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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • dbcooper
    Free Member

    yeah I don’t think you need 10 speed specific cranks if you are going 1x so keep the original cranks

    Mech 43.99
    Shifter 14.99
    NW HCainring (30t, 104bcd for me) 36.99
    Cassette 32.49


    You could get this even cheaper, ie cheaper NW, poss cheaper mech, poss cheaper cassette, but I like the option chosen. Scapegoats prcing up there is cheaper but I can’t find all the things he has listed for the prices he has quoted…

    Optional Radr Cage and Extender sprocket adds £96 on to this to give a grand total of 235.45 and you get to bin your front mech forever!!!

    Free Member

    Unfortunatly the half wit six formers are all you entitleist, reactionary, poorly edumacted morons, who think kicking butt is the answer. Can’t you see kicking butt is what causes the problems in the first place. Humans honestly. We are going to self destruct if you lot can’t stop being selfish big mouthed bastards.

    Free Member

    66deg, tell us about the downside? Is it really nice food, cold beer and hot local men?

    Free Member

    There are some proper remtards on here. I mean how difficult is it to understand that violence begets violence.
    Be the change you want to see.
    (which means obviously that I have no objection to you calling me a remtard if I am demonstratably being one).

    Free Member

    We have 21mm thick engineered wood, 11mm of ply and 10mm of oak on top. Cheetah Brand from tradewoods. Cheap, looks great and two years later has not moved despite having UFH.

    Free Member

    text confirming that you would receive it back on Fri and then again on Monday surely there’s enough evidence that the deposit was refundable and if PayPal don’t come good can’t you initiate a claim in the small claims court?

    This ^

    Free Member

    ooh this makes my blood boil, he has stolen your money.
    In the event of legal dispute, compensation can only be to cover a loss, he has not made a loss so your £300 should come back.
    Name and shame.

    Free Member

    Crap survey, most people ride twice 3 times a week
    What about if you once owned a trialer but your kids are too old now?
    I got peeved fast and gave up. Based on the first few questions I expected the others to royally pee me off.

    Free Member

    or the landlord there’s really no mileage (other than doing you a favour) in bypassing the agent

    I disagree, you probably find the LL is being done over by the agent too. Most LL’s hate their agents after the first month but have to stick with a neccesary evil. It sounds like the agent are on the make here as they often “manage” the repairs and take a huge fee.

    Free Member

    I have a friend who did up houses, he used to move into each one for 6 months then sell it Capital Gains Free….

    This may have worked a long time ago but it does not work and has not for the last 15 or so years, if you do more than 3 in 3 years (or something like that, can’t remember exactly) they make you a trader. The revenue are not dumb.

    Free Member

    Also the RLA are good. Membership is currently £70 a year, and they have excellent mortgage brokers, tax advice and legal advice.

    Free Member

    I imagine the return might not be great if the flat value has increased but the rent has not increased proportionally?
    If so why don’t you remortgage the flat and release some equity to buy the other property, and have two BTL’s?
    Mortgage interest is a tax deductable.
    Talk to a BTL mortgage expert, we have used John Charcol and London & Country before. Both have been really good.

    Free Member

    Almost all the bikes here are lush, but Kev made his suzooks look **** awesome by lifting the front and drifitng at the same time. Just awesome.

    Free Member

    Its hard to get excited by the monad, the Covert just looks right. (Mine is a purely objective opinion of course, if you think differently then you are falling foul of subjectivity :D)

    Free Member

    excellent summary there Mr Mac.

    Free Member

    My Oh has a 202 covert the last of the 135mm rear ends, he loves it, modern geom, capable bike.
    I would go for that over a nomad any day.

    Free Member

    Tell that to all the soldiers who came back from Iraq with gulf war syndrome , only they didn’t because it doesn’t exist

    Well does it or not?

    Free Member

    cf. Climate Change

    Its a symptom of general science denialism/mistrust thing that we need to solve.

    Free Member

    Just because there are two different views doesn’t mean the truth lies somewhere near the middle.

    This ^^^
    It’s like tottally completly the most oftenestly commmmittted logical phallusy on the planet innit. ((sic) for the pedants)

    Free Member

    I’m sorry you feel that you cannot make a decision.
    I feel that what you are saying is that in reality you do not understand how medical research works so you need to find someone you feel you can trust to tell you the truth?
    My solution:
    1) Either learn how it works and then look at the evidence (see the concrete vs grain of sand analogy up there)
    2) Trust the scientists who have an enormous task of meeting all the checks and balances before a vaccine is allowed to go into production.
    3) Do neither but snipe from the sidelines about how it is all wrong. (which I think is what drives the pissed offness of the majority of scientists)

    Free Member

    Nobody seems bothered about strapping the kids in the car seat or going on a plane. “Car injuries and Plane injuries frequently happen.”

    Free Member

    jimoiseau – Member
    I’m just a parent trying to get the full picture and the truth. Which often leaves me feeling stuck between a rock and hard place.
    Good analogy. Let’s imagine the “hard place” is science, let’s imagine it’s a concrete floor, the the weight of evidence behind it is the whole world. Then let’s imagine the “rock” is the weight of evidence against the efficacy of vaccines, proportionately sized. So you’re standing on a concrete floor with a grain of sand in your hair. Now brush off the grain of sand, go home, get your kids and get them vaccinated, so they they and those around them aren’t at risk of preventable infectious disease.


    Free Member

    Maybe you mean this?

    Seems like a good idea, I wonder how much the unvaccinated damage payments would be?

    Free Member

    linky no worky?

    Free Member

    Yeah, well I remember he posted some pics here and then thought we were all odd for wanting one as he said they would never go into production.. Strange man.

    Free Member

    Google the BML ones on ebay they are 30 quid I seem to recall, if they are still going email does not get a reply.

    My google fu has failed me, tried all the search terms I can think of and cant find any bml ones. Linky?

    Free Member

    According to the paragon of truth that is wikipedia
    ” he planned a rival vaccine and products (such as a diagnostic kit based on his theory) that could have made his fortune.”
    ie he made patent submissions for the above.

    Free Member

    Tom, like it, astute.
    I think this applies to me, number 2) I mean. I am always having to check myself that I am not just reiterating my own cognitive bias.

    Free Member

    Sorry for what happened to your child but it is no reason to abandon reason.

    Whilst we are nicking quotes I’ll have this one. I like it.

    Free Member

    There is no way prove it either way as there are to many confounders.

    Um no, the science would not reccomend to take the vaccine if there was nio way to prove it. As Graham S says, informed consent is what is needed, by the sounds of it your educators have failed you at some point and you do not understand the science. Stick around, we will help you to get to grips with it.

    Free Member

    There were many events that lead up to your daughters IBS including perhaps what you fed her or other environmental influences, or perhaps it was about to happen. Can you not see that unless there is a causal link then this is just a coincidence, and that you have chosen one event to blame, surely it could have been anything that she experienced up to getting IBS right?

    Free Member

    Oh yes I rememebr Tony Blair doing that, but then he believes in all kinds of woo, like “God will be my judge on Iraq”…

    Free Member

    Yeah mogrim, but no. The plural of anecdotes may well make a hunch, but it still is not science until the actual research is done.
    Sod the normal quote, thats my quote.

    Free Member

    The plural of anecdote is anecdotes. It is not science.

    Free Member

    Particularly after the CIA started using the vaccine people as spies…

    Yep, way to go CIA.

    Free Member

    Unfortunalty the vaccine denialsim started before Wakefield, he was just pandering to the the existing feelings, which was when most people here heard of it, but it was well underway in the states before that.

    Anyway how do we fix it?

    Free Member

    Well he contributed did he not, but it goes further than that.
    Stuff like this twaddle:

    edit and the stupid video posted above.

    Free Member

    The other half got his round about then, had been waiting ages. It works well, keeps the car clean anyway..

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