love the Blur, the funny thing is its a better bike, but somehow its not as much fun…. or maybe I looking at things through rose tinted goggles

    Full Member

    Unless you race bikes for a living, its all about fun. The 5 may not have the best suspension action, but I still think it was the best fun bike I've owned. I want a new one! Does anyone want to swap one for a Blur 4x?!?

    Full Member

    My word! Where are the moderators?!??! 😀

    Full Member

    Morzine is v busy but good for little kids, great pool for children and other activities, play areas etc. Eating out isn't that great in my experience there but plenty to do. Worth staying out of town a bit with family in tow I think.

    Also Les Contamine is good for a quiet family holiday, swimming lakes, play areas, good walks and activities all at hand.

    Full Member

    My bog did this and it was the membrane in the syphon that had cracked, I took it apart and cut a new membrane from a thick plastic bag, simple fix to do.

    Full Member

    I have recently owned a 5 and now have a SC Blur 4X. Once I got used to the way the suspension feels and arrived at the right shock set up I thought they are both great. The 5 felt more skippy through the rough stuff and more jumpy / flicky, hence a real laugh to ride. The Blur 4x feels plusher than 4.5 inches of travel should and rides like a mini DH bike that can be ridden XC / uphill too. I think that perhaps the 5 feels a little faster across flatter trails due to the way the suspension stiffens up under power, but having ridden timed laps of my local XC loop on each there isn't much in it at all. It took me a while to get used to the Blur coming off the Orange but now I have I like it alot.

    However, just got all the bearings replaced the Blur, I hope that doesn't have to happen very often otherwise I'll be changing back I think! There is a lot to be said for simplicity.

    Full Member

    Are you allowed to buy a pretty bike or do they all have to be fugly? 😆

    Full Member

    +1 for having to try them on. I'm no Jimmy Hill but I have a big chin and found that 661's didn't have a roomy enough chin guard! My chin touched the front… Giro Remedy was one of the few that felt roomy enough and is v comfy and secure if a bit warm.

    Full Member

    Hi All,

    e-mail is timbo_tepATyahooDOTcoDOTuk


    Full Member

    I think you will find, having done a couple of triathlon's on a MTB, that anyone half decent on a TT bike will be way faster than you. I'm afraid I think it makes quite a big difference, esp. in a TT format I should think.

    Mind you, that's not a reason not to have a go and see if you like it. I'm not sure but you might also find that thre are rules about the bikes that you might fall foul of, depends on the seriousness of the event I suppose. Best thing to do is contact the organisers anad have a chat with them.

    Full Member

    +1 for Hope hubs and 20mm maxle. Works great and you can adapt the hubs if you need to.

    Full Member

    I've been in an office type job for 15 years now and while it has its good points I also wish I had another string to my bow. I personnally find manual work much more satisfying but I've never done it for a living. I'd say at your age it much better to give it a go and give it a good chance before deciding if its for you long term. Otherwise if you hate your job now at 22 just imagine how much more you'll hate it at 35 with kids and a mortgage!

    Full Member

    I'd say as long as you can have a completely open and honest working relationship with your potential father-in-law and like the guy then go for it, a great chance to learn new skills. You can always go back to doing what you did before after a while if it is not for you. He must think well of you if he's prepared to give you the chance in his business.

    Full Member

    +100000000!!!!!!!! 😀

    Full Member

    I have had a 5 and can't fault really, perfect one bike for everything. ST4 doesn't seem to add anything but I've not tried one.

    Full Member

    tomthumb I don't agree with you entirely about not pedalling on mountain decents, plus being under geared puts you in much less control of the bike IMHO. I'd say get gears you'll have more fun. Single ring up front with chain device if you want more reliability. 😀

    Full Member

    Rickos sorry yes I meant enduro as in XC rather than DH enduro, so 100km xc type rides up and down.

    Rusty I'm 6'1" so they look a bit small and I wouldn't touch a Scott Genius with a barge pole I'm afraid!

    z1ppy I was mainly after ideas at the moment but drop me some pics and info to and I'll let you know.

    Full Member

    Giant NRS? Any particular year? Cheers!

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