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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • dday
    Full Member

    Shook hands with Nelson Mandela
    Bumped into (accidentally) Paris Hilton.
    Got chatting to a very nice lady in an Airport lounge, then her husband turned up – Nicolas Cage.

    Full Member

    So what happened to the hedgehog?

    Full Member

    Reminded me: Anybody got a link of the Russian(?) guy just losing his sh1t on a trail while his mate holding the camera just chuckled the whole way through? He was trying to climb an innocent looking trail, ended by throwing his bike in the trees. Sure I saw it here, a while back through.

    Full Member

    Another vote for 1×10 and NW ring. I like!
    I would also happily throw more money at The Jedi. No matter how long I have been riding, skills coaching showed me some basic but essential changes to my riding style that increased my confidence, gave me a whole new set of challenges, even on trails I’d been riding for years.

    Lay down £1000’s on a new bike, makes sense to spend a fraction of that on your own skills.

    Full Member

    Low hanging fruit. (easy sales opportunities)
    Hunting elephants. (as above)
    Reaching out. (getting in contact)
    Strategize. (Really? It’s not even a word!)

    Full Member

    I think with a 30 on the front, you would loose your current top and bottom gear. Might be wrong on that, as AlexS mentions, depends. Especially if its a 26,29 or inbetweener.

    Full Member

    @hairylegs – I 100% agree, and in most cases, in direct proportion to the skills of the poser rider

    Full Member


    Agreed, a hardtail you could get away with it, but not on a FS, you’ll need a chainguide or a clutch.

    Full Member

    Raceface Narrow wide 32t, or 30t if you want the going to be a bit easier. Its compatible with your cranks.
    A clutch mech (you may have that already or the Deore?)


    Full Member

    Another vote for the 456ss. I hated it.So I spent more £’s upgrading the components, thinking that would help. But you cant buy love. And I so wanted to love it.

    But I do still love my inbred 29er, singlespeed, light wheels, a cracking bike, its done the PDS and South downs. I’ll keep her forever.

    Full Member

    I dunno. I think it would level the playing field pretty well. Still, probably not a win, but close.

    Full Member

    Seasickness. When there is no respite, and nothing you can do about it.

    Full Member

    All my bike stuff. Just searched the forums till I found an opinion that matched mine,and happy buying!

    Full Member

    Does the obligatory 4 or 5 bunny hops prior to setting off (that we ALL do) count as a ritual?

    Full Member

    Thanks gents. It was the only option left for registration, so it wasn’t by choice! There are 10 of us, so thanks for the offers of passes! We will make a plan.

    Full Member

    10 of us flying out on the Friday. Cant. Wait. :-)

    Full Member

    The HDD in you PC is the same as all those external backup drives you see around. It can be removed, plugged into a caddy, and accessed as you would a USB drive. Sounds like the boot sectors gone awry, but you may well be able to browse the data.

    That said, I agree with wwaswas, if this sounds greek, don’t do anything, and take to a pro!

    Full Member

    Don’t know Woody. Too busy remembering the Torque tension.

    Full Member

    Agree with all that its a top bike. I have the Fox Talas 140’s, which do help on the steeper climbs to keep the front down, and handles everything on the way down.

    The only thing I changed from my original spec was the wheels. Went for the Stans Crest and they have not lasted well. Moving to the Arch. This may be down to the fact that you cant help but thrash this bike!

    Oh, and get a dropper post. Just because everybody should have one!

    Full Member

    I’m 5’9 (on all days I think) and a large is spot on. Transition seem to change their lineups fairly frequently, so I don’t think there will be much in the way of savings. That seems more prevalent with the larger manufacturers who keep the same frame, just change components (and LBS’s keep plenty of stock.)

    Full Member


    Full Member

    STW argue? I just assume we are all like this:

    Full Member

    Ok, not a word per say, but:
    Hunting Elephants (relating to American sales speak – easy deals)
    Low hanging fruit – as above.
    Oh, and myself. There is never a right time to use this word. Myself is just a no.
    Any sentence that starts with “You know..” No. In fact I don’t know.

    My real hate is reserved for “Me and John went for a ride”
    That’s “John and I went for a ride”
    The rules are easy:
    1. Never put yourself first.
    2. If in doubt, remove 2nd or 3rd party, and test the sentence:
    “Me went for a ride” No! “I went for a ride” Yes!


    Full Member

    Think of the weight savings.

    Full Member

    Kukonaya, it’s worth pointing out, if just for context, this forum and its associated namesake magazine, is biased towards riders that are more interested in riding, than what bike they are riding.(and yes, I’m generalizing here). So I’m not surprised that the response has been mostly incredulous.

    Coolness and style are not something that comes up on group MTB rides that I’m aware off anyway, with the following exceptions:

    1. Getting your shorts caught on your saddle, ripping it wide open far from home: Not cool.
    2. Having your mates piss take because of it: Cool
    3. Repairing said shorts with tape and zip-ties: Cool
    4. Wearing same shorts for the next 5 rides: Not cool
    5. Wearing shorts that allow Surrey mud down your crackhole: Not cool
    6. Watching part time riders turn up on BSO’s wearing jeans: Not cool
    7. Trying to look cool: Not cool.

    Coolest guy I ever saw was a 60+ year old guy drop me for dust on a climb in wales, on his old rusty hybrid, on his way home from work, in overalls and workshoes. Coolest dude. Ever.

    Full Member

    Martin Atkins, been thinking about doing this. You ARE my hero!

    Full Member

    Rebound compression set to ‘slow’?

    Full Member

    White 7 series BMW stuck in the mud on a disused track. 7 of us offered to help push the car out. Very odd behavior from driver. We realized what was going on, when ‘he’ got out the car in full drag, white dress, high heels, lipstick, the works. Never did give us a clear explanation, just looked awkward & embarrassed throughout the whole episode.

    Full Member

    Watcha doing this weekend?
    Mothing. Absolutely Mothing.

    Full Member

    No problems with my 2X10 on the medium cage XT plus. Just make sure the chain length is setup correctly.

    Full Member

    Surley you cant be serious..

    Full Member

    But will it come in a 29er version?

    Full Member

    That peak probably was attached to a helmet, and rider plus bike. They will be uncovered in 1000 years as part of an archeological dig..

    Full Member

    I see your bog, and raise you a “its just a little stream” which deposited me gracefully over the bars:

    [/url] IMG_0590[/url] /][/img]

    Full Member

    Helle (Devon). Been there, and back. Oh, and Christmas Pie street (near Guildford)

    Full Member to peruse the car park!

    Full Member

    My office is in spitting distance of that roundabout. I’ll ask around if anyone saw anything. What sort of time PP?

    Full Member

    White PVA. Apply once for 100% protection. (and easy wipe-clean)

    Full Member

    I tried to undertake a mate on a corner, ended up locking up bars, he kicked me off, I ended up getting the pointy end of the bar in my ribs, cracking one. He rode away. :cry:

    Full Member

    I’d say its the final straw(berry).

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